458 research outputs found

    A Comparison of two different jet algorithms for the top mass reconstruction at the LHC

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    We compare the abilities of the cluster-type jet algorithm, KtJet, and a mid-point iterating cone algorithm to reconstruct the top mass at the LHC. We discuss the information contained in the merging scales of cluster-type algorithms, and how this can be used in experimental analyses, as well as the different sources of systematic errors for the two algorithms. We find that the sources of systematic error are different for the two algorithms, which may help to better constrain the systematic error on the top mass at the LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, accepted by JHE

    The efficacy of attentional distraction and sensory monitoring in chronic pain patients: A meta-analysis

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    Attentional strategies, such as distraction and sensory monitoring, are often offered to reduce pain and pain-related distress. However, evidence for their efficacy in chronic pain patients is equivocal. We report a meta-analysis on the efficacy of distraction and sensory monitoring in chronic pain patients, and explore possible methodological and theoretical moderators. The scientific literature was searched for relevant articles, which were coded for methodological quality and several theoretical and methodological moderator variables. Only 10 articles fulfilled the search criteria. Eight studies allowed us to compare distraction with a control condition, two studies to compare sensory monitoring with a control condition, and four studies to compare the effect of distraction with the effect of sensory monitoring. Overall, results indicate that distraction did not differ from control in altering pain experience (k = 8; Hedges' g = 0.10, ns) and distress (k = 2; Hedges' g = 0.549). Sensory monitoring did also not alter pain experience (k = 2; Hedges' g = − 0.21, ns) and distress (k = 1; Hedges' g = − 0.191, ns). We found no evidence to support the superiority of distraction or sensory monitoring in altering pain compared to control conditions. We offer guidance for future theory-driven research to investigate distraction and sensory monitoring in this largely unexplored field, albeit one replete with methodological difficulties

    The effects of ractopamine-HCl (optaflexx) on performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of finishing feedlot heifers

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    Beta-adrenergic agonists are commonly used in livestock production to accelerate growth by enhancing lean tissue gain. These compounds repartition nutrients away from fat deposition and toward protein accretion. Generally, increased growth is associated with ractopamine feeding, which improves feed conversion and increases body weight gain. However, little data exists on the effects of ractopamine-HCl on live performance or carcass characteristics of beef heifers. Data released from Elanco Animal Health indicate that differences between gender may exist in response to ractopamine, and therefore appropriate strategies for the administration of this compound must be defined for heifers independent of those for steers. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of Optaflexx, when fed for different dosages over different durations, on finishing heifer performance

    Distraction from pain and executive functioning: an experimental investigation of the role of inhibition, task switching and working memory

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    Although many studies have investigated the effectiveness of distraction as a method of pain control, the cognitive processes by which attentional re-direction is achieved, remain unclear. In this study the role of executive functioning abilities (inhibition, task switching and working memory) in the effectiveness of distraction is investigated. We hypothesized that the effectiveness of distraction in terms of pain reduction would be larger in participants with better executive functioning abilities. Ninety-one undergraduate students first performed executive functioning tasks, and subsequently participated in a cold pressor task (CPT). Participants were randomly assigned to (1) a distraction group, in which an attention-demanding tone-detection task was performed during the CPT, or (2) a control group, in which no distraction task was performed. Participants in the distraction group reported significantly less pain during the CPT, but the pain experience was not influenced by executive functioning abilities. However, the performance on the distraction task improved with better inhibition abilities, indicating that inhibition abilities might be important in focussing on a task despite the pain

    Angiographic findings in patients with refractory unstable angina according to troponin T status

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    BACKGROUND: The CAPTURE (C7E3 fab AntiPlatelet Therapy in Unstable REfactory angina) trial enrolled patients with refractory unstable angina and documented a therapeutic benefit for abciximab, a platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, that was particularly evident in patients with elevated troponin T (TnT) levels. In the current study, we related the angiographic data to the TnT status of the CAPTURE patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 853 patients, angiographic data at baseline and 18 to 24 hours after treatment were available and assessed by an Angiographic Committee with respect to TIMI flow, lesion severity, and visibility of thrombus. TnT levels >0.1 microg/L were found in 30.9% of the patients. Before randomization, thrombus was visible in 14.6% of TnT-positive patients (TnT levels >0.1 microg/L) and 4.2% of TnT-negative patients (P=0.004). Complex lesion characteristics B2+/C (72.0% versus 53.9%; P<0.001) and TIMI flow <2 (15.6% versus 5. 1%; P<0.001) were more frequent in TnT-positive patients. Abciximab was effective with respect to reduction of visible thrombus, increase of TIMI flow, and reduction of cardiac events in TnT-positive patients only. Multivariate analysis identified TnT status, but not angiographic findings, as an independent predictor for both outcome and efficacy of treatment with abciximab. CONCLUSIONS: Complex lesion characteristics and visible thrombus formation at baseline were significantly linked to TnT elevation. However, TnT st

    Understanding supply chain management from a main contractor's perspective

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    The emergence of supply chain management (SCM) in construction was predominantly driven by major clients that began to adopt procurement arrangements such as prime contracting, partnering, and framework agreements. These were major clients that had the power leverage to mobilise construction firms for projects that spanned a considerable timeframe. Despite such early efforts towards SCM adoption, it increasingly became apparent that numerous subcontractors and suppliers were not fully integrated into these supply chain driven collaborative approaches. This has remained a key shortcoming of such collaborative efforts in the construction sector (Kumaraswamy et al. 2010). This situation has now provided main contractors with the enormous responsibility of coordinating and managing multi-layered tiers of suppliers and subcontractors for production and value addition across multiple projects. Main contractors have taken an interest in SCM as an approach for coordinating upstream linkages with demand-side organisations, in addition to the downstream tiers of supply chain firms assembled to deliver projects. However, empirical evidence of SCM initiatives and practices that have been implemented by main contractors to manage the lower tiers of the supply chain remain scarce (Pala et al. 2014, Broft et al. 2016). In this chapter, the multi-layered nature of subcontracting in construction will be discussed, together with its ramifications, before reviewing literature on SCM principles and practices that can be adopted by main contractors. A case study of SCM practices implemented by a large UK main contractor is then used to provide some empirical evidence of SCM adoption from a main contractor’s perspective. This case study focuses on the ‘dyadic’ relationship between a Tier-1 main contractor and Tier-2 subcontractors

    Assessment of post-wildfire erosion risk and effects on water quality in south-western Australia

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    Investigations of wildfire impact on water resources have escalated globally over the last decade owing to an awareness of climate-related vulnerabilities. Within Australia, research into post-wildfire erosion has focused on water supply catchments in the south-eastern region. Here, we examine post-wildfire erosion risk and its potential for water quality impacts in a catchment in south-western Australia. The catchment of the Harvey River, which drains from forested escarpments onto an agricultural coastal plain and into valuable coastal wetlands, was burnt by wildfire in 2016. The aims of this study were to determine erosion risk across contrasting landforms and variable fire severity, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), and to determine whether post-fire water quality impacts could be detected at permanent river monitoring stations located on the coastal plain. RUSLE outputs showed erosion hot-spots at intersections of steep terrain and high fire severity and that these areas were confined to forested headwaters and coastal dunes. Monthly water quality data showed conspicuous seasonal patterns, but that sampling frequency was temporally too coarse to pick up predicted event-related effects, particularly given that the pre-existing monitoring sites were distal to the predicted zone of contamination. © IAWF 2020 Open Access

    Prognostic Significance of Angiogenic Growth Factor Serum Levels in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    BACKGROUND: In patients with acute coronary syndromes, compensatory processes are initiated, including angiogenesis and endothelial regeneration of ruptured or eroded plaques. Angiogenic growth factors like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) are upregulated during ischemia. However, it is unknown whether their serum levels are related to clinical outcome. METHODS AND RESULTS: We measured VEGF, HGF, and bFGF levels in 1090 patients with acute coronary syndromes. Angiographic evaluation was performed at baseline as well as death, and nonfatal myocardial infarctions were recorded during 6-month follow-up. HGF and VEGF, but not bFGF, were significantly and independently associated with the patients' outcome. Patients with elevated VEGF serum levels suffered from adverse outcome (adjusted hazard ratio, 2.50 [1.52 to 4.82]; P=0.002). VEGF elevation was associated with evidence of ischemia and was a significant predictor of the effect of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition. In contrast, patients with high HGF levels had a significantly lower event rate compared with patients with low HGF levels (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.33 [0.21 to 0.51]; P<0.001). HGF levels did not correlate with evidence of ischemia and did not predict the effect of abciximab. Intriguingly, however, HGF levels significantly correlated with angiographically visible collateralization of the target vessel (22.4% versus 10.5%; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The angiogenic growth factors VEGF and HGF are independent predictors of the patients' prognosis in acute coronary syndromes. Whereas VEGF elevation correlated with the evidence of myocardial ischemia and indicated an adverse outcome, HGF elevation was independent of ischemia and associated with improved collateralization as well as a favorable prognosis

    Myeloperoxidase Serum Levels Predict Risk in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    BACKGROUND: Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) have gained attention as critical mediators of acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Myeloperoxidase (MPO), a hemoprotein abundantly expressed by PMNs and secreted during activation, possesses potent proinflammatory properties and may contribute directly to tissue injury. However, whether MPO also provides prognostic information in patients with ACS remains unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: MPO serum levels were assessed in 1090 patients with ACS. We recorded death and myocardial infarctions during 6 months of follow-up. MPO levels did not correlate with troponin T, soluble CD40 ligand, or C-reactive protein levels or with ST-segment changes. However, patients with elevated MPO levels (>350 microg/L; 31.3%) experienced a markedly increased cardiac risk (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 2.25 [1.32 to 3.82]; P=0.003). In particular, MPO serum levels identified patients at risk who had troponin T levels below 0.01 microg/L (adjusted HR 7.48 [95% CI 1.98 to 28.29]; P=0.001). In a multivariate model that included other biochemical markers, troponin T (HR 1.99; P=0.023), C-reactive protein (1.25; P=0.044), vascular endothelial growth factor (HR 1.87; P=0.041), soluble CD40 ligand (HR 2.78; P<0.001), and MPO (HR 2.11; P=0.008) were all independent predictors of the patient's 6-month outcome. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with ACS, MPO serum levels powerfully predict an increased risk for subsequent cardiovascular events and extend the prognostic information gained from traditional biochemical markers. Given its proinflammatory properties, MPO may serve as both a marker and mediator of vascular inflammation and further points toward the significance of PMN activation in the pathophysiology of ACS

    A generalized plasma and interpolation between classical random matrix ensembles

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    The eigenvalue probability density functions of the classical random matrix ensembles have a well known analogy with the one component log-gas at the special couplings \beta = 1,2 and 4. It has been known for some time that there is an exactly solvable two-component log-potential plasma which interpolates between the \beta =1 and 4 circular ensemble, and an exactly solvable two-component generalized plasma which interpolates between \beta = 2 and 4 circular ensemble. We extend known exact results relating to the latter --- for the free energy and one and two-point correlations --- by giving the general (k_1+k_2)-point correlation function in a Pfaffian form. Crucial to our working is an identity which expresses the Vandermonde determinant in terms of a Pfaffian. The exact evaluation of the general correlation is used to exhibit a perfect screening sum rule.Comment: 21 page