219 research outputs found

    On the Impossibility of General Parallel Fast-Forwarding of Hamiltonian Simulation

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    Hamiltonian simulation is one of the most important problems in the field of quantum computing. There have been extended efforts on designing algorithms for faster simulation, and the evolution time T for the simulation greatly affect algorithm runtime as expected. While there are some specific types of Hamiltonians that can be fast-forwarded, i.e., simulated within time o(T), for some large classes of Hamiltonians (e.g., all local/sparse Hamiltonians), existing simulation algorithms require running time at least linear in the evolution time T. On the other hand, while there exist lower bounds of ?(T) circuit size for some large classes of Hamiltonian, these lower bounds do not rule out the possibilities of Hamiltonian simulation with large but "low-depth" circuits by running things in parallel. As a result, physical systems with system size scaling with T can potentially do a fast-forwarding simulation. Therefore, it is intriguing whether we can achieve fast Hamiltonian simulation with the power of parallelism. In this work, we give a negative result for the above open problem in various settings. In the oracle model, we prove that there are time-independent sparse Hamiltonians that cannot be simulated via an oracle circuit of depth o(T). In the plain model, relying on the random oracle heuristic, we show that there exist time-independent local Hamiltonians and time-dependent geometrically local Hamiltonians on n qubits that cannot be simulated via an oracle circuit of depth o(T/n^c), where the Hamiltonians act on n qubits, and c is a constant. Lastly, we generalize the above results and show that any simulators that are geometrically local Hamiltonians cannot do the simulation much faster than parallel quantum algorithms

    Prescription pattern and effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs in patients with aortic dissection who underwent surgery

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    Background: Surgical patients with aortic dissection often require multiple antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure. However, the prescription pattern and effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs for these patients are unclear. We aimed to investigate the prescription pattern and effectiveness of different classes of antihypertensive drugs in surgical patients with aortic dissection.Methods: Newly diagnosed aortic dissection patients who underwent surgery, aged >20 years, from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2017 were identified. Patients with missing data, in-hospital mortality, aortic aneurysms, or congenital connective tissue disorders, such as Marfan syndrome, were excluded. Prescription patterns of antihypertensive drugs were identified from medical records of outpatient visits within 90 days after discharge. Antihypertensive drugs were classified into four classes: 1) β-blockers, 2) calcium channel blockers (CCBs), 3) renin–angiotensin system, and 4) other antihypertensive drugs. Patients were classified according to the number of classes of antihypertensive drugs as follows: 1) class 0, no exposure to antihypertensive drugs; 2) class 1, antihypertensive drugs of the same class; 3) class 2, antihypertensive drugs of two classes; 4) class 3, antihypertensive drugs of three classes; or 5) class 4, antihypertensive drugs of four classes. The primary composite outcomes included rehospitalization associated with aortic dissection, death due to aortic dissection, and all-cause mortality.Results: Most patients were prescribed two (28.87%) or three classes (28.01%) of antihypertensive drugs. In class 1, β-blockers were most commonly used (8.79%), followed by CCBs (5.95%). In class 2, β-blockers+CCB (10.66%) and CCB+RAS (5.18%) were the most common drug combinations. In class 3, β-blockers + CCB+RAS (14.84%) was the most prescribed combination. Class 0 had a significantly higher hazard of the composite outcome (HR, 2.1; CI, 1.46–3.02; p < 0.001) and all-cause mortality (HR, 2.34; CI, 1.56–3.51; p < 0.001) than class 1. There were no significant differences in hazards for rehospitalization associated with aortic dissection among classes.Conclusion: Among operated patients with type A aortic dissection, no specific type of antihypertensive drug was associated with a better outcome, whereas among those with type B aortic dissection, the use of β-blockers and CCBs was related to a significantly lower risk of the composite outcome

    Visual Attention Performances and Related Cerebral Microstructural Integrity Among Subjects With Subjective Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Objective: To compare visual attention performances and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) between subjects with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and to discover neuronal substrates related to visual attention performances.Methods: Thirty-nine subjects with SCD and 15 with MCI, diagnosed following neuropsychological tests and conventional brain magnetic resonance imaging, were recruited. All subjects were further examined by the Conners Continuous Performance Test 3 (CPT3) and DTI including fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), in which group comparisons and stepwise linear regression were made.Results: Subjects with MCI had a worse performance in all retrieval indices of verbal/nonverbal memory tests than those with SCD in the context of comparable general cognition and demographic status. In the CPT3, subjects with MCI had a significant longer hit reaction time (HRT) by univariate but not multivariate comparisons. Further analysis suggested that a longer HRT across all interstimuli intervals and at the point of fourth to sixth blocks were noted among MCI subjects. In DTI evaluations, FA value within the left forceps major was the only hotspot with significant between-group differences after the Bonferroni correction of FA and MD values. On the basis that HRT had significant inverse correlations with FA value within the genu of the corpus callosum and left forceps minor, regression analysis was conducted, showing HRT was best predicted by the FA value within the left forceps minor. Area under receiver operative characteristic curve was 0.70; the optimum cut-off for HRT was 515.8 ms, with a sensitivity of 85% but specificity of 47%.Conclusions: Our report suggested that impaired sustained attention and vigilance to be an early cognitive marker in differentiating MCI from SCD, where MCI subjects had a longer HRT across all interstimuli intervals and more profoundly in later blocks. FA measures appeared to be more sensitive DTI parameters than MD values in detecting microstructural changes between SCD and MCI. The role of the anterior interhemispheric fibers in sustained attention implementation during visual signal detection task was highlighted

    Purification and Characterization of Hemagglutinating Proteins from Poker-Chip Venus (Meretrix lusoria) and Corbicula Clam (Corbicula fluminea)

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    Hemagglutinating proteins (HAPs) were purified from Poker-chip Venus (Meretrix lusoria) and Corbicula clam (Corbicula fluminea) using gel-filtration chromatography on a Sephacryl S-300 column. The molecular weights of the HAPs obtained from Poker-chip Venus and Corbicula clam were 358 kDa and 380 kDa, respectively. Purified HAP from Poker-chip Venus yielded two subunits with molecular weights of 26 kDa and 29 kDa. However, only one HAP subunit was purified from Corbicula clam, and its molecular weight was 32 kDa. The two Poker-chip Venus HAPs possessed hemagglutinating ability (HAA) for erythrocytes of some vertebrate animal species, especially tilapia. Moreover, HAA of the HAP purified from Poker-chip Venus was higher than that of the HAP of Corbicula clam. Furthermore, Poker-chip Venus HAPs possessed better HAA at a pH higher than 7.0. When the temperature was at 4°C–10°C or the salinity was less than 0.5‰, the two Poker-chip Venus HAPs possessed better HAA compared with that of Corbicula clam

    In vitro modification of human centromere protein CENP-C fragments by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) protein: Definitive identification of the modification sites by tandem mass spectrometry analysis of the isopeptides

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    Protein sumoylation by small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteins is an important post-translational regulatory modification. A role in the control of chromosome dynamics was first suggested when SUMO was identified as high-copy suppressor of the centromere protein CENP-C mutants. CENP-C itself contains a consensus sumoylation sequence motif that partially overlaps with its DNA binding and centromere localization domain. To ascertain whether CENP-C can be sumoylated, tandem mass spectrometry (MS) based strategy was developed for high sensitivity identification and sequencing of sumoylated isopeptides present among in-gel-digested tryptic peptides of SDS-PAGE fractionated target proteins. Without a predisposition to searching for the expected isopeptides based on calculated molecular mass and relying instead on the characteristic MS/MS fragmentation pattern to identify sumolylation, we demonstrate that several other lysine residues located not within the perfect consensus sumoylation motif {psi}KXE/D, where {psi} represents a large hydrophobic amino acid, and X represnts any amino acid, can be sumolylated with a reconstituted in vitro system containing only the SUMO proteins, E1-activating enzyme and E2-conjugating enzyme (Ubc9). In all cases, target sites that can be sumoylated by SUMO-2 were shown to be equally susceptible to SUMO-1 attachments which include specific sites on SUMO-2 itself, Ubc9, and the recombinant CENP-C fragments. Two non-consensus sites on one of the CENP-C fragments were found to be sumoylated in addition to the predicted site on the other fragment. The developed methodologies should facilitate future studies in delineating the dynamics and substrate specificities of SUMO-1/2/3 modifications and the respective roles of E3 ligases in the process

    Multiple Lineages of Human Breast Cancer Stem/Progenitor Cells Identified by Profiling with Stem Cell Markers

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    Heterogeneity of cancer stem/progenitor cells that give rise to different forms of cancer has been well demonstrated for leukemia. However, this fundamental concept has yet to be established for solid tumors including breast cancer. In this communication, we analyzed solid tumor cancer stem cell markers in human breast cancer cell lines and primary specimens using flow cytometry. The stem/progenitor cell properties of different marker expressing-cell populations were further assessed by in vitro soft agar colony formation assay and the ability to form tumors in NOD/SCID mice. We found that the expression of stem cell markers varied greatly among breast cancer cell lines. In MDA-MB-231 cells, PROCR and ESA, instead of the widely used breast cancer stem cell markers CD44+/CD24-/low and ALDH, could be used to highly enrich cancer stem/progenitor cell populations which exhibited the ability to self renew and divide asymmetrically. Furthermore, the PROCR+/ESA+ cells expressed epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers. PROCR could also be used to enrich cells with colony forming ability from MB-361 cells. Moreover, consistent with the marker profiling using cell lines, the expression of stem cell markers differed greatly among primary tumors. There was an association between metastasis status and a high prevalence of certain markers including CD44+/CD24−/low, ESA+, CD133+, CXCR4+ and PROCR+ in primary tumor cells. Taken together, these results suggest that similar to leukemia, several stem/progenitor cell-like subpopulations can exist in breast cancer