17 research outputs found
Prevalencia de malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres mayores de 34 años y adolescentes: Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, 2002-2011
Antecedentes: Las madres mayores de 34 años han aumentado en Chile. La mayor edad materna aumenta el riesgo de malformaciones congénitas (MFC) Objetivos: Determinar la tasa de prevalencia de MFC entre adolescentes y mayores de 34 años. Método: Se utilizó la base de datos de la Maternidad del Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile (2002-2011). Se estudió todos los nacimientos, vivos, mortinatos y malformados de 500 gramos o más, de madres menores de 20 y mayores de 34 años. Se calculó y comparó las tasas de prevalencia al nacer de todas las malformaciones de cada grupo etario. Resultados: Hubo 15.636 nacimientos, 0,98% fueron mortinatos, 7,5% hijos de madres menores de 20 años y 27,7% de mayores de 34 años. La tasa global de MFC fue 8,8%; 7% en menores de 20 años y 9,6% en mayores de 34 años (p=0,007). Síndrome de Down fue 12 veces más frecuente en los hijos de madres mayores de 34 años que en las adolescentes. Las mayores de 34 años presentaron significativamente más mortineonatalidad en sus hijos malformados que las adolescentes, pero menor frecuencia de bajo peso, menor consumo de tabaco, alcohol y mariguana. Conclusión: El grupo de madres mayores de 34 años es significativamente diferente al grupo de adolescentes, tanto en prevalencia de MFC como en mortalidad neonatal de malformados, bajo peso al nacer y hábitos de vida
Congenital malformations among newborns of teenage mothers Prevalencia al nacimiento de malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres adolescentes. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Período 2002-2011
Background: The Chilean Ministry of Health has reported a meaningful increase of births from teenager mothers (aged less than 20 years) in the period 1990-2008. On the contrary, there was a decrease of births from teenage mothers at The University of Chile Clinical Hospital (HCUCH). Aim: To compare the prevalence rates at birth of congenital malformations (CMF) in newborns from mothers younger than 20 with those of mothers between 20 and 34 years old. Patients and Methods: The Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) data base of the HCUCH, since 1969 was analyzed. The last ten years (2002-2011) were studied. Results: There were 15,636 births in the period studied, 153 of them were stillbirths (0.97%). There were 1174 newborns from teenage mothers, 82 of them had one or more congenital malformations (7%). We found an association between smoking and drug consumption in mothers and CMF in their newborns. Conclusions: The rate of congenital malformations am
Incidence of congenital malformations in 10 Chilean maternity hospitals Incidencia de las malformaciones congénitas en 10 maternidades chilenas participantes en el ECLAMC. Comparación de tres períodos (1971-1977, 1982-1988, 1989-1994)
Background: The Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations is an epidemiological surveillance system for congenital malformations that operates in 11 Latin American Countries. Aim: To report the incidence of congenital malformations in 8 Chilean maternity hospitals participating in this study, between 1989 and 1994. Material and Methods: During the study period, 133,564 newborns and 1,196 still-births from 8 Chilean maternity hospitals were examined. These results were compared with those of a similar survey performed in 1982-1988. Results: The proportion of stillbirths in the study period was 0.88%. There were 3,268 malformed newborns (2.42%) and 125 malformed stillbirths (10.45%). These proportion of malformations among newborns were lower and among stillbirths were higher than those reported for the rest of Latin American countries. When comparing the results with the previous survey, a reduction in the proportion of malformations among newborns was observed. Ho
Congenital malformations among offspring of diabetic women Malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres con diabetes gestacional Malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres con diabetes gestacional
Background: The risk of congenital malformations is two to three times higher among women with diabetes mellitus before pregnancy. Gestacional diabetes is emerging as a risk factor for malformations. Aim: To study the rate and type of congenital malformations among offspring of women with pre-gestational or gestational diabetes. Material and methods: A search in the databases of the Collaborative Latin American Study for Congenital Malformations and of the Neonatology Unity of The University of Chile Clinical Hospital. All births from January 1998 through June 2004 were investigated. Results: In the study period, 13,965 births occurred, of which 0.7% were stillbirths and 8.1% had malformations. A total of 295 women (2.1%) had diabetes (gestational diabetes in 1.8% and pre gestational diabetes in 0.3%). The prevalence of congenital malformations was 14% and 18.3% among offspring of mothers with pre-gestational and gestational diabetes, respectively (p=NS). The prevalence of congenital
Frequency of holoprosencephaly in Chile ECLAMC: 41 años de vigilancia de la holoprosencefalia en Chile. Período 1972-2012
© 2015, Sociedad Medica de Santiago. All rights reserved.Background: Holoprosencephaly is a structural anomaly of the brain that consists in a defect of the prosencephalon development that leads to face and neurological defects of variable intensity. Aim: To estimate holoprosencephaly prevalence at birth. Patients and Methods: All cases of holoprosencephaly, born alive or stillbirths, registered in the 15 Chilean Hospitals of the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) between 1972 and 2012, were studied. Craniofacial and other anomalies found in newborns affected by holoprosencephaly are described. Results: Fifty five cases of holoprosencephaly (58% males) were found among the 798.222 registered births (rendering a prevalence at birth of 0.69 per 10.000 newborns). The most common cranial defect was medial cleft lip with cleft palate (27.3%), bilateral cleft lip (11%) or both (38.2%), cyclopia (14%), single nostril (10.9%) and proboscis (9.1%). Eleven p