445 research outputs found

    High MET gene copy number predicted poor prognosis in primary intestinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: MET is a proto-oncogene with its copy number (CN) alterations been reported in some cancers, but not in primary intestinal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (PI-DLBL) yet. METHODS: In this retrospective study, we performed histology and chart reviews, immunohistochemistry and quantitative polymerase chain reaction for MET CN alterations on 28 surgically resected PI-DLBLs. RESULTS: There were 12 men and 16 women with a median age of 70 and a mean follow-up of 32 months. The median MET CN was 2.20 (range, 1.04 to 3.35). CN gain was observed in 11 cases, including 5 with CN greater than 3. Nine patients (32%) had diploid CN and eight (29%) with CN loss. Patients with gain or diploid CN showed significantly worse prognosis (P = 0.046) than those with CN loss. Furthermore, MET CN greater than 3 was associated with an adverse outcome (P = 0.003). Intestinal perforation at presentation was the sole clinicopathological factor associated with a poor prognosis (P = 0.004) and perforation was correlated with CN greater than 3 (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Our finding of MET CN gain as a poor prognostic factor in PI-DLBL patients might serve as the rationale for targeting MET signaling pathway in the treatment of these patients

    Actinomycosis of the Gallbladder: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Actinomycosis of the gallbladder is extremely rare and may mimic a malignancy leading to delayed diagnosis and/or inappropriate treatment.Presentation of case: Here we report the case of an 82-year-old man who presented with right upper abdominal discomfort for one month. Radiographically, an ill-defined mass was found in the gallbladder fossa that invaded the adjacent abdominal wall and liver bed. In addition, a stone was found in the gallbladder lumen. The imaging features suggested a gallbladder carcinoma. An initial CT-guided needle biopsy showed an inflammatory process. The subsequent open cholecystectomy revealed a contracted, thick-walled gallbladder surrounded by a soft tissue mass near the fundus. Histologically, the gallbladder revealed acute and chronic cholecystitis and microabscesses containing sulfur granules in the soft tissue mass, which showed Gram-positive filamentous bacilli. Under the diagnosis of gallbladder actinomycosis, the patient received post-operative antibiotics for 7 weeks and was well 5 months after diagnosis.Conclusion: Our case demonstrated that a gallbladder actinomycosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis presenting an invasive mass in the gallbladder fossa

    A20 (TNFAIP3) Alterations in Primary Intestinal Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma

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    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the most frequently involved site of extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphomas, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype occurring in the GI tract. TNFAIP3 (A20) genetic alterations were reported to be involved in DLBCL’s pathogenesis and a portion of GI-DLBCL cases harbor this alteration. However, the frequency and clinicopathological relations focusing on small and large intestinal DLBCL are unclear. Here, we examined A20 deletion and protein expression and analyzed the clinicopathological features of 52 cases of primary intestinal DLBCL. The most frequently involved site was the ileocecal region (75%), followed by small bowel (13.5%) and large intestine. Immunohistochemically, the ileocecal cases expressed BCL6 (p=0.027) and MUM1 (p=0.0001) significantly more frequently than the small intestinal cases. Six of 47 cases (13%) had A20 heterozygous deletion, whereas all 6 heterozygously deleted cases had detectable A20 protein expression. In summary, A20 abnormality was less prevalent among intestinal DLBCLs with some discordancy between gene deletion and protein expression. Although the A20 alteration status did not affect any clinicopathological characteristics in this series, further studies exploring alterations of A20 and other NF-κB components in primary intestinal DLBCL are needed

    Diabetes and 15-year Cardiovascular Mortality in a Chinese Population: Differential Impact of Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome

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    Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) has long been recognized as a major risk factor of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. 1 DM subjects suffer at least 2 times more coronary heart disease (HD) and ischemic stroke mortality than subjects without DM. 2 DM subjects without a prior history of myocardial infarction at baseline may be equivalent to nondiabetic subjects with prior myocardial infarction in terms of future risk for fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction. 3 Therefore, recent guidelines have recommended aggressive targets for blood pressure control and management of dyslipidemia in all DM patients, as in patients with established coronary HD. ORIGINAL ARTICL

    Assessing the Decision-Making Process in Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Lego-like EEG Headset

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    Human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become an emerging field, where the use of a robotic agent has been shifted from a supportive machine to a decision-making collaborator. A variety of factors can influence the effectiveness of decision-making processes during HRC, including the system-related (e.g., robot capability) and human-related (e.g., individual knowledgeability) factors. As a variety of contextual factors can significantly impact the human-robot decision-making process in collaborative contexts, the present study adopts a Lego-like EEG headset to collect and examine human brain activities and utilizes multiple questionnaires to evaluate participants’ cognitive perceptions toward the robot. A user study was conducted where two levels of robot capabilities (high vs. low) were manipulated to provide system recommendations. The participants were also identified into two groups based on their computational thinking (CT) ability. The EEG results revealed that different levels of CT abilities trigger different brainwaves, and the participants’ trust calibration of the robot also varies the resultant brain activities

    Association of clinical symptomatic hypoglycemia with cardiovascular events and total mortality in type 2 diabetes a nationwide population-based study

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    OBJECTIVE Hypoglycemia is associated with serious health outcomes for patients treated for diabetes. However, the outcome of outpatients with type 2 diabetes who have experienced hypoglycemia episodes is largely unknown. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The study population, derived from the National Health Insurance Research Database released by the Taiwan National Health Research Institutes during 1998–2009, comprised 77,611 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. We designed a prospective study consisting of randomly selected hypoglycemic type 2 diabetic patients and matched type 2 diabetic patients without hypoglycemia. We investigated the relationships of hypoglycemia with total mortality and cardiovascular events, including stroke, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, and all-cause hospitalization. RESULTS There were 1,844 hypoglycemic events (500 inpatients and 1,344 outpatients) among the 77,611 patients. Both mild (outpatient) and severe (inpatient) hypoglycemia cases had a higher percentage of comorbidities, including hypertension, renal diseases, cancer, stroke, and heart disease. In multivariate Cox regression models, including diabetes treatment adjustment, diabetic patients with hypoglycemia had a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular events during clinical treatment periods. After constructing a model adjusted with propensity scores, mild and severe hypoglycemia still demonstrated higher hazard ratios (HRs) for cardiovascular diseases (HR 2.09 [95% CI 1.63–2.67]), all-cause hospitalization (2.51 [2.00–3.16]), and total mortality (2.48 [1.41–4.38]). CONCLUSIONS Symptomatic hypoglycemia, whether clinically mild or severe, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, all-cause hospitalization, and all-cause mortality. More attention may be needed for diabetic patients with hypoglycemic episodes.Pai-Feng Hsu, Shih-Hsien Sung, Hao-Min Cheng, Jong-Shiuan Yeh, Wen-Ling Liu, Wan-Leong Chan, Chen-Huan Chen, Pesus Chou, Shao-Yuan Chuan

    Aggressive natural killer-cell leukemia mutational landscape and drug profiling highlight JAK-STAT signaling as therapeutic target

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    Aggressive natural killer-cell (NK-cell) leukemia (ANKL) is an extremely aggressive malig- nancy with dismal prognosis and lack of targeted therapies. Here, we elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of ANKL using a combination of genomic and drug sensitivity profiling. We study 14 ANKL patients using whole-exome sequencing (WES) and identify mutations in STAT3 (21%) and RAS-MAPK pathway genes (21%) as well as in DDX3X (29%) and epi- genetic modifiers (50%). Additional alterations include JAK-STAT copy gains and tyrosine phosphatase mutations, which we show recurrent also in extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (NKTCL) through integration of public genomic data. Drug sensitivity profiling further demonstrates the role of the JAK-STAT pathway in the pathogenesis of NK-cell malignancies, identifying NK cells to be highly sensitive to JAK and BCL2 inhibition compared to other hematopoietic cell lineages. Our results provide insight into ANKL genetics and a framework for application of targeted therapies in NK-cell malignancies.Aggressiivinen NK-soluleukemia (ANKL) on elimistön luonnolliseen puolustusjärjestelmään kuuluvien luonnollisten tappajasolujen eli natural killer (NK) –solujen verisyöpä eli leukemia. ANKL:aan sairastuneet potilaat säilyvät käytössä olevilla solunsalpaaja- ja kantasolusiirtohoidoilla elossa keskimäärin vain joitakin kuukausia. Erityisesti aasialaisväestössä esiintyvän ANKL:n lisäksi NK-soluisiin syöpiin kuuluu Suomessakin harvinaisina tavattavia NK/T-soluisia lymfoomia. ANKL:n taustalla olevia hankittuja geenimuutoksia eli mutaatioita ei ole aiemmin selvitetty laajamittaisesti. Tutkimuksessa selvitimme ANKL:n tautimekanismeja kartoittamalla 14 potilaan syöpäsolujen geenimuutokset perimän proteiineja koodaavien geenien osalta ja tutkimalla pahanlaatuisten NK-solujen herkkyyttä yli 400 lääkeaineelle. Löysimme ANKL-potilaiden soluista geenimuutoksia etenkin STAT3- ja DDX3X-geeneissä, joita kumpiakin oli yli viidenneksellä potilaista. STAT3-mutaatioita on aiemmin todettu suurten granulaaristen lymfosyyttien (LGL) leukemiassa, sekä useissa muissakin T- ja NK-soluista lähtöisin olevissa syövissä. STAT3-mutaatiot ANKL:ssa viittaavat osin yhteisiin tautimekanismeihin näiden sukulaistautien kanssa. Kun yhdistimme ANKL-potilaiden geenitietoa aiemmin julkaistujen NK//T-solulymfoomapotilaista tuotettujen aineistojen kanssa, havaitsimme NK-soluisille syöville yhteisiä JAK-STAT-signalointigeenien monistumia. Etsimme myös potentiaalisia lääkeaineita NK-soluisten syöpien hoitoon testaamalla pahanlaatuisten NK-solujen herkkyyttä yli 400 lääkeaineelle. Havaitsimme NK-solujen olevan poikkeuksellisen herkkiä JAK-tyrosiinikinaasin ja BCL-perheen solukuolemaa säätelevien proteiinien estäjille. JAK-estäjillä pyritään hiljentämään samaa JAK-STAT-signalointireittiä, josta löysimme geneettisiä muutoksia ANKL-potilailla. Myeloproliferatiivisten sairauksien ja nivelreuman hoidossa käytettävillä JAK-estäjillä voitaisiin mahdollisesti tehostaa NK-soluisten syöpien hoitoa hyödyntämällä kyseisen solutyypin voimakasta riippuvuutta JAK-STAT-signaloinnin aktiivisuudesta. Tutkimuksemme valottaa geenitason muutoksia aiemmin tautimekanismeiltaan tuntemattomassa ANKL:ssa. Lääkeherkkyysseulonnan avulla pystyimme tunnistamaan potentiaalisia lääkeaineita ajatellen hoitokokeiluja harvinaisessa ANKL:ssa, jossa kliinisiä lääketutkimuksia pystytään harvoin toteuttamaan