474 research outputs found

    Investigation of Energy Levels in Foil Excited Atomic Beams Semiannual Status Report, 1 Feb. - 31 Jul. 1966

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    Relative population and mean lifetimes of levels in hydrogen and helium atomic beams using foil method of excitatio

    Measurement of High-Energy Gamma-Rays with a Photographic Bent Crystal Spectrograph

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    It has been shown by one of the authors and his coworkers that it is possible to determine accurately the wavelengths of gamma rays with quantum energies up to 1.3 Mev by direct crystal diffraction methods using the Mark I 2-meter bent crystal spectrograph at the California Institute of Technology. They were able to record and to measure with a precision of one part in 10^3 the two gamma rays at 1.17 and 1.33 Mev which are emitted by a Co^(60) source

    Report from solar physics

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    A discussion of the nature of solar physics is followed by a brief review of recent advances in the field. These advances include: the first direct experimental confirmation of the central role played by thermonuclear processes in stars; the discovery that the 5-minute oscillations of the Sun are a global seismic phenomenon that can be used as a probe of the structure and dynamical behavior of the solar interior; the discovery that the solar magnetic field is subdivided into individual flux tubes with field strength exceeding 1000 gauss. Also covered was a science strategy for pure solar physics. Brief discussions are given of solar-terrestrial physics, solar/stellar relationships, and suggested space missions

    Neutral pion production in solar flares

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    The Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) on SMM has detected more than 130 flares with emission approx 300 keV. More than 10 of these flares were detected at photon energies 10 MeV. Although the majority of the emission at 10 MeV must be from electron bremsstrahlung, at least two of the flares have spectral properties 40 MeV that require gamma rays from the decay of neutral pions. It is found that pion production can occur early in the impulsive phase as defined by hard X-rays near 100 keV. It is also found in one of these flares that a significant portion of this high-energy emission is produced well after the impulsive phase. This extended production phase, most clearly observed at high energies, may be a signature of the acceleration process which produces solar energetic particles (SEP's) in space

    A New Test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle and the Isotropy of Space

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    Recent research has established that nonsymmetric gravitation theories like Moffat's NGT predict that a gravitational field singles out an orthogonal pair of polarization states of light that propagate with different phase velocities. We show that a much wider class of nonmetric theories encompassed by the χg\chi g formalism predict such violations of the Einstein equivalence principle. This gravity-induced birefringence of space implies that propagation through a gravitational field can alter the polarization of light. We use data from polarization measurements of extragalactic sources to constrain birefringence induced by the field of the Galaxy. Our new constraint is 10810^8 times sharper than previous ones.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Mercury Orbiter: Report of the Science Working Team

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    The results are presented of the Mercury Orbiter Science Working Team which held three workshops in 1988 to 1989 under the auspices of the Space Physics and Planetary Exploration Divisions of NASA Headquarters. Spacecraft engineering and mission design studies at the Jet Propulsion Lab were conducted in parallel with this effort and are detailed elsewhere. The findings of the engineering study, summarized herein, indicate that spin stabilized spacecraft carrying comprehensive particles and fields experiments and key planetology instruments in high elliptical orbits can survive and function in Mercury orbit without costly sun shields and active cooling systems

    Time extended production of neutrons during a solar flare

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    The most energetic neutral emissions expected from solar flares are gamma rays (10 MeV) from relativistic primary and secondary electron bremsstrahlung,from approx 0 meson decay, and from neutrons ( 50 MeV). Bremsstrahlung photon energies extend to that of the highest energy electron present, but the shape of the pi sup 0 gamma ray spectrum, peaking at 69 MeV, does not depend strongly on the proton spectrum above threshold, which is approx. 292 MeV for meson production on protons. The highest energy neutrons observed indicate directly the highest energy ions which interact at the Sun, and the presence or absence of anergy cutoff in the acceleration process. The high-energy proton spectrum shape can be determined from the neutron spectrum

    Gamma-ray observations of Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3 using a coded-aperture telescope

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    A balloon-borne coded-aperture telescope, measuring gamma-ray photons in the 160 keV to 9.3 MeV range, was used to observe the Cygnus region of the sky on October 1 and 2, 1984. In the 2-9.3-MeV band, evidence is found for a hard spectral component with a mean flux level at the top of the atmosphere of 7.4 + or - 2.5 x 10 to the -7th photons/sq cm per s per keV, inconsistent with the predictions of the inverse Compton models normally used to describe the X-ray emission. Both Cyg X-1 and Cyg X-3 could be observed simultaneously with the telescope. The results are used to establish 1-sigma upper flux limits on the spectral emission from Cyg X-3