851 research outputs found

    Characteristics of interval gastric neoplasms detected within two years after negative screening endoscopy among Koreans

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    Background In Korea, where gastric cancer is highly prevalent, biennial endoscopy is recommended among individuals over 40. Even under regular screening, some are still diagnosed at advanced stages. We aimed to identify characteristics of interval gastric neoplasms (IGNs) with rapid progression. Results Newly-diagnosed gastric neoplasms detected in screening endoscopy between January 2004 and May 2016 were reviewed. Among them, those who had previous endoscopy within 2 years were enrolled. Endoscopic findings, family history of gastric cancer, smoking, and H. pylori status were analysed. Totally, 297 IGN cases were enrolled. Among them, 246 were endoscopically treatable IGN (ET-IGN) and 51 were endoscopically untreatable IGNs (EUT-IGN) by the expanded criteria for endoscopic submucosal dissection. Among EUT-IGNs, 78% were undifferentiated cancers (40/51) and 33% showed submucosal invasion (13/40). They were median 2.0 cm in size and more commonly located in the proximal stomach than ET-IGNs (70.6% vs. 41.9%, p < 0.001). EUT-IGN was independently related with age < 60 (OR, 2.09; 95%CI, 1.03–4.26, p = 0.042), H. pylori (OR, 2.81; 95%CI, 1.20–6.63, p = 0.018), and absent/mild gastric atrophy (OR, 2.67; 95%CI, 1.25–5.72, p = 0.011). Overall and disease-specific survival were not significantly different between the two groups, however EUT-IGN tended to have short disease-specific survival (overall survival, p = 0.143; disease-specific survival, p = 0.083). Conclusions Uniform screening endoscopy with two-year interval seems not enough for rapid-growing gastric neoplasms, such as undifferentiated cancers. They tended to develop in adults younger than 60 with H. pylori infection without severe gastric atrophy. More meticulous screening, especially for proximal lesions is warranted for adults younger than 60 with H. pylori infection before development of gastric atrophy

    Synthesis and bioactivity of a conjugate composed of green tea catechins and hyaluronic acid

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    (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a green tea polyphenol that has several biological activities, including anti-cancer activity and anti-inflammation. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally-occurring polysaccharide that is widely used as a biomaterial for drug delivery and tissue engineering due to its viscoelastic, biocompatible and biodegradable properties. By conjugating HA with EGCG, the resulting HA-EGCG conjugate is expected to exhibit not only the inherent properties of HA but also the bioactivities of EGCG. Toward this end, we report the synthesis of an amine-functionalized EGCG as an intermediate compound for conjugation to HA. EGCG was reacted with 2,2-diethoxyethylamine (DA) under acidic conditions, forming ethylamine-bridged EGCG dimers. The EGCG dimers were composed of four isomers, which were characterized by HPLC, high-resolution mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. The amine-functionalized EGCG dimers were conjugated to hyaluronic acid (HA) through the formation of amide bonds. HA-EGCG conjugates demonstrated several bioactivities which were not present in unmodified HA, including resistance to hyaluronidase-mediated degradation, inhibition of cell growth and scavenging of radicals. The potential applications of HA-EGCG conjugates are discussed

    Nitric oxide directly activates calcium-activated potassium channels from rat brain reconstituted into planar lipid bilayer

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    AbstractUsing the planar lipid bilayer technique, we tested whether NO directly activates calcium-activated potassium (Maxi-K) channels isolated from rat brain. We used streptozotocin (STZ) as NO donor, and the NO release was controlled with light. In the presence of 100–800 μM STZ, the Maxi-K channel activity increased up to 3-fold within several tens of seconds after the light was on, and reversed to the control level several minutes after shutting off the light. Similar activation was observed with other NO donors such as S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine and sodium nitroprusside. The degree of activity increase was dependent upon the initial open probability (Pinit). When the Pinit was lower, the activity increase was greater. These results demonstrate that NO can directly affect the Maxi-K channel activity, and suggest that the Maxi-K channel might be one of the physiological targets of NO in brain

    A Case of Biopsy-proven Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease with Hemiparkinsonism

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    Patients with dementia and concomitant parkinsonism are frequently encountered in the elderly population. When it comes to young adults, however, coexistence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) is rare. We described a case of 47-year old man with presenile onset dementia associated with hemiparkinsonism involving the right extremities. Brain biopsy showed neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques, compatible with Alzheimer's disease. Iodine-123 labelled N-(3-iodopropen-2-yl)-2beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-chlorophenyl) tropane ([(123)I]IPT) SPECT, dopamine transporter imaging, revealed a decreased uptake in both basal ganglia, more severe on the left side, particularly the caudal putamen, which is consistent with the finding of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. This case is unique in that damage on the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in a patient with Alzheimer's disease was demonstrated by a functional neuroimaging study and that early-onset AD and early-onset PD, two rare conditions, coexist in the same individual


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 10 weeks training program on lower extremity strength and' vertical reaction force during sit-to-stand movement in chronic stroke patients. Maximum vertical ground reaction force, difference of vertical ground reaction force between left and right foot, COP in anteriorposterior and mediolateral direction did not show any significant time main effect. However, the difference of body weight distribution between the left and right foot was decreased in experimental group after training. The peak torque generated by the flexors of the paretic limb at 60o /sec and 180o/sec in experimental group changed from baseline, an increases of 30.23% and 24.09%, respectively. These results appear that 10 weeks training program improves sit-to-stand movement and lower extremity strength in chronic stroke patients

    Effects of Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, and Electrostimulation Treatments on Plantaris by Casting Model

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    It is essential to seek the therapeutic strategy for attenuating muscle atrophy because muscle atrophy diminishes the quality of life. Acupuncture and electrostimulation have been used as a therapeutic intervention to control pain under pathological conditions. However, little is known about the effects of acupuncture and electrostimulation on skeletal muscle mass and function. PURPOSE: To test whether acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and electrostimulation affect muscle mass and contractile properties METHODS: Forty female Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: 1) Control (CON), 2) Cast (CT), 3) CT+ Acupuncture (AC), 4) CT+ Electroacupuncture (EA), and 5) CT+ Electrostimulation (ES) (n=8 each). The plaster casting material was wrapped from the trunk to the middle of one hind paw. Acupuncture and Electro-Acupuncture treatment (2-15 Hz, 2-4 Voltage) was applied by needling ST36 and GB34 (acupoints). Electrostimulation (2-15 Hz, 2-4 Voltage) was conducted by needling in the lateral and medial Gastrocnemius. All treatments were conducted 15 minutes with 3 times/wk for 14 days. Two major atrophy markers, muscle-specific E3 ubiquitin ligases, MAFbx/atrogin1 and muscle ring Finger -1 (MuRF1), were measured using the Western blot method. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with the Least Significant Difference post hoc test. RESULTS: After 2 weeks of casting, plantaris showed significant atrophy in CT compared to the CON group (143.94±13.08 vs. 223.9±20.93 mg; p\u3c0.05). MAFbx/atrogin1 and MuRF1 were significantly increased with CT, while decreased with treatments (AC, EA, and ES). The peak twitch tension was significantly decreased in CT, while increased in AC and ES. However, AC, EA, ES did not alleviate muscle atrophy associated with casting. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture and electrostimulation can be used as effective therapeutic interventions for decreased muscle strength that is associated with casting-induced muscle atrophy