2,783 research outputs found

    Multi-epoch infrared photometry of the star forming region G173.58+2.45

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    We present a multi-epoch infrared photometric study of the intermediate-mass star forming region G173.58+2.45. Photometric observations are obtained using the near-infrared JHKLMJHKL'M' filters and narrow-band filters centered at the wavelengths of H2_2 (1-0) S(1) (2.122 μ\mum) and [FeII] (1.644 μ\mum) lines. The H2_2 image shows molecular emission from shocked gas, implying the presence of multiple star formation and associated outflow activity. We see evidence for several collimated outflows. The most extended jet is at least 0.25 pc in length and has a collimation factor of \sim 10, which may be associated with a binary system within the central cluster, resolved for the first time here. This outflow is found to be episodic; probably occurring or getting enhanced during the periastron passage of the binary. We also find that the variable star in the vicinity of the outflow source, which was known as a FU Ori type star, is probably not a FU Ori object. However, it does drive a spectacular outflow and the variability is likely to be related to accretion, when large clouds of gas and dust spiral in towards the central source. Many other convincing accretion-outflow systems and YSO candidates are discovered in the field.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gravitational wave energy spectrum of a parabolic encounter

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    We derive an analytic expression for the energy spectrum of gravitational waves from a parabolic Keplerian binary by taking the limit of the Peters and Matthews spectrum for eccentric orbits. This demonstrates that the location of the peak of the energy spectrum depends primarily on the orbital periapse rather than the eccentricity. We compare this weak-field result to strong-field calculations and find it is reasonably accurate (~10%) provided that the azimuthal and radial orbital frequencies do not differ by more than ~10%. For equatorial orbits in the Kerr spacetime, this corresponds to periapse radii of rp > 20M. These results can be used to model radiation bursts from compact objects on highly eccentric orbits about massive black holes in the local Universe, which could be detected by LISA.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes to match published version; figure 1 corrected; references adde

    A ground-based NUV secondary eclipse observation of KELT-9b

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    KELT-9b is a recently discovered exoplanet with a 1.49 d orbit around a B9.5/A0-type star. The unparalleled levels of UV irradiation it receives from its host star put KELT-9b in its own unique class of ultra-hot Jupiters, with an equilibrium temperature > 4000 K. The high quantities of dissociated hydrogen and atomic metals present in the dayside atmosphere of KELT-9b bear more resemblance to a K-type star than a gas giant. We present a single observation of KELT-9b during its secondary eclipse, taken with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). This observation was taken in the U-band, a window particularly sensitive to Rayleigh scattering. We do not detect a secondary eclipse signal, but our 3σ\sigma upper limit of 181 ppm on the depth allows us to constrain the dayside temperature of KELT-9b at pressures of ~30 mbar to 4995 K (3σ\sigma). Although we can place an observational constraint of Ag<A_g< 0.14, our models suggest that the actual value is considerably lower than this due to H^- opacity. This places KELT-9b squarely in the albedo regime populated by its cooler cousins, almost all of which reflect very small components of the light incident on their daysides. This work demonstrates the ability of ground-based 2m-class telescopes like the INT to perform secondary eclipse studies in the NUV, which have previously only been conducted from space-based facilities.Comment: Accepted in ApJL. 7 pages, 3 figure

    A search for radioactive 26Al in the nova-like variable V4332 Sagittarii

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    We have searched for the important radioactive isotope 26Al in the nova-like source V4332 Sgr. Recent results from gamma ray astronomy show that there is pervasive emission of the 1.809 MeV gamma ray photon, arising from the decay of 26Al to 26Mg, from all over the galactic plane. Though the sites from where this emission originates are not clearly established, novae are believed to be an important contributing source. In this context, V4332 Sgr presented a rare opportunity to observationally investigate whether novae or novae-like sources synthesize 26Al and to what extent. Strong AlO bands in the near-IR have been reported in this object recently. As molecular bands of different isotopic compositions are readily resolved spectroscopically (e.g. 12CO and 13CO), it was thought that the components of AlO associated with 26Al and stable 27Al could be detected as separate bands. Our spectra indicate that there is no strong presence of 26Al in V4332 Sgr. A reliable upper limit of 0.10 for the 26Al/27Al ratio is determined which constitutes the first observational constraint for this ratio in a potential 26Al producing source. While V4332 Sgr is not a typical nova, its outburst amplitude and light-curve behaviour bear close similarity to that of novae. Hence, although the results from V4332 Sgr cannot be directly extended to novae in general, the limit on the observed 26Al/27Al ratio could be a useful input in constraining rather uncertain nucleosynthesis models for the production of 26Al in novae/novae-like sources. By comparing the observed 26Al/27Al ratio in V4332 Sgr with that expected in classical novae it appears unlikely that the progenitor of V4332 Sgr is an Oxygen-Neon-Magnesium white dwarf.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Ap.J(L) July 200

    Representational precision in visual cortex reveals outcome encoding and reward modulation during action preparation

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    According to ideomotor theory, goal-directed action involves the active perceptual anticipation of actions and their associated effects. We used multivariate analysis of fMRI data to test if preparation of an action promotes precision in the perceptual representation of the action. In addition, we tested how reward magnitude modulates this effect. Finally, we examined how expectation and uncertainty impact neural precision in the motor cortex. In line with our predictions, preparation of a hand or face action increased the precision of neural activation patterns in the extrastriate body area (EBA) and fusiform face area (FFA), respectively. The size of this effect of anticipation predicted individuals\u27 efficiency at performing the prepared action. In addition, increasing reward magnitude increased the precision of perceptual representations in both EBA and FFA although this effect was limited to the group of participants that learned to associate face actions with high reward. Surprisingly, examination of representations in the hand motor cortex and face motor cortex yielded effects in the opposite direction. Our findings demonstrate that the precision of representations in visual and motor areas provides an important neural signature of the sensorimotor representations involved in goal-directed action

    Leopards provide public health benefits in Mumbai, India

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    Populations of large carnivores are often suppressed in human-dominated landscapes because they can kill or injure people and domestic animals. However, carnivores can also provide beneficial services to human societies, even in urban environments. We examined the services provided by leopards (Panthera pardus) to the residents of Mumbai, India, one of the world's largest cities. We suggest that by preying on stray dogs, leopards reduce the number of people bitten by dogs, the risk of rabies transmission, and the costs associated with dog sterilization and management. Under one set of assumptions, the presence of leopards in this highly urbanized area could save up to 90 human lives per year. A further indirect benefit of leopard presence may be an increase in local abundance of other wildlife species that would otherwise be predated by dogs. The effective conservation of carnivores in human-dominated landscapes involves difficult trade-offs between human safety and conservation concerns. Quantitative assessments of how large carnivores negatively and positively affect urban ecosystems are critical, along with improved education of local communities about large carnivores and their impacts

    WFPC2 Observations of the Cooling Flow Elliptical in Abell 1795

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    We present WFPC2 images of the core of the cooling flow cD galaxy in Abell 1795. An irregular, asymmetric dust lane extends 7 \h75 kpc in projection to the north-northwest. The dust shares the morphology observed in the Hα\alpha and excess UV emission. We see both diffuse and knotty blue emission around the dust lane, especially at the ends. The dust and emission features lie on the edge of the radio lobes, suggesting star formation induced by the radio source or the deflection of the radio jets off of pre-existing dust and gas. We measure an apparent RV_V significantly less than 3.1, implying that the extinction law is not Galactic in the dust lane, or the presence of line emission which is proportional to the extinction. The dust mass is at least 2×105h752\times10^{5} h_{75}^{-2} M\solar\ and is more likely to be 6.5×105h752\times10^{5} h_{75}^{-2} M\solar.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, Figure 4 included, Postscript Figs. 1-3 available at ftp://astro.nmsu.edu/pub/JASON/A1795/, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present an F606W-F814W color-magnitude diagram for the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy based on Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 images. The luminosity function is well-sampled to 3 magnitudes below the turn-off. We see no evidence for multiple turnoffs and conclude that, at least over the field of the view of the WFPC2, star formation was primarily single-epoch. If the observed number of blue stragglers is due to extended star formation, then roughly 6% (upper limit) of the stars could be half as old as the bulk of the galaxy. The color difference between the red giant branch and the turnoff is consistent with an old population and is very similar to that observed in the old, metal-poor Galactic globular clusters M68 and M92. Despite its red horizontal branch, Draco appears to be older than M68 and M92 by 1.6 +/- 2.5 Gyrs, lending support to the argument that the ``second parameter'' which governs horizontal branch morphology must be something other than age. Draco's observed luminosity function is very similar to that of M68, and the derived initial mass function is consistent with that of the solar neighborhood.Comment: 16 pages, AASTeX, 9 postscript figures, figures 1 and 2 available at ftp://bb3.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/draco/. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The Effects on Milk Yield and Composition, and Animal Nitrogen and Phosphorus Status, of Offering Early-Lactation Dairy Cows Concentrate Feeds of Differing Crude Protein and Phosphorus Concentrations

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    Milk composition is affected by the dietary concentration of crude protein (CP) (Kung Jr and Huber 1983) and minerals such as phosphorus (P) (Wu and Satter 2000). Milk composition has consequent effects on the processing properties of milk (Dillon et al. 1997). The objective of this study was to determine the effects of offering supplementary concentrate feeds differing in CP and P concentration to lactating dairy cows in the early lactation period (Feb-May) on milk yield and composition, and on animal nitrogen (N) and P status