71 research outputs found

    Effect of The Combination of Protected and Non-Protected Soybean Oil (Glycine max L.) Supplementation on Characteristics of Rumen Fermentation, Nutrient Digestibility, and Nitrogen Balance in Garut Sheep

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    Soybean oil is a high source of unsaturated fatty acids which if given to sheep have the potential to accumulate in the meat. However, in the rumen unsaturated fatty acids undergoes biohydrogenation by rumen microbes, and the addition of fat in the feed has the potential to reduce fiber fermentation in the rumen which can have an impact on animal performance. This study aimed to determine the effect of the combination of protected and non-protected soybean oil supplementation on the characteristics of rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen balance of Garut sheep. Twelve male Garut lambs aged 13 months and weighing 29±3.23 kg were kept in a metabolic cage and divided into three groups. The basal diet of 60% King grass and 40% pollard bran was supplemented with protected and non-protected soybean oil with the ratio of 3%:0%, 1.5%:1.5%, and 0%:3%, respectively, based on the dry matter of ration. The data obtained were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA, followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that supplementation had no effect on rumen fatty acids profile, microbial protein, ammonia concentration, total volatile fatty acids, acetat, propionate, butirat, and pH. The digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fibre, and crude fat were not affected. Supplementation also had no effect on nitrogen balance. Hence supplementation of different levels of protected fats did not influence animal performance in Garut sheep

    Effects of Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Synbiotic Mixed Culture Based on Wheat Pollard on Productivity of Kampung’s Chicken

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    This research was aimed to assess the effectiveness of processed wheat pollard -based rations to increase the productivity of Kampung chickens raised until 8 weeks old. The research was carried out in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consisted of wheat pollard based ration (WP), wheat pollard based ration plus probiotic mixed culture (WPPro), wheat Pollard as prebiotic mixed (WPPre)            , wheat pollard as synbiotic mixed culture ration 40% (WPS40), wheat pollard as synbiotic mixed culture ration 60% (WPS60)   . The parameters observed were feed consumption, final body weight, feed conversion ratio (FCR), weight gain, nitrogen retention, income over feed and chick cost (IOFCC) and profiles of intestinal villus. Results showed a significant effect of the treatments on the final body weight, weight gain, nitrogen retention, IOFCC and profiles of small intestinal villus (duodenum, jejenum, ileum). It was concluded that the inclusion of 40% wheat pollard synbiotic mixed culture (WPS 40) in the ration was able to increase the productivity of kampung chickens reared until 8 weeks old

    Pengolahan Sinbiotik Kultur Campuran yang Berasal dari Kombinasi Bekatul Gandum sebagai Prebiotik dan Jus Kubis Terfermentasi sebagai Probiotik melalui Proses Fermentasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas sinbiotik kultur campuran yang berasal dari jus kubis terfermentasi sebagai probiotik yang ditambahkan pada bekatul gandum sebagai prebiotik melalui proses fermentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 3x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang digunakan adalah lama pemeraman dan variasi konsentrasi jus kubis. Parameter yang diamati adalah komponen proksimat (kadar air, abu, lemak kasar, protein kasar, serat kasar dan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN), komponen serat berupa acid detergent fibre atau ADF, neutral detergent fibre (NDF), selulosa, hemiselulosa dan lignin, serta gross energi, glukosa, sukrosa, mannosa, arabinosa, rafinosa, amilum, amilosa, amilopektin dan pati resisten serta profil sinbiotik kultur campuran melalui analisis scanning electron microscope (SEM). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan pada kadar abu, protein kasar, serat kasar (p<0,05) sedangkan pada parameter BETN, ADF, NDF, hemiselulosa, lignin, gross energi, sukrosa, mannosa, arabinosa, rafinosa, amilosa, amilum, amilopektin dan pati resisten terdapat interaksi antar kedua faktor (p<0,05) namun pada parameter glukosa tidak terdapat interaksi antar kedua faktor. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu sinbiotik kultur campuran terbaik terdapat pada penambahan 40% jus kubis terfermentasi dengan lama fermentasi 4 hari. Sinbiotik kultur campuran ini dapat digunakan sebagai sumber additive untuk pangan maupun kepentingan lainnya seperti pakan ternak.Processing of Mixed Culture Sinbiotics Originating from the Combination of Wheat Pollard as Prebiotics and Fermented Cabbage Juice as Probiotics through the Fermentation ProcessAbstractThe objective of this study was to examine the quality of mixed culture synbiotics derived from fermented cabbage juice as probiotics which were added to wheat pollard as a prebiotic through the fermentation process. The study used a completely randomized 3x3 factorial pattern design with 3 replications and the observed factors were duration of incubation and concentrations of applied cabbage juice. Proximate components (water content, ash, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber and extraction material without nitrogen or BETN), fiber components (acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), gross energy, glucose, sucrose, mannose, arabinose, raffinose, starch, amylose, amylopectin and resistant starch and mix culture synbiotic profile through scanning electron microscope (SEM) were analyzed. The results showed a significant increase in ash content, crude protein, crude fiber (p<0.05) while in BETN, ADF, NDF parameters, hemicellulose, lignin, gross energy, sucrose, mannose, arabinose, raffinose, amylose, starch, amylopectin and resistant starch interaction between the two factors (p<0.05). However, in the glucose parameter there was no interaction between the two factors. The conclusion of the research is that the best mixed culture synbiotic is in the addition of 40% fermented cabbage juice with 4 days fermentation time. This mixed culture synbiotic can be used as an additive source for food and animal feed

    The Effect of Harvest Age on Different Regrowth on Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) Forage Yield by Intercropped with Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott

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    This research was carried out to examine the chicory forage yields on different regrowth which were intercropped with Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott (dwarf elephant grass) on different regrowth due to various harvest age. The research was conducted in the Laboratory of Forage and Pasture, Faculty of Animal Science UGM for 7 months, with a split-plot design and analyzed by Duncan with a total of 9 plots and an area of 2.5x2.5 m2 for each plot. The main plot was the harvest age treatment (30, 45, and 60 days) and the subplot was the regrowth (first and second). In the first stage, as many as 9 cuttings of dwarf elephant grass in one plot were planted with a spacing of 1x1 m2 until the plant height reaches 10 to 15 cm, then the chicory seeds were spread among the dwarf elephant grass plants with the sand mixture. The results showed the harvest age had a significant effect (P<0.05) on chicory's plant height, fresh forage yield, dry matter content, dry matter digestibility, and organic matter digestibility. The 30 to 45 days harvest age performed a higher fresh production more than the 45 days to 60 days harvest age. The 60 days harvest age and second regrowth yielded the highest mixed fresh production compared to the other harvest ages, namely from 12.50 ton/ha to 25.26 ton/ha. Based on the research results showed that the older the harvest age (60 days) increased the biomass of plant production but decreased the plant digestibility. The second regrowth was able to produce higher than the first regrowth, but there was no significant effect on the dry matter content and forage digestibility.

    Bacteriocin Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Rumen Fluid of Thin Tail Sheep

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    The objective of this study was to determine the activity and the stability of bacteriocin from lactic acid bacteria (BAL) isolated from rumen fluid of thin-tail sheep under the temperature (80, 100, and 121°C), pH (3, 7, and 10), and the length of storage (for 2 weeks under the temperature -8, 11, and 29°C). Lactic acid bacteria obtained by isolation, selection, and identification of thin-tailed sheep rumen fluid were used for bacteriocin production. The crude bacteriocin was partially purified using 70% ammonium sulfate, then was dialysis for 12 hours. The obtained bacteriocin then tested its inhibitory activity against E.coli (representing Gram-negative) and S. aureus (representing Gram-positive) under temperature (80, 100, and 121°C), pH (3, 7, and 10), and the length of storage (for 2 weeks under the temperature -8, 11, and 29°C). The data of bacteriocin activity based on pH, temperature, and the length of storage were analyzed with factorial, then when there was a significant difference of variable because treatment was continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test. The results showed that the bacteriocin activity of the three types of BAL against S.aureus is greater than E.coli. The highest activity was shown in pH 3, while the lowest activity was shown at pH 10 (P<0.01). The highest activity was shown at a heating temperature of 100°C, while the lowest activity was shown at a heating temperature of 80°C (P<0.01). The activity of bacteriocin produced by BAL 0 A, BAL 1 A, and BAL 4 C tended to be stable to the heating temperature of 80, 100, and 121°C but decreased with increasing pH value (pH 3, 7, and 10). The best of bacteriocin activity was found at pH 3 (acid), heating at 100°C, and stored at -8°C for 14 days

    Performance and Haematological Profile of Broiler Chickens Fed Diet Containing Atung (Parinarium glaberrimumHassk.) Seed Powder

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    This study investigated the effect of feeding atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk.) seed meal on growth performance and haematology profile in broiler chickens. A total of 140 one-day-old male New Lohmann broiler chicks were randomly assigned to five treatment groups with four replicates and seven birds in each replicate pen. The dietary treatments consisted of feeding the same corn-soybean meal as the basal diet with atung seed powder inclusions at levels of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0%, respectively. The data were statistically analyzed using One-way with five treatments and four replications and continued with Duncan's New Multiple Range Test for data with a significant difference. Results showed that feed intake increased (p<0.05) in broiler chickens fed diets with 0.5 and 1% atung seed powder. At the same time, the inclusion of atung seed powder had no effect on final body weight, weight gain, and FCR. Inclusion of 1 and 2% atung seed powder significantly increased leucocyte counts, as well as the PCV value trend increased with the inclusion of atung seed powder. It can be concluded that atung seed powder additives can be supplemented in broiler chickens feed at doses 1% by improving feed intake and some haematological profiles

    Effect of Compost Tea and Harvest Age on Productivity, Nutrient Content, and In vitro Digestibility Cichorium Intybus

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    The glass house experiment involving compost tea and harvest age was conducted to investigate the effect of giving compost tea (cricket and rabbit feces) and harvesting age on productivity, nutrient content, and in vitro digestibility value of Cichorium intybus. Compost tea (CT) is an aqueous extract from compost that can correct nutrient deficiencies during crop production and protect cultivation. The research treatment consisted of two factors, namely: the age of harvest and the dose of compost tea. The administration of compost tea consisted of three kinds of doses as follows: no compost tea (P0), 200 mL of compost tea (P1), and 400 mL of compost tea (P2). The experimental plants were harvested at different age, consisting of 25, 35 and 45 days after planting (DAP). The experimental design was Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 9 replications. The data were statictically analyzed using analisys of variance, and differences among value of each treatment were tested with the Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that compost tea dose and harvesting period treatment affected (P0.05) on the leaf width and root length. The results suggest that the fertilization treatment of 200 mL of compost tea and 25 DAP could increase productivity (leaf length and fresh leaf weight) of chicory, nutrient content (crude protein) of chicory, and in vitro digestibility (DMD and OMD)

    Effect of galangal essential oils on rumen microbial population and biodiversity on in vitro rumen fermentation

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    The study aimed to evaluate the effect of administering galangal essential oil (EO) on the abundance of rumen bacteria using the 16s rRNA method. The treatments included a control (no EO addition), galangal EO (30, 60, 120 µL), and cineole (5 µL). The treatments were assessed using a 48‐hour in vitro batch culture of rumen fluid containing a 60:40 ratio of forage to concentrate. For amplification of the prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) in region V4, 16s rRNA primer 5’GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGTAA, GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT3’ was employed. The data for rumen microbial abundance were analysed descriptively, while the data for rumen microbial diversity were obtained from the report on the Next Generation Sequencing Method. The microbial composition of each sample was tested for operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with a 97% identity rate on a valid label. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing yielded a total of 3,977 OTUs. Adding galangal and cineole EOs resulted in the same variation of the Shannon index. The population index (chao1 index) was highest when 60 µL of galangal EO was added, compared to 30 and 120 µL of galangal EO and cineole. In addition, providing 60 µL of galangal EO decreased the abundance of Prevotella ruminicola compared to the control and cineole doses. The addition of galangal EO also led to a decline in the number of Methanobacteriales. The population of the fibre‐degrading bacteria group (Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens) was higher in a dose of galangal EO than the control and cineole. Therefore, it can be concluded that the effective dose of galangal EO, i.e. 60 µL/300 mg (DM feed) in vitro, can reduce the abundance of Prevotella bacteria and methanogens

    Comparison of Nutrient Digestibility of Bligon and Kejobong Goats Fed by King Grass and Peanut Straw

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    This experiment aimed to determine the nutrient digestibility of Bligon and Kejobong goats fed by king grass and peanut straw. The sample used was 6 to 8 months of five male Bligon goats, and five male Kejobong goats with the initial body weight of 15 to 20 kg and placed in separated metabolism cages. The diet and water were supplied ad libitum. This experiment was done in 14 days of adaptation period and seven days of the collection period. In the collection period, samples of feed, refusal feed, and feces were collected to get the chemical content includes dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), crude protein (CP), nitrogen-free extract (NFE), and total digestible nutrient (TDN). The data obtained were subjected to a T-test analysis. Results showed that nutrients intake, digested nutrient as well as nutrient digestibility of Bligon and Kejobong goats were not significantly different. However, Kejobong goats had EE and CP intake of 15.42% and 14.02%, digested DM, OM, and NFE of 16.29%, 15.71%, and 13.93% respectively, as well as NFE digestibility 4.37% higher than those Bligon goats (P< 0.05). Therefore, there was no difference in nutrient intake, digested, and digestibility of nutrients in Bligon and Kejobong goats fed by king grass and peanut straw. However, Kejobong goats appeared to have higher EE and CP intake, as well as digested and digestibility of DM, OM, and NFE than Bligon goats.