7 research outputs found

    Population status of Bupleurum aureum (Apiaceae), a Critically Endangered plant species in a region of European Russia

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    Protected Areas are considered as an important and widely applied tool for biodiversity conservation. They are especially relevant for conservation of threatened species populations. This paper presents study aimed to investigate population status and suitability of habitat conditions of a regionally Critically Endangered plant species, Bupleurum aureum (Apiaceae). Our research has been conducted in National Park “Smolny” (European Russia). The field studies were carried out in 2008, 2013–2018 in two study sites (Plot1, Plot2). In each study sites, square plots (1×1 m) were established to cover the most number of B. aureum individuals. The population status was assessed on the basis of the morphometric traits of individuals (height of generative individuals, number of umbellulas per umbella, number of schizocarpiums per umbellula), number of individuals per population, age structure of populations, composition of accompanying flora. We analysed relationships between environmental conditions (shadiness, soil moisture, salt regime of soil, soil nitrogen, soil pH, soil moisture variability) and morphometric and population traits of B. aureum to reveal the most influencing environmental factors. We found that at the north-western limit of the range, B. aureum has relatively low abundance and height of individuals in compare to available data from other parts of its range. The population age structure indicated higher habitat suitability in Plot1 due to presence of both vegetative and generative individuals. At the same time, in Plot2, B. aureum population is under serious threat due to a lack of vegetative individuals noted during almost whole study period. We suppose a forthcoming threat of probable loss of this B. aureum population. Environment data obtained in both habitats of B. aureum populations in National Park “Smolny” (Russia) indicated high relationships between soil moisture and the number of inflorescences formed by plants. We suppose a threat of extinction of the B. aureum population due to the building activity of Castor fiber inhabiting the small river Bakhmustika located nearby of study area. If the small river will be dammed, it could lead to decrease in B. aureum population in both studied sites due to the increase in ground water level

    IUCN guidelines using for assessment of plants from the Red Book of Russian Federation at regional level: a case study for the Republic of Mordovia (Russia)

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    There are 15 plant species included in the Russian Red Book, which occur in the Republic of Mordovia: Najas tenuissima, Koeleria sclerophylla, Stipa dasyphylla, S. pennata, S. pulcherrima, S. zalesskii, Fritillaria ruthenica, Iris aphylla, Cypripedium calceolus, Cephalanthera rubra, Epipogium aphyllum, Neottianthe cucullata, Orchis militaris, Neotinea ustulata, Thymus cimicinus. Of these, only C. calceolusis included in the Global Red List as Critically Endangered. Threat status for studied species in Mordovia was assessed, and their distribution dynamics in this region throughout 12 years was described. Recent floristic studies, inspections of herbariums and literature were used for searches all provided data. Grid mapping and IUCN criteria were used. Nine taxa were determined as Critically Endangered, three as Endangered, one as Vulnerable, one as Near Threatened and one as Data Deficient. The areas of occupancy and extent of occurrence inMordovia were assessed for each taxon. All studied species should be included in the next edition of the Mordovian Red Book. F. ruthenica, E. aphyllum, N. ustulata, T. cimicinus require additional studies to confirm earlier observations

    Population Status of a Regionally Endangered Plant, <i>Lunaria rediviva</i> (Brassicaceae), near the Eastern Border of Its Range

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    Long-term studies of plant populations provide valuable knowledge on the influence of various environmental factors on plant species. The status of edge-range species populations is especially important to be studied due to their higher vulnerability to extinction. This paper aimed to study the Lunaria rediviva population at the eastern border of its range (National Park “Smolny”, Republic of Mordovia, Russia). The study was carried out in 2013–2018. Assessment of the L. rediviva population was performed on the basis of individual parameters of plants (height of the individual, number of leaves per individual, number of inflorescences, flowers, fruits per one generative individual, and the fruit set), and density of individuals. Ontogenetic structure of the population was identified by distinguishing juvenile, mature vegetative, and reproductive individuals. The relationships between weather conditions (mean values of temperature, air moisture, wind strength, precipitation divided to three decades per month) and population parameters of L. rediviva were identified. Results showed changes in the ontogenetic structure of the population. The type of its population changed from vegetatively oriented to bimodal, with a decrease (R2 = 0.686) in the proportion of mature vegetative individuals. We demonstrated a significant decline in some parameters of the L. rediviva reproduction. We found a significant negative correlation between the fruit set and the moisture at mid-July (r = −0.84, p p p L. rediviva population status

    Invasion of alien plants in fire-damaged forests at southern boundary of the taiga zone

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    Aim of study: Biological invasions are one of the most important areas of forest research. In this study, we revealed invasibility of fire-damaged forests at the southern boundary of the taiga zone.Area of study: The Mordovia State Nature Reserve (Central Russia).Material and Methods: Altogether, 11 square plots of each 100 ×100 m were established in different types of fire-damaged forests. To test plant invasion outside the established plots, field researches were carried out by route method in fire-damaged area of the Mordovia Reserve.Main Results: Six alien species (Erigeron canadensis, E. annuus, Oenothera biennis, Lactuca serriola, Sambucus racemosa, Viola arvensis) were registered within the established plots in 2011–2014. In addition, two alien invasive plants (Solidago canadensis and Bidens frondosa) were found outside these plots. No differences were detected in invasibility of the tested forest ecosystems.Research highlights: Among the revealed alien species, Erigeron canadensis, Lactuca serriola and Solidago canadensis are the most invasive plants in forest ecosystems. The first one was observed with a high occurrence frequency and abundance in all forest types tested. The second one has not been differed by abundance, but it characterized by a high competition as well as a large biomass and a large number of seeds. Solidago canadensis penetrated to natural forest ecosystem in a short time period due to closest location of its dispersal centers near the boundary of the Mordovia Reserve. These species are the most probable invaders of the forest ecosystems.Keywords: Invasive plants; invisibility; post-fire successions; Mordovia State Nature Reserve; wildfire; forest ecosystem

    Invasion of alien plants in fire-damaged forests at southern boundary of the taiga zone

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    Aim of study: Biological invasions are one of the most important areas of forest research. In this study, we revealed invasibility of fire-damaged forests at the southern boundary of the taiga zone. Area of study: The Mordovia State Nature Reserve (Central Russia). Material and Methods: Altogether, 11 square plots of each 100 ×100 m were established in different types of fire-damaged forests. To test plant invasion outside the established plots, field researches were carried out by route method in fire-damaged area of the Mordovia Reserve. Main Results: Six alien species (Erigeron canadensis, E. annuus, Oenothera biennis, Lactuca serriola, Sambucus racemosa, Viola arvensis) were registered within the established plots in 2011–2014. In addition, two alien invasive plants (Solidago canadensis and Bidens frondosa) were found outside these plots. No differences were detected in invasibility of the tested forest ecosystems. Research highlights: Among the revealed alien species, Erigeron canadensis, Lactuca serriola and Solidago canadensis are the most invasive plants in forest ecosystems. The first one was observed with a high occurrence frequency and abundance in all forest types tested. The second one has not been differed by abundance, but it characterized by a high competition as well as a large biomass and a large number of seeds. Solidago canadensis penetrated to natural forest ecosystem in a short time period due to closest location of its dispersal centers near the boundary of the Mordovia Reserve. These species are the most probable invaders of the forest ecosystems. Keywords: Invasive plants; invisibility; post-fire successions; Mordovia State Nature Reserve; wildfire; forest ecosystem

    Estimation of taxa included in the first volume of the Red Data Book of the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria

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    The paper presents an estimation of taxa included in the first volume of the Red Data Book of the Republic of Mordovia using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Each taxon is provided by a category and all criteria appropriate for it within the region. The paper contains the estimation results of 177 taxa of vascular plants, mosses and algae from the first volume Red Data Book of the Republic of Mordovia (second edition). Of these, 137 are Threatened: 73 taxa are Critically Endangered (category CR), 41 taxa Endangered (category EN), 23 are Vulnerable (category VU), 31 taxa are Near Threatened (category NT). Nine taxa are in the category Data Deficient (DD), due to a lack of sufficient factual material needed for the evaluation. Another 59 taxa of the Red Data Book of the Republic of Mordovia (35 macromycetes and 24 lichens) were not evaluated in the present study, also due to the lack of sufficient data needed for an evaluation. Therefore, these taxa are temporarily in the category Not Evaluated (NE). But they could be assigned to one of the threatened categories when evaluated in the future, according to the Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria. This paper is considered as a base for establishing the Red List of plant taxa of the Republic of Mordovia in the future