572 research outputs found

    Establishment and Organization of Activities of Professional School at Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent of Kyiv Eparchy (the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)

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    The purpose of the research paper is to study the contribution of Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent of Kyiv Eparchy to the development of woman’s education in Ukraine in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century and the peculiarities of the establishment and organization of the woman’s professional school at it. Scientific novelty. The contribution of Lebedyn St. Nikolas Convent and its reverend mothers to the development of education at the regional level is analyzed in the paper. The history of Lebedyn Women’s Professional School establishment is highlighted, and the stages of its activity and the level of material support from the convent are characterized. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the educational process organization, as well as the staff composition and the formation of the female pupils’ contingent of the school. Conclusions. Four stages can be distinguished in the history of Lebedyn Women’s Professional School: 1859-1872 – establishment and development of a four-grade school; 1872-1886 – activities of a sixth-grade school; 1888-1890 – establishment of a two-grade women’s school; 1890-1918 – a two-grade, four-year women’s theological (professional) school. The history of the school shows that it was a fully formed educational institution with a distinctive management system, proper staffing, and teaching and educational process. The school aimed to give children a practically useful education. Learners mastered crafts, the basics of art, and various labor specialties that could have been useful in their future life. The process and methods of teaching were interconnected with spiritual and religious education. It is uncovered that the deterioration of the school’s financial situation and the lack of support from the state for such educational institutions made the convent leadership close the sixth-grade women’s school in 1886. In 1888, a two-grade women’s school of the type of two-grade parochial schools with a four-year term of study was established on its base. Since 1890, a two-grade, four-year women’s spiritual (professional) school had been functioning at the convent, the educational process of which ensured learners mastered the program of four-grade of the women’s eparchy school and various types of women’s needlework. Lebedyn St. Nikolas Second-Class Convent played an important role in supporting women’s education development on the territory of Kyiv Eparchy in the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century, and the school established by it made opportunities for orphans and children of the poor strata of society from the neighboring povits to get the education and begin professional training

    Działalność charytatywna klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i w początkach XX stulecia

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    The article deals with charitable activities of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. It shows that charitable activities of the Orthodox church reached its peak in the post-reform period. The charitable activities within the specified time frame lay in the provision of schools, hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, and hotels for the poor and pilgrims. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents a) distributed alms, organized free lunches, provided material and medical assistance, b) handled education issues by establishing parish schools, c) supported almshouses by aiding sick people, lonely elderly people, people with special needs, and the mentally ill. At the beginning of World War I, Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents became actively involved in the provision of assistance to the population, as well as the establishment and maintenance of shelters for children (orphans) of fallen soldiers. Such children were provided with proper care and timely medical assistance. Charitable institutions at the premises of Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents operated at the expense of funds received from their economic activities, as well as donations from private individuals. Kyiv eparchy monasteries and convents  comprised the greatest number of hospitals and almshouses of all those operating in the territory of the then Kyiv Governorate.Artykuł dotyczy działalności charytatywnej klasztorów eparchii kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX w. Pokazuje, że działalność dobroczynna Cerkwi prawosławnej osiągnęła swój szczyt w okresie poreformacyjnym. Polegała ona na zaopatrzeniu szkół, szpitali, sierocińców, przytułków i hoteli dla ubogich i pielgrzymów. Kijowskie eparchie klasztorne: a) rozdzielały jałmużnę, organizowały bezpłatne obiady, udzielały pomocy materialnej i medycznej, b) zajmowały się sprawami oświaty poprzez zakładanie szkół parafialnych, c) wspierały przytułki, pomagając chorym, samotnym starszym ludziom, osobom specjalnej troski i chorym psychicznie. Na początku I wojny światowej kijowskie klasztory eparchiczne aktywnie zaangażowały się w niesienie pomocy ludności oraz zakładanie i utrzymywanie przytułków dla dzieci (sierot) poległych żołnierzy. Takim dzieciom zapewniono należytą opiekę i terminową pomoc lekarską. Instytucje charytatywne na terenie kijowskich klasztorów eparchii działały kosztem środków pochodzących z ich działalności gospodarczej oraz darowizn od osób prywatnych. Klasztory eparchii kijowskiej obejmowały największą liczbę szpitali i przytułków ze wszystkich funkcjonujących na terenie ówczesnej guberni kijowskiej

    Disease associated with immunoglobulin g

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    Diseases associated with disorders of immunoglobulin g synthesis and its subclasses are described. The analysis of the role of both deficiency and its increased production in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of diseases in humans

    Adaptation of the Core CDIO Standards 3.0 to STEM Higher Education

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    It is proposed to adapt the new version of the internationally recognized standards for engineering education the Core CDIO Standards 3.0 to the programs of basic higher education in the field of technology, natural and applied sciences, as well as mathematics and computer science in the context of the evolution of STEM. The adaptation of the CDIO standards to STEM higher education creates incentives and contributes to the systematic training of specialists of different professions for coordinated teamwork in the development of high-tech products, as well as in the provision of comprehensive STEM services. Optional CDIO Standards are analyzed, which can be used selectively in STEM higher education. Adaptation of the CDIO-FCDI-FFCD triad to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is considered as a mean for improving the system of three-cycle STEM higher education

    Pulmonary heart: A review

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    The review on the problem of the pulmonary heart pursues two goals: firstly, to restore historical justice and to show the priority studies of doctor Dmitry D. Pletnev on such problems as diagnosis of right ventricular myocardial infarction, clinical characteristics of congestive heart failure of the right ventricle; secondly, to outline the modern concept of the pulmonary heart. The review provides an analysis of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of heart failure in the pulmonary heart. Much attention is paid to echo cardiography data and biological markers are emphasized in assessing the function of the right atrium, right ventricle, tricuspid valve regurgitation, pulmonary artery pressure. Prognostically unfavorable signs of the course of the pulmonary heart have been identified, which include a high degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation, the amplitude of movement of the fibrous valve ring (TAPSE) and atrial fibrillation developing with dilation of the right atrium

    The fate of the orthodox church under the conditions of the new soviet law implementation 1920 – 1930

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    У 20­х рр. минулого століття спостерігалося намагання різних верств українського суспільства повернути церковній організації національні ознаки. Взаємовідносини радянської держави і Православної церкви викликали й викликають неабиякий інтерес як у вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних дослідників. Останнім часом помітно зріс інтерес науковців до проблеми державно­церковних відносин в Україні. Тому виникла необхідність дослідити радянське законодавство в перші десятиліття перебування більшовиків при владі, яке безпосередньо стосувалося та впливало на державно­церковні відносини в Україні.Одним із найважливіших знарядь більшовицької держави, за допомогою якого вона мала намір здійснити революційні перетворення у сфері державно­церковних відносин, було радянське право. Перші законодавчі акти радянської влади підірвали соціальну та економічну базу Церкви. Радянським законодавством оголошувалося про відокремлення церкви від держави і визначалися конкретні заходи для втілення цього законодавства в життя. Для радянської держави всі засоби відокремлення стали надзвичайно важливим етапом у справі усунення Церкви зі сфери економічного і політичного життя суспільства.Сформоване радянською владою законодавство по відокремленню церкви від держави було спрямоване на формування досить широкого кола правовідносин, визначало різноманітний об’єктивний склад цих правовідносин, різні превентивні, регулятивні, охоронні заходи та різні способи правового регулювання.У 20­х рр. минулого століття спостерігалося намагання різних верств українського суспільства повернути церковній організації національні ознаки. Взаємовідносини радянської держави і Православної церкви викликали й викликають неабиякий інтерес як у вітчизняних, так і зарубіжних дослідників. Останнім часом помітно зріс інтерес науковців до проблеми державно­церковних відносин в Україні. Тому виникла необхідність дослідити радянське законодавство в перші десятиліття перебування більшовиків при владі, яке безпосередньо стосувалося та впливало на державно­церковні відносини в Україні.Одним із найважливіших знарядь більшовицької держави, за допомогою якого вона мала намір здійснити революційні перетворення у сфері державно­церковних відносин, було радянське право. Перші законодавчі акти радянської влади підірвали соціальну та економічну базу Церкви. Радянським законодавством оголошувалося про відокремлення церкви від держави і визначалися конкретні заходи для втілення цього законодавства в життя. Для радянської держави всі засоби відокремлення стали надзвичайно важливим етапом у справі усунення Церкви зі сфери економічного і політичного життя суспільства.Сформоване радянською владою законодавство по відокремленню церкви від держави було спрямоване на формування досить широкого кола правовідносин, визначало різноманітний об’єктивний склад цих правовідносин, різні превентивні, регулятивні, охоронні заходи та різні способи правового регулювання.In the 20­s of the last century there were attempts of various strata of Ukrainian society in returning of national signs to the Church organization. The relationship between the Soviet state and the Orthodox Church has caused a great interest among both national and foreign researchers. In these latter days considerably increased the interest of scientists to the problem of Church­state relations in Ukraine. Therefore there was a need to explore the Soviet legislation in the first decades of the Bolsheviks stay in power, which is directly concerned and affected the state­Church relations in Ukraine.One of the most important tools of the Bolshevik state was Soviet law which had intended to carry out a revolution in the sphere of state­Church relations. The first legislative acts of the Soviet power blew up the social and economic base of the Church. Soviet law was declared on the separation of Church from state and defined specific measures to implement this legislation in life.For the Soviet state all tools of the separation became an important stage in removing the Church from the sphere of economic and political life of the society.Formed by the Soviet regime legislation on separation of Church and state was aimed at the formation of a rather wide range of legal relationships, defined variety objective of these legal relations, various preventive, regulatory, enforcement activities and the different methods of legal regulation

    The CDIO-FCDI-FFCD Rubrics for Evaluation of Three-Cycle Engineering Programs

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    The aim of the paper is to propose Rubrics for self-evaluation of graduate and postgraduate engineering programs based on the FCDI (Forecast, Conceive, Design, Implement) Standards and FFCD (Foresight, Forecast, Conceive, Design) Standards by analogy with Rubrics for self-evaluation of undergraduate engineering programs based on the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) Standards. The FCDI Standards and FFCD Standards were developed for Master’s and Doctoral engineering programs as a result of the CDIO approach evolution and by analogy with the CDIO Standards originally developed for Bachelor’s engineering programs. The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standards are recommended for the design and implementation of three-cycle engineering programs to train graduates for complex, innovative and research engineering activities, respectively, taking into account the features of the division of labor in the engineering profession. The 6-level scale Rubrics are helpful for evaluation the degree of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral engineering programs compliance with the recommendations of the CDIO, FCDI and FFCD Standards, respectively

    Investigation of metal ions sorption of brown peat moss powder

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    For regularities research of sorptive extraction of heavy metal ions by cellulose and its derivates from aquatic solution of electrolytes it is necessary to find possible mechanism of sorption process and to choice a model describing this process. The present article investigates the regularities of aliovalent metals sorption on brown peat moss powder. The results show that sorption isotherm of Al3+ ions is described by Freundlich isotherm and sorption isotherms of Na+ и Ni2+ are described by Langmuir isotherm. To identify the mechanisms of brown peat moss powder sorption the IR-spectra of the initial brown peat moss powder samples and brown peat moss powder samples after Ni (II) sorption were studied. Metal ion binding mechanisms by brown peat moss powder points to ion exchange, physical adsorption, and complex formation with hydroxyl and carboxyl groups

    University Training of STEM-IT Professionals to Innovation Activity in 3D-Teams

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    The paper focuses on the training professionals in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, mathematics and IT with different levels of education and qualifications (bachelor, master, doctor) for joint innovation activity in interdisciplinary 3D teams. The paper substantiates the need for such training, which stems from digitalization and introduction of Industry 4.0 tools, as well as the desire to overcome the technological backlog of the country. Based on the analysis of the best world practices of innovation activity, the paper proposes to coordinate programs for training of STEM-IT professionals for effective collaboration in 3D-teams by planning the competencies of graduates, taking into account the priorities of scientists, engineers, technologists, mathematicians and IT specialists when working with the division of labor in a team at various stages of creating science-intensive innovative products, systems, processes, and services. The purpose of the research is to develop recommendations for program coordination