25 research outputs found

    16S rDNA pyrosequencing analysis of bacterial community in heavy metals polluted soils

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    Soil contamination with heavy metals is a widespread problem, especially prominent on grounds lying in the vicinity of mines, smelters, and other industrial facilities. Many such areas are located in Southern Poland; they are polluted mainly with Pb, Zn, Cd, or Cu, and locally also with Cr. As for now, little is known about most bacterial species thriving in such soils and even less about a core bacterial community—a set of taxa common to polluted soils. Therefore, we wanted to answer the question if such a set could be found in samples differing physicochemically and phytosociologically. To answer the question, we analyzed bacterial communities in three soil samples contaminated with Pb and Zn and two contaminated with Cr and lower levels of Pb and Zn. The communities were assessed with 16S rRNA gene fragments pyrosequencing. It was found that the samples differed significantly and Zn decreased both diversity and species richness at species and family levels, while plant species richness did not correlate with bacterial diversity. In spite of the differences between the samples, they shared many operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and it was possible to delineate the core microbiome of our sample set. The core set of OTUs comprised members of such taxa as Sphingomonas, Candidatus Solibacter, or Flexibacter showing that particular genera might be shared among sites ~40 km distant

    SWOT analysis of renewable energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland): current progress, prospects and policy implications

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    Renewable energy (RE) plays an increasingly important role in the economy of almost every country in the world. In order to examine the state of renewable energy (RE) in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland), a literature review was carried out, anonymous sur-veys were conducted, a SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and TOWS analysis were carried out and the potential of RE in Mazowieckie voivodship was estimated. The total capacity of all installations is equal to 712 MW. In recent months, number of prosumers have increased to 11,742 in the Voivodeship, and the capacity of their installations is estimated at 66 MW. Simplification of legal regulations and educating society is strongly recommended. Respondents in the survey and SWOT analysis on the future of the energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship show that solar energy (35.5% of respondents) and wind energy (24.5% of respondents) have the greatest chances for the development. Development of the RE sector in the Voivodeship means new jobs, both in this sector and around it. Significant RE potential together with large project financing pos-sibilities may cause Mazowieckie Voivodeship to be a leader in RE production in Poland. It is this Voivodeship (with its capital Warsaw) that can serve as an example of the energy transformation towards 100% RE

    Potencjał techniczny odpadowej biomasy stałej na cele energetyczne w Polsce

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    Potencjał odpadowej biomasy w Polsce

    Autoclaved aerated concrete with an addition of waste from semi-dry flue gas desulfurization process – thermal stability and xrd investigations

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    The article presents the results of research on autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) produced according to the manufacturer recipe and modified AAC with the addition of waste from the semi-dry flue gas desulfurization installation. Produced cubes of concrete were analysed using thermogravimetry in a temperature regime of 0–1200°C in order to determine thermal stability. Samples were also tested using X-ray diffractometer to determine the differences in the content of tobermorite 1.1 nm, the compound which is responsible for the mechanical properties of tested concrete

    Znaczenie intencji dla moralnej oceny czynu - stanowisko Daniela Wegnera (THE MEANING OF INTENTION FOR MORAL EVALUATION OF AN ACTION - DANIEL WEGNER VIEW)

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    In the article, the author attempts to compare and confront Daniel Wegner's idea of a conscious will with the selected ethic doctrines in the context of relationship between intention and the moral evaluation of an action. According to the utilitarian doctrine, when one evaluates an action intention should not be considered because only the results of an action are relevant. On the other hand, Kant and the ethics of love for fellowmen claim that intention is a direct cause of action, therefore, it is intention that should really be evaluated. On the basis of Wegner's model of a conscious will, one may state that an utilitarian attitude is more justified in many causes. In the act of volition, intention serves only as a commentary, rather than as a cause (as it is commonly believed). In Wegner's opinion the main role of intention is to explain action in the context of the plans, desires and beliefs of an agent. It is all due to the fact that in social interactions, one should always have the ability to explain one's own behavior: ignorance of the causes of one's behavior is inadmissible in this context (odium of insane action). Moreover, when intention and action match, a specific kind of feeling - phenomenal will - is added to the act of volition. This particular feeling not only strengthens the relationship between intention and action. but it also helps the agent to distinguish his own actions from other actions of other agents. It means that the ultimate form of intention may be completely different from the actual causes of a particular type of behavior.To conclude, due to Wegner's work, the utilitarian doctrine gained strong support for the thesis that intention should not be considered during the moral evaluation of action

    Integrated model of complex intentional actions

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    Wydział Psychologii i KognitywistykiCelem rozprawy było skonstruowanie zintegrowanego modelu działań intencjonalnych. Zadanie to wymagało zidentyfikowania najważniejszych mechanizmów i reprezentacji decydujących o przebiegu działań intencjonalnych oraz ustalenia zasadniczych powiązań między nimi. W konstrukcji modelu wykorzystano następujące koncepcje teoretyczne oraz wyniki badań eksperymentalnych: (1) teorię intencjonalności Johna Searle’a, (2) dane eksperymentalne zgromadzone w ramach psychologii intencji oraz (3) obliczeniowy model uczenia się ze wzmacnianiem opracowany przez neurobiologów na podstawie hipotezy dopaminergicznego błędu predykcji nagrody. Prezentacja modelu odbywa się w dwóch etapach. Etap pierwszy poświęcony jest sformułowaniu najważniejszych wymagań funkcjonalnych wobec modelu. Ich podstawą są wyniki wcześniejszych ustaleń. Etap drugi polega na przedstawieniu zintegrowanego modelu w trybie kolejnych przybliżeń. Najpierw scharakteryzowany zostaje najprostszy model, w którym do kontroli zachowań wykorzystuje się jedynie mechanizm uczenia się ze wzmacnianiem. Następnie omawiane są modele coraz bardziej zaawansowane, w których uwzględnia się coraz więcej cech realnego działania intencjonalnego. Ostateczna wersja modelu pokazuje, jak wysoce złożone są struktury i mechanizmy działań intencjonalnych oraz – jak bardzo obraz ten odbiega od ich standardowych, monodziedzinowych ujęć.The purpose of this dissertation is to construct an integrated model of intentional actions. It required the identification of the most important mechanisms and representations determining the course of intentional actions and the establishment of essential links between them. The following theoretical concepts and experimental results were used in the construction of the model: (1) John Searle's theory of intentionality, (2) experimental data collected within the psychology of intention, and (3) a computational model of reinforcement learning developed by neuroscientists in relation to the dopaminergic reward prediction error hypothesis. The proposed approach reveals the relationships among the various components of intentional action, as well as the mechanisms of behavioral control and the cognitive processes that shape them. The model is presented in two stages. The first stage is devoted to formulating the most important functional requirements for this model. The second stage presents the integrated model of intentional action using an iterative approach. The simplest model, using only the reinforcement learning mechanism to control behavior, is characterized first. Subsequently, increasingly sophisticated models are discussed, which make it possible to incorporate additional features of real-life intentional action. The final version of the model shows how complex the structures and mechanisms of intentional actions are, and the extent to which this picture differs from the standard mono-domain account of these actions

    Integrated model of complex intentional actions

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    Wydział Psychologii i KognitywistykiCelem rozprawy było skonstruowanie zintegrowanego modelu działań intencjonalnych. Zadanie to wymagało zidentyfikowania najważniejszych mechanizmów i reprezentacji decydujących o przebiegu działań intencjonalnych oraz ustalenia zasadniczych powiązań między nimi. W konstrukcji modelu wykorzystano następujące koncepcje teoretyczne oraz wyniki badań eksperymentalnych: (1) teorię intencjonalności Johna Searle’a, (2) dane eksperymentalne zgromadzone w ramach psychologii intencji oraz (3) obliczeniowy model uczenia się ze wzmacnianiem opracowany przez neurobiologów na podstawie hipotezy dopaminergicznego błędu predykcji nagrody. Prezentacja modelu odbywa się w dwóch etapach. Etap pierwszy poświęcony jest sformułowaniu najważniejszych wymagań funkcjonalnych wobec modelu. Ich podstawą są wyniki wcześniejszych ustaleń. Etap drugi polega na przedstawieniu zintegrowanego modelu w trybie kolejnych przybliżeń. Najpierw scharakteryzowany zostaje najprostszy model, w którym do kontroli zachowań wykorzystuje się jedynie mechanizm uczenia się ze wzmacnianiem. Następnie omawiane są modele coraz bardziej zaawansowane, w których uwzględnia się coraz więcej cech realnego działania intencjonalnego. Ostateczna wersja modelu pokazuje, jak wysoce złożone są struktury i mechanizmy działań intencjonalnych oraz – jak bardzo obraz ten odbiega od ich standardowych, monodziedzinowych ujęć.The purpose of this dissertation is to construct an integrated model of intentional actions. It required the identification of the most important mechanisms and representations determining the course of intentional actions and the establishment of essential links between them. The following theoretical concepts and experimental results were used in the construction of the model: (1) John Searle's theory of intentionality, (2) experimental data collected within the psychology of intention, and (3) a computational model of reinforcement learning developed by neuroscientists in relation to the dopaminergic reward prediction error hypothesis. The proposed approach reveals the relationships among the various components of intentional action, as well as the mechanisms of behavioral control and the cognitive processes that shape them. The model is presented in two stages. The first stage is devoted to formulating the most important functional requirements for this model. The second stage presents the integrated model of intentional action using an iterative approach. The simplest model, using only the reinforcement learning mechanism to control behavior, is characterized first. Subsequently, increasingly sophisticated models are discussed, which make it possible to incorporate additional features of real-life intentional action. The final version of the model shows how complex the structures and mechanisms of intentional actions are, and the extent to which this picture differs from the standard mono-domain account of these actions

    Changes in Synthetic Soda Ash Production and Its Consequences for the Environment

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    This publication presents a series of data of one of the most difficult chemical processes to implement in industrial conditions. Obtaining soda using the Solvay technique is a process with a world volume of about 28 Tg per year. The process is extremely physico-chemically complex and environmentally burdensome. The paper presents information on a multi-component system containing three phases with a chemical reaction. Calculations for such systems and their engineering are very complicated, but the authors show how the results of this work can be applied. This paper also describes modifications of the soda process to minimize the environmental burden and minimize the production input of Na2CO3. The modifications were beneficial in reducing CO2 emissions and increased the efficiency of the soda process, resulting in a measurable financial benefit. At the scale of the plant where the experiment was carried out, this reduction in CO2 emissions amounts to 7.93 Gg per year

    Technologie bioenergetyczne, 318 s.

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    Biomasa w energetyce.Technologie bioenergetyczne w energetyce

    Geochemical assessment of lake sediments in protected areas in Poland – a search for reference condition

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    This paper presents the results of an assessment of macro- and microelements in the sediments of lakes laying within protected areas in Poland – the Drawa National Park, the Wel Landscape Park and the Górzno-Lidzbark Landscape Park. In each lake two grab sediment sample were collected: one in the littoral zone and the other in the deepest part of the lake basin. Sediment samples analysed for their content of inorganic carbon (IC) and the loss on ignition (LOI at 550°C) and, according to these parameters classified into three sediment types. Micro elements were detected with SEM-EDX system and the bioavailability of Zn, Cu, and Fe was evaluated after an extraction with DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) solution. The most diverse chemical composition of the sediments was observed in the lakes of the Wel Landscape Park Lacustrine sediments were characterized by the heterogeneous content of organic matter (from 11.70 to 52.89%), calcium carbonate (from 0.0 to 42.73%) and mineral fractions (from 38.24 to 79.46%). They consisted of three different types of gyttja (fine grain-size, clayey-calcareous, clayey). The highest content of trace elements was determined in fine grain-size gyttja, which results from their current sorption properties, as well as alimentation by river waters flowing into the lakes.  The sediments contained relatively low concentrations of the analysed elements, which was reflected in the low values of the contamination factor (CF), the contamination degree (Cdeg), the geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and the enrichment factor (EF). Values of the Igeo point out also that these lake sediments were not contaminated by heavy metals. The total content of zinc and copper in some analyzed sediments was higher than the content assumed as acceptable for protected areas. The contribution of bioavailable forms of Zn and Cu ranges from 2.3 to 29.1% for Zn, and from 4.6 to 18.4% for Cu. The type of sediment, and the surface area largely determined the lake sediment chemical composition, while land-use in the catchments had a minor effect. This applies to both lakes of different parks and lakes within each of the parks