142 research outputs found

    Small-Scale Irrigation Mapping (SSIM) as a tool for improving and validating irrigated area maps: contextual approach and lessons learnt in Burkina Faso

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    Recent rapid expansion of private small-scale irrigation provides an opportunity to improve livelihoods and food security, but requires knowledge of where it is happening, in order to sustainably manage water use. Concerns are rising regarding the negative impacts of unchecked expansion of irrigation on downstream water quality and availability, particularly when using sub-optimal practices (de Fraiture et al. 2014; Domenech and Ringler 2013; Shah 2007). Therefore, for informed planning of potential sustainable irrigation expansion, policy makers and resource managers at the national level are interested in maps of the current extent of small-scale irrigation. Although several maps of irrigated areas have been produced for Burkina Faso, these maps, often of 250 meter (m), 300 m or 1 kilometer (km) resolution, are of too low resolution to account for scattered irrigation on areas smaller than 1 hae. Small-scale irrigation in Burkina Faso is typically carried out on individual plots of less than a quarter of hectare, with a small proportion on groups of fields no larger than one hectare, implying that existing maps are not reliably capturing the true extent and distribution of small-scale irrigation in the country

    Co-designing Possible Flooding Solutions : Participatory Mapping Methods to Identify Flood Management Options from a UK Borders Case Study

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    This paper reports on the findings developed by a funded project within the UK Rural Economy and Land Use Programme: ‘Managing borderlands: adaptive decision making amongst specialists and non-specialists’. The project focuses specifically on the development of a nested-scale participatory GIS (PGIS) method to identify spatially local perceptions and experiential knowledge of the risk and vulnerability of two catchments in the Scottish–English Borders. The method attempts to move beyond mapping risk towards the co-design of possible solutions. This will highlight the potential for improved inclusion of local perspectives on risk afforded by using PGIS mapping approaches in the UK context. The potential of the approach to generate co-designed community preferences leading to more resilient solutions (particularly in terms of social and economic consequences) to environmental change will also be discussed

    Understanding Complexity in Freshwater Management: Practitioners' Perspectives in The Netherlands

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    Ecosystems have been stabilized by human interventions to optimize delivery of certain ecosystem services, while at the same time awareness has grown that these systems are inherently dynamic rather than steady state. Applied research fields have emerged that try to increase adaptive capacity in these ecosystems, using concepts deriving from the theory of complex adaptive systems. How are these concepts of complexity interpreted and applied by practitioners? This study applies a mixed-methods approach to analyze the case of freshwater management in The Netherlands, where a management paradigm promoting nature-fixating interventions is recently being replaced with a new paradigm of nature-based solutions. We find that practitioners have widely varying interpretations of concepts and of how the ecosystems they work in have evolved over time when described with complex system attributes. This study allows for the emergence of key complexity-related considerations among practitioners that are not often discussed in literature: (i) the need for physical and institutional space for self-organization of nature; (ii) the importance of dependency and demand management; and (iii) trade-offs between robustness and flexibility. This study, furthermore, stresses the importance of using practitioners' views to guide applied research and practice in this field

    The Development, Application and Evaluation of Participatory Geographic Information System Methodologies for Improved Environmental Decision Making

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    This thesis reflects upon almost two-decades of my continued use, reflection and development of methods utilising maps as discussion tools allowing different groups views on environmental issues and development options to be more clearly understood. The overall aim of this improved participation and communication has been the identification and implementation of alternative (more democratic and informed from a wider evidence base) development choices. This improved understanding is intended to result in more sustainable outcomes from decision making processes at a variety of appropriate and relevant management scales. The thesis is comprised of seven published papers exploring the development and application of participatory geographic information system (PGIS) approaches in the context of their utility and effectiveness in improving environmental management decision making processes and outcomes. Within this overall commonality the papers can be differentiated into four themes. Firstly, four papers assess the development of focus group based PGIS approaches to improve shared understanding and public involvement in natural resource management and pollution control in the UK and South African contexts. The second theme explored in two papers describes the evolution of mapping engagement and mixed methods approaches to widen participation to, often, disenfranchised groups or to facilitate the inclusion of local perspectives in contested or sensitive issues both from the UK. The third theme investigated in the penultimate paper is the potential for using PGIS derived data as a framework to nest different spatial and experiential scales of knowledge within a decision making process. The fourth theme from the final paper involves widening PGIS approaches to include elements of other social research methods, in this example vignettes, to stimulate the mapping process and outputs

    V1: Targeting and Scaling Out

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    Numerous pilot studies and case studies in the Volta Basin have evaluated practices, methods, and tools that could prove beneficial to others, both within the basin and outside of it. However, the question whether an intervention successfully applied in one location has a reasonable chance of success at any other location remains extremely difficult to answer. A consistent finding in pilot studies is that detailed characteristics of the study location – economic, biophysical, institutional, and cultural – can all play an essential role in the eventual success, and failure of achieving a successful outcome. For out-scaling of initiatives it is impractical to collect detailed information at every potential site where an agricultural land and water management (AWM) intervention might be introduced. This project starts with the premise that, while certainty is unobtainable, degrees of certainty are both obtainable, using available information in a systematic way, and useful.The CPWF Project V1, “Targeting and Scaling Out”, proposal aims to develop an evidence and knowledge-based tool that will map the likelihood that a given intervention will be successful in given locations. The proposed V1 project will contribute to achieving the BDC challenge of improving rainwater and small reservoir management to contribute to poverty reduction and improved livelihoods resilience by producing a framework and web-based and electronic “decision support”, (or targeting and scaling out tool) that will identify likely sites to introduce AWM interventions for smallholder farming systems

    Innovative Approaches to Option Generation

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    Central and local governments often employ sophisticated modelling and appraisal procedures to ensure that the transport strategies and schemes that are selected for implementation meet policy objectives and are economically efficient. But relatively little effort has been made by the profession to develop methods to assist with the generation of appropriate and innovative options which form the core inputs to this whole process. The paper first summarises UK local authority views about the importance of option generation and their current ability to develop suitable options. It then provides an overview of methods that have been used in a variety of disciplines and policy areas to generate options. Some mainly represent or package existing knowledge, while others encourage ‘outside-the-box’ thinking, with the aim of developing solutions that have not previously been thought of. Methods range from those that are highly quantitative and replicable, to others that are qualitative and much more subjective in nature. Four option generation tools developed as part of the DISTILLATE project are described and illustrated with case study examples. Two apply at the strategic level; one is designed to assist in selecting packages of measures that contribute to an urban transport/land use strategy, while the other assists in identifying accessibility problems experienced by different population groups, and in generating a range of potential solutions. The other two apply at the scheme level and are more participatory in nature; they deal with streetspace allocation and with the improvement of community spaces

    Older people’s experiences of mobility and mood in an urban environment : A mixed methods approach using electroencephalography (EEG) and interviews

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    There are concerns about mental wellbeing in later life in older people as the global population becomes older and more urbanised. Mobility in the built environment has a role to play in improving quality of life and wellbeing, as it facilitates independence and social interaction. Recent studies using neuroimaging methods in environmental psychology research have shown that different types of urban environments may be associated with distinctive patterns of brain activity, suggesting that we interact differently with varying environments. This paper reports on research that explores older people’s responses to urban places and their mobility in and around the built environment. The project aim was to understand how older people experience different urban environments using a mixed methods approach including electroencephalography (EEG), self-reported measures, and interview results. We found that older participants experience changing levels of “excitement”, “engagement” and “frustration” (as interpreted by proprietary EEG software) whilst walking between a busy built urban environment and an urban green space environment. These changes were further reflected in the qualitative themes that emerged from transcribed interviews undertaken one week post-walk. There has been no research to date that has directly assessed neural responses to an urban environment combined with qualitative interview analysis. A synergy of methods offers a deeper understanding of the changing moods of older people across time whilst walking in city settings

    L1: Targeting and scaling out

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    Despite hosting some of the most developed sub Saharan countries, a majority of rural smallholder farmers in the Limpopo basin still live in poverty. The challenge of low and highly variable rainfall together with inadequate technology transfers, inadequate policy and investment context all act to disable successful transitions out of poverty. The CPWF Phase I identified several opportunities to manage rainfall in more efficient and productive manners at field to basin scales. The challenge of successful targeting and scaling out is still a key research and development area to contribute towards the Limpopo development challenges with opportunities to enable transformations of rural livelihoods at a greater scale. The project L1 ”Targeting and scaling out” aims to develop an evidence and knowledge-based tool that will map the likelihood that a given intervention will be successful in given locations. The tool would be intended for non-expert users and would be available via the World Wide Web. The proposed L1 project will contribute to achieving the BDC challenge of improving rainwater and small reservoir management to contribute to poverty reduction and improved livelihoods resilience. It will do this by producing a framework and web-based and electronic “decision support”, (or targeting and scaling out tool) that will identify likely sites to introduce AWM interventions for smallholder farming systems
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