157 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of a gluthathione S- transferase gene from Limonium bicolor in response to several abiotic stresses

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    In the present study, we characterized a gluthathione S-transferase gene (LbGST1) in response to different abiotic stresses. Real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) indicated that the LbGST1 can be differentially regulated by stress of NaCl, NaHCO 3 and low temperature, suggesting a role in plant stress response. To further investigate abiotic stress tolerance of LbGST1, the transgenic yeast harboring the LbGST1 was generated under the control of inducible GAL promoter (pYES2 vector); yeast cells transformed with empty pYES2 were also generated as a control. Stress tolerance tests showed that LbGST1 yeast transformants exhibited elevated tolerance to the stresses of thermal (53°C), alkali (NaHCO 3 ), ultraviolet radiation, salt (NaCl), drought (sorbitol) and freezing (-20°C) compared with the control transformants, suggesting that the LbGST1 is tolerant to these abiotic stresses. Our results indicate that the LbGST1 gene is resistant to a wider repertoire of stresses and may play a common role in plant acclimation to the examined stress conditions

    Transplanted adult human hepatic stem/progenitor cells prevent histogenesis of advanced hepatic fibrosis in mice induced by carbon tetrachloride

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    Transplantation of adult human hepatic stem/progenitor cells (hHSPCs) has been considered as an alternative therapy, replacing donor liver transplantation to treat liver cirrhosis. This study assessed the antifibrotic effects of hHSPCs in mice with fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and examined the actions of hHSPCs on the fibrogenic activity of human hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in a coculture system. Isolated hHSPCs expressed stem/progenitor cell phenotypic markers. Mice were given CCl4 (twice weekly for 7 weeks) and hHSPC transplantation weekly. CCl4 induced advanced fibrosis (bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis) in mice, which was prevented by hHSPC transplantation. The liver of hHSPC-transplanted mice showed only occasional short septa and focal parenchymal fibrosis, and a 50% reduction in hepatic collagen, assessed by Sirius red stain histomorphometry. Moreover, the proteins for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and collagen I were decreased. While α-SMA, collagen α1(I), and tissue inhibitor of metalloproproteinase-1 mRNAs were decreased, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 mRNA was increased, consistent with decreased fibrogenesis. MMP-2 and transforming growth factor-β were not affected. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were lower, suggesting improvement of liver function/damage. In coculture, hHSPCs elicited changes of α-SMA and fibrogenic molecules in HSCs similar to those observed in vivo, providing evidence for a functional link between hHSPCs and HSCs. A decreased HSC proliferation was noted. Thus, transplantation of hHSPCs prevents histogenesis of advanced liver fibrosis caused by CCl4. hHSPCs mediate downregulation of HSC activation coincident with modulation of fibrogenic molecule expression, leading to suppression of fibrogenesis both in vivo and in vitro

    Analisis bauran pemasaran pada usaha batu bata merah Desa Karanglegi Kecamatan Trangkil Kabupaten Pati

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    Di Kabupaten Pati terdapat tiga sentra industri batu bata merah yaitu batu bata merah dari Desa Karanglegi KecamatanTrangkil, batu bata merah dari Desa Kembang Kecamatan Dukuhseti, dan batu bata merah dari Desa Baturejo Kecamatan Sukolilo. Desa Karanglegi terkenal sebagai salah satu penghasil batu bata dengan kualitas terbaik di Kabupaten Pati dan dapat dipastikan 90% masyarakat desa ini berprofesi sebagai pengrajin batu bata merah. Batu bata merah Karanglegi memiliki prospek yang bagus karena menguasai/memasok kebutuhan bangunan hampir 60% wilayah Pati dan sekitarnya. Inti utama dari kegiatan pemasaran yang dikenal luas adalah bauran pemasaran (marketing mix), yang mencakup 4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). Keempat komponen tersebut merupakan kombinasi yang mempunyai peran yang sama dan merupakan satu kesatuan guna menunjang sukses perusahaan. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana bauran pemasarannya maka berdasarkan rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu “Bagaimana bauran pemasaran pada usaha batu bata merah Desa Karanglegi Kecamatan Trangkil Kabupaten Pati?”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dan menggunakan dua jenis sumber data, yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data tersebut diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Setelah data terkumpul, langkah selanjutnya data tersebut dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa bauran produk yang ada di usaha batu bata merah meliputi kualitas produk (kokoh, tidak mudah patah, ukuran besar). Produk berkualitas didapat dari pemilihan bahan baku, proses pencetakan manual, pembakaran benar-benar sampai matang merata.Bauran harga (price) menerapkan strategi harga rabat dengan memberikan potongan ketika membeli dalam skala besar.Dalam menetapkan harga, pengrajin batu bata merah tidak asal-asalan, melainkan dengan melakukan kalkulasi bahan, dan permintaan pasar. Mereka tergabung dalam paguyuban pengrajin batu bata merah sehingga harga pengrajin satu dengan yang lain sama (sepakat). Bauran distribusi (place) meliputi saluran distribusi pengrajin batu bata Desa Karanglegi dilakukan dengan saluran langsung kepada konsumen dan ada juga melalui perantara agen, pedagang besar, maupun pedagang kecil. Bauran promosi (promotion) yang dilakukan pengrajin batu bata merah melalui penjualan langsung, periklanan (radio, media sosial). Persaingan yang dilkukan sesama pengrajin dilakukan secara fair.Daerah pemasaran yang dijangkau oleh pengrajin batu bata Karanglegi adalah wilayah Kabupaten Pati, luar Kabupaten Pati. Segmen pasar batu bata Desa Karanglegi adalah kalangan menengah ke bawah, menengah ke atas

    Transplanted adult human hepatic stem/progenitor cells prevent histogenesis of advanced hepatic fibrosis in mice induced by carbon tetrachloride

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    Transplantation of adult human hepatic stem/progenitor cells (hHSPCs) has been considered as an alternative therapy, replacing donor liver transplantation to treat liver cirrhosis. This study assessed the antifibrotic effects of hHSPCs in mice with fibrosis induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCI4) and examined the actions of hHSPCs on the fibrogenic activity of human hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) in a coculture system. Isolated hHSPCs expressed stem/progenitor cell phenotypic markers. Mice were given CCl4 (twice weekly for 7 weeks) and hHSPC transplantation weekly. CCl4 induced advanced fibrosis (bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis) in mice, which was prevented by hHSPC transplantation. The liver of hHSPC-transplanted mice showed only occasional short septa and focal parenchymal fibrosis, and a 50% reduction in hepatic collagen, assessed by Sirius red stain histomorphometry. Moreover, the proteins for a-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and collagen I were decreased. While alpha-SMA, collagen alpha 1(I), and tissue inhibitor of metalloproproteinase-1 mRNAs were decreased, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 mRNA was increased, consistent with decreased fibrogenesis. MMP-2 and transforming growth factor-beta were not affected. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were lower, suggesting improvement of liver function/damage. In coculture, hHSPCs elicited changes of alpha-SMA and fibrogenic molecules in HSCs similar to those observed in vivo, providing evidence for a functional link between hHSPCs and HSCs. A decreased HSC proliferation was noted. Thus, transplantation of hHSPCs prevents histogenesis of advanced liver fibrosis caused by CCl4. hHSPCs mediate down-regulation of HSC activation coincident with modulation of fibrogenic molecule expression, leading to suppression of fibrogenesis both in vivo and in vitro

    Utilization of single-chamber microbial fuel cells as renewable power sources for electrochemical degradation of nitrogen-containing organic compounds

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    By employing promising single-chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as renewable power sources, an aerated electrochemical system is proposed and for nitrogen-containing organic compounds (pyridine and methyl orange) removals. Carbon felt performed the best as electrode material while lower initial contaminant concentration and lower initial pH value could improve the performance. A degradation efficiency of 82.9% for pyridine was achieved after 360 min electrolysis with its initial concentration of 200 mg/L, initial pH of 3.0 and applied voltage of 700 mV. Mechanisms study implied that indirect electrochemical oxidation by generated hydrogen peroxide was responsible for their degradation. This study provides an alternative utilization form of low bioelectricity from MFCs and reveals that applying it to electrochemical process is highly-efficient as well as cost-effective for degradation of nitrogen-containing organic compounds. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [21307117, 41440025]; Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China [20120022120005]; Beijing Excellent Talent Training Project [2013D009015000003]; Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project [YETP0657]; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [2652015226, 2652015131]SCI(E)[email protected]

    Leukadherin-1-Mediated Activation of CD11b Inhibits LPS-Induced Pro-inflammatory Response in Macrophages and Protects Mice Against Endotoxic Shock by Blocking LPS-TLR4 Interaction

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    Dysregulation of macrophage has been demonstrated to contribute to aberrant immune responses and inflammatory diseases. CD11b, expressed on macrophages, plays a critical role in regulating pathogen recognition, phagocytosis, and cell survival. In the present study, we explored the effect of leukadherin-1 (LA1), an agonist of CD11b, on regulating LPS-induced pro-inflammatory response in macrophages and endotoxic shock. Intriguingly, we found that LA1 could significantly reduce mortalities of mice and alleviated pathological injury of liver and lung in endotoxic shock. In vivo studies showed that LA1-induced activation of CD11b significantly inhibited the LPS-induced pro-inflammatory response in macrophages of mice. Moreover, LA1-induced activation of CD11b significantly inhibited LPS/IFN-γ-induced pro-inflammatory response in macrophages by inhibiting MAPKs and NF-κB signaling pathways in vitro. Furthermore, the mice injected with LA1-treated BMDMs showed fewer pathological lesions than those injected with vehicle-treated BMDMs in endotoxic shock. In addition, we found that activation of TLR4 by LPS could endocytose CD11b and activation of CD11b by LA1 could endocytose TLR4 in vitro and in vivo, subsequently blocking the binding of LPS with TLR4. Based on these findings, we concluded that LA1-induced activation of CD11b negatively regulates LPS-induced pro-inflammatory response in macrophages and subsequently protects mice from endotoxin shock by partially blocking LPS-TLR4 interaction. Our study provides a new insight into the role of CD11b in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases

    Research progress on genetic improvement of Betula platyphylla Suk.

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    Betula platyphylla Suk. is one of the most widely distributed species of Betula, the fourth most valuable timber species in north-eastern China and also a common tree species for landscaping. Over the past 30 years, effective progress has been made in genetic improvement and molecular breeding of B. platyphylla. There has been extensive research on breeding techniques, including the collection and conservation of B. platyphylla germplasm resources, provenance trials, intensive breeding techniques, crossbreeding and asexual propagation techniques, ploidy breeding and mutation breeding technology, genome sequencing, gene cloning, transgenic and molecular mechanisms of wood formation. A Betula germplasm resource collection has been established by collecting different provenances, and full-sib and half-sib families. In addition, the geographic variation patterns of B. platyphylla provenances have been revealed, and the provenance division and superior provenance selections made. B. platyphylla flowering and seeding have been improved through intensive breeding techniques. Interspecific hybridization, intraspecific hybridization and parallel crosses were made using fine parents, and B. platyphylla intensive seed orchards have been established. Systems of asexual propagation, including cuttings, grafting and tissue culture have been established. A B. platyphylla tetraploid was successfully constructed and a B. platyphylla triploid seed orchard established. The growth, wood property and resistance genes of B. platyphylla have been cloned. An efficient B. platyphylla transgenic system mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was established, and genes encoding B. platyphylla insect resistance, drought resistance and salt tolerance, lignin synthesis, flowering, hormone transport and balance obtained. B. platyphylla molecular markers were developed and the high density B. platyphylla genetic map constructed. All this research has provided a model and data for the foundation of forest genetic improvement and applied research

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