35 research outputs found

    Da pedagogia à psicanálise

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    Violence against women

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    A partir de considerar las paradojas del orden simbólico, este texto aborda la violencia contra las mujeres, pero no solamente como un dato de estructura, y resitúa esa violencia en conexión con el llamado por Freud “rechazo a la femineidad”.Considering the paradoxes of the symbolic order, violence against women is not taken just as structural data and is reassessed according to what Freud called refusal of femininity.Dossier: Maneras trágicas de matar a una mujer - La sociedad del femicidioHospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Violence against women

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    A partir de considerar las paradojas del orden simbólico, este texto aborda la violencia contra las mujeres, pero no solamente como un dato de estructura, y resitúa esa violencia en conexión con el llamado por Freud “rechazo a la femineidad”.Considering the paradoxes of the symbolic order, violence against women is not taken just as structural data and is reassessed according to what Freud called refusal of femininity.Dossier: Maneras trágicas de matar a una mujer - La sociedad del femicidioHospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Violence against women

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    A partir de considerar las paradojas del orden simbólico, este texto aborda la violencia contra las mujeres, pero no solamente como un dato de estructura, y resitúa esa violencia en conexión con el llamado por Freud “rechazo a la femineidad”.Considering the paradoxes of the symbolic order, violence against women is not taken just as structural data and is reassessed according to what Freud called refusal of femininity.Dossier: Maneras trágicas de matar a una mujer - La sociedad del femicidioHospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Offloading personal security applications to a secure and trusted network node

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    The current device-centric protection model against security threats has serious limitations from the final user perspective, among the other the necessity to keep each device updated with the latest security updates and the necessity to replicate all the security polices across all devices. In our model, the protection is decoupled from the users terminals and it is provided through a Trusted Virtual Domain (TVD) instantiated in future edge routers. Each TVD provides unified and homogeneous security for a single user, irrespective of the terminal employed. This paper shows a first prototype implementing this concept through a network element, called Network Edge Device, capable of running the proposed virtualized architecture and making extensive use of SDN technologies, with the aim at providing a uniform security level for the final user

    Trends in Prescribing Oral Anticoagulants in Canada, 2008–2014

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    AbstractPurposeThe non–vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants (NOACs), dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban, provide several advantages over vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin. Little is known about the trends of prescribing OACs in Canada. In this study we analyzed changes in prescription volumes for OAC drugs since the introduction of the NOACs in Canada overall, by province and by physician specialty.MethodsCanadian prescription volumes for warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban from January 2008 to June 2014 were obtained from the Canadian Compuscript Audit of IMS Health Canada Inc and were analyzed by physician specialty at the national and provincial levels. Total prescriptions by indication were calculated based on data from the Canadian Disease and Therapeutic Index for all OAC indications and for each commonly prescribed dose of dabigatran (75, 110, and 150 mg), rivaroxaban (10, 15, and 20 mg), and apixaban (2.5 and 5 mg).FindingsThe overall number of OAC prescriptions in Canada has increased annually since 2008. With the availability of the NOACs, the proportion of total OAC prescriptions attributable to warfarin has steadily decreased, from 99% in 2010 to 67% by June 2014, and the absolute number of warfarin prescriptions has been decreasing since February 2011. The greatest decline in proportionate warfarin prescriptions was in Ontario. In general, the increase of NOAC prescriptions coincided with the introduction of provinces’ reimbursement of NOAC prescription costs. The proportion of total OAC prescriptions represented by the NOACs varied by specialty, with the greatest proportionate prescribing found among orthopedic surgeons, cardiologists, and neurologists.ImplicationsSince their approval, the NOACs have represented a growing share of total OAC prescriptions in Canada. This trend is expected to continue because the NOACs are given preference over warfarin in guidelines on stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation, because of growing physician experience, and due to the emergence of potential new indications. An understanding of the current prescribing patterns will help to encourage knowledge translation and possibly influence policy/reimbursement strategies

    Investigation of the interindividual variability in hepatic cytochrome P450 CYP3A4, association with CYP3A4*1B

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    grantor: University of TorontoIn this study, we determined the association of 'CYP3A4*1B' ('CYP3A4-V') to the large interindividual variability in hepatic CYP3A4. We observed a non-normal distribution in the amount of immunoreactive CYP3A4 present in 48 human liver samples. Probit and NTV analyses revealed that 38% of these samples had CYP3A4 protein levels below an apparent antimode of 21 pmol CYP3A4/mg microsomal protein. Interestingly, probit and NTV plots of testosterone 6Ăź-hydroxylation activity, a marker for CYP3A4 activity, of two liver banks also revealed approximately 40% of the population below an analogous antimode. This data suggests that approximately 40% of the Caucasian population forms a distinct subpopulation with low CYP3A4 activity. To determine whether 'CYP3A4*1B' associates with this low activity, we characterized our liver banks via a novel 'CYP3A4*1B' genotype assay. We found a 'CYP3A4*1B' allele frequency of 6% in the Caucasian population. Furthermore, we report no association between 'CYP3A4*1B ' and testosterone 6Ăź-hydroxylation. This study suggests ' CYP3A4*1B' allele has no association with CYP3A4 activity.M.Sc

    Dante, eretico

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    Soleva Roma, che ’l buon mondo feo, due soli aver, che l’una e l’altra strada facean vedere, e del mondo e di Deo. L’un l’altro ha spento; ed è giunta la spada col pastorale, e l’un con l’altro insieme per viva forza mal convien che vada. Dante, tramite Marco Lombardo, illustra la sua visione del mondo nel XVI canto del Purgatorio. Ci sono due soli, il papa e l’imperatore. Come sfondo, c’è un passo del Convivio (IV, v, 3-4): Dio invia sulla terra suo Figlio per riscattare gli uomini dal pecca..