218 research outputs found

    Research on the Optimized Management of Agricultural Machinery Allocation Path Based on Teaching and Learning Optimization Algorithm

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    With the adjustment of agricultural industry structure and the acceleration of land transfer in our country, the appropriate management level of continuous, large scale and intensive farming has remarkably improved, which has put forward a higher requirement for the level of agricultural machinery. According to statistics, the comprehensive mechanization rate of farming, planting and harvesting of major crops in China has exceeded 70% in 2020. However, the development level of mechanization in different provinces and regions is still unbalanced, so is the demand and supply of seasonal agricultural machinery operation. Cross regional operation of agricultural machinery is still a common occurrence. So a scientific, efficient and low-cost agricultural machinery allocation scheme is to be constructed so as to solve the imbalance of development level between regions of agricultural mechanization and the contradiction between supply and demand of agricultural machinery in operation seasons and to realize the rational allocation of agricultural machinery in cross regional operation. The allocation scheme can increase the machinery owners\u27 income by improving the utilization rate and allocation cost of agricultural machinery.This study systematically analyzes and summarizes the allocation mode of agricultural machinery in the reclamation area, constructs relevant data models and solution methods, and ultimately comes to the effective solution of the operation relationship allocation model and path optimization model under different allocation modes of agricultural machinery based on TLBO optimization theory and method, which effectively solves the problem of rational and efficient allocation of agricultural machinery in cross regional operation of agricultural machinery

    Microbial transformation of neomycin by a mutant of neomycin-producing Streptomyces fradiae

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    Utilizing a mutant of neomycin-producing Streptomyces fradiae mutagenized with neutron radiation, biotransformation of neomycin into modified compounds was studied. The biotransformation products were isolated by ion exchange chromatography and monitored by thin layer chromatography bioautography (TLCB). Antibacterial activity of biotransformation products against ten species of bacteria including four plant pathogens was tested qualitatively by TLCB and detected quantitatively by Oxford cup method. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of biotransformation products was tested by agar diffusion method. Three isolated transformation products had obvious antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas solanacarum. At the concentration of 50 μg/ml, the transformation product X had a similar antibacterial effect with neomycin but the transformation product Y and Z showed a decreased effect compared to neomycin except for P. vulgaris and P. solanacarum. However, the results from MIC analysis demonstrated that only the transformation product X maintained the same inhibitory effect with neomycin.Key words: Neomycin, biotransformation, Streptomyces fradiae, mutant, neutron radiation

    Investigation into the mechanism of action of the antimicrobial peptide epilancin 15X

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    Addressing the current antibiotic-resistance challenge would be aided by the identification of compounds with novel mechanisms of action. Epilancin 15X, a lantibiotic produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis 15 × 154, displays antimicrobial activity in the submicromolar range against a subset of pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria. S. epidermidis is a common member of the human skin or mucosal microbiota. We here investigated the mechanism of action of epilancin 15X. The compound is bactericidal against Staphylococcus carnosus as well as Bacillus subtilis and appears to kill these bacteria by membrane disruption. Structure–activity relationship studies using engineered analogs show that its conserved positively charged residues and dehydroamino acids are important for bioactivity, but the N-terminal lactyl group is tolerant of changes. Epilancin 15X treatment negatively affects fatty acid synthesis, RNA translation, and DNA replication and transcription without affecting cell wall biosynthesis. The compound appears localized to the surface of bacteria and is most potent in disrupting the membranes of liposomes composed of negatively charged membrane lipids in a lipid II independent manner. Epilancin 15X does not elicit a LiaRS response in B. subtilis but did upregulate VraRS in S. carnosus. Treatment of S. carnosus or B. subtilis with epilancin 15X resulted in an aggregation phenotype in microscopy experiments. Collectively these studies provide new information on epilancin 15X activity

    Multiomics analysis of a resistant European turnip ECD04 during clubroot infection reveals key hub genes underlying resistance mechanism

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    The clubroot disease has become a worldwide threat for crucifer crop production, due to its soil-borne nature and difficulty to eradicate completely from contaminated field. In this study we used an elite resistant European fodder turnip ECD04 and investigated its resistance mechanism using transcriptome, sRNA-seq, degradome and gene editing. A total of 1751 DEGs were identified from three time points after infection, among which 7 hub genes including XTH23 for cell wall assembly and two CPK28 genes in PTI pathways. On microRNA, we identified 17 DEMs and predicted 15 miRNA-target pairs (DEM-DEG). We validated two pairs (miR395-APS4 and miR160-ARF) by degradome sequencing. We investigated the miR395-APS4 pair by CRISPR-Cas9 mediated gene editing, the result showed that knocking-out APS4 could lead to elevated clubroot resistance in B. napus. In summary, the data acquired on transcriptional response and microRNA as well as target genes provide future direction especially gene candidates for genetic improvement of clubroot resistance on Brassica species

    Deleterious Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial Mutations are associated With an increased Risk of Overall and Cancer-Specific Mortality

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    Mitochondria carry their own circular genome and disruption of the mitochondrial genome is associated with various aging-related diseases. Unlike the nuclear genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be present at 1000 s to 10,000 s copies in somatic cells and variants may exist in a state of heteroplasmy, where only a fraction of the DNA molecules harbors a particular variant. We quantify mtDNA heteroplasmy in 194,871 participants in the UK Biobank and find that heteroplasmy is associated with a 1.5-fold increased risk of all-cause mortality. Additionally, we functionally characterize mtDNA single nucleotide variants (SNVs) using a constraint-based score, mitochondrial local constraint score sum (MSS) and find it associated with all-cause mortality, and with the prevalence and incidence of cancer and cancer-related mortality, particularly leukemia. These results indicate that mitochondria may have a functional role in certain cancers, and mitochondrial heteroplasmic SNVs may serve as a prognostic marker for cancer, especially for leukemia

    Incorporating pleiotropic quantitative trait loci in dissection of complex traits: seed yield in rapeseed as an example

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    © The Author(s) 2017 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, duplication, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Most agronomic traits of interest for crop improvement (including seed yield) are highly complex quantitative traits controlled by numerous genetic loci, which brings challenges for comprehensively capturing associated markers/ genes. We propose that multiple trait interactions underlie complex traits such as seed yield, and that considering these component traits and their interactions can dissect individual quantitative trait loci (QTL) effects more effectively and improve yield predictions. Using a segregating rapeseed (Brassica napus) population, we analyzed a large set of trait data generated in 19 independent experiments to investigate correlations between seed yield and other complex traits, and further identified QTL in this population with a SNP-based genetic bin map. A total of 1904 consensus QTL accounting for 22 traits, including 80 QTL directly affecting seed yield, were anchored to the B. napus reference sequence. Through trait association analysis and QTL meta-analysis, we identified a total of 525 indivisible QTL that either directly or indirectly contributed to seed yield, of which 295 QTL were detected across multiple environments. A majority (81.5%) of the 525 QTL were pleiotropic. By considering associations between traits, we identified 25 yield-related QTL previously ignored due to contrasting genetic effects, as well as 31 QTL with minor complementary effects. Implementation of the 525 QTL in genomic prediction models improved seed yield prediction accuracy. Dissecting the genetic and phenotypic interrelationships underlying complex quantitative traits using this method will provide valuable insights for genomics-based crop improvement.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    RpoS Regulates a Novel Type of Plasmid DNA Transfer in Escherichia coli

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    Spontaneous plasmid transformation of Escherichia coli is independent of the DNA uptake machinery for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) entry. The one-hit kinetic pattern of plasmid transformation indicates that double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) enters E. coli cells on agar plates. However, DNA uptake and transformation regulation remain unclear in this new type of plasmid transformation. In this study, we developed our previous plasmid transformation system and induced competence at early stationary phase. Despite of inoculum size, the development of competence was determined by optical cell density. DNase I interruption experiment showed that DNA was taken up exponentially within the initial 2 minutes and most transforming DNA entered E. coli cells within 10 minutes on LB-agar plates. A half-order kinetics between recipient cells and transformants was identified when cell density was high on plates. To determine whether the stationary phase master regulator RpoS plays roles in plasmid transformation, we investigated the effects of inactivating and over-expressing its encoding gene rpoS on plasmid transformation. The inactivation of rpoS systematically reduced transformation frequency, while over-expressing rpoS increased plasmid transformation. Normally, RpoS recognizes promoters by its lysine 173 (K173). We found that the K173E mutation caused RpoS unable to promote plasmid transformation, further confirming a role of RpoS in regulating plasmid transformation. In classical transformation, DNA was transferred across membranes by DNA uptake proteins and integrated by DNA processing proteins. At stationary growth phase, RpoS regulates some genes encoding membrane/periplasmic proteins and DNA processing proteins. We quantified transcription of 22 of them and found that transcription of only 4 genes (osmC, yqjC, ygiW and ugpC) encoding membrane/periplasmic proteins showed significant differential expression when wildtype RpoS and RpoSK173E mutant were expressed. Further investigation showed that inactivation of any one of these genes did not significantly reduce transformation, suggesting that RpoS may regulate plasmid transformation through other/multiple target genes