1,003 research outputs found

    Nomenclature adjustments and new syntaxa of the arctic, alpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation

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    Proposte sintassonomiche e nomenclaturali per la vegetazione della Tundra alpina. Il capitolo riguardante l'alta quota appenninica è il più corposo e propone il nuovo syntaxon Leontopodio-Elynion a livello di alleanza. La grande novità sta nel fatto che questa alleanza è da considerarsi anfi-Adriatica e unsice Appennino e balcani, differenziandosi dall'alleanza già definita da altri per le Alpi. i Pirenei e i Carpazi.During preparation of the European checklist of vegetation units (EuroVegChecklist), it became clear that some earlier described syntaxa need to be typified in order to stabilize nomenclature and some new syntaxa need to be described. Here we propose nomenclature adjustments and formal description of four new alliances for the Arctic, alpine and oro-Mediterranean vegetation of Europe, Greenland and Anatolia. First, we typify the class Juncetea trifidi. Second, we describe four new alliances, such as the Puccinellion nuttallianae (Low-Arctic salt steppes of Greenland; class Saxifrago tricuspidatae-Calamagrostietea purpurascentis), Dryado octopetalae- Caricion arctisibiricae (Arctic tundra vegetation of north-eastern European Russia; class Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii), Leontopodio nivalis-Elynion myosuroidis (southern European alpine tundra vegetation; class Carici rupestris-Kobresietea bellardii) and Lagotido uralensis-Caricion ensifoliae (alpine tundra vegetation of the Southern Ural Mountains; class Juncetea trifidi). Two new associations are described within the first two of these alliances. Finally, we present an interpretation of the alliance Muscario-Scillion nivalis

    Beta-diversity of Central European forests decreases along an elevational gradient due to the variation in local community assembly processes

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    Beta-diversity has been repeatedly shown to decline with increasing elevation, but the causes of this pattern remain unclear, partly because they are confounded by coincident variation in alpha- and gamma-diversity. We used 8,795 forest vegetation-plot records from the Czech National Phytosociological Database to compare the observed patterns of beta diversity to null-model expectations (beta-deviation) controlling for the effects of alpha- and gamma-diversity. We tested whether \b{eta}-diversity patterns along a 1,200 m elevation gradient exclusively depend on the effect of varying species pool size, or also on the variation of the magnitude of community assembly mechanisms determining the distribution of species across communities (e.g., environmental filtering, dispersal limitation). The null model we used is a novel extension of an existing null-model designed for presence/absence data and was specifically designed to disrupt the effect of community assembly mechanisms, while retaining some key features of observed communities such as average species richness and species abundance distribution. Analyses were replicated in ten subregions with comparable elevation ranges. Beta-diversity declined along the elevation gradient due to a decrease in gamma-diversity, which was steeper than the decrease in alpha-diversity. This pattern persisted after controlling for alpha- and gamma-diversity variation, and the results were robust when different resampling schemes and diversity metrics were used. We conclude that in temperate forests the pattern of decreasing beta-diversity with elevation does not exclusively depend on variation in species pool size, as has been hypothesized, but also on variation in community assembly mechanisms. The results were consistent across resampling schemes and diversity measures, thus supporting the use of vegetation plot databases for understanding...Comment: Accepted version 25 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Inclusive education in the view of the Czech Republic principals

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    Contemporary trends in education more and more point to inclu- sive direction but there still seems to be pervasive occurrence of integrative approach. A number of Czech teachers discuss the issues of inclusive trends in relation to artificial diversity in schools which may result in more work for pedagogical staff, but fewer opportunities for average and talented students etc. However such interpretation is not very precise. This article aims to cast more light on the issue of inclusion and education based on analysis of systems in two countries which differ so much from the Czech model, but the ides lead to the same goal which focuses on the rights of a child to be educated

    Innovation drive axis-B at 4-axis horizontal machining center

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    katedra: KST; přílohy: 4 výkresy, 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 70s.In the thesis is solved inovation of B-Axis for machining center PHC-630-4x-2P. Identification with current status was made. In thesis is showed 4 variations of drive unit. 1st variation describes current status and design uf the unit. Other three variations are my own concepts. From these four variations was chosen the best one suits for VAPOS spol. s r.o. requests. Primary requests were to decrease the price and weight of the unit and improve maintenance ability within the frame of company. Detailed identification with chosen variation and making of  drawings are done. Economics evaluation is made. At the end of the thesis is summary and evaluation of reached goals.Diplomová práce pojednává o provedení inovace osy-B u obráběcího centra PHC-630-4x-2P. Na úvod dochází k seznámení s dosavadním stavem. Jsou představeny čtyři varianty pohonu. První varianta popisuje stávající stav a provedení pohonu. Zbylé tři varianty jsou vlastní návrhy vyplývající z této diplomové práce. Z těchto čtyř variant je vybrána ta, která nejvíce splňuje požadavky firmy VAPOS spol s.r.o.. Hlavními požadavky jsou snížení ceny pohonu, snížení hmotnosti pohonu a docílení lepší opravitelnosti v rámci firmy. Dochází k podrobnému seznámení s vybranou variantou a k vypracování její výkresové dokumentace. U vybrané varianty je provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty a vyhodnoceny dosažené cíle

    Ordoliberalism and "The German Economic Miracle"

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    V této bakalářské práci jsou stručně zaznamenány hlavní myšlenky učení freiburské školy, které tvoří hospodářský přístup zvaný ordoliberalismus. Největší část je přitom soustředěna na konstitující a regulující principy soutěžního řadu podle jednoho z hlavních představitelů Waltera Euckena. V další části práce je přibližně popsána poválečná situace Západního Německa a hospodářský směr, který se v té době využíval. Na tuto část navazuje další kapitola, která se zabývá ekonomickými reformami z roku 1948, rolí Ludwiga Erharda v nich a jejich vlivu na Západní Německo. Poté se bakalářská práce zaměřuje na zhodnocení výsledků těchto reforem a ekonomického růstu, který je označován jako "Německý hospodářský zázrak". Poslední část předložené práce je věnována analýze možnosti využití ordoliberálních zásad a principů v současnosti. Součástí této části je zhodnocení aplikovatelnosti ordoliberálních myšlenek v České republice.ObhájenoIn this bachelor thesis are briefly noted the main ideas of Freiburg school that forms the economic approach called ordoliberalism. The largest part in this case is focused on constituting and regulating principles of competition rules, according to one of the main representatives - Walter Eucken. The next part of the thesis roughly describes the post-war situation in the West Germany and the economic direction, which was being used at the time. This part is followed by the next chapter, which deals withthe economic reforms of 1948, Ludwig Erhard's role in them and their impact on the the West Germany. The bachelor thesis then focuses on evaluation of the results of these reforms and economic growth, which is known as "The German Economic Miracle". The last part of presented work is devoted to the possibility of implementation ordoliberalism policy and principles today. Part of this section is evaluation of the applicability of ordoliberalism ideas in the Czech Republic

    Alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats: an assessment for Sicily

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    Levels of plant invasions in different habitat types were assessed in several regional studies, but few of them were from the Mediterranean. Here we compare the levels of vascular plant invasion across habitats and plant communities of Sicily. We used a large dataset of plant species presences/ absences in vegetation plots to analyze the invasion patterns across habitats considering biogeography, life form and phenology of alien plants. Vegetation plots were classified based on the EUNIS classification of European habitats. The invasiveness of each species was expressed in terms of its absolute and percentage frequency. Representation of different life forms and phenological patterns was compared between alien and native species. The fidelity of alien species to individual habitats was calculated using the phi coefficient. Our analysis shows that annual and woody species are the most represented life forms in the alien flora of Sicily and that alien species tend to have a longer flowering period than the native species. The investigated habitats differed strongly in their level of invasion by alien species, ranging from 0 to 15.6% of aliens of all species recorded. Most of the habitats were colonized by very few alien species or completely lacked them, except for sandy coasts, naturally-disturbed riverbeds, and synanthropic habitats. It must be noted, however, that the number of alien species occurring in a given habitat does not relate to the severity of the impact of invasion in that habitat. Some habitats are invaded by few (or single) species, which attain a high cover, transforming the whole ecosystem. The habitat-based approach proved to be suitable for evaluating the habitat specificity and frequency of alien species at a regional scale, improving the capacity for risk assessment in different ecological contexts

    Panicum virgatum L.

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    V Brně bylo na dvou místech nalezeno zplanělé severoamerické Panicum virgatum. Je to prní nález tohoto adventivního druhu v České republice. V Brně-Bohunicích je zřejmá spojitost adventivního výskytu s pěstováním na okrasných záhonech v univerzitním kampusu. Doklad je uložen v herbáři BRNU.Panicum virgatum was found as introduced in the city of Brno in southern Moravia (Czech Republic). This is the first record of this North American species in the Czech Republic. In Brno-Bohunice the species was found in a street adjacent to the campus of the Masaryk University university, where it is cultivated as an ornamental. The herbarium voucher is deposited in the herbarium BRNU