8 research outputs found

    Observation of the formation of anisotropic silver microstructures by evanescent wave and electron microscopy

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    Using a well-known galvanic displacement reaction, ~25–40 μm long silver ribbons grown after mixing ~50 nm copper particles with AgNO3 solution were observed as a function of Ag+ concentration and their growth was characterized in real-time and in situ by evanescent wave (EW) microscopy. At low Ag+ concentration, chain-like structures consisting of both Ag and Cu were observed. When the sequence of mixing these two reactants was reversed, different Ag microstructures (platelets and dendrites) were formed and were also characterized by EW microscopy. Dependence of the morphology of all these microstructures on silver ion concentration was determined by EW microscopy in conjunction with scanning and transmission electron microscopy

    WUEMoCA Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia Informed Decision-Making in Land and Water Resources Management

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    WUEMoCA is an operational scientific webmapping tool for the regional monitoring of land and water use efficiency in the irrigated croplands of the transboundary Aral Sea Basin that is shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan. Satellite data on land use, crop pro-duction and water consumption is integrated with hydrological and economic information to provide of a set indicators. The tool is useful for large-scale decisions on water distribution or land use, and may be seen as demonstrator for numerous applications in practice, that require independent area-wide spatial information

    Monitoring jeffektivnosti vodopol'zovanija v Central'noj Azii Instrument dlja obosnovannoj vyrabotki reshenij v voprosah zemle- i vodopol'zovanija

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    WUEMoCA — научный инструмент веб-кар¬тографирования для мониторинга эф¬фек¬тивности земле- и водопользования на территориях орошаемого земледелия стран трансграничного бассейна Араль¬ского моря (Казахстана, Кыргызстана, Таджикистана, Туркменистана, Узбеки¬стана и Афганистана). Путём интеграции спутниковых данных по землепользованию, растениеводству и потреблению воды с гидрологическими и экономическими данными создаётся целый набор показателей. Инструмент полезен для выработки масштабных решений в вопросах распределения воды и землепользования, а также может применяться во многих практических сферах, в которых требуются независимые данные о конкретных обширных территориях.WUEMoCA — nauchnyj instrument veb-kar¬tografirovanija dlja monitoringa jef¬fek¬tivnosti zemle- i vodopol'zovanija na territorijah oroshaemogo zemledelija stran transgranichnogo bassejna Aral'¬skogo morja (Kazahstana, Kyrgyzstana, Tadzhikistana, Turkmenistana, Uzbeki¬stana i Afganistana). Putjom integracii sputnikovyh dannyh po zemlepol'zovaniju, rastenievodstvu i potrebleniju vody s gidrologicheskimi i jekonomicheskimi dannymi sozdajotsja celyj nabor pokazatelej. Instrument polezen dlja vyrabotki masshtabnyh reshenij v voprosah raspredelenija vody i zemlepol'zovanija, a takzhe mozhet primenjat'sja vo mnogih prakticheskih sferah, v kotoryh trebujutsja nezavisimye dannye o konkretnyh obshirnyh territorijah

    OC6 project Phase IV: Validation of numerical models for novel floating offshore wind support structures

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    This paper provides a summary of the work done within Phase IV of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued with Correlation and unCertainty (OC6) project, under International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Programme Task 30. This phase focused on validating the loading on and motion of a novel floating offshore wind system. Numerical models of a 3.6MW horizontal-axis wind turbine atop the TetraSpar floating support structure were compared using measurement data from a 1:43-Froude-scale test performed in the University of Maine's Alfond Wind-Wave (W2) Ocean Engineering Laboratory. Participants in the project ran a series of simulations, including system equilibrium, surge offsets, free-decay tests, wind-only conditions, wave-only conditions, and a combination of wind and wave conditions. Validation of the models was performed by comparing the aerodynamic loading, floating support structure motion, tower base loading, mooring line tensions, and keel line tensions. The results show a relatively good estimation of the aerodynamic loading and a reasonable estimation of the platform motion and tower base fore-aft bending moment. However, there is a significant dispersion in the dynamic loading for the upwind mooring line. Very good agreement was observed between most of the numerical models and the experiment for the keel line tensions