584 research outputs found

    L'exercici de sobrecàrrega redueix el risc cardiovascular en dones adultes

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    La inactivitat física s'associa a una major prevalença de malalties cròniques no transmissibles com les malalties cardiovasculars, diabetis mellitus tipus II i factors de risc com el sobrepès, l'obesitat i la pressió arterial. Aquest estudi ha avaluat els efectes d'un programa d'exercici físic d'alta intensitat i baix volum en un grup de dones adultes amb sobrepès. Els resultats mostren una millora de la salut cardiovascular, si bé no es va modificar el pes ni la composició corporal de les participants.La inactividad física se asocia a una mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como las enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus tipo II y factores de riesgo como el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la presión arterial. Este estudio ha evaluado los efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de alta intensidad y bajo volumen en un grupo de mujeres adultas con sobrepeso. Los resultados muestran una mejora de la salud cardiovascular, si bien no se modificaron el peso ni la composición corporal de las participantes.Physical inactivity is associated with a higher prevalence of chronic non- communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes mellitus, and risk factors such as overweight, obesity and high blood pressure. This study evaluated the effects of a high-intensity, low- volume exercise program in overweight sedentary adult women.The results show an improvement in participants' cardiovascular health, but no changes in body weight or composition

    Discapacidad, género y prisión: análisis de su interseccionalidad

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    En el marco del proyecto de investigación desarrollado por la Dra. Berenice Pérez Ramírez, “Discapacidad, género y prisión” que comprende actividades acerca de la narrativa autobiográfica con personas que están privadas de su libertad en Centros de Reclusión de la Ciudad de México se desarrolla el proceso del grupo de práctica 2819 con el objetivo de promover un espacio autobiográfico (oral y escrito), desde el reconocimiento y voz de las mujeres en prisión, para conocer sus vivencias y contribuir a la generación de redes de apoyo. Dicho proceso seguirá su camino durante el segundo semestre del 2017 en el oficialmente llamado “Centro Femenil de Reinserción Social Tepepan” ubicado dentro de la delegación Xochimilco de la Ciudad de México. En el presente escrito pretendo proponer a la autobiografía como herramienta metodológica para la intervención social que realiza Trabajo Social en espacios de encierro, una estrategia de inmersión para trabajar en grupo y dar voz a las mujeres en dichos espacios. Esto, partiendo desde un análisis interseccional de la discapacidad, el género y la prisión; y cómo estas confluyen en una serie de circunstancias que colocan a una misma persona en una particular situación de vulnerabilidad.Eje Políticas Sociales-GT 10: Políticas sociales e intervención profesional en distintos campos: educación, discapacidad, justicia penal juvenil, gestión de políticas sociales, salud.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Retrospective CT/MRI Texture Analysis of Rapidly Progressive Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Rapidly progressive hepatocellular carcinoma (RPHCC) is a subset of hepatocellular carcinoma that demonstrates accelerated growth, and the radiographic features of RPHCC versus non-RPHCC have not been determined. The purpose of this retrospective study was to use baseline radiologic features and texture analysis for the accurate detection of RPHCC and subsequent improvement of clinical outcomes. We conducted a qualitative visual analysis and texture analysis, which selectively extracted and enhanced imaging features of different sizes and intensity variation including mean gray-level intensity (mean), standard deviation (SD), entropy, mean of the positive pixels (MPP), skewness, and kurtosis at each spatial scaling factor (SSF) value of RPHCC and non-RPHCC tumors in a computed tomography (CT) cohort of n = 11 RPHCC and n = 11 non-RPHCC and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cohort of n = 13 RPHCC and n = 10 non-RPHCC. There was a statistically significant difference across visual CT irregular margins p = 0.030 and CT texture features in SSF between RPHCC and non-RPHCC for SSF-6, coarse-texture scale, mean p = 0.023, SD p = 0.053, MPP p = 0.023. A composite score of mean SSF-6 binarized + SD SSF-6 binarized + MPP SSF-6 binarized + irregular margins was significantly different between RPHCC and non-RPHCC (p = 0.001). A composite score ≥3 identified RPHCC with a sensitivity of 81.8% and specificity of 81.8% (AUC = 0.884, p = 0.002). CT coarse-texture-scale features in combination with visually detected irregular margins were able to statistically differentiate between RPHCC and non-RPHCC. By developing an image-based, non-invasive diagnostic criterion, we created a composite score that can identify RPHCC patients at their early stages when they are still eligible for transplantation, improving the clinical course of patient care

    Evidence of Nodal Line in the Superconducting Gap Symmetry of Noncentrosymmetric ThCoC2_{2}

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    The newly discovered noncentrosymmetric superconductor ThCoC2_{2} exhibits numerous unconventional behavior in the field dependent heat capacity data. Here we present the first measurement of the gap symmetry of ThCoC2_{2} by muon spin rotation/relaxation (μ(\muSR) measurements. Temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth measured using the transverse field μ\muSR measurement reveal the evidence of nodal pairing symmetry. To understand these findings, we carry out the calculations of superconducting pairing eigenvalue and eigenfunction symmetry due to the spin-fluctuation mechanism, by directly implemented the {\it ab-initio} band structures. We find that the system possesses a single Fermi surface with considerable three-dimensionality, and hence a strong nesting along the kzk_z-direction. Such a nesting promotes a superconducting pairing with a coskz\cos{k_z}-like symmetry with a prominent nodal line on the kz=±π/2k_z=\pm\pi/2 plane. The result agrees well with the experimental data.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Percepción ambiental de estudiantes de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Hacia una ambientalización curricular integral

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    La Licenciatura en Desarrollo Regional (LDR) de la Universidad de Guanajuato incluye en su programa la materia de Medio Ambiente I, durante el quinto semestre; esto como parte de orientar un currículo educativo ambientalizado. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de esta investigación consiste en conocer la percepción de los estudiantes sobre los principales problemas ambientales que identifican en su entorno, en el municipio de Salvatierra; y las acciones que realizan para conservarlo, con la finalidad de recomendar temas a ser incorporados en la materia señalada. La metodología utilizada ha sido de carácter exploratorio, al seleccionar estudiantes que residen en el municipio de Salvatierra, inscritos en la LDR. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario con seis preguntas abiertas, el cual se aplicó en los ciclos escolares 2019-2, 2020-2 y 2021-2. Las respuestas se categorizaron a partir de la interpretación de las palabras claves que daba cada estudiante. Los resultados muestran como principal problema la contaminación del agua (50%); como problemas secundarios, la basura (38%) y la quema de esquilmos de las parcelas (10%), entre otros (2%). En conclusión, es evidente el desconocimiento conceptual de la sustentabilidad, pero los estudiantes señalan a quiénes perciben como principales responsables del deterioro ambiental, así como algunas acciones que pueden realizar, aún bajo la modalidad en línea derivada de la COVID-19

    El Problema del Petróleo Dentro de la Crisis Mundial

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    La presente investigación tiene por objeto el estudio de un tema de suma importancia "El problema del petróleo dentro de la crisis mundial". Decimos que es de gran importancia, porque uno de los problemas fundamentales de la vida económica, social política contemporánea lo constituye sin duda la crisis por la que atraviesa la sociedad internacional y donde la crisis energética ha venido a agravarla, sobre todo en los países subdesarrollados carentes de este recurso. Es necesario destacar dentro de esta "crisis energética" la importancia del petróleo, ya que, en la actualidad, analizar las posibilidades de desarrollo material y social de una nación sin correlacionarla con las fuentes de energía, es imposible, debido a que la energía es fundamental para cualquier país especialmente si éste está altamente industrializado

    Treadmill intervention attenuates the cafeteria diet-induced impairment of stress-coping strategies in young adult female rats

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    The current prevalence of diet-induced overweight and obesity in adolescents and adults is continuously growing. Although the detrimental biochemical and metabolic consequences of obesity are widely studied, its impact on stress-coping behavior and its interaction with specific exercise doses (in terms of intensity, duration and frequency) need further investigation. To this aim, we fed adolescent rats either an obesogenic diet (cafeteria diet, CAF) or standard chow (ST). Each group was subdivided into four subgroups according to the type of treadmill intervention as follows: a sedentary group receiving no manipulation; a control group exposed to a stationary treadmill; a low-intensity treadmill group trained at 12 m/min; and a higher intensity treadmill group trained at 17 m/min. Both the diet and treadmill interventions started at weaning and lasted for 8 weeks. Subjects were tested for anxiety-like behavior in the open field test and for coping strategies in the two-way active avoidance paradigm at week 7 and were sacrificed at week 8 for biometric and metabolic characterization. CAF feeding increased the weight gain, relative retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (RWAT %), and plasma levels of glucose, insulin, triglycerides and leptin and decreased the insulin sensitivity. Treadmill intervention partially reversed the RWAT% and triglyceride alterations; at higher intensity, it decreased the leptin levels of CAF-fed animals. CAF feeding decreased the motor activity and impaired the performance in a two-way active avoidance assessment. Treadmill intervention reduced defecation in the shuttle box, suggesting diminished anxiety. CAF feeding combined with treadmill training at 17 m/min increased the time spent in the center of the open field and more importantly, partially reversed the two-way active avoidance deficit. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that at doses that decreased anxiety-like behavior, treadmill exercise partially improved the coping strategy in terms of active avoidance behavior in the CAF-fed animals. This effect was not observed at lower doses of treadmill training

    Neuropsychological profiles and neural correlates in typical and atypical variants of Alzheimer disease: A systematic qualitative review

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    Introduction: Neuropsychological symptoms and cortical atrophy patterns show similarities between typical Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and its variants. Thus, correct diagnosis is difficult, leading to errors in the therapeutic process. Indeed, the challenge in cognitive neuroscience focuses on identifying key features of cognitive-linguistic profiles and improving the knowledge of neural correlates for accurate differential diagnosis between the heterogeneous profiles of typical and atypical AD. Aim: This systematic review aims to describe different AD profiles, considering their neuropsychological symptoms and neural correlates. Methods: The present study followed the PRISMA guidelines and included studies from the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, published between 2011 and 2021. Results: Thirty-one articles were included in this systematic review for critical analysis. Results suggest significant declines in episodic and working memory and executive function. Likewise, in all groups, verbal fluency and visuospatial/visuoconstructive skills declined. However, these symptoms overlap between typical AD, logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia, posterior cortical atrophy, behavioural/dysexecutive or frontal variant AD, and corticobasal syndrome. On the other hand, the neural correlate showed a pattern of atrophy in frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital areas, even compromising the cuneus and precuneus. Conclusion: Spontaneous language and semantic and phonological verbal fluency could be an important biomarker for differential diagnosis between typical AD and its atypical variants. Likewise, clinical assessment should consider using advanced neuroimaging techniques to establish early associations between brain dysfunction and neuropsychological performance, with particular attention to brain areas such as the cuneus and precuneus