388 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis Toxin Blocking Phagosome Maturation Inhibits a Novel Ca2+/Calmodulin-PI3K hVPS34 Cascade

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    The capacity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to infect latently over one billion people and cause two million fatalities annually rests with its ability to block phagosomal maturation into the phagolysosome in infected macrophages. Here we describe how M. tuberculosis toxin lipoarabinomannan (LAM) causes phagosome maturation arrest, interfering with a new pathway connecting intracellular signaling and membrane trafficking. LAM from virulent M. tuberculosis, but not from avirulent mycobacteria, blocked cytosolic Ca2+ increase. Ca2+ and calmodulin were required for a newly uncovered Ca2+/calmodulin phosphatidylinositol (PI)3 kinase hVPS34 cascade, essential for production of PI 3 phosphate (PI3P) on liposomes in vitro and on phagosomes in vivo. The interference of the trafficking toxin LAM with the calmodulin-dependent production of PI3P described here ensures long-term M. tuberculosis residence in vacuoles sequestered away from the bactericidal and antigen-processing organelles in infected macrophages

    Use of Emoticons for Assessing Emotion and Mood States in Web-Based Interventions

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    In the rapidly growing field of online psychotherapeutic interventions, an increasing number of clinicians are seeking to extend therapeutic interventions into cyberspace. However, because communication with clients in this medium is often devoid of auditory and visual feedback, these clinicians are not able to rely on their clinical observations. It then becomes incumbent to develop a psychometrically and theoretically sound means of assessing emotion and mood states that can be easily utilized in this forum. Utilizing cross-culturally and empirically supported models of emotion structure shown to be influential in the self-report data, the Positive Affect and Negative Affect factors, this study seeks to develop and validate a theoretically and psychometrically sound non-verbal measure of mood state that can easily be used in online interventions. Twenty five mood terms reflecting the range of positive and negative affect were selected from Watson and Tellegen’s (1982) two factor model and a corresponding set of fifty full colored emoticons were generated for the study (two emoticons per mood term) which participants rated on perceived level of positive affect and perceived level of negative affect. Intentional validity was tested by determining whether participants perceived the emoticons as expressing the emotion intended while convergent validity was determined by comparing self-ratings on the developed measure to self-ratings on the PANAS-X. Analysis and examination of participant’s positive and negative affect ratings for each emoticon suggest that participants showed a tendency to perceive emotions, through the emoticons, primarily on the continuum of positivity/negativity and less on the level of intensity or arousal. Further results exploring intentional validity showed that the majority of participants perceived the emoticons as expressing the emotions intended. Results also demonstrated that the emoticons had convergent validity with the PANASX. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed as well as directions for further research

    Forecasting UNLV GPA Based on NeedCD Group

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    The Center for Academic Enrichment & Outreach at UNLV is a service that provides university students with the resources they need in their college career. The Center has established federally-funded programs that helps low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress throughout their academic career. These programs include tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial literacy & guidance, and scholarships. With all this, the Center hopes to create a community in which every individual can fulfill their post-secondary educational objectives

    Determinan Manajemen Laba Dengan Moderasi Komite Audit (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2018-2020)

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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of leverage, size and audit quality on earnings management by moderating the audit committee in manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange, both partially and simultaneously. Profit administration is the impact of using pools in financial planning. The use of the collection premise in the setting of budget articulation does not indicate the possibility that this miracle of profit administration can occur in publicly traded companies around the world, both in the capital markets of developing countries and in the capital markets of countries. develop. The population of this study is a manufacturing company on the IDX for the 2018-2020 period, which is 177 companies and the sample uses a total of 204 units of analysis. The research method applies multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study mean that leverage and audit quality partially affect earnings management. Size partially has no effect on profit management. The audit committee can strengthen the correlation between leverage and profit management. The audit committee can strengthen the correlation between size and profit management. The audit committee could not strengthen the correlation between audit quality and earnings management.   Keywords : Leverage, Size, Audit Quality, Earnings Management, Audit Committe

    Higher order Rab programming in phagolysosome biogenesis

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    Phagosomes offer kinetically and morphologically tractable organelles to dissect the control of phagolysosome biogenesis by Rab GTPases. Model phagosomes harboring latex beads undergo a coordinated Rab5–Rab7 exchange, which is akin to the process of endosomal Rab conversion, the control mechanisms of which are unknown. In the process of blocking phagosomal maturation, the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis prevents Rab7 acquisition, thus, providing a naturally occurring tool to study Rab conversion. We show that M. tuberculosis inhibition of Rab7 acquisition and arrest of phagosomal maturation depends on Rab22a. Four-dimensional microscopy revealed that phagosomes harboring live mycobacteria recruited and retained increasing amounts of Rab22a. Rab22a knockdown in macrophages via siRNA enhanced the maturation of phagosomes with live mycobacteria. Conversely, overexpression of the GTP-locked mutant Rab22aQ64L prevented maturation of phagosomes containing heat-killed mycobacteria, which normally progress into phagolysosomes. Moreover, Rab22a knockdown led to Rab7 acquisition by phagosomes harboring live mycobacteria. Our findings show that Rab22a defines the critical checkpoint for Rab7 conversion on phagosomes, allowing or disallowing organellar transition into a late endosomal compartment. M. tuberculosis parasitizes this process by actively recruiting and maintaining Rab22a on its phagosome, thus, preventing Rab7 acquisition and blocking phagolysosomal biogenesis

    Survey on Traditional Mangrove Crab Identification Methods of Filipino Fishermen

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    The Philippines is one of the largest producers of mangrove crabs in the industry, but only three of the four Scylla species exist in the country. As one of the largest mangrove crab exporters, Filipino crab farmers must distinguish their harvest before catching them for crab farming since the growth and needs of crabs depend heavily on their species group. To determine the accuracy of widely used local traditional methods, survey questions were distributed to 34 respondents around the Philippines through selected online platforms. Data gathered included local methods for identifying mangrove crabs based on traditional ecological knowledge and experiences of the local fishers interviewed. The study found that 70.58% of those polled identify the species of crabs by looking at their claws and 55.88% observe the color of the crabs. Furthermore, 41.17% of respondents consider the width and size of the shell, while 11.76% examine the crabs\u27 carapace. Unique methods to certain regions were reported, including observation of minor features and behavior of the crabs and reliance on texture, weight, and season. Difficulty in species identification of juvenile crabs has been reported but was also possible when the crabs turn 2-3 months old or grow to the size of a 5-peso coin or 5 centimeters. Feeding schedules and consistent pond management are also said as crucial tasks in growing mangrove crabs. The fishermen voiced out concerns and opinions regarding the technology development and government policies in the crab industry

    Melioidosis in the Philippines.

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    The first documented case of melioidosis in the Philippines occurred in 1948. Since then, there have been sporadic reports in the literature about travelers diagnosed with melioidosis after returning from the Philippines. Indigenous cases, however, have been documented rarely, and under-reporting is highly likely. This review collated all Philippine cases of melioidosis published internationally and locally, as well as unpublished case series and reports from different tertiary hospitals in the Philippines. In total, 25 papers and 41 cases were identified. Among these, 23 were indigenous cases (of which 20 have not been previously reported in the literature). The most common co-morbidity present was diabetes mellitus, and the most common presentations were pulmonary and soft tissue infections. Most of the cases received ceftazidime during the intensive phase, while trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole was given during the eradication phase. The known mortality rate was 14.6%, while 4.9% of all cases were reported to have had recurrence. The true burden of melioidosis in the country is not well defined. A lack of awareness among clinicians, a dearth of adequate laboratories, and the absence of a surveillance system for the disease are major challenges in determining the magnitude of the problem

    Antecedents for Entrepreneurial Propensity: Findings from Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan

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    The existing literature identifies a number of antecedent factors that positively influence the propensity of individuals to become entrepreneurs. Key among these are self-efficacy, prior knowledge of other entrepreneurs and perception of opportunities. At the same time, policy makers commonly identify fear of failure as a major deterrent factor for entrepreneurs taking the entrepreneurial plunge. This paper examines the relative impacts of these antecedents and deterrent factor on entrepreneurial propensity, defined as the likelihood of starting one’s own business in the three East Asian newly-industrialised economies (NIEs) of Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. We also test for possible differences in the variables effects on opportunity vs. necessity entrepreneurial propensities. Our findings highlight significant location differences among the variables in the case of overall, opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship. Finally, we discuss the relevant policy implications from our findings
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