11 research outputs found

    Models of digitisation of organisational space in sport

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    This research presents the organisational model of digitisation of sport institutions as the element of development shifting towards digital models of sport business. Empirical research concerns: the level of saturation of information and communication technology (ICT) in sport institutions and media coverage of organizational space in sport as the element of media technology development. The research has been conducted in the theory of organisational space (Cieśliński, 2016, 2017) and has been financed with the use of two research-implementation grants and implementation one under the operational program Program Operacyjny Polska Cyfrowa (POPC)

    The fastest generation of multipartite entanglement with natural interactions

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    Natural interactions among multiple quantum objects are fundamentally composed of two-body terms only. In contradistinction, single global unitaries that generate highly entangled states typically arise from Hamiltonians that couple multiple individual subsystems simultaneously. Here, we study the time to produce strongly nonclassical multipartite correlations with a single unitary generated by the natural interactions. We restrict the symmetry of two-body interactions to match the symmetry of the target states and focus on the fastest generation of multipartite entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ), W, Dicke and absolutely maximally entangled (AME) states for up to seven qubits. These results are obtained by constraining the energy in the system and accordingly can be seen as state-dependent quantum speed limits for symmetry-adjusted natural interactions. They give rise to a counter-intuitive effect where the creation of particular entangled states with an increasing number of particles does not require more time. The methods used rely on extensive numerical simulations and analytical estimations.Comment: journal version, 12 pages, 6 figure

    Does scoliosis-specific exercise treatment in adolescence alter adult quality of life?

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    Objective. Health-related quality of life in adults, who in adolescence participated in a scoliosis-specific exercise program, was not previously studied. Design. Cross-sectional study, with retrospective data collection. Material and Methods. Homogenous groups of 68 persons (43 women) aged 30.10 (25–39) years, with mild or moderate scoliosis, and 76 (38 women) able-bodied persons, aged 30.11 (24–38) years, who 16.5 (12–26) years earlier had completed scoliosis-specific exercise or observation regimes, participated. Their respiratory characteristics did not differ from predicted values. The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, and pain scale (VAS) were applied. Results. The transformed WHOQOL-BREF scores ranged from 54.6 ± 11.19 in the physical domain in the mild scoliotic subgroup to 77.1 ± 16.05 in the social domain in the able-bodied subgroup. The ODQ values did not generally exceed 5.3 ± 7.53. Inter- and intragroup differences were nonsignificant. Age, marital status, education, and gender were significantly associated with the ODQ scores. Significant association between the ODQ and WHOQOL-BREF social relationships domain scores with the participation in exercise treatment was found. Conclusions. Participants with the history of exercise treatment generally did not differ significantly from their peers who were only under observation. This study cannot conclude that scoliosis-specific exercise treatment in adolescence alters quality of life in adulthood

    Opening Access To Practice-based Evidence in Clinical Decision Support Systems with Natural Query Language

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    Evidence-based medicine can be effective only if constantly tested against errors in medical practice. Clinical record database summarization supported by a machine allows allow to detect anomalies and therefore help detect the errors in early phases of care. Summarization system is a part of Clinical Decision Support Systems however it cannot be used directly by the stakeholder as long as s/he is not able to query the clinical record database. Natural Query Languages allow opening access to data for clinical practitioners, that usually do not have knowledge about articial query languages. Results: We have developed general purpose reporting system called Ask Data Anything (ADA) that we applied to a particular CDSS implementation. As a result, we obtained summarization system that opens the access for these of clinical researchers that were excluded from the meaningful summary of clinical records stored in a given clinical database. The most significant part of the component - NQL parser - is a hybrid of Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and pattern matching with a prior error repair phase. Equipped with reasoning capabilities due to the intensive use of semantic technologies, our hybrid approach allows one to use very simple, keyword-based (even erroneous) queries as well as complex CNL ones with the support of a predictive editor. By using ADA sophisticated summarizations of clinical data are produced as a result of NQL query execution. In this paper, we will present the main ideas underlying ADA component in the context of CDSS

    Local referendum in Poland - but what?

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    The theme of the article is to check whether in democratic Poland, the institution of local referendum an import role in the life of the local community. This form of political participation is a "tool" of the legal expression of political decisions by the local communities. Mainly explain, you model a local referendum in Poland is functional or dysfunctional - almost, in the bodies responsible for referendum process from the moment of submission of the application until the end of voting and perhaps in the political apathy of local communities

    Invasive electrophysiologyPresyncope caused by non-sustained ventricular tachycardia. Significance of RF ablation

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    We describe a case of a 55-year-old man with episodes of presyncope caused by non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (ns-VT). Symptoms of significant weakness started when he was 30-year-old. In the last 2 years there was a substantial increase in frequency of presyncope from 2 per month to 8 per week. He does not have palpitations. Standard ECG, echocardiography and coronary angiography were normal. During an exercise test ns-VT 220/min (5 s, 20 × QRS) with LBBB morphology was documented. Successful RF ablation of ns-VT using the CARTO system was performed. During 4-month follow-up the patient remains free from ventricular arrhythmia

    Valid and efficient entanglement verification with finite copies of a quantum state

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    Abstract Detecting entanglement in multipartite quantum states is an inherently probabilistic process, typically with a few measured samples. The level of confidence in entanglement detection quantifies the scheme’s validity via the probability that the signal comes from a separable state, offering a meaningful figure of merit for big datasets. Yet, with limited samples, avoiding experimental data misinterpretations requires considering not only the probabilities concerning separable states but also the probability that the signal came from an entangled state, i.e. the detection scheme’s efficiency. We demonstrate this explicitly and apply a general method to optimize both the validity and the efficiency in small data sets providing examples using at most 20 state copies. The method is based on an analytical model of finite statistics effects on correlation functions which takes into account both a Frequentist as well as a Bayesian approach and is applicable to arbitrary entanglement witnesses

    Analysing quantum systems with randomised measurements

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    Randomised measurements provide a way of determining physical quantities without the need for a shared reference frame nor calibration of measurement devices. Therefore, they naturally emerge in situations such as benchmarking of quantum properties in the context of quantum communication and computation where it is difficult to keep local reference frames aligned. In this review, we present the advancements made in utilising such measurements in various quantum information problems focusing on quantum entanglement and Bell inequalities. We describe how to detect and characterise various forms of entanglement, including genuine multipartite entanglement and bound entanglement. Bell inequalities are discussed to be typically violated even with randomised measurements, especially for a growing number of particles and settings. Additionally, we provide an overview of estimating other relevant nonlinear functions of a quantum state or performing shadow tomography from randomised measurements. Throughout the review, we complement the description of theoretical ideas by explaining key experiments.Comment: review paper, 53 pages, 10 figure