137 research outputs found

    Spin- and time-resolved photoemission studies of thin Co2FeSi Heusler alloy films

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    We have studied the possibly half metallic Co2FeSi full Heusler alloy by means of spin- and time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. For excitation, the second and fourth harmonic of femtosecond Ti:sapphire lasers were used, with photon energies of 3.1 eV and 5.9 eV, respectively. We compare the dependence of the measured surface spin polarization on the particular photoemission mechanism, i.e. 1-photon-photoemission (1PPE) or 2-photon photoemission (2PPE). The observed differences in the spin polarization can be explained by a spin-dependent lifetime effect occurring in the 2-photon absorption process. The difference in escape depth of the two methods in this context suggests that the observed reduction of spin polarization (compared to the bulk) cannot be attributed just to the outermost surface layer but takes place at least 4-6 nm away from the surface.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Spin-flip processes and ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Co - unifying the microscopic and macroscopic view of femtosecond magnetism

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    The femtosecond magnetization dynamics of a thin cobalt film excited with ultrashort laser pulses has been studied using two complementary pump-probe techniques, namely spin-, energy- and time-resolved photoemission and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. Combining the two methods it is possible to identify the microscopic electron spin-flip mechanisms responsible for the ultrafast macroscopic magnetization dynamics of the cobalt film. In particular, we show that electron-magnon excitation does not affect the overall magnetization even though it is an efficient spin-flip channel on the sub-200 fs timescale. Instead we find experimental evidence for the relevance of Elliott-Yafet type spin-flip processes for the ultrafast demagnetization taking place on a time scale of 300 fs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Structure and electronic properties of the (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30R30^{\circ} SnAu2_2/Au(111) surface alloy

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    We have investigated the atomic and electronic structure of the (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30R30^{\circ} SnAu2_2/Au(111) surface alloy. Low energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements show that the native herringbone reconstruction of bare Au(111) surface remains intact after formation of a long range ordered (3×3\sqrt{3}\times \sqrt{3})R30R30^{\circ} SnAu2_22/Au(111) surface alloy. Angle-resolved photoemission and two-photon photoemission spectroscopy techniques reveal Rashba-type spin-split bands in the occupied valence band with comparable momentum space splitting as observed for the Au(111) surface state, but with a hole-like parabolic dispersion. Our experimental findings are compared with density functional theory (DFT) calculation that fully support our experimental findings. Taking advantage of the good agreement between our DFT calculations and the experimental results, we are able to extract that the occupied Sn-Au hybrid band is of (s, d)-orbital character while the unoccupied Sn-Au hybrid bands are of (p, d)-orbital character. Hence, we can conclude that the Rashba-type spin splitting of the hole-like Sn-Au hybrid surface state is caused by the significant mixing of Au d- to Sn s-states in conjunction with the strong atomic spin-orbit coupling of Au, i.e., of the substrate.Comment: Copyright: https://journals.aps.org/authors/transfer-of-copyright-agreement; All copyrights by AP

    Photoemission Electron Microscopy as a tool for the investigation of optical near fields

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    Photoemission electron microscopy was used to image the electrons photoemitted from specially tailored Ag nanoparticles deposited on a Si substrate (with its native oxide SiOx_{x}). Photoemission was induced by illumination with a Hg UV-lamp (photon energy cutoff ωUV=5.0\hbar\omega_{UV}=5.0 eV, wavelength λUV=250\lambda_{UV}=250 nm) and with a Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser (ωl=3.1\hbar\omega_{l}=3.1 eV, λl=400\lambda_{l}=400 nm, pulse width below 200 fs), respectively. While homogeneous photoelectron emission from the metal is observed upon illumination at energies above the silver plasmon frequency, at lower photon energies the emission is localized at tips of the structure. This is interpreted as a signature of the local electrical field therefore providing a tool to map the optical near field with the resolution of emission electron microscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; submitted to Physical Review Letter

    All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and nanostructures

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    The interplay of light and magnetism has been a topic of interest since the original observations of Faraday and Kerr where magnetic materials affect the light polarization. While these effects have historically been exploited to use light as a probe of magnetic materials there is increasing research on using polarized light to alter or manipulate magnetism. For instance deterministic magnetic switching without any applied magnetic fields using laser pulses of the circular polarized light has been observed for specific ferrimagnetic materials. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, optical control of ferromagnetic materials ranging from magnetic thin films to multilayers and even granular films being explored for ultra-high-density magnetic recording. Our finding shows that optical control of magnetic materials is a much more general phenomenon than previously assumed. These results challenge the current theoretical understanding and will have a major impact on data memory and storage industries via the integration of optical control of ferromagnetic bits.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Epitaxial film growth and magnetic properties of Co_2FeSi

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    We have grown thin films of the Heusler compound Co_2FeSi by RF magnetron sputtering. On (100)-oriented MgO substrates we find fully epitaxial (100)-oriented and L2_1 ordered growth. On Al_2O_3 (11-20) substrates, the film growth is (110)-oriented, and several in-plane epitaxial domains are observed. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity shows a power law with an exponent of 7/2 at low temperatures. Investigation of the bulk magnetic properties reveals an extrapolated saturation magnetization of 5.0 mu_B/fu at 0 K. The films on Al_2O_3 show an in-plane uniaxial anisotropy, while the epitaxial films are magnetically isotropic in the plane. Measurements of the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of the films allowed us to determine element specific magnetic moments. Finally we have measured the spin polarization at the surface region by spin-resolved near-threshold photoemission and found it strongly reduced in contrast to the expected bulk value of 100%. Possible reasons for the reduced magnetization are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Ultrafast amplification and non-linear magneto-elastic coupling of coherent magnon modes in an antiferromagnet

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    We study the magnon dynamics of an antiferromagnetic NiO single crystal in a pump-probe experiment with variable pump photon energy. Analysing the amplitude of the energy-dependent photo-induced ultrafast spin dynamics, we detect a yet unreported coupling between the material's characteristic THz- and a GHz-magnon modes. We explain this unexpected coupling between two orthogonal eigenstates of the corresponding Hamiltonian by modelling the magneto-elastic interaction between spins in different domains. We find that such interaction, in the non-linear regime, couples the two different magnon modes via the domain walls and it can be optically exploited via the exciton-magnon resonance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Exchange-mediated magnetic blue-shift of the band-gap energy in the antiferromagnetic semiconductor MnTe

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    In magnetic semiconductors the optical spectrum and, in particular, the absorption edge representing the band-gap are strongly affected by the onset of the magnetic order. This contribution to the band-gap energy has hitherto been described theoretically in terms of a Heisenberg Hamiltonian, in which a delocalized conduction carrier is coupled to the localized magnetic moments by the exchange interaction. Such models, however, do not take into account the strong correlations displayed in a wide variety of magnetic semiconductors, which are responsible for the formation of the local moments. In particular, the itinerant carrier itself contributes to the spin moment. Here, we overcome this simplification in a combined experimental and theoretical study of the antiferromagnetic semiconductor α-MnTe. First, we present a spectroscopic optical investigation as a function of temperature, from which we extract the magnetic contribution to the blue-shift of the band-gap. Second, we formulate a minimal model based on a Hubbard–Kondo Hamiltonian. In this model, the itinerant charge is one of the electrons forming the localized magnetic moment, which properly captures correlation effects in the material. Our theory reproduces the experimental findings with excellent quantitative agreement, demonstrating that the magnetic contribution to the band-gap energy of α-MnTe is mediated solely by the exchange interaction. These results describe an intrinsic property of the material, independent of the thickness, substrate and capping layer of the specimen. One of the key findings of the model is that the basic effect, namely a blue-shift of the band-gap due to the establishment of the magnetic order, is a general phenomenon in charge-transfer insulators. The identification of the relevant magnetic interaction discloses the possibility to exploit the effect here discussed to induce a novel regime of coherent spin dynamics, in which spin oscillations on a characteristic time-scale of 100 fs are triggered and are intrinsically coupled to charges