5 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah program pelatihan yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pengelolaan diri (self-management) dengan teknik Kognitif untuk mahasiswaUPI Kampus Serang. Gejala perilaku yang tampak pada mahasiswa UPI Kampus Serang adalah masih ada yang datang terlambat masuk kelas, terlambat mengumpulkan tugas, kurang dapat memanfaatkan waktu di kampus dan di rumah, dan perilaku lainnya yang mengindikasikan perilaku kurang disiplin. Teknik Kognitif mula-mula dikembangkan untuk mengubah gagasan dan perasaan menjadi lebih baik. Teknik kognitif juga melibatkan perubahan sebab dan akibat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Latin Square dari salah satu jenis desain Within subject. Penelitian ini merupakan program pelatihan untuk melatih tiga keterampilan Self-management (SM) yaitu time-management (TM), Social skills (SS) dan self-directed learning (SDL) dengan menggunakan tiga teknik (dalam teknik Kognitif) yaitu Planning (P), problem solving (PS) dan Self-instruction (SI), yang dilaksanakan kepada tiga kelompok yang masing-masing kelompok mendapatkan tiga keterampilan dengan teknik yang berbeda-beda. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui teknik kognitif yang lebih efektif (dari tiga teknik yang dipakai) untuk masing-masing keterampilan yang dilatihkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tiga teknik dalam teknik kognitif (P, PS, SI) ternyata tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan tiga keterampilan SM (TM, SS, SDL). Hasil program pelatihan SM dengan teknik Kognitif pada mahasiswa UPI Kampus Serang terbukti secara empiris dapat meningkatkan keterampilan SM dari keterampilan SM sebelumnya. . Peningkatan skor SM menunjukkan bahwa tiga teknik (P, PS, SI) dapat digunakan untuk tiga keterampilan (TM, SS, SDL). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa ketiga teknik Kognitif (teknik P, PS, SI) memiliki keefektifan yang relatif sama dalam meningkatkan tiga keterampilan pengelolaan diri (Self-management) yaitu keterampilan Time-management, Social skills, Self-directed learning . Peningkatan skor SM menunjukkan bahwa tiga teknik (P, PS, SI) dapat digunakan untuk tiga keterampilan (TM, SS, SDL). Hasil penelitian memastikan bahwa ketiga teknik Kognitif (teknik P, PS, SI) memiliki keefektifan yang relatif sama dalam meningkatkan tiga keterampilan pengelolaan diri (Self-management). Produk akhir dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah Program Pelatihan pengelolaan diri dengan teknik kognitif untuk mahasiswa.
Kata kunci : Program pelatihan, keterampilan self-management, teknik kognitif, mahasiswa.
The goal of this study is to construct an effective program which can improve the self management for the students of UPI Kampus Serang by using cognitively technique. The starting point of this study were commenced at the revealed undiciplined students behaviours such as late attending in classes, late submission of assignments, unable to use their leissure time effectively and productively and the others disorderly behaviours. Cognitively technique hopefully brings a self management which effectively change the inadequate idea in the mind and bad feeling in the heart into an acceptable quality of this mental and behaviour. Also, this technique expectantly emerges a basic changes in the procedure of self mangement. Design of this study applies the Latin Square technique which is derived from one of Within Subject technique (Heppner, Wampold, Kivlighan, 2008, P: 168). In this study, the population of students were trained in their self management (SM) skill. The aspects of SM skill which are trainned to the students namely time mangement (TM), social skill (SS), and self-directed learning (SDL). The training of these tree SM skill apllied three different cognitively technique that are planning (P), problem solving (PS) and self-instruction (SI). Thus the students formerly divided into three groups of population to give treatment to each of the SM apects (TM, SS, SDL) for each group by applying the three different cognitively aspects (P, PS, SI). The final outcome of this study shows that there is no significance different results in the applying of those three cognitively technique in order to improve the studentsā SM skills. Nevertheles, this training program has empirically proven that the program is able to improve the SM skills of the students at the rate better than before. Then, the final product of this study is a program of Students Self Management Training by using Cognitively Technique
Keywords: training program, self-management skill, cognitive technique, studen
Peran Orang Tua Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Sumuranja 2 dalam Membantu Belajar di Rumah
This study illustrates the role of parents of grade IV students of SD Negeri Sumuranja 2 inhelping children learn at home. Parental responsibility is the most important, in terms ofattention and affection for children, so that children feel comfortable and helped while studying at home. Parental guidance is carried out when the child has not yet taken formal education, namely school, the role of parents is an important thing to do as a substitute for teachers to help children learn at home. As parents, they cannot fully release it to the school, because at home the child has quite a lot of time so that the role of parents is needed in helping children learn. This study was conducted because the author wanted to know the perspective of parents when helping children learn at home, besides that they can know the efforts and ways that parents of students make in helping learn at home. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, used to describe a situation or events according to reality. In this study, researchers collected data using questionnaire instruments, interviews, and documentation studies. The results showed that the perspective of parents in helping and guiding children is quite good, with good communication, supervising at the time of learning, providing facilities, guiding, helping the learning process, providing knowledge, and applying a disciplined attitude. The difficulties and obstacles experienced when helping children learn at home are the limited knowledge of parents in learning materials. So the efforts made are to help by looking for answers through textbooks or searching the internet. The role of parents is important, because in addition to helping in theory, it also strengthens the sense of family so that it can be harmonious and by motivating children to be more enthusiastic in learning
The problem of this research was that there was a difference expression of anger between the societies who came from mountainous area (Pandeglang and Lebak) and western seashore area (Serang and Cilegon, Serang Regency) in Banten province. This might happened because they had different basic culture. Because of this phenomena, this reseach was aimed to know: 1) How is the basic emotional expression (including the feeling of anger, hate, scare, happy, sad, and surprise) of students in PGSD UPI Serang? 2) Was there any different expression of anger between between the societies who came from mountainous areaĀ and western seashore area? The research design was descriptive qualitative research. The technique of collecting the data used by the researcher was through observing and giving questionnaire. Observing was done to the both groups of students by watching out their expression when watching a film under the title āThe Rideā. Then, the questionnaire was distributed to them to know the description of their emotional feeling. From observasion to both groups of students, it was found that there was no different expression of anger between the societies who came from mountainous area (Pandeglang and Lebak) and western seashore area (Serang and Cilegon, Serang Regency) in Banten province, and expression is basicly universal (including the feeling of anger, hate, scare, happy, sad, and surprise).Kata kunci:Ā emosi, ekspresi emosi, budaya, konseling multikultural
When SD Laboratory UPI implemented Blended learning System at post period of covid pandemic, the students perform some learning problem symptoms. Ā In order to prevent this, become wide spread, it is necessary to formulate a program to help students cope the problem. This research focuses on collecting empirical data of students' psychological conditions.Ā It will be used as base in developing program. This study takes 30 respondents to implement the DCM and the ITP instrument. The data is processed by percentage techniques and statistical tests. The results exhibit the most problems experienced by students at social problems point and indicate the students at impulsive and protection level of development tasks with the lowest aspect at the "emotional maturity", "economic behavioral independence" and "awareness of responsibility". Thus the program is designed in the composition as following: basic services to develop emotional maturity, responsive services for students with low development and problem symptoms; individual planning services with a focus on further study career planning; as well as system support in the form of in-house training in the preparation of learning kits and guidance kits.Pada saat SD Laboratorium UPI Kampus Serang menerapkan Blended learning peserta didiknya menampakkan gejala masalah belajar. Agar permasalahan tersebut tidak meluas, diperlukan rumusan program bimbingan untuk membantu siswa mengentaskan masalahnya. Penelitian berfokus pada data empirik kondisi psikologis siswa sebagai dasar penyusunan program. Penelitian ini menggunakan 30 responden dengan aplikasi instrumen Daftar Cek Masalah dan Inventori Tugas Perkembangan. Data terkumpul diolah menggunakan teknik persentase dan uji statistik. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan paling banyak dialami oleh siswa adalah permasalahan sosial. Tingkat perkembangan siswa berada pada level 1 (impulsive) menuju level 2 (perlindungan). Aspek tugas perkembangan siswa yang rendah adalah ākematangan emosionalā, ākemandirian perilaku ekonomiā dan ākesadaran tanggung jawabā. Program bimbingan dirancang dengan komposisi: layanan dasar mengembangkan kematangan emosional, layanan responsive bagi siswa dengan perkembangan rendah dan gejala permasalahan; layanan perencanaan individu dengan fokus perencanaan karir studi lanjut; serta dukungan sistem berupa in house training penyusunan learning kit dan guidance kit.
Kata kunci: Bimbingan dan konseling di SD; sistem pembelajaran campuran
The problem of this research was that there was a difference expression of anger between the societies who came from mountainous area (Pandeglang and Lebak) and western seashore area (Serang and Cilegon, Serang Regency) in Banten province. This might happened because they had different basic culture. Because of this phenomena, this reseach was aimed to know: 1) How is the basic emotional expression (including the feeling of anger, hate, scare, happy, sad, and surprise) of students in PGSD UPI Serang? 2) Was there any different expression of anger between between the societies who came from mountainous areaĀ and western seashore area? The research design was descriptive qualitative research. The technique of collecting the data used by the researcher was through observing and giving questionnaire. Observing was done to the both groups of students by watching out their expression when watching a film under the title āThe Rideā. Then, the questionnaire was distributed to them to know the description of their emotional feeling. From observasion to both groups of students, it was found that there was no different expression of anger between the societies who came from mountainous area (Pandeglang and Lebak) and western seashore area (Serang and Cilegon, Serang Regency) in Banten province, and expression is basicly universal (including the feeling of anger, hate, scare, happy, sad, and surprise).
Kata kunci:Ā emosi, ekspresi emosi, budaya, konseling multikultura