19 research outputs found

    Between history and philosophy. The poetics of the novel “Buddha’s Little Finger” by Victor Pelevin

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    The article focuses on the concept of a dualistic model of the world perception in the novel Chapayev and Void by Victor Pelevin. The model represents the contrast to the notion of alchemic union that stands for the ideal pattern, which cannot be realized in Russian reality. So dualism meant as a division and separation between heroes, who cannot understand each other, concerns also the division between East and West in the historical, philosophical and cultural perspective. However, the main division, which is superior upon the others, is the dualism of reality and consciousness that in the novel transforms to the universal category. The only possible escape from this dysfunctional realm is spiritual illumination.The article focuses on the concept of a dualistic model of the world perception in the novel Chapayev and Void by Victor Pelevin. The model represents the contrast to the notion of alchemic union that stands for the ideal pattern, which cannot be realized in Russian reality. So dualism meant as a division and separation between heroes, who cannot understand each other, concerns also the division between East and West in the historical, philosophical and cultural perspective. However, the main division, which is superior upon the others, is the dualism of reality and consciousness that in the novel transforms to the universal category. The only possible escape from this dysfunctional realm is spiritual illumination.The article focuses on the concept of a dualistic model of the world perception in the novel Chapayev and Void by Victor Pelevin. The model represents the contrast to the notion of alchemic union that stands for the ideal pattern, which cannot be realized in Russian reality. So dualism meant as a division and separation between heroes, who cannot understand each other, concerns also the division between East and West in the historical, philosophical and cultural perspective. However, the main division, which is superior upon the others, is the dualism of reality and consciousness that in the novel transforms to the universal category. The only possible escape from this dysfunctional realm is spiritual illumination

    The phenomenon of memory in Anton Chekhov’s works

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    This article focuses on the phenomenon of memory as reflected both in Chekhov’s dramas and works of prose. The phenomenon of memory manifests itself by referring to the main ideas in Chekhov’s poetics: bond of times (past – the present time – future), eternity, suffering, artistic work, happiness, life and death, and the truth of life. However, examining a given phenomenon requires attentive reading because Chekhov counts on an attentive reader who is able to capture the essence among the details of everyday life.This article focuses on the phenomenon of memory as reflected both in Chekhov’s dramas and works of prose. The phenomenon of memory manifests itself by referring to the main ideas in Chekhov’s poetics: bond of times (past – the present time – future), eternity, suffering, artistic work, happiness, life and death, and the truth of life. However, examining a given phenomenon requires attentive reading because Chekhov counts on an attentive reader who is able to capture the essence among the details of everyday life.This article focuses on the phenomenon of memory as reflected both in Chekhov’s dramas and works of prose. The phenomenon of memory manifests itself by referring to the main ideas in Chekhov’s poetics: bond of times (past – the present time – future), eternity, suffering, artistic work, happiness, life and death, and the truth of life. However, examining a given phenomenon requires attentive reading because Chekhov counts on an attentive reader who is able to capture the essence among the details of everyday life

    Категория пародии и трагизма в романе Татьяны Толстой „Кысь”

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    This article presents an attempt to specify the categories of parody and tragedy in the novel The Slynx which was written by Tatyana Tolstaya. Since the novel is a postmodern work, the presence of parody seems to be obvious. However, the category of tragedy in a work of this type is a curious novelty, which is analyzed by the author of this article.This article presents an attempt to specify the categories of parody and tragedy in the novel The Slynx which was written by Tatyana Tolstaya. Since the novel is a postmodern work, the presence of parody seems to be obvious. However, the category of tragedy in a work of this type is a curious novelty, which is analyzed by the author of this article

    Koncepcja wcielonego zła w powieściach „Mistrz i Małgorzata” M. Bułhakowa i „Portret Doriana Graya” O. Wilde’a (próba analizy porównawczej)

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    The article deals with the problem of the embodiment of evil in the novels The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The concept is represented by the image of Lord Henry Wotton in Wilde’s novel and of Woland in Bulgakov’s novel. Both of the heroes reveal the characteristic features of the devil. However, as proves the research, the role of the devil plays Lord Henry, deluding his younger and naive friend Dorian by the luring paradoxes, and driving him to commit the murder. On the other hand, Woland turns out to be a real savior to Master, as he manages to rescue him and his beloved Margarita from the Moscow realm of hell. Moreover, Woland is a symbolic figure that stands for Lucifer, the patron of alchemic initiation

    The problem of the hero in A.P. Chekhov's story “The Black Monk”

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    This article is focused on the ontological issues that are reflected in one of the most philosophical stories written by A.P. Chekhov – The Black Monk. The core idea on which the construction of the hero and the presented world are based turns out to be dualism. Kovrin belongs to the upper world of idea, so consequently, this status brings him to the conflict with the usual people – the dwellers of the world of the matter. This platonic philosophy seems to reflect not only a certain artistic strategy of the writer, but also a personal view on the human existence in the world of Chekhov himself. What needs to be underlined is the fact, that the writer seems to believe that in the process of human evolution the number of people belonging to the realm of idea will increase in the future.This article is focused on the ontological issues that are reflected in one of the most philosophical stories written by A.P. Chekhov – The Black Monk. The core idea on which the construction of the hero and the presented world are based turns out to be dualism. Kovrin belongs to the upper world of idea, so consequently, this status brings him to the conflict with the usual people – the dwellers of the world of the matter. This platonic philosophy seems to reflect not only a certain artistic strategy of the writer, but also a personal view on the human existence in the world of Chekhov himself. What needs to be underlined is the fact, that the writer seems to believe that in the process of human evolution the number of people belonging to the realm of idea will increase in the future.This article is focused on the ontological issues that are reflected in one of the most philosophical stories written by A.P. Chekhov – The Black Monk. The core idea on which the construction of the hero and the presented world are based turns out to be dualism. Kovrin belongs to the upper world of idea, so consequently, this status brings him to the conflict with the usual people – the dwellers of the world of the matter. This platonic philosophy seems to reflect not only a certain artistic strategy of the writer, but also a personal view on the human existence in the world of Chekhov himself. What needs to be underlined is the fact, that the writer seems to believe that in the process of human evolution the number of people belonging to the realm of idea will increase in the future

    The problem of Georgian identity at the threshold of XXI century

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    At the beginning of XXI century, the issue of the identity occurs as one of the most crucial problems of the contemporary science. In the light of the recent tendency of interdisciplinary and holistic attempt towards inquiring phenomenon, identity found itself in the centre of the interest of many science disciplines such as politic science, social science, philosophy, linguistics, literature studies, cultural anthropology, and so on. Nowadays we live in the world of permanent changes of the global character that concern also the identity, as a collective phenomenon, and an individualistic one. The transformation of the identity is particularly promptly accomplishing in the new democratic countries, such as Georgia. This is a very interesting phenomenon showing the transformation from the soviet model of the national reality to the European one. The situation in Georgia is being especially curious because of the fact that the Georgians are changing their identity from the post soviet citizens to the potential Georgian-European citizens. What’s more, this change does not mean the ignorance of the Georgian tradition. It turns out, that while the Georgians are willing to adapt the politic and economic European model, they are not so open to accept the European cultural patterns


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    This article is devoted to the issue of reflecting ideas, motifs, themes, types of protagonists and conflicts of the novel The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov in Pelevin’s novel Chapayev and Void. The central figure in Pelevin’s novel – Peter Emptiness (other versions of his name: Pyotr Pustota, Pyotr Voyd), reminds the reader of a hero from Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel – Ivan Homeless. The life situations of the respective heroes are analogous. The model of master and pupil is also an allusion to the relationship between Ivan and the Master. Pelevin’s reminiscence code also concerns the female hero Anna, who reflects Margarita as the ideal of beauty. Moreover, Pelevin seems to continue Bulgakov’s deliberations upon the evolution of Russian history, the constant and still valid conflict between the hero and Russian society. Additionally Pelevin uses the theme of spiritual initiation as the only way of escaping from the misery of Moscow’s realit

    Oniryczne motywy w powieści Michaiła Bułhakowa Mistrz i Małgorzata

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    Anna Chudzińska-Parkosadze Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland [email protected]   ONIRYCZNE MOTYWYW POWIEŚCI MICHAIŁA BUŁHAKOWA MISTRZ I MAŁGORZATA Streszczenie Artykuł koncentruje się na analizie motywów onirycznych w powieści Michaiła Bułhakowa Mistrz i Małgorzata. Oniryzm wydaje się wiodącą tendencją w sposobie konstruowania świata przedstawionego tego utworu. Bohaterowie przechodzą przez wielowarstwową sferę świata przedstawionego za pomocą i w stanie snu. Pisarz wykorzystuje konwencję oniryczną, aby pokazać w jej ramach życie bohaterów jako ścieżki inicjacyjne, które mają początek w świecie materialnym, przechodzą przez świat astralny, by w końcu osiągnąć wieczność. Ponadto w artykule przeanalizowane zostały trzy typy snów występujących w powieści, które odzwierciedlają klasyfikację snów dokonaną przez Platona. ONEIRIC MOTIFS IN THE NOVELTHE MASTER AND MARGARITA BY MIKHAIL BULGAKOV Summary The article deals with the problem of oneiric motives in the novel The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. Onirism seems to be the leading tendency of the created world in the Bulgakov’s novel. The heroes come through the complex structure of the presented world by means of their dreams. Bulgakov shows their life as the initiation path, which starts in the material world, then evaluates into astral dimensions, and reaches the eternity. Moreover, in the novel one can notice three basic types of dreams, which had been classified by Plato.

    Problem bohatera w opowiadaniu A.P. Czechowa „Czarny mnich”

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    This article is focused on the ontological issues that are reflected in one of the most philosophical stories written by A.P. Chekhov – The Black Monk. The core idea on which the construction of the hero and the presented world are based turns out to be dualism. Kovrin belongs to the upper world of idea, so consequently, this status brings him to the conflict with the usual people – the dwellers of the world of the matter. This platonic philosophy seems to reflect not only a certain artistic strategy of the writer, but also a personal view on the human existence in the world of Chekhov himself. What needs to be underlined is the fact, that the writer seems to believe that in the process of human evolution the number of people belonging to the realm of idea will increase in the future

    From Deliberations above Issues of Space and Time Continuum in the Novel The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

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    The article is devoted to the problem of time and space as the essential factors of the world model created in The Master and Margarita, the famous novel written by Mikhail Bulgakov. As many critics has already noticed, there are three basic space dimensions in the considering work of prose – Jerusalem, Moscow and the mysterious world of Woland. As the matter of fact the core problem of research concerns the latter. The world from which Woland is coming is presented as a kind of inter-world between the other two, on the one hand, and as the objective Universe embracing them, creating in this way the unity of three dimensions, on the other hand. Moreover, in this piece of work, there has been made an attempt to recode the Woland’s world by analysing the motifs of it through the symbols and themes of gnosis