20 research outputs found

    On Artin algebras arising from Morita contexts

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    We study Morita rings \Lambda_{(\phi,\psi)}=\bigl({smallmatrix} A &_AN_B_BM_A & B {smallmatrix}\bigr) in the context of Artin algebras from various perspectives. First we study covariant finite, contravariant finite, and functorially finite subcategories of the module category of a Morita ring when the bimodule homomorphisms ϕ\phi and ψ\psi are zero. Further we give bounds for the global dimension of a Morita ring Λ(0,0)\Lambda_{(0,0)}, regarded as an Artin algebra, in terms of the global dimensions of AA and BB in the case when both ϕ\phi and ψ\psi are zero. We illustrate our bounds with some examples. Finally we investigate when a Morita ring is a Gorenstein Artin algebra and then we determine all the Gorenstein-projective modules over the Morita ring with A=N=M=B=ΛA=N=M=B=\Lambda, where Λ\Lambda is an Artin algebra.Comment: 29 pages, revised versio

    Change of rings and singularity categories

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    We investigate the behavior of singularity categories and stable categories of Gorenstein projective modules along a morphism of rings. The natural context to approach the problem is via change of rings, that is, the classical adjoint triple between the module categories. In particular, we identify conditions on the change of rings to induce functors between the two singularity categories or the two stable categories of Gorenstein projective modules. Moreover, we study this problem at the level of `big singularity categories' in the sense of Krause. Along the way we establish an explicit construction of a right adjoint functor between certain homotopy categories. This is achieved by introducing the notion of 0-cocompact objects in triangulated categories and proving a dual version of Bousfield's localization lemma. We provide applications and examples illustrating our main results.Comment: v2: 40 pages, minor changes in Section 6, including a shift in the definition of a 0-cocompact objec

    A functorial approach to monomorphism categories II: Indecomposables

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    We investigate the (separated) monomorphism category mono(Q,Λ)\operatorname{mono}(Q,\Lambda) of a quiver over an Artin algebra Λ\Lambda. We show that there exists a representation equivalence in the sense of Auslander from mono(Q,Λ)\overline{\operatorname{mono}}(Q,\Lambda) to rep(Q,modΛ)\operatorname{rep}(Q,\overline{\operatorname{mod}}\, \Lambda), where modΛ\operatorname{mod}\Lambda is the category of finitely generated modules and modΛ\overline{\operatorname{mod}}\, \Lambda and mono(Q,Λ)\overline{\operatorname{mono}}(Q,\Lambda) denote the respective injectively stable categories. Furthermore, if QQ has at least one arrow, then we show that this is an equivalence if and only if Λ\Lambda is hereditary. In general, the representation equivalence induces a bijection between indecomposable objects in rep(Q,modΛ)\operatorname{rep}(Q,\overline{\operatorname{mod}}\, \Lambda) and non-injective indecomposable objects in mono(Q,Λ)\operatorname{mono}(Q,\Lambda), and we show that the generalized Mimo-construction, an explicit minimal right approximation into mono(Q,Λ)\operatorname{mono}{(Q,\Lambda)}, gives an inverse to this bijection. We apply these results to describe the indecomposables in the monomorphism category of a radical-square-zero Nakayama algebra, and to give a bijection between the indecomposables in the monomorphism category of two artinian uniserial rings of Loewy length 33 with the same residue field. The main tool to prove these results is the language of a free monad of an exact endofunctor on an abelian category. This allows us to avoid the technical combinatorics arising from quiver representations. The setup also specializes to yield more general results, in particular in the case of representations of (generalised) speciesComment: 41 pages. Comments welcome

    Recollements of Module Categories

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    We establish a correspondence between recollements of abelian categories up to equivalence and certain TTF-triples. For a module category we show, moreover, a correspondence with idempotent ideals, recovering a theorem of Jans. Furthermore, we show that a recollement whose terms are module categories is equivalent to one induced by an idempotent element, thus answering a question by Kuhn.Comment: Comments are welcom