281 research outputs found

    Achieving Green and Healthy Homes and Communities in America

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    In the Fall of 2010, the National Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisioning contracted with the National Academy to develop and execute an online dialogue that would examine ways to increase the health, safety, and energy efficiency of low- to moderate-income homes. Since 1999, the National Coalition had worked to improve low- to moderate-income housing through the support and execution of home interventions that addressed multiple issues within a home at one time; an approach that often did not align with other traditional, single-issue housing assistance programs. By 2010, the National Coalition had taken on the leadership of the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative, a public-private partnership focused on integrating funding streams to improve low- to middle-income homes across the country.With plans to expand the GHHI's operations, the National Coalition partnered with the National Academy to conduct the National Dialogue on Green and Healthy Homes, a collaborative online dailogue in which participants were asked to identify challenges to, and innovative practices for, improving the health, safety and energy-efficiency of low- to moderate- income homes. The Dialogue was live from November 4-November 22, 2010, and collected 100 hundred ideas and 362 comments from 320 registered users. Over the course of its two and a half week duration, the Dialogue received more than 2,500 visits from over 1,100 people in 48 states and territories. Key FindingsBy reviewing the feedback received in the Dialogue, the Panel was able to make a number of recommendations on how the green and healthy homes community of practice could increase the health, safety and energy efficiency of homes across the country. These recommendations included: Conduct an evaluation of current housing standards to determine if they meet the Nation's health, safety, and energy efficiency needs; Develop a tiered performance standard for healthy, safe and energy efficient homes; Group government funding streams to better align programs with the comprehensive intervention approach; Develop a long-term funding strategy to support efforts after Recovery Act funding ends; and Educate government decisionmakers and the public on the importance of developing green and healthy homes and communities, and the work that supports that development

    A novel computational method for inferring dynamic genetic regulatory trajectories

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 75-77).We present a novel method called Time Series Affinity Propagation (TSAP) for inferring regulatory states and trajectories from time series genomic data. This method builds on the Affinity Propagation method of Frey and Dueck [10]. TSAP incorporates temporal constraints to more accurately model the dynamic nature of underlying biological mechanisms. We first apply TSAP to synthetic data and demonstrate its ability to recover underlying structure that is obscured by noise. We then apply TSAP to real data and demonstrate that it provides insight into the relationship between gene expression and histone posttranslational modifications during motor neuron development. In particular, the trajectories taken by the Hox genes through the space of regulatory states are characterized. Understanding the dynamics of Hox regulation is important because the Hox genes play a fundamental role in the establishment of motor neuron sub-type identity during development [6].by Christopher Campbell Reeder.S.M

    Flight Measurements of Flying Qualities of a P-47D-30 Airplane (AAF No. 43-3441) to Determine Longitudinal Stability and Control and Stalling Characteristics

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    Flight tests have been made to determine the longitudinal stability and control and stalling characteristics of the P-47.E-30 airplane. The teat results show the airplane to be unstable stick free in any power-on condition even at the most forward center-of-gravity position tested. At the rearward center-of-gravity position tested the airplane also had neutral to negative stick-fixed stability with power on. The characteristics in accelerated flight were acceptable at the forward center-of-gravity position at low and high altitudes except at high speed where the control-force variations with acceleration were high. At the rearward center-of-gravity position, elevator-force reversals were experienced in turns at low speeds, and the force per g was low at all the other speeds. Ample stall warning was afforded in all the conditions tested and the stalling characteristics were very satisfactory except in the approach and wave-off conditions

    High Resolution Mapping of Enhancer-Promoter Interactions

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    RNA Polymerase II ChIA-PET data has revealed enhancers that are active in a profiled cell type and the genes that the enhancers regulate through chromatin interactions. The most commonly used computational method for analyzing ChIA-PET data, the ChIA-PET Tool, discovers interaction anchors at a spatial resolution that is insufficient to accurately identify individual enhancers. We introduce Germ, a computational method that estimates the likelihood that any two narrowly defined genomic locations are jointly occupied by RNA Polymerase II. Germ takes a blind deconvolution approach to simultaneously estimate the likelihood of RNA Polymerase II occupation as well as a model of the arrangement of read alignments relative to locations occupied by RNA Polymerase II. Both types of information are utilized to estimate the likelihood that RNA Polymerase II jointly occupies any two genomic locations. We apply Germ to RNA Polymerase II ChIA-PET data from embryonic stem cells to identify the genomic locations that are jointly occupied along with transcription start sites. We show that these genomic locations align more closely with features of active enhancers measured by ChIP-Seq than the locations identified using the ChIA-PET Tool. We also apply Germ to RNA Polymerase II ChIA-PET data from motor neuron progenitors. Based on the Germ results, we observe that a combination of cell type specific and cell type independent regulatory interactions are utilized by cells to regulate gene expression.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1U01HG007037

    Taphonomic Comparisons of Two Laurentian Upper Ordovician Epeiric Sea “Small Shelly Faunas”

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    The Elgin Member of the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Maquoketa Formation of Iowa contains phosphorite beds consisting of millimeter-scale phosphatic fossils, primarily steinkerns. Similar beds occur in the coeval strata of the classic Cincinnatian Series around the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Initial sampling of the phosphate-rich beds of the Maquoketa allows comparison between the faunal composition and taphonomy of these beds and collections from the more extensively sampled Cincinnatian strata. We isolated these fossils by dissolution of bulk samples in acetic acid and examined the same strata in thin section to study the fossils in context. The Maquoketa diminutive phosphatized fossils have been interpreted as evidence of dwarfed faunas indicative of environmental stress, such as anoxia, which may have also contributed to phosphogenesis. An alternative explanation for the small size is that phosphogenesis was size-selective and that phosphatic particles were concentrated by reworking as less-durable shell material was destroyed. These hypotheses can be tested by examining the fauna for “normal” sized elements. Insoluble residue from sampled phosphate-rich strata in both field areas yields abundant molluscan steinkerns, as well as crinoid columnals, conodonts, scolecodonts, bryozoan zooecia steinkerns and other fossils associated with a normal marine fauna. In Cincinnatian occurrences, the composition of the phosphatic assemblages is variable but is a reflection of the variability of faunal composition seen in these strata rather than an indication of an unusual fauna associated with extreme conditions; most are associated with diverse marine assemblages. Insoluble residues from both areas yield steinkerns that precipitated in small pores within larger skeletons. This phenomenon can be seen in thin section, where phosphate is present within certain parts of the larger preserved skeletons. The maximum size of the steinkerns of the Maquoketa is larger than those of most Cincinnatian occurrences, although size is variable in Cincinnatian occurrences. In Cincinnatian strata the abundance of small phosphatic fossils correlates with evidence for reworking; heavily reworked beds yield the most residue. Examined in thin section, the sampled strata of the Maquoketa appear to be heavily reworked and represent an extreme endmember of this concentration of durable phosphatic material. Detailed examination using an SEM and associated XRF elemental mapping reveals that the phosphatic steinkerns of both localities are very similar in their taphonomy. Both consist of botryoidal growths of carbonate fluorapatite (CFA). The botryoidal growth appears to have nucleated on the walls of the original shell, first forming a lining of variable thickness. Some steinkerns have secondary botryoidal growths on the outside of the steinkern indicating continued precipitation of CFA after destruction of the original shell. This secondary precipitation suggests that reworking played a role not only in concentrating the phosphatic material but also in encouraging continued precipitation of CFA. The size of the available pore space appears to have played a role in encouraging the precipitation of CFA. In thin section the CFA is limited to smaller parts of larger shells, such as the apices of gastropods and did not precipitate on the inside of the larger, more open spaces within the shell. Many of the phosphate-filled spaces are also sediment-filled, suggesting that subdivision of the larger space into smaller pores enhanced the precipitation of CFA. The difference in the maximum size of the steinkern achieved in the different assemblages suggests that geochemical factors affected size limits. The most distinctive aspect of phosphate-rich Ordovician strata of mid-Laurentia is the degree of reworking that concentrated the durable small fossils. Details of taphonomy also suggest that phosphate precipitation was an iterative process enhanced by reworking, and that small pore spaces enhanced this mineralization, thus selectively preserving certain sizes and parts of the larger fauna

    The circularly permuted globin domain of androglobin exhibits atypical heme stabilization and nitric oxide interaction

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    In the decade since the discovery of androglobin, a multi-domain hemoglobin of metazoans associated with ciliogenesis and spermatogenesis, there has been little advance in the knowledge of the biochemical and structural properties of this unusual member of the hemoglobin superfamily. Using a method for aligning remote homologues, coupled with molecular modelling and molecular dynamics, we have identified a novel structural alignment to other hemoglobins. This has led to the first stable recombinant expression and characterization of the circularly permuted globin domain. Exceptional for eukaryotic globins is that a tyrosine takes the place of the highly conserved phenylalanine in the CD1 position, a critical point in stabilizing the heme. A disulfide bond, similar to that found in neuroglobin, forms a closed loop around the heme pocket, taking the place of androglobin's missing CD loop and further supporting the heme pocket structure. Highly unusual in the globin superfamily is that the heme iron binds nitric oxide as a five-coordinate complex similar to other heme proteins that have nitric oxide storage functions. With rapid autoxidation and high nitrite reductase activity, the globin appears to be more tailored toward nitric oxide homeostasis or buffering. The use of our multi-template profile alignment method to yield the first biochemical characterisation of the circularly permuted globin domain of androglobin expands our knowledge of the fundamental functioning of this elusive protein and provides a pathway to better define the link between the biochemical traits of androglobin with proposed physiological functions

    Intersexuality and the Cricket Frog Decline: Historic and Geographic Trends

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    Exposure to anthropogenic endocrine disruptors has been listed as one of several potential causes of amphibian declines in recent years. We examined gonads of 814 cricket frogs (Acris crepitans) collected in Illinois and deposited in museum collections to elucidate relationships between the decline of this species in Illinois and the spatial and temporal distribution of individuals with intersex gonads. Compared with the preorganochlorine era studied (1852–1929), the percentage of intersex cricket frogs increased during the period of industrial growth and initial uses of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (1930–1945), was highest during the greatest manufacture and use of p,p-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and PCBs (1946–1959), began declining with the increase in public concern and environmental regulations that reduced and then prevented sales of DDT in the United States (1960–1979), and continued to decline through the period of gradual reductions in environmental residues of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in the midwestern United States (1980–2001). The proportion of intersex individuals among those frogs was highest in the heavily industrialized and urbanized northeastern portion of Illinois, intermediate in the intensively farmed central and northwestern areas, and lowest in the less intensively managed and ecologically more diverse southern part of the state. Records of deposits of cricket frog specimens into museum collections indicate a marked reduction in numbers from northeastern Illinois in recent decades. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that endocrine disruption contributed to the decline of cricket frogs in Illinois

    Isolation of a potently neutralizing and protective human monoclonal antibody targeting yellow fever virus

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    Yellow fever virus (YFV) causes sporadic outbreaks of infection in South America and sub-Saharan Africa. While live-attenuated yellow fever virus vaccines based on three substrains of 17D are considered some of the most effective vaccines in use, problems with production and distribution have created large populations of unvaccinated, vulnerable individuals in areas of endemicity. To date, specific antiviral therapeutics have not been licensed for human use against YFV or any other related flavivirus. Recent advances in monoclonal antibody (mAb) technology have allowed the identification of numerous candidate therapeutics targeting highly pathogenic viruses, including many flaviviruses. Here, we sought to identify a highly neutralizing antibody targeting the YFV envelope (E) protein as a therapeutic candidate. We used human B cell hybridoma technology to isolate mAbs from circulating memory B cells from human YFV vaccine recipients. These antibodies bound to recombinant YFV E protein and recognized at least five major antigenic sites on E. Two mAbs (designated YFV-136 and YFV-121) recognized a shared antigenic site and neutralized the YFV-17D vaccine strai