3 research outputs found

    Produksi Benih Sintetik Tanaman Moringa oleifera

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    Perbanyakan tanaman Moringa oleifera secara generatif cukup sulit dilakukan karena kemampuan perkecambahan bijinya rendah kelangsungan hidupnya rendah, pertumbuhan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan kurangnya metode perbanyakan secara vegetatif. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut adalah dengan melakukan perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetatif melalui pendekatan bioteknologi yaitu teknik kultur in Vitro dan teknik enkapsulasi yang dapat menghasilkan benih sintetik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui tahapan yang dilakukan pada proses produksi benih sintetik tanaman Moringa oleifera. Tahapan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah induksi kalus embriogenik dalam medium MS + NAA 1 mg/L + Kinetin 1 mg/L. Kemudian kalus embriogenik  yang didapatkan akan dipindahkan ke medium maturasi BAP 3 mg/L. Pada tahap maturasi terjadi perkembangan kalus embriogenik menjadi embrio somatik. Embrio somatik yang didapatkan akan dienkapsulasi menggunakan Alginat dengan konsentrasi 4% dan diletakkan di CaCl2 konsentrasi 75 mM, saat benih sudah mengeras dibilas menggunakan aquades. Benih yang dhasilkan memiliki warna bening dan embrio berwarna putih kekuningan dengan diameter berkisar 5,2 – 5,7 mm dan memiliki berat basah berkisar 90 – 280 miligram

    Keragaman Genetik dan Respon Morfologi Beberapa Varietas Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) Serta Kajian Literatur Respon Fisiologi Dan Molekuler Tanaman Terhadap Cekaman Logam Berat Pb

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    Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum) merupakan sayuran buah yang memiliki potensi di bidang industri pangan, kosmetik dan kesehatan. Hal ini disebabkan karena kandungan senyawa karotenoid (likopen) yang tinggi, memiliki aktivitas antioksidan, anti kanker, vitamin dan mineral. S. lycopersicum memiliki beberapa varietas diantaranya varietas Mutiara, Rewakto F1, Permata F1 dan Opal. Produktivitas varietas S. lycopersicum dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor lingkungan. Salah satunya adalah paparan logam berat pada tanah. Logam berat yang sering ditemukan di lingkungan adalah logam berat Pb. Tanaman memiliki mekanisme respon yang bervariatif terhadap logam berat karena disebabkan oleh faktor genotip. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon morfo-fisiologi dan molekular tanaman tomat terhadap cekaman Pb dan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik beberapa varietas tanaman tomat. Penelitian dilakukan 2 aspek penelitian di laboratorium dan aspek studi literatur. Aspek penelitian meliputi keragaman genetik, respon morfologi yang diamati adalah panjang akar, tinggi tanaman, serta dianalisa dengan Anova two way menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan dua faktor (varietas tomat (Mutiara, Rewako F1, Permata F1 dan Opal) dan konsentrasi Pb (0, 75, 150 dan 300 ppm). Aspek studi literatur meliputi kadar prolin, kandungan klorofil, dan molekular yang akan dianalisa secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Marka RAPD dapat menunjukkan keragaman dari 4 varietas tomat. Dalam penelitian dan studi literatur ini logam berat Pb dapat menurunkan panjang akar, kadar prolin, kadar klorofil dan mempengaruhi ekspresi gen yang terlibat dalam protein folding (LEMT-1, LEMT-2, LEMT-3, LEMT-4, LEHsp90-1), biosintesis fitohormon (NCED 2/3, PIN1, EIN 2) dan metabolit antioksidan (P5CS1, GSH). ================================================================================================================== Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a fruit vegetable that has potential in the food, cosmetics and health industries. This is due to the high content of carotenoid (lycopene) compounds, which have antioxidant, anti-cancer, vitamin and mineral activities. S. lycopersicum has several varieties including Pearl varieties, Rewakto F1, Permata F1 and Opal. Productivity of S. lycopersicum is influenced by many environmental factors. One of them is exposure to heavy metals in the soil. Heavy metals that are often found in the environment are heavy metals Pb. Plants have varied response mechanisms to heavy metals because they are caused by genotypic factors. This study aims to determine the morpho-physiological and molecular responses of tomato plants to the Pb stress and to determine the genetic diversity of several varieties of tomato plants. The study was conducted 2 aspects of research in the laboratory and aspects of literature studies. Research aspects include genetic diversity, the observed morphological responses are root length, plant height, and analyzed by Anova two way using a factorial completely randomized design with two factors (tomato varieties (Mutiara, Rewako F1, Permata F1 and Opal) and concentration Pb (0, 75, 150 and 300 ppm) Aspects of the literature study include proline levels, chlorophyll content, and molecular content to be analyzed descriptively quantitatively. RAPD markers can show the diversity of 4 varieties of tomatoes.In this research and literature studies the heavy metals Pb can reduce root length, proline levels, chlorophyll levels and affect gene modulation in protein folding (LEMT-1, LEMT-2, LEMT-3, LEMT-4, LEHsp90-1), phytohormone biosynthesis (NCED 2/3, PIN1, EIN 2) and antioxidant metabolites (P5CS1, GSH)

    An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the Tengger tribe in Ngadisari village, Indonesia.

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    The people of Tengger, Indonesia have used plants as traditional medicine for a long time. However, this local knowledge has not been well documented until recently. Our study aims to understand the utilization of plants in traditional medicine by the people of Tengger, who inhabit the Ngadisari village, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency, Indonesia. We conducted semi-structured and structured interviews with a total of 52 informants that represented 10% of the total family units in the village. The parameters observed in this study include species use value (SUV), family use value (FUV), plant part use (PPU), and the relative frequency of citation that was calculated based on fidelity level (FL). We successfully identified 30 species belonging to 28 genera and 20 families that have been used as a traditional medicine to treat 20 diseases. We clustered all the diseases into seven distinct categories. Among the recorded plant families, Poaceae and Zingiberaceae were the most abundant. Plant species within those families were used to treat internal medical diseases, respiratory-nose, ear, oral/dental, and throat problems. The plant species with the highest SUV was Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (1.01), whereas the Aloaceae family (0.86) had the highest FUV. Acorus calamus L. (80%) had the highest FL percentage. The leaves were identified as the most used plant part and decoction was the dominant mode of a medicinal preparation. Out of the plants and their uses documented in our study, 26.7% of the medicinal plants and 71.8% of the uses were novel. In conclusion, the diversity of medicinal plant uses in the Ngadisari village could contribute to the development of new plant-based drugs and improve the collective revenue of the local society