18 research outputs found

    Frenetic, under-challenged, and worn-out burnout subtypes among brazilian primary care personnel: Validation of the Brazilian “burnout clinical subtype questionnaire” (BCSQ-36/BCSQ-12)

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    Primary healthcare personnel show high levels of burnout. A new model of burnout has been developed to distinguish three subtypes: frenetic, under-challenged, and worn-out, which are characterized as overwhelmed, under-stimulated, and disengaged at work, respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the long/short Brazilian versions of the “Burnout Clinical Subtypes Questionnaire” (BCSQ-36/BCSQ-12) among Brazilian primary healthcare staff and its possible associations with other psychological health-related outcomes. An online cross-sectional study conducted among 407 Brazilian primary healthcare personnel was developed. Participants answered a Brazil-specific survey including the BCSQ-36/BCSQ-12, “Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey”, “Utrecht Work Engagement Scale”, “Hospital Anxiety/Depression Scale”, “Positive-Negative Affect Schedule”, and a Visual Analogue Scale of guilt at work. The bifactor was the model with the best fit to the data using the BCSQ-36, which allowed a general factor for each subtype. The three-correlated factors model fit better to the BCSQ-12. Internal consistence was appropriate, and the convergence between the long-short versions was high. The pattern of relationships between the burnout subtypes and the psychological outcomes suggested a progressive deterioration from the frenetic to the under-challenged and worn-out. In sum, the Brazilian BCSQ-36/BCSQ-12 showed appropriate psychometrics to be used in primary healthcare personnel

    Nostra esperienza nel trattamento chirurgico conservativo del megauretere nell'adulto.

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    Trattamento chirurgico di un voluminoso liposarcoma mixoide retroperitoneale plurirecidivo

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    Retroperitoneal liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm characterized by a high recurrence rate, varying from 35% to 82%, with a disease-free period of three years. Only in 25% of the cases it is possible to reveal distant metastasis. The elective treatment of the local recurrence is represented by the radical surgical ablation. Nowadays radiotherapy and/or chemiotherapy give poor results both in the treatment of the primary tumor and in the treatment of its recurrence. The Authors describe a case of retroperitoneal mixoid liposarcoma recurred many times

    Our experience in the conservative surgical treatment of megaureter in the adult

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    Surgical treatment of the megaureter in adults is only indicated when important symptoms and/or complications occur. The Authors report their experience with eight adult patients affected by megaureter, undergone to conservative surgery. The average age of the patients was 36 years (range 21-52). The disease was unilateral in five cases (four on the right side and one on the left), bilateral in three. In five patients megaureter was primary (obstructed in four, refluxing in one). A case of megaureter with ectopic orifice in the prostatic urethra was observed. The remaining two cases, already operated in other hospitals, were a segmentary megaureter associated with vesico-ureteral reflux secondary to endoscopic incision of an ureterocele and a bilateral refluxing megaureter in a patient undergone to bilateral ureterocystoneostomy because of primary megaureter in his childhood. All patients underwent ureterocystoneostomy, performed with Politano-Leadbetter antireflux technique in six cases and with direct non-antireflux technique in two. A reductive Hendren ureteroplasty was also performed in 7 cases. The average length of follow-up is actually of 82 months (range 5-231). Satisfactory results were obtained in three primary obstructed megaureters, in the megaureter with ectopic orifice and in the segmentary megaureter associated with reflux. In two patients with refluxing megaureter surgery was unsuccessful and a new operation was necessary. Finally, one patient with primary obstructed megaureter underwent endoscopic dilatation of the strictured vesico-ureteral anastomosis two months after the ureterocystoneostomy