150 research outputs found

    Comparison of Shadow Economy in Slovenia and Romania

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    Siva ekonomija je neformalen pojav in izziv, ki obstaja v vseh državah sveta, vendar kjub temu še vedno nima svoje enotne definicije. Kljub svojim pozitivnim lastnostim ima tudi nekaj negativnih, zaradi katerih so potrebni ukrepi za zmanjšanje obsega oziroma pojavnosti sive ekonomije. Njenemu zmanjšanju so v pomoč posredne in neposredne metode ocenjevanja oziroma merjenja obsega sive ekonomije, ki izpostavljajo različne vidike, preko katerih se lahko opazuje pojavnost sive ekonomije. Glede na številne metode ne obstaja enotna ocena pojavnosti sive ekonomije, zato ne moremo točno določiti, v kateri državi je več sive ekonomije. Poleg različnih metod so različni tudi vzroki za obstoj sive ekonomije, pri čemer v Sloveniji bolj izstopajo eni, v Romuniji pa drugi. Prav tako so med državama raznoliki tudi ukrepi za njeno zmanjšanje in pa dejavnosti, v katerih se siva ekonomija pogosteje pojavlja. Primerjava med državama temelji na njunih podobnostih in razlikah pri soočanju s sivo ekonomijo tako na osebni in organizacijski kot tudi državni oziroma vladni ravni. Siva ekonomija torej s svojo prisotnostjo v gospodarstvu vpliva na formalno gospodarstvo in (morda) do neke mere blaži njegove negativne učinke, predvsem v času kriznih gospodarskih situacij.The shadow economy is an informal phenomenon and a ubiquitous challenge that still does not have a unified definition. It brings along many advantages as well as disadvantages to the state. Nonetheless, it is the disadvantages that make the restriction of this phenomenon necessary. Various direct and indirect approaches to calculate or estimate the size of the shadow economy can be employed to help the state restrict it. These approaches focus on various aspects enabling us to observe its occurrence. Despite the numerous approaches, there still has not been a single unified estimation of the occurrence of the shadow economythis is why it is difficult to determine a country with a prevalent grey market economy. There are various reasons for the existence of shadow economy that are contingent on a particular state – either Slovenia or Romania. Each country has specific measures that both limit and boost the shadow economy. The comparison between these two countries facing the shadow economy is based on their resemblances and differences at an individual, organizational and state level. It seems that the shadow economy lessens the negative impact of the formal economy especially in times of financial crises

    Influence of consistency and air content in fresh concrete on characteristics of air bubbles in hardened concrete

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    Increased frost resistance of concrete can be achieved by adding air-entraining agent to the fresh concrete mix. Adequate air entrainment is in practice usually checked by measuring total air content of fresh concrete. However, characteristics of air pore system, above all their number and distribution by size, rather than total air content are responsible for adequate frost resistance of concrete. Therefore aim of tests carried out in framework of my diploma was to analyze characteristics of air bubbles in hardened concrete with help of linear microscopical analyses (LMA) in accordance with SIST EN 480-11:2005. Main influencing parameters that were studied were consistency and total air content of fresh concrete. Also the comparison between spacing factor of air bubbles and amount of materials scaled from surface at salt-frost scaling test according to SIST 1026 have been made for particular concrete mix

    Socialization of children with autistism and children with ADHD

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    Cilj rada je istražiti djelovanje školskog ozračja na socijalizaciju učenika s autizmom i socijalizaciju učenika s ADHD-om. U istraživanju su sudjelovala četiri učenika prvoga razreda OŠ u Rijeci. Kako bi se stekao uvid, korištene su deskriptivna i dokumentaciona metoda pri prikupljanju podataka te tablični prikaz pri obradi podataka. Rezultati pozitivno potvrđuju postavljene hipoteze. Pozitivno školsko ozračje djeluje na razvoj i napredovanje socijalnih interakcija, komunikacije i efektnog odgojno-obrazovnog rada učenika s autizmom i učenika s ADHD-om. Vršnjaci i njihove interakcije imaju istaknutu ulogu u razvoju djeteta i napredovanju socijalnih kompetencija. Iz navedenih rezultata moguće je ponuditi smjernice za daljnja istraţivanja vezana za utjecaj školskog ozračja na socijalizaciju pojedinca te njegov razvoj i napredak.The goal of this thesis is to investigate the effect of school climate on the socialization of students with autism and the socialization of students with ADHD. The research involved four students of the first grade of elementary school in Rijeka. To gain insight thesis we used descriptive methods and documentation methods in data collection and tabulation of the data processing. Results positively confirm the hypothesis. Positive school climate affects the development and advancement of social interaction, communication and effective educational work of students with autism and students with ADHD. Peers and their interactions play a prominent role in child development and promotion of social competence. From these results it is possible to offer guidelines for further research on the impact of school climate on the socialization of the individual and its development and progress

    Socialization of children with autistism and children with ADHD

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    Cilj rada je istražiti djelovanje školskog ozračja na socijalizaciju učenika s autizmom i socijalizaciju učenika s ADHD-om. U istraživanju su sudjelovala četiri učenika prvoga razreda OŠ u Rijeci. Kako bi se stekao uvid, korištene su deskriptivna i dokumentaciona metoda pri prikupljanju podataka te tablični prikaz pri obradi podataka. Rezultati pozitivno potvrđuju postavljene hipoteze. Pozitivno školsko ozračje djeluje na razvoj i napredovanje socijalnih interakcija, komunikacije i efektnog odgojno-obrazovnog rada učenika s autizmom i učenika s ADHD-om. Vršnjaci i njihove interakcije imaju istaknutu ulogu u razvoju djeteta i napredovanju socijalnih kompetencija. Iz navedenih rezultata moguće je ponuditi smjernice za daljnja istraţivanja vezana za utjecaj školskog ozračja na socijalizaciju pojedinca te njegov razvoj i napredak.The goal of this thesis is to investigate the effect of school climate on the socialization of students with autism and the socialization of students with ADHD. The research involved four students of the first grade of elementary school in Rijeka. To gain insight thesis we used descriptive methods and documentation methods in data collection and tabulation of the data processing. Results positively confirm the hypothesis. Positive school climate affects the development and advancement of social interaction, communication and effective educational work of students with autism and students with ADHD. Peers and their interactions play a prominent role in child development and promotion of social competence. From these results it is possible to offer guidelines for further research on the impact of school climate on the socialization of the individual and its development and progress

    Understanding the Millennial Buying Process in the Modern Digital Era - Secondary Research

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    This paper summarizes the results of secondary research done to understand the preferences and characteristics of millennial consumers in the digital era, both in terms of purchasing tires and consumer products in general. Sources used were mostly academic and gathered through the use of University of Akron Library databases. In general, when compared to older generations, millennials care more about value and less about price when shopping of goods. They are also less loyal to any single company. Millennials have taken a more active role with their finances and are making use of new payment methods, such as PayPal and Venmo. The need for tires was found to often be a surprise for all consumers, but millennials have a particularly negative experience while shopping for tires. Consumer knowledge about tire and car care was found to be lacking, especially among millennials. Online and mobile platforms have become increasingly popular for companies who are trying to gain more millennial business. Certain characteristics of mobile applications related to ease-of-use, lightheartedness, and community were more likely to drive consumers to download and keep the application on their phone

    Understanding the Millennial Buying Process in the Modern Digital Era - Primary Research

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    This research summarizes a study conducted to understand the sentiment millennials have about the tire buying process and to develop recommendations for The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (“Goodyear”) that will allow the company to improve the process for millennial consumers. Tweets from millennial-aged users of Twitter were analyzed, as were the various social media accounts that Goodyear runs. A survey about tire buying, consumer knowledge, money sentiment, and technology interaction was sent out via email and Facebook to mostly northeastern Ohio millennials. The survey was incentivized with the chance to win gift cards. Several tire stores around the Akron-Canton area were visited to observe consumers and interview store managers. In addition, some of the more successful mobile applications that companies have used to drive millennial consumer interaction were studied in depth. Based on the study’s findings, we recommend that Goodyear take steps to increase tire awareness among millennials with more interaction and engagement on social media platforms. Furthermore, we recommend that Goodyear simplify and streamline the tire buying process through the use of a mobile applicatio

    Molecular Subtyping of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato Isolates from Five Patients with Solitary Lymphocytoma

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    Solitary lymphocytoma is a rare cutaneous manifestation of Lyme borreliosis that has been reported almost exclusively from Europe. This suggests that its etiologic agent may be absent or extremely rare on the North American continent. All three species of B. burgdorferi sensu lato known to be associated with human Lyme borreliosis (B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. garinii and B. afzelii) have been isolated in Europe, whereas only B. burgdorferi sensu stricto has been found in North America. This suggests that either B. garinii or B. afzelii might be the etiologic agent of borrelial lymphocytoma. To investigate this hypothesis we characterized five strains of B. burgdorferi sensu lato isolated from lymphocytoma lesions of patients residing in Slovenia. The methods used included: large restriction fragment pattern analysis of restriction enzyme MlnI-digested genomic DNA, plasmid profiling, protein profiling, ribotyping using 5S, 16S and 23S rDNA probes and polymerase chain reaction amplification of the rrf (5S)-rrl (23S) inter-genic spacer region. Molecular subtyping showed that four of the five isolates belonged to the species B. afzelii; however, this species is the predominant patient isolate in Slovenia and therefore, may not represent a preferential association with lymphocytoma. The fifth isolate appeared to be most closely related to the DN127 genomic group of organisms. Further characterization of the isolate revealed that it possessed a unique molecular “fingerprint.” The results not only show that borrelial lymphocytoma can be caused by B. afzelii but also demonstrate an association with another genomic group of B. burgdoiferi sensu lato that is present in North America as well