10,272 research outputs found

    Long term changes in cosmic ray diurnal variations observed by ion chambers in Hong Kong and Japan

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    Yearly average solar diurnal variations of cosmic ray ion chamber data are inspected from a view point of the eleven and the 22 year solar activity cycle modulations. Ion chamber data and neutron data from various stations are added. From an inspection of observed data, a simple approximation that the 11 year and the 22 year variations of the solar diurnal variation are along 18-hour and 12-hour axes, respectively is proposed. The 18-hour component of diurnal variation in the 11 year cycle increases toward the solar active years. The 12-hour component is enhanced when the solar general magnetic field is parallel to the rotation vector, and is almost zero for the other state. The transition occurs when the amplitude of the 18-hour component is greater owing to the transition of the field during the maximum phase of solar activity. The 22 year shift is consistent with the drift modulation model in heliosphere

    Burst size distributions in the digitized data of the ion chambers t Mt. Norikura and sea level stations

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    A practical and simple method for burst rejection is applied to the digitized data of cosmic ray ion chambers at Mt. Norikura, Tokyo and Kochi. As a result of burst rejection, the burst size frequency distributions in the digitized data at mountain altitude and sea level ion chambers is obtained. Results show that there are no significant differences between the digital and analog data processing in burst rejection

    Operations and single particle interferometry

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    Interferometry of single particles with internal degrees of freedom is investigated. We discuss the interference patterns obtained when an internal state evolution device is inserted into one or both the paths of the interferometer. The interference pattern obtained is not uniquely determined by the completely positive maps (CPMs) that describe how the devices evolve the internal state of a particle. By using the concept of gluing of CPMs, we investigate the structure of all possible interference patterns obtainable for given trace preserving internal state CPMs. We discuss what can be inferred about the gluing, given a sufficiently rich set of interference experiments. It is shown that the standard interferometric setup is limited in its abilities to distinguish different gluings. A generalized interferometric setup is introduced with the capacity to distinguish all gluings. We also connect to another approach using the well known fact that channels can be realized using a joint unitary evolution of the system and an ancillary system. We deduce the set of all such unitary `representations' and relate the structure of this set to gluings and interference phenomena.Comment: Journal reference added. Material adde

    Approximate quantum error correction can lead to better codes

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    We present relaxed criteria for quantum error correction which are useful when the specific dominant noise process is known. These criteria have no classical analogue. As an example, we provide a four-bit code which corrects for a single amplitude damping error. This code violates the usual Hamming bound calculated for a Pauli description of the error process, and does not fit into the GF(4) classification.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Faraday Effect in Double-Dot Aharonov-Bohm Ring

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    We investigate Faraday's law of induction manifested in the quantum state of Aharonov-Bohm loops. In particular, we propose a flux-switching experiment for a double-dot AB ring to verify the phase shift induced by Faraday's law. We show that the induced {\em Faraday phase} is geometric and nontopological. Our study demonstrates that the relation between the local phases of a ring at different fluxes is not arbitrary but is instead determined by Faraday's inductive law, which is in strong contrast to the arbitrary local phase of an Aharonov-Bohm ring for a given flux.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum parallelism of the controlled-NOT operation: an experimental criterion for the evaluation of device performance

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    It is shown that a quantum controlled-NOT gate simultaneously performs the logical functions of three distinct conditional local operations. Each of these local operations can be verified by measuring a corresponding truth table of four local inputs and four local outputs. The quantum parallelism of the gate can then be observed directly in a set of three simple experimental tests, each of which has a clear intuitive interpretation in terms of classical logical operations. Specifically, quantum parallelism is achieved if the average fidelity of the three classical operations exceeds 2/3. It is thus possible to evaluate the essential quantum parallelism of an experimental controlled-NOT gate by testing only three characteristic classical operations performed by the gate.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, added references and discussio

    Absorption characteristics of a quantum dot array induced intermediate band: implications for solar cell design

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    We present a theoretical study of the electronic and absorption properties of the intermediate band (IB) formed by a three dimensional structure of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) arranged in a periodic array. Analysis of the electronic and absorption structures suggests that the most promising design for an IB solar cell material, which will exhibit its own quasi-Fermi level, is to employ small QDs (~6–12 nm QD lateral size). The use of larger QDs leads to extension of the absorption spectra into a longer wavelength region but does not provide a separate IB in the forbidden energy gap

    Simulating quantum operations with mixed environments

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    We study the physical resources required to implement general quantum operations, and provide new bounds on the minimum possible size which an environment must be in order to perform certain quantum operations. We prove that contrary to a previous conjecture, not all quantum operations on a single-qubit can be implemented with a single-qubit environment, even if that environment is initially prepared in a mixed state. We show that a mixed single-qutrit environment is sufficient to implement a special class of operations, the generalized depolarizing channels.Comment: 4 pages Revtex + 1 fig, pictures at http://stout.physics.ucla.edu/~smolin/tetrahedron .Several small correction