13 research outputs found

    The concept of strategic management in public administration

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    Koncepcja zarządzania strategicznego w administracji publicznej jest procesem identyfikacji i implementacji strategii całej organizacji. Polega na wykorzystywaniu wszelkich możliwych zasobów do realizacji zadań i celów strategicznych. Wzajemne przenikanie się takich obszarów jak finanse, badania i rozwój oraz efektywna strategia kierownictwa warunkują skuteczne zarządzanie administracją publiczną. Koncepcja zarządzania strategicznego wyróżnia szereg wypracowanych zasad pomocnych w skutecznym zarządzaniu zasobami ludzkimi. Podkreśla się, iż nadrzędnym priorytetem, jeśli chodzi o sferę publiczną, jest trwała poprawa jakości życia współczesnych i przyszłych pokoleń. Omawiając wymiar strategiczny w kontekście publicznym, należy pamiętać o wszystkich procesach zarządzania, tj. planowaniu, organizowaniu, koordynowaniu i kontroli.The concept of strategic management in public administration is the process of identifying and implementing strategies across the organization. It involves the use of all possible resources to perform tasks and strategic objectives. Interpenetration areas such as finance, research and development and effective strategy management determine the effective management of public administration. The concept of strategic management lists a number of developed guidelines to assist in the effective management of human resources. The overriding priority is the lasting improvement of quality of life for present and future generations. Discussing strategy in the public interest you should be aware of all management processes that includes planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling

    Strategy and development of organizations in the management of public administration

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    Rozwój ma nadrzędny w administracji publicznej. Strategia rozwoju organizacji w kontekście administracji publicznej uwzględnia wykorzystywanie wiedzy do analizy bieżącej i przyszłej działalności przy uwzględnieniu zmian pojawiających się w otoczeniu. Warto zauważyć, że polityka w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi oraz doskonalenie metod i narzędzi w poszczególnych obszarach poprawia efekty organizacji pracy, stosunki międzyludzkie oraz sprzyja realizacji przyjętych wcześniej zadań strategicznych. Nieustanny rozwój placówek publicznych wpływa też na ich ocenę zewnętrzną i przyczynia się do poprawy jakości świadczonych usług.The development has an overarching character as a concept for creating strategic objectives and priorities for the organization in public administration. The important role of strategy is well known, both in traditional and modern management. The development strategy of the organization in the meaning of public administration takes into account the use of knowledge to analyze current and future activities and predicting the possibility of changes occurring in the environment. Knowledge of human resources management, improvement of methods and tools, enhances the effects of work organization, relationships and promotes the implementation of previously assumed strategic tasks. Continuous development in the activity of public institutions also affects the external evaluation and contributes to improving the quality of provided services

    Preparation of three fusion proteins containing Gαi2 subunit and fluorescent proteins: mGFP, Citrine and mCherry

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    Wiele szlaków sygnałowych w komórkach rozpoczyna się od interakcji pomiędzy transmembranowymi receptorami GPCR a heterotrimerycznymi białkami G. Zmienność jednej z podjednostek tych białek, podjednostki α, determinuje podział białek G na cztery grupy z których jedną są białka Gαi/o. W pracy opisano stworzenie konstruktów fuzyjnych podjednostki Gαi2 z trzema białkami fluorescencyjnymi: mGFP, Citrine i mCherry. Otrzymane białka fuzyjne mogą służyć do badań nad oddziaływaniem pomiędzy białkami G a GPCR z wykorzystaniem mikroskopii konfokalnej.Heterotrimeric G proteins and receptors related to them, called GPCRs, are meaningful molecules in distinct signaling pathways in living cells. There are four types of G proteins, due to differences in subunit α of these molecules. This paper covers a preparation of diverse fusion proteins containing Gαi2 subunit and fluorescent proteins: mGFP, Citrine and mCherry. These proteins can be used to study their interactions with specific receptors using confocal microscopy

    Studying the activity of GPR18 receptor ligands

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    W grupie receptorów z rodziny sprzężonych z białkami G, poza dobrze poznanymi, znajdują się również receptory dla których aktualnie nie udało się zdefiniować endogennych ligandów. Są to receptory sieroce, i do tej grupy zalicza się białko GPR18. Ze względu na podobieństwo funkcjonalne sugeruje się, że receptor ten można by zaliczyć do grupy receptorów endokannabinoidowych. Proponowanym ligandem dla GPR18 jest obecnie N-arachidonyloglicyna. Jednakże, ze względu na sprzeczne wyniki ukazujące się w literaturze, nie udało się z całą pewnością potwierdzić tej hipotezy. Receptor GPR18 jest przedmiotem szerokich badań, ze względu na jego zaangażowanie w wielu istotnych procesach komórkowych. Czyni go to atrakcyjnym celem poszukiwań nowych leków. W niniejszej pracy opisano wpływ czterech substancji zsyntetyzowanych, jako ligandy receptora GPR18, w Katedrze Technologii i Biotechnologii Środków Leczniczych, Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, na linie komórkowe Hec-1B oraz HT1080.In G-protein coupled receptors family, apart from well-known ones, there are also receptors, which do not have defined endogenous ligands. Those are called orphan receptors, and one member of this group is GPR18 protein. Due to functional resemblance, it is suggested that it may be a part of endocannabinoid receptors group. Nevertheless, because of conflicting results present in literature, this hypothesis is still not confirmed. GPR18 is now a subject of extensive research, because of its involvement in important cellular processes. That makes it an attractive target for finding new medicines. This paper covers influence of four substances synthesized as potential GPR18 ligands, in the Department of Technology and Biotechnology of Drugs, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, on cell lines Hec-1B and HT1080

    The concept of strategic management in public administration

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    The concept of strategic management in public administration is the process of identifying andimplementing strategies across the organization. It involves the use of all possible resources to performtasks and strategic objectives. Interpenetration areas such as finance, research and development andeffective strategy management determine the effective management of public administration. Theconcept of strategic management lists a number of developed guidelines to assist in the effectivemanagement of human resources. The overriding priority is the lasting improvement of quality of life forpresent and future generations. Discussing strategy in the public interest you should be aware of allmanagement processes that includes planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling

    Strategy and development of organizations in the management of public administration

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    The development has an overarching character as a concept for creating strategicobjectives and priorities for the organization in public administration. The important role of strategy is wellknown, both in traditional and modern management. The development strategy of the organization in themeaning of public administration takes into account the use of knowledge to analyze current and futureactivities and predicting the possibility of changes occurring in the environment. Knowledge of humanresources management, improvement of methods and tools, enhances the effects of workorganization, relationships and promotes the implementation of previously assumed strategic tasks.Continuous development in the activity of public institutions also affects the external evaluation andcontributes to improving the quality of provided services

    Effect of α-lipoic acid on free radical processes in serum of rats on high fat diet

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    Background: Oils are often fried which reduces their beneficial biological and nutritional properties, contributing to disturbances in homeostasis. Some antioxidant substances can improve stability of oils. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of α-lipoic acid (ALA) on the concentration of sulfhydryl groups, lipid peroxides, malondialdehyde, creatinine and urea in serum of rats fed high fat diet for 3 months. Material and Methods: Thirty six Wistar rats were equally divided into 6 groups: the control group on standard breeding diet (SB), oxidized oil (OU) group on SB with 10% oxidized oil, ALA10 group on SB with ALA 10 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.), OU+ALA10 group on SB with oxidized oil and ALA (10 mg/kg b.w.), ALA50 group on SB with ALA in a dose of 50 mg/kg b.w., OU+ALA50 group on SB with oxidized oil and ALA (50 mg/kg b.w.). Oil was oxidized in 180°C for 6 h. Results: We observed decrease in concentration of protein sulfhydryl (PSH) groups in all study groups except for ALA10 vs. control group (C) and increase in OU+ALA10 and OU+ALA50 vs. OU; increase in the lipid hydroperoxide (LHP) concentration in OU, OU+ALA10 and OU+ALA50 vs. C and decrease in all study groups vs. OU; increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) in OU vs. all other groups. And also increase in creatinine and urea concentration in OU group. Conclusions: High fat diet rich in oxidized oil intensifies the lipid peroxidation process and oxidation of sulfhydryl groups. It can also impair kidney function. Administration of lipoic acid in a dose of 10 mg/kg b.w. inhibits the lipid peroxidation and protects sulfhydryl groups. Med Pr 2017;68(3):391–39

    The Usefulness of Vanin-1 and Periostin as Markers of an Active Autoimmune Process or Renal Fibrosis in Children with IgA Nephropathy and IgA Vasculitis with Nephritis—A Pilot Study

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    This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of vanin-1 and periostin in urine as markers of the autoimmune process in kidneys and renal fibrosis in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and IgA vasculitis with nephritis (IgAVN). From a group of 194 patients from the Department of Pediatrics and Nephrology, who were included in the Polish Pediatric Registry of IgAN and IgAVN, we qualified 51 patients (20 with IgAN and 31 with IgAVN) between the ages of 3 and 17, diagnosed based on kidney biopsy, for inclusion in the study. All of the patients received glucocorticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, or renoprotective therapy. The control group consisted of 18 healthy individuals. The concentration of vanin was significantly higher in the IgAN and IgAVN groups than in the control group. The concentration of vanin/creatinine correlates positively with the level of IgA and negatively with the serum level of C3 at the end of the observation. Urinary vanin-1 concentration may be useful as a marker of the active autoimmune process in IgAN and IgAVN in children, but the study needs confirmation on a larger group of children, along with evaluation of the dynamics of this marker. Urinary periostin is not a good marker for children with IgAN and IgAVN, especially in stage 1 and 2 CKD

    Usefulness of urinary collagen IV excretion for predicting the severity of Henoch-Schönlein nephropathy children

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of urinary collagen IV (Col IV) excretion for predicting the severity of autoimmune renal inflammation in children with HSN (Henoch-Schönlein nephritis). Material and methods: We studied 26 children, in whom HSN was diagnosed based on kidney biopsy. In all patients, urinalysis was performed and 24-hour urinary protein excretion was measured at the onset of the disease. All kidney biopsies were also scored using the Oxford classification: M – mesangial hypercellularity score (M0 absent, M1 present); E – presence of endocapillary proliferation (E0 absent, E1 present), S – segmental glomerulosclerosis/adhesion (S0 absent, S1 present), T – tubular atrophy/interstitial fibrosis (T0 ≤ 25%, T1 26-50%, T2 > 50%). The MEST score was calculated as the sum of M + E + S + T. Results: Urinary Col IV level was significantly higher in the study group than in control group. Urinary Col IV level was insignificantly higher in group A (nephrotic proteinuria) compared to the B (non-nephrotic proteinuria) and C (without proteinuria).We found no significant differences in the age at the disease onset, severity of proteinuria, and Col IV between groups 1 (S0, T0) and 2.(S1,T1/T2). The MEST score was significantly higher in group 2 than group 1. Conclusions: Urinary Col IV excretion in children with HSN may be related to the lesions severity by the Oxford classification but seems to be associated with the mean value (the MEST score). In younger children, a more aggressive disease course is observed, and thus earlier and more aggressive treatment should be considered in this group