51 research outputs found

    Natural language querying for video databases

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The video databases have become popular in various areas due to the recent advances in technology. Video archive systems need user-friendly interfaces to retrieve video frames. In this paper, a user interface based on natural language processing (NLP) to a video database system is described. The video database is based on a content-based spatio-temporal video data model. The data model is focused on the semantic content which includes objects, activities, and spatial properties of objects. Spatio-temporal relationships between video objects and also trajectories of moving objects can be queried with this data model. In this video database system, a natural language interface enables flexible querying. The queries, which are given as English sentences, are parsed using link parser. The semantic representations of the queries are extracted from their syntactic structures using information extraction techniques. The extracted semantic representations are used to call the related parts of the underlying video database system to return the results of the queries. Not only exact matches but similar objects and activities are also returned from the database with the help of the conceptual ontology module. This module is implemented using a distance-based method of semantic similarity search on the semantic domain-independent ontology, WordNet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Generalizing predicates with string arguments

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    The least general generalization (LGG) of strings may cause an over-generalization in the generalization process of the clauses of predicates with string arguments. We propose a specific generalization (SG) for strings to reduce over-generalization. SGs of strings are used in the generalization of a set of strings representing the arguments of a set of positive examples of a predicate with string arguments. In order to create a SG of two strings, first, a unique match sequence between these strings is found. A unique match sequence of two strings consists of similarities and differences to represent similar parts and differing parts between those strings. The differences in the unique match sequence are replaced to create a SG of those strings. In the generalization process, a coverage algorithm based on SGs of strings or learning heuristics based on match sequences are used. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2006

    Two learning approaches for protein name extraction

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Protein name extraction, one of the basic tasks in automatic extraction of information from biological texts, remains challenging. In this paper, we explore the use of two different machine learning techniques and present the results of the conducted experiments. in the first method, Bigram language model is used to extract protein names. In the latter, we use an automatic rule learning method that can identify protein names located in the biological texts. In both cases, we generalize protein names by using hierarchically categorized syntactic token types. We conducted our experiments on two different datasets. our first method based on Bigram language model achieved an F-score of 67.7% on the YAPEX dataset and 66.8% on the GENIA corpus. The developed rule learning method obtained 61.8% F-score value on the YAPEX dataset and 61.0% on the GENIA corpus. The results of the comparative experiments demonstrate that both techniques are applicable to the task of automatic protein name extraction, a prerequisite for the large-scale processing of biomedical literature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Using lexical chains for keyword extraction

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Keywords can be considered as condensed versions of documents and short forms of their summaries. In this paper, the problem of automatic extraction of keywords from documents is treated as a supervised learning task. A lexical chain holds a set of semantically related words of a text and it can be said that a lexical chain represents the semantic content of a portion of the text. Although lexical chains have been extensively used in text summarization, their usage for keyword extraction problem has not been fully investigated. In this paper, a keyword extraction technique that uses lexical chains is described, and encouraging results are obtained. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Natural language querying for video databases

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    The video databases have become popular in various areas due to the recent advances in technology. Video archive systems need user-friendly interfaces to retrieve video frames. In this paper, a user interface based on natural language processing (NLP) to a video database system is described. The video database is based on a content-based spatio-temporal video data model. The data model is focused on the semantic content which includes objects, activities, and spatial properties of objects. Spatio-temporal relationships between video objects and also trajectories of moving objects can be queried with this data model. In this video database system, a natural language interface enables flexible querying. The queries, which are given as English sentences, are parsed using link parser. The semantic representations of the queries are extracted from their syntactic structures using information extraction techniques. The extracted semantic representations are used to call the related parts of the underlying video database system to return the results of the queries. Not only exact matches but similar objects and activities are also returned from the database with the help of the conceptual ontology module. This module is implemented using a distance-based method of semantic similarity search on the semantic domain-independent ontology, WordNet. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    An Intelligent Backtracking Schema in a Logic Programming Environment

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    We present a new method to represent variable bindings in the Warren Abstract Machine (WAM), so that the ages of variable bindings can be easily found using this new representation in our intelligent backtracking schema. The age of a variable bound to a non-variable term is the youngest choice point such that backtracking to that choice point can make that variable an unbound variable again. The procedure backtracking point is the choice point of the procedure currently being executed or the choice point of its first ancestor having a choice point. Variable ages and procedure backtracking points are used in the process of figuring out backtracking points in our intelligent backtracking schema. Our intelligent backtracking schema performs much better than the results of other intelligent backtracking methods in the literature for deterministic programs, and its performance for non-deterministic programs are comparable with their results

    Summarization of documentaries

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    Video summarization algorithms present condensed versions of a full length video by identifying the most significant parts of the video. In this paper, we propose an automatic video summarization method using the subtitles of videos and text summarization techniques. We identify significant sentences in the subtitles of a video by using text summarization techniques and then we compose a video summary by finding the video parts corresponding to these summary sentences. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    Metadata extraction from text in soccer domain

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    Event detection is a crucial part for soccer video searching and querying. The event detection could be done by video content itself or from a structured or semi structured text files gathered from sports web sites. In this paper, we present an approach of metadata extraction from match reports for soccer domain. The UEFA Cup and UEFA Champions League Match Reports are downloaded from the web site of UEFA by a web-crawler. Using regular expressions we annotate these match reports and then extract events from annotated match reports. Extracted events are saved in an MPEG-7 file. We present an interface that is used to query the events in the MPEG-7 match corpus. If an associated match video is available, the video portions that correspond to the found events could be played. © 2008 IEEE

    Theories and proofs in fault diagnosis

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    This paper illustrates how theories (contexts), fail branches, and the ability to control the construction of proofs in MetaProlog play an important role in the expression of the fault diagnosis problem. These facilities of MetaProlog make it easier to represent digital circuits and the fault diagnosis algorithm on them. MetaProlog theories are used both in the representation of digital circuits and in the implementation of the fault diagnosis algorithm. Fail branches and the ability to control their construction play a key role during the construction of hypothesises to explain the fault in a given faulty circuit