124 research outputs found

    L’Unione Sovietica nei manifesti della propaganda stalinista

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    The visual culture represents relevant live evidence of a nation and of a country in the determined period of its development. The aim of my article is to analyse several Soviet propaganda posters of the Stalinist era created in the years 1924–1953 which provide an interesting image of the Soviet Union of the time. The analysed posters concern the issues such as war, enemies of communism, life of the nation and obviously, Stalin, a leader and dictator who was believed to hold URSS towards happiness and welfare. The subject of the analysis shall be both visual content of the posters and linguistic message conveyed by them.La cultura visuale costituisce un’importante testimonianza della vita di una nazione o di un Paese in un determinato periodo del suo sviluppo. L’obiettivo del mio articolo è quello di analizzare dei manifesti di propaganda stalinista creati nell’URSS negli anni 1924–1953 che forniscono una interessante immagine dell’Unione Sovietica di quegli anni. I suddetti manifesti sottoposti ad analisi riguardano diversi temi, tra cui la guerra, i nemici del comunismo, la vita del popolo e, ovviamente, Stalin: il capo e il timoniere che guida l’Unione Sovietica verso la felicità e il benessere. Verrà analizzata sia la componente visuale dei manifesti che quella linguistica dei messaggi da essi veicolati.Libro publicado gracias al apoyo de la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Łódź, del Instituto de Estudios Románicos y de Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Akademickich na Rzecz Krzewienia Kultury Języków Europejskic

    The taming of the italian vulgarism or polish translators facing censorship

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    In the article entitled ‘The Taming of the Italian Vulgarism or Polish Translators Facing Censorship’ the authors reflect upon the translation of Italian vulgarisms contained in literary works into the Polish language. Two modern teen novels written by Federico Moccia were analyzed for this purpose, namely Tre metri sopra il cielo and its sequel Ho voglia di te. The former was translated into Polish by Krystyna and Eugeniusz Kabatc whereas the latter by Anna Niewęgłowska. The text analyses were performed with the use of TextSTAT. The authors analyze the translations of the expressions within the given contexts and attempt to tackle the questions concerning the translation techniques applied in the traduction of vulgarisms and cuss words as well as shed light on the differences in the translations of the two literary texts.Dans le présent article, les auteurs réféchissent sur la traduction des vulgarismes italiens en polonais dans les deux romans contemporains pour les jeunes de Federico Moccia : Tre metri sopra il cielo et Ho voglia di te. La traduction du premier livre a été assurée par Krystyna et Eugeniusz Kabatc, tandis que le deuxième, qui constitue la suite des aventures des jeunes héros du premier texte, a été traduit par Anna Niewęgłowska. Après avoir fait une analyse statistique concernant le nombre de mots vulgaires dans les textes originaux et dans leurs traductions respectives, on a examiné les contextes d’apparition des gros mots, ce qui a permis de répertorier les solutions utilisées par les traducteurs de deux textes et les différentes techniques qu’ils ont adoptées dans la traduction des vulgarismes


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    La pubblicazione è stata finanziata con i fondi del preside della Facoltà di Lingue e Lettere dell’Università di Łódź e del direttore dell’Istituto di Romanistica del medesimo atene


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    The purpose of this article is to outline the views of Alessandro Manzoni on the issue of the national language of Italians throughout the selected philosophical and linguistic works. In the first part of the article, the authors highlighted the figure of the Milanese bard as well as the main theoretical framework for the origins of human speech in general and the sources of inspiration of these concepts mostly deriving from the works of the French Enlightenment philosophers (J. J. Rousseau, É. de Condillac, C. De Brosses) and of their Italian advocates and antagonists (M. Cesarotti, A. Cesari, V. Monti). Subsequently, a general overview of references dedicated to the subject of linguistics shall be presented including published and unpublished pieces. In the final part, the authors synthesized several chief theses exposed by Manzoni in the treaty titled Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla [On the unity of the language and the means of diffusing it] being at the same time a report on the proceedings of the parliamentary committee on the national language of 1868, whose authorial translation into Polish language is provided as an integral part of this article.The purpose of this article is to outline the views of Alessandro Manzoni on the issue of the national language of Italians throughout the selected philosophical and linguistic works. In the first part of the article, the authors highlighted the figure of the Milanese bard as well as the main theoretical framework for the origins of human speech in general and the sources of inspiration of these concepts mostly deriving from the works of the French Enlightenment philosophers (J. J. Rousseau, É. de Condillac, C. De Brosses) and of their Italian advocates and antagonists (M. Cesarotti, A. Cesari, V. Monti). Subsequently, a general overview of references dedicated to the subject of linguistics shall be presented including published and unpublished pieces. In the final part, the authors synthesized several chief theses exposed by Manzoni in the treaty titled Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla [On the unity of the language and the means of diffusing it] being at the same time a report on the proceedings of the parliamentary committee on the national language of 1868, whose authorial translation into Polish language is provided as an integral part of this article.Celem artykułu jest nakreślenie poglądów Alessandra Manzoniego na kwestię języka narodowego Włochów w oparciu o jego piśmiennictwo filozoficzno-językowe. W pierwszej części autorzy przybliżają sylwetkę wieszcza z Mediolanu i przedstawiają założenia teoretyczne koncepcji pochodzenia mowy ludzkiej w ogóle oraz źródła inspiracji tychże zaczerpnięte przeważnie z dokonań francuskich filozofów doby oświeceniowej (J. J. Rousseau, É. de Condillaca, C. De Brosses) oraz ich włoskich zwolenników i adwersarzy (M. Cesarottiego, A. Cesariego, V. Montiego). Następnie zarysowano ogólną systematykę publikacji Manzoniego poświęconych tematyce językoznawczej z podziałem na pozycje ogłoszone i nieogłoszone drukiem. W końcowej części zsyntetyzowane zostały najważniejsze tezy Manzoniego eksponowane w traktacie Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla [O jedności języka i sposobach jego rozpowszechniania] stanowiące sprawozdanie z prac komisji parlamentarnej do sprawy języka narodowego z 1868 roku, którego autorski przekład na język polski stanowi integralną część przedmiotowego artykułu

    Barbapoux by Charles Malato: several remarks on the translation of theathre of the social protest

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    The text Barbapoux written in 1900 by Charles Malato is an example of the protest theatre movement. The author of this dramma refers to several issues and problems of the epoche such as Dreyfus case in order to criticise the unjust social order and its representatives such as the army, the Catholic Church, the judiciary and the press. The text is full of rod games and numerous allusions to the current events of the time. The article highlights the examples of solutions applied in translation of the dramma into Polish. The focus is pointed on the translation of proper names (antroponyms and chrematonyms) as well as of selected idioms


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    Alessandro Manzoni Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla: tłumaczenieAlessandro Manzoni Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla: tłumaczenieAlessandro Manzoni Dell'unità della lingua e dei mezzi di diffonderla: tłumaczeni

    Epidemiology, therapy, and prognosis after stroke in chronic kidney disease

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    Ischemic stroke is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Its occurrence closely correlates with the severity of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and albuminuria. Pharmacological prevention of stroke in patients with mild-to-moderate CKD does not differ significantly from the general recommendations. However, the beneficial effect of statins on reducing the risk of stroke remains unproven in patients with advanced CKD and on dialysis. The use of acetylsalicylic acid and oral anticoagulants increases the risk of serious bleeding complications and requires special care and additional monitoring. CKD cannot be considered a contraindication for carotid artery endarterectomy or stenting in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis; likewise, CKD cannot be a contraindication for thrombolysis and thrombectomy in ischemic stroke patients. Admittedly, all these procedures are associated with an increased risk of adverse events compared to non-CKD patients. Early thrombolysis and especially thrombectomy improve poor outcomes in CKD patients. Post-stroke supportive treatment of CKD patients does not differ from the general standards, but the nephrological burden should be taken into consideration, especially when using antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, or edemareducing drugs. Statin use after stroke reduces 3-month mortality. Further research is needed to create specific CKD therapeutic algorithms for more effective management of ischemic stroke in patients with severe CKD and on dialysis

    COVID-19: Specific and Non-Specific Clinical Manifestations and Symptoms: The Current State of Knowledge

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), due to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has become an epidemiological threat and a worldwide concern. SARS-CoV-2 has spread to 210 countries worldwide and more than 6,500,000 confirmed cases and 384,643 deaths have been reported, while the number of both confirmed and fatal cases is continually increasing. COVID-19 is a viral disease that can affect every age group-from infants to the elderly-resulting in a wide spectrum of various clinical manifestations. COVID-19 might present different degrees of severity-from mild or even asymptomatic carriers, even to fatal cases. The most common complications include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Fever, dry cough, muscle weakness, and chest pain are the most prevalent and typical symptoms of COVID-19. However, patients might also present atypical symptoms that can occur alone, which might indicate the possible SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim of this paper is to review and summarize all of the findings regarding clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients, which include respiratory, neurological, olfactory and gustatory, gastrointestinal, ophthalmic, dermatological, cardiac, and rheumatologic manifestations, as well as specific symptoms in pediatric patients