51 research outputs found

    The potential therapeutic effect of manipulating the extracellular matrix in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a physiologically devastating disease. The debilitating nature and high mortality rates make this one of the most lethal conditions, usually associated with median time to mortality of around 3 years. Increased deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) and fibroblast accumulation are hallmarks of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We hypothesise that the ECM in IPF is structurally abnormal by virtue of aberrant cross linking and promotes fibroblast accumulation. This study examined the structure and biological activity of IPF derived ECM and how this related to the expression of ECM cross linking enzymes as well as how inhibiting Transglutaminase 2 affects active fibrosis in the murine Bleomycin model. Methods: Primary fibroblasts from 3 patients with IPF and 3 controls were isolated from biopsy samples and characterised by immunocytochemistry. ECM from these cells was deposited onto tissue culture plastic, cells removed using ammonium hydroxide and confirmed by electron microscopy (SEM). IPF and control cells were then grown on their own ECM or ECM derived from other cells. ECM was labelled with 3H-proline and digested with recombinant proteases and tritium liberation counted by scintillation as a measure of collagen proteolysis. A pilot study was carried out where C57BL/5J mice received a single intratracheal instillation of Bleomycin (2mg/kg) and administered cystamine dihydrochloride by intraperitoneal injection (IP), once a day for ten consecutive days at 40mg/kg or 100mg/kg, at 3 different time points. Results: IPF derived fibroblasts had more distinct organisation of fibrous matrix filaments on the cell surface and between adjacent cells by SEM. Both control and IPF lung fibroblasts expressed transcripts for lysyl oxidase (LOX), LOXL1, LOXL2, LOXL3, LOXL4 and transglutaminase (TG) 2. IPF derived matrix increased expression of LOXL3 and TG2 transcripts, LOXL3 protein and TGase activity. Other cross linking enzymes were unchanged. To assess if IPF matrix affected fibroblast accumulation, I measured fibroblast adhesion, proliferation by MTT and EDU assays, and apoptosis by cleaved caspase 3, cleaved PARP and TUNEL assay on the different matrices. IPF matrix enhanced proliferation over control matrix in response to PDGF-BB. To determine if this pro-proliferative effect was dependent upon aberrant cross-linking we generated ECM from normal and IPF fibroblasts treated with cystamine dihydrochloride (TG2 inhibitor) or β-amino-proprionitrile (LOX family inhibitor). The enhanced fibroblast proliferation seen on IPF matrix was reduced close to levels of normal matrix by each cross link inhibitor. There was no effect on apoptosis induced by either FAS ligand or staurosporine when cells were seeded onto IPF or control matrix suggesting IPF ECM does not protect seeded fibroblasts from apoptosis. Bleomycin showed a trend towards increasing total lung hydroxyproline at day 24, 34 and 44 post administration however this was not statistically significant. Administration of cystamine at 40mg/kg/day showed no effect on total lung hydroxyproline. At day 34 post Bleomycin, cystamine administration showed a trend towards decreasing total lung hydroxyproline however again this was not statistically significant. Conclusions: The data supports the hypothesis that IPF derived matrix is structurally and functionally different from normal matrix. This results in enhanced fibroblast proliferation, adhesion and increased cross linking activity by effects on gene transcription. Inhibition of matrix cross-linking reduced this enhanced fibroblast adhesion and proliferation. Administration of cystamine dihydrochloride via IP injection for ten consecutive days at 100mg/kg/day in the Bleomycin model showed a trend towards decreasing total lung hydroxyproline

    Head-to-head comparison of BAM15, semaglutide, rosiglitazone, NEN, and calorie restriction on metabolic physiology in female <i>db/db</i> mice

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    Metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, hyperlipidemia, and obesity commonly co-occur but clinical treatment options do not effectively target all disorders. Calorie restriction, semaglutide, rosiglitazone, and mitochondrial uncouplers have all demonstrated efficacy against one or more obesity-related metabolic disorders, but it currently remains unclear which therapeutic strategy best targets the combination of hyperglycaemia, liver fat, hypertriglyceridemia, and adiposity. Herein we performed a head-to-head comparison of 5 treatment interventions in the female db/db mouse model of severe metabolic disease. Treatments included ∼60 % calorie restriction (CR), semaglutide, rosiglitazone, BAM15, and niclosamide ethanolamine (NEN). Results showed that BAM15 and CR improved body weight and liver steatosis to levels superior to semaglutide, NEN, and rosiglitazone, while BAM15, semaglutide, and rosiglitazone improved glucose tolerance better than CR and NEN. BAM15, CR, semaglutide, and rosiglitazone all had efficacy against hypertriglyceridaemia. These data provide a comprehensive head-to-head comparison of several key treatment strategies for metabolic disease and highlight the efficacy of mitochondrial uncoupling to correct multiple facets of the metabolic disease milieu in female db/db mice.</p

    Sodium in the dermis colocates to glycosaminoglycan scaffold, with diminishment in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND. Dietary sodium intake mismatches urinary sodium excretion over prolonged periods. Our aims were to localize and quantify electrostatically bound sodium within human skin using triple-quantum–filtered (TQF) protocols for MRI and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and to explore dermal sodium in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). METHODS. We recruited adult participants with T2D (n = 9) and euglycemic participants with no history of diabetes mellitus (n = 8). All had undergone lower limb amputations or abdominal skin reduction surgery for clinical purposes. We used 20 μm in-plane resolution 1H MRI to visualize anatomical skin regions ex vivo from skin biopsies taken intraoperatively, 23Na TQF MRI/MRS to explore distribution and quantification of freely dissolved and bound sodium, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to quantify sodium in selected skin samples. RESULTS. Human dermis has a preponderance (>90%) of bound sodium that colocalizes with the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) scaffold. Bound and free sodium have similar anatomical locations. T2D associates with a severely reduced dermal bound sodium capacity. CONCLUSION. We provide the first evidence to our knowledge for high levels of bound sodium within human dermis, colocating to the GAG scaffold, consistent with a dermal “third space repository” for sodium. T2D associates with diminished dermal electrostatic binding capacity for sodium

    MMP-1 activation contributes to airway smooth muscle growth and asthma severity

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    Introduction: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 and mast cells are present in the airways of people with asthma. We hypothesised that matrix metalloproteinase-1 could be activated by mast cells and increase asthma severity. Methods: Patients with stable asthma and healthy controls underwent spirometry, methacholine challenge, bronchoscopy and their airway smooth muscle cells were grown in culture. A second asthma group and controls had symptom scores, spirometry and bronchoalveolar lavage before and after rhinovirus-induced asthma exacerbations. Extra-cellular matrix was prepared from decellularised airway smooth muscle cultures. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 protein and activity were assessed. Results: Airway smooth muscle cells generated pro-matrix metalloproteinase-1 which was proteolytically activated by mast cell tryptase. Airway smooth muscle treated with activated mast cell supernatants produced extra-cellular matrix which enhanced subsequent airway smooth muscle growth by 1.5 fold (p<0.05) which was dependent on matrix metalloproteinase-1 activation. In asthma, airway pro-matrix metalloproteinase-1 was 5.4 fold higher than control subjects (p=0.002). Mast cell numbers were associated with airway smooth muscle proliferation and matrix metalloproteinase-1 protein associated with bronchial hyper-responsiveness. During exacerbations, matrix metalloproteinase-1 activity increased and was associated with fall in FEV1 and worsening asthma symptoms. Conclusions: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 is activated by mast cell tryptase resulting in a pro-proliferative extra-cellular matrix. In asthma, mast cells are associated with airway smooth muscle growth, matrix metalloproteinase-1 levels are associated with bronchial hyper-responsiveness and matrix metalloproteinase-1 activation with exacerbation severity. Our findings suggest that airway smooth muscle/mast cell interactions contribute to asthma severity by transiently increasing matrix metalloproteinase activation, airway smooth muscle growth and airway responsiveness

    Monocarboxylate Transporter 4 (MCT4) Knockout Mice Have Attenuated 4NQO Induced Carcinogenesis; A Role for MCT4 in Driving Oral Squamous Cell Cancer

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 6th most common human cancer and affects approximately 50,000 new patients every year in the US. The major risk factors for HNSCC are tobacco and alcohol consumption as well as oncogenic HPV infections. Despite advances in therapy, the overall survival rate for all-comers is only 50%. Understanding the biology of HNSCC is crucial to identifying new biomarkers, implementing early diagnostic approaches and developing novel therapies. As in several other cancers, HNSCC expresses elevated levels of MCT4, a member of the SLC16 family of monocarboxylate transporters. MCT4 is a H+-linked lactate transporter which functions to facilitate lactate efflux from highly glycolytic cells. High MCT4 levels in HNSCC have been associated with poor prognosis, but the role of MCT4 in the development and progression of this cancer is still poorly understood. In this study, we used 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) to induce oral cancer in MCT4−/− and wild type littermates, recapitulating the disease progression in humans. Histological analysis of mouse tongues after 23 weeks of 4NQO treatment showed that MCT4−/− mice developed significantly fewer and less extended invasive lesions than wild type. In mice, as in human samples, MCT4 was not expressed in normal oral mucosa but was detected in the transformed epithelium. In the 4NQO treated mice we detected MCT4 in foci of the basal layer undergoing transformation, and progressively in areas of carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinomas. Moreover, we found MCT4 positive macrophages within the tumor and in the stroma surrounding the lesions in both human samples of HNSCC and in the 4NQO treated animals. The results of our studies showed that MCT4 could be used as an early diagnostic biomarker of HNSCC. Our finding with the MCT4−/− mice suggest MCT4 is a driver of progression to oral squamous cell cancer and MCT4 inhibitors could have clinical benefits for preventing invasive HNSCC

    ECM crosslinking enhances fibroblast growth and protects against matrix proteolysis in lung fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is characterised by accumulation of extra cellular matrix (ECM) proteins and fibroblast proliferation. ECM cross-linking enzymes have been implicated in fibrotic diseases and we hypothesised that the ECM in IPF is abnormally cross-linked which enhances fibroblast growth and resistance to normal ECM turnover. We used a combination of in vitro ECM preparations and in vivo assays to examine the expression of cross-linking enzymes and the effect of their inhibitors on fibroblast growth and ECM turnover. Lysyl oxidase like 1, 2, 3 and 4 were expressed equally in control and IPF derived fibroblasts. Transglutaminase 2 was more strongly expressed in IPF fibroblasts. Lysyl oxidase like 2, transglutaminase 2 and transglutaminase generated cross-links were strongly expressed in IPF lung tissue. Fibroblasts grown on IPF ECM had higher LOXL3 protein expression and transglutaminase activity compared with those grown on control ECM. IPF derived ECM also enhanced fibroblast adhesion and proliferation compared with control ECM. Inhibition of lysyl oxidase and transglutaminse activity during ECM formation affected ECM structure as visualised by electron microscopy and reduced the enhanced fibroblast adhesion and proliferation of IPF ECM to control levels. Inhibition of transglutaminase, but not lysyl oxidase activity, enhanced the turnover of ECM in vitro. In bleomycin treated mice, during the post-inflammatory fibrotic phase, inhibition of transglutaminases was associated with a reduction in whole lung collagen. Our findings suggest that the ECM in IPF may enhance pathological cross-linking which contributes to increased fibroblast growth, resistance to normal ECM turnover to drive lung fibrosis

    Matrix-Bound Growth Factors are Released upon Cartilage Compression by an Aggrecan-Dependent Sodium Flux that is Lost in Osteoarthritis

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    Articular cartilage is a dense extracellular matrix-rich tissue that degrades following chronic mechanical stress, resulting in osteoarthritis (OA). The tissue has low intrinsic repair especially in aged and osteoarthritic joints. Here, we describe three pro-regenerative factors; fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), connective tissue growth factor, bound to transforming growth factor-beta (CTGF-TGFβ), and hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF), that are rapidly released from the pericellular matrix (PCM) of articular cartilage upon mechanical injury. All three growth factors bound heparan sulfate, and were displaced by exogenous NaCl. We hypothesised that sodium, sequestered within the aggrecan-rich matrix, was freed by injurious compression, thereby enhancing the bioavailability of pericellular growth factors. Indeed, growth factor release was abrogated when cartilage aggrecan was depleted by IL-1 treatment, and in severely damaged human osteoarthritic cartilage. A flux in free matrix sodium upon mechanical compression of cartilage was visualised by 23Na -MRI just below the articular surface. This corresponded to a region of reduced tissue stiffness, measured by scanning acoustic microscopy and second harmonic generation microscopy, and where Smad2/3 was phosphorylated upon cyclic compression. Our results describe a novel intrinsic repair mechanism, controlled by matrix stiffness and mediated by the free sodium concentration, in which heparan sulfate-bound growth factors are released from cartilage upon injurious load. They identify aggrecan as a depot for sequestered sodium, explaining why osteoarthritic tissue loses its ability to repair. Treatments that restore matrix sodium to allow appropriate release of growth factors upon load are predicted to enable intrinsic cartilage repair in OA

    A theoretical model of inflammation- and mechanotransduction- driven asthmatic airway remodelling

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    Inflammation, airway hyper-responsiveness and airway remodelling are well-established hallmarks of asthma, but their inter-relationships remain elusive. In order to obtain a better understanding of their inter-dependence, we develop a mechanochemical morphoelastic model of the airway wall accounting for local volume changes in airway smooth muscle (ASM) and extracellular matrix in response to transient inflammatory or contractile agonist challenges. We use constrained mixture theory, together with a multiplicative decomposition of growth from the elastic deformation, to model the airway wall as a nonlinear fibre-reinforced elastic cylinder. Local contractile agonist drives ASM cell contraction, generating mechanical stresses in the tissue that drive further release of mitogenic mediators and contractile agonists via underlying mechanotransductive signalling pathways. Our model predictions are consistent with previously described inflammation-induced remodelling within an axisymmetric airway geometry. Additionally, our simulations reveal novel mechanotransductive feedback by which hyper-responsive airways exhibit increased remodelling, for example, via stress-induced release of pro-mitogenic and procontractile cytokines. Simulation results also reveal emergence of a persistent contractile tone observed in asthmatics, via either a pathological mechanotransductive feedback loop, a failure to clear agonists from the tissue, or a combination of both. Furthermore, we identify various parameter combinations that may contribute to the existence of different asthma phenotypes, and we illustrate a combination of factors which may predispose severe asthmatics to fatal bronchospasms

    Multiple novel prostate cancer susceptibility signals identified by fine-mapping of known risk loci among Europeans

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous common prostate cancer (PrCa) susceptibility loci. We have fine-mapped 64 GWAS regions known at the conclusion of the iCOGS study using large-scale genotyping and imputation in 25 723 PrCa cases and 26 274 controls of European ancestry. We detected evidence for multiple independent signals at 16 regions, 12 of which contained additional newly identified significant associations. A single signal comprising a spectrum of correlated variation was observed at 39 regions; 35 of which are now described by a novel more significantly associated lead SNP, while the originally reported variant remained as the lead SNP only in 4 regions. We also confirmed two association signals in Europeans that had been previously reported only in East-Asian GWAS. Based on statistical evidence and linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure, we have curated and narrowed down the list of the most likely candidate causal variants for each region. Functional annotation using data from ENCODE filtered for PrCa cell lines and eQTL analysis demonstrated significant enrichment for overlap with bio-features within this set. By incorporating the novel risk variants identified here alongside the refined data for existing association signals, we estimate that these loci now explain ∼38.9% of the familial relative risk of PrCa, an 8.9% improvement over the previously reported GWAS tag SNPs. This suggests that a significant fraction of the heritability of PrCa may have been hidden during the discovery phase of GWAS, in particular due to the presence of multiple independent signals within the same regio

    Glucose Transporter 1 and Monocarboxylate Transporters 1, 2, and 4 Localization within the Glial Cells of Shark Blood-Brain-Barriers

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    Although previous studies showed that glucose is used to support the metabolic activity of the cartilaginous fish brain, the distribution and expression levels of glucose transporter (GLUT) isoforms remained undetermined. Optic/ultrastructural immunohistochemistry approaches were used to determine the expression of GLUT1 in the glial blood-brain barrier (gBBB). GLUT1 was observed solely in glial cells; it was primarily located in end-feet processes of the gBBB. Western blot analysis showed a protein with a molecular mass of 50 kDa, and partial sequencing confirmed GLUT1 identity. Similar approaches were used to demonstrate increased GLUT1 polarization to both apical and basolateral membranes in choroid plexus epithelial cells. To explore monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) involvement in shark brain metabolism, the expression of MCTs was analyzed. MCT1, 2 and 4 were expressed in endothelial cells; however, only MCT1 and MCT4 were present in glial cells. In neurons, MCT2 was localized at the cell membrane whereas MCT1 was detected within mitochondria. Previous studies demonstrated that hypoxia modified GLUT and MCT expression in mammalian brain cells, which was mediated by the transcription factor, hypoxia inducible factor-1. Similarly, we observed that hypoxia modified MCT1 cellular distribution and MCT4 expression in shark telencephalic area and brain stem, confirming the role of these transporters in hypoxia adaptation. Finally, using three-dimensional ultrastructural microscopy, the interaction between glial end-feet and leaky blood vessels of shark brain was assessed in the present study. These data suggested that the brains of shark may take up glucose from blood using a different mechanism than that used by mammalian brains, which may induce astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttling and metabolic coupling as observed in mammalian brain. Our data suggested that the structural conditions and expression patterns of GLUT1, MCT1, MCT2 and MCT4 in shark brain may establish the molecular foundation of metabolic coupling between glia and neurons