1,777 research outputs found

    A statistical method (cross-validation) for bone loss region detection after spaceflight.

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    Astronauts experience bone loss after the long spaceflight missions. Identifying specific regions that undergo the greatest losses (e.g. the proximal femur) could reveal information about the processes of bone loss in disuse and disease. Methods for detecting such regions, however, remains an open problem. This paper focuses on statistical methods to detect such regions. We perform statistical parametric mapping to get t-maps of changes in images, and propose a new cross-validation method to select an optimum suprathreshold for forming clusters of pixels. Once these candidate clusters are formed, we use permutation testing of longitudinal labels to derive significant changes

    Biomarkers for Aging

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    A statistical and functional correlation strategy to identify changes in cellular pathways specifically linked to impaired cognitive function with aging. Analyses using the strategy identified multiple groups of genes expressed in the hippocampi of mammals, where the genes were expressed at different levels for several ages. The aging changes in expression began before mid-life. Many of the genes were involved in specific neuronal and glial pathways with previously unrecognized relationships to aging and/or cognitive decline. These identified genes and the proteins they encode can be used as novel biomarkers of brain aging and as targets for developing treatment methods against age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer\u27s Disease and Parkinson\u27s Disease

    Robotic Asteroid Prospector (RAP)

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    This report presents the results from the nine-month, Phase 1 investigation for the Robotic Asteroid Prospector (RAP). This project investigated several aspects of developing an asteroid mining mission. It conceived a Space Infrastructure Framework that would create a demand for in space-produced resources. The resources identified as potentially feasible in the near-term were water and platinum group metals. The project's mission design stages spacecraft from an Earth Moon Lagrange (EML) point and returns them to an EML. The spacecraft's distinguishing design feature is its solar thermal propulsion system (STP) that can provide for three functions:propulsive thrust, process heat for mining and mineral processing, and electricity. The preferred propellant is water since this would allow the spacecraft to refuel at an asteroid for its return voyage to Cis-Lunar space thus reducing the mass that must be staged out of the EML point.The spacecraft will rendezvous with an asteroid at its pole, match rotation rate, and attach to begin mining operations. The team conducted an experiment in extracting and distilling water from frozen regolith simulant

    Method for Analyzing Molecular Expression or Function in an Intact Single Cell

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    A method for obtaining molecules from a substantially intact single cell is disclosed. The method differs from prior methods that obtain a variable fraction of a cell\u27s contents and therefore cannot quantitatively estimate the number of molecules in the cells. The present method comprises isolating and harvesting a substantially intact single cell from its organ tissue comprising the steps of subjecting a tissue mass to a dissociation method so that the cells are dissociated from the tissue to expose cell bodies or cell processes, contacting a dissociated cell with a device capable of collecting the cell from the tissue substantially intact, withdrawing device with the cell attached, and then isolating or detecting the molecules in the single cell

    Methods for Diagnosing and Treating Alzheimer\u27s Disease (AD) Using the Molecules that Stabilize Intracellular Calcium (CA\u3csub\u3e2+\u3c/sub\u3e) Release

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    The subject technology relates, in part, to a method of treating Alzheimer\u27s Disease (AD), early-stage AD, elevated risk of AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or other forms of age-related cognitive decline in a subject in need thereof by administering to the subject a molecule that promotes calcium-release stabilization in ryanodine receptors (RyRs) and/or inosital triphosphate receptors (InsP3Rs) in brain cells. Diagnostic methods using calcium-release stabilizing immunophilins, junctophilins or calmodulin are also disclosed

    Statistical implications of pooling RNA samples for microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: Microarray technology has become a very important tool for studying gene expression profiles under various conditions. Biologists often pool RNA samples extracted from different subjects onto a single microarray chip to help defray the cost of microarray experiments as well as to correct for the technical difficulty in getting sufficient RNA from a single subject. However, the statistical, technical and financial implications of pooling have not been explicitly investigated. RESULTS: Modeling the resulting gene expression from sample pooling as a mixture of individual responses, we derived expressions for the experimental error and provided both upper and lower bounds for its value in terms of the variability among individuals and the number of RNA samples pooled. Using virtual pooling of data from real experiments and computer simulations, we investigated the statistical properties of RNA sample pooling. Our study reveals that pooling biological samples appropriately is statistically valid and efficient for microarray experiments. Furthermore, optimal pooling design(s) can be found to meet statistical requirements while minimizing total cost. CONCLUSIONS: Appropriate RNA pooling can provide equivalent power and improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness for microarray experiments with a modest increase in total number of subjects. Pooling schemes in terms of replicates of subjects and arrays can be compared before experiments are conducted

    FK506-Binding Protein 12.6/1b, a Negative Regulator of [Ca\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e], Rescues Memory and Restores Genomic Regulation in the Hippocampus of Aging Rats

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    Hippocampal overexpression of FK506-binding protein 12.6/1b (FKBP1b), a negative regulator of ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release, reverses aging-induced memory impairment and neuronal Ca2+ dysregulation. Here, we tested the hypothesis that FKBP1b also can protect downstream transcriptional networks from aging-induced dysregulation. We gave hippocampal microinjections of FKBP1b-expressing viral vector to male rats at either 13 months of age (long-term, LT) or 19 months of age (short-term, ST) and tested memory performance in the Morris water maze at 21 months of age. Aged rats treated ST or LT with FKBP1b substantially outperformed age-matched vector controls and performed similarly to each other and young controls (YCs). Transcriptional profiling in the same animals identified 2342 genes with hippocampal expression that was upregulated/downregulated in aged controls (ACs) compared with YCs (the aging effect). Of these aging-dependent genes, 876 (37%) also showed altered expression in aged FKBP1b-treated rats compared with ACs, with FKBP1b restoring expression of essentially all such genes (872/876, 99.5%) in the direction opposite the aging effect and closer to levels in YCs. This inverse relationship between the aging and FKBP1b effects suggests that the aging effects arise from FKBP1b deficiency. Functional category analysis revealed that genes downregulated with aging and restored by FKBP1b were associated predominantly with diverse brain structure categories, including cytoskeleton, membrane channels, and extracellular region. Conversely, genes upregulated with aging but not restored by FKBP1b associated primarily with glial–neuroinflammatory, ribosomal, and lysosomal categories. Immunohistochemistry confirmed aging-induced rarefaction and FKBP1b-mediated restoration of neuronal microtubular structure. Therefore, a previously unrecognized genomic network modulating diverse brain structural processes is dysregulated by aging and restored by FKBP1b overexpression