718 research outputs found

    Selective reduction of neurotransmitter release by cAMP-dependent pathways in mouse detrusor

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    Parasympathetic nerve-mediated contractions of detrusor smooth muscle are generated by ATP and acetylcholine (ACh) release from efferent nerve terminals. In humans, ACh is responsible for detrusor contractions in normal human bladders, whereas ATP has an additional role in overactive bladder pathologies. The ATP metabolite, adenosine, relaxes nerve-mediated contractions, with a potential action via presynaptic adenosine A1 receptor activation and subsequent suppression of neuronal ATP release. We investigated the effect of A1 receptor activation and downstream cAMP-dependent pathways on nerve-mediated ATP and ACh release, and detrusor contraction in mouse detrusor. Bladders from male C57BL/6 mice (12 wk) were used for in vitro experiments. Upon electrical field stimulation of intact preparations (detrusor and mucosal layers), ATP or ACh release was measured simultaneously with tension recordings. Activation of A1 receptors by adenosine or exogenous agonists reduced the lower frequency component of nerve-mediated contractions and neuronal ATP release. The A1 receptor antagonist abolished these effects. A1 receptor activation inhibits adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity and cAMP generation. The effect of A1 receptor activation was mimicked by a PKA antagonist but not by modulators of exchange proteins activated by cAMP, demonstrating that modulation of nerve-mediated ATP release is via PKA. Adenosine had no effect on ACh release or the higher frequency component of nerve-mediated contractions. Differential regulation of neurotransmitter release is possible at the detrusor nerve-muscle junction, as demonstrated by A1 receptor activation, and downstream inhibition of AC, cAMP generation, and PKA. The ability to specifically attenuate ATP release offers a potential to target purinergic motor pathways enhanced in overactive bladder pathologies

    A noble task: Testing an operational model of clergy occupational health

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    In many ways, clergy and religious leaders are an ignored yet high-risk population. In their efforts to ensure the spiritual well-being of their congregations, clergy frequently neglect their own well-being, resulting in stress and burnout, which then can lead to impaired health. This neglect often extends to clergy’s family and congregation. Church members typically seek help from clergy to cope with the loss of loved ones, life crises, and other general life stressors. A clergy member unable to cope with these same challenges in his or her own life may be ineffective at helping church members to cope with their stress. Recent theory applications and measure development efforts in this research space have led to several studies of specific occupational hazards or challenges faced by clergy. These challenges include high job demands, congregational criticism, and isolation; restoration following moral failures (e.g., alcohol abuse, adultery); and resolving conflict among congregation members . Furthermore, a holistic model of clergy health functioning has been proposed, which includes specific occupational challenges and their detrimental effects on clergy health. Unfortunately, the constructs in this model are more theoretical than operational. While such a model is useful for conceptualizing the factors that influence clergy health, an operational model of clergy holistic health is still needed to empirically test the effects of occupational demands, and personal and job-related resources on the health of clergy. The purpose of the present study, therefore, is to develop and test such a model. The ultimate goal of this research is to offer a model and methodological approach that can be useful to those interested in better identifying and addressing the health and well-being needs of clergy so that they may thrive in their roles to the betterment of their families and congregations

    Workshop on Mars Sample Return Science

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    Martian magnetic history; quarantine issues; surface modifying processes; climate and atmosphere; sampling sites and strategies; and life sciences were among the topics discussed

    Cost-effectiveness of malaria diagnosis using rapid diagnostic tests compared to microscopy or clinical symptoms alone in Afghanistan

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    Background Improving access to parasitological diagnosis of malaria is a central strategy for control and elimination of the disease. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are relatively easy to perform and could be used in primary level clinics to increase coverage of diagnostics and improve treatment of malaria.<p></p> Methods A cost-effectiveness analysis was undertaken of RDT-based diagnosis in public health sector facilities in Afghanistan comparing the societal and health sector costs of RDTs versus microscopy and RDTs versus clinical diagnosis in low and moderate transmission areas. The effect measure was ‘appropriate treatment for malaria’ defined using a reference diagnosis. Effects were obtained from a recent trial of RDTs in 22 public health centres with cost data collected directly from health centres and from patients enrolled in the trial. Decision models were used to compare the cost of RDT diagnosis versus the current diagnostic method in use at the clinic per appropriately treated case (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, ICER).<p></p> Results RDT diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria in patients with uncomplicated febrile illness had higher effectiveness and lower cost compared to microscopy and was cost-effective across the moderate and low transmission settings. RDTs remained cost-effective when microscopy was used for other clinical purposes. In the low transmission setting, RDTs were much more effective than clinical diagnosis (65.2% (212/325) vs 12.5% (40/321)) but at an additional cost (ICER) of US4.5perappropriatelytreatedpatientincludingahealthsectorcost(ICER)ofUS4.5 per appropriately treated patient including a health sector cost (ICER) of US2.5 and household cost of US$2.0. Sensitivity analysis, which varied drug costs, indicated that RDTs would remain cost-effective if artemisinin combination therapy was used for treating both P. vivax and P. falciparum. Cost-effectiveness of microscopy relative to RDT is further reduced if the former is used exclusively for malaria diagnosis. In the health service setting of Afghanistan, RDTs are a cost-effective intervention compared to microscopy.<p></p> Conclusions RDTs remain cost-effective across a range of drug costs and if microscopy is used for a range of diagnostic services. RDTs have significant advantages over clinical diagnosis with minor increases in the cost of service provision.<p></p&gt

    New targets for overactive bladder-ICI-RS 2109

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    Aim: To review evidence for novel drug targets that can manage overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Methods: A think tank considered evidence from the literature and their own research experience to propose new drug targets in the urinary bladder to characterize their use to treat OAB. Results: Five classes of agents or cellular pathways were considered. (a) Cyclic nucleotide–dependent (cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate) pathways that modulate adenosine triphosphate release from motor nerves and urothelium. (b) Novel targets for β3 agonists, including the bladder wall vasculature and muscularis mucosa. (c) Several TRP channels (TRPV1, TRPV4, TRPA1, and TRPM4) and their modulators in affecting detrusor overactivity. (d) Small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels and their influence on spontaneous contractions. (e) Antifibrosis agents that act to modulate directly or indirectly the TGF-β pathway—the canonical fibrosis pathway. Conclusions: The specificity of action remains a consideration if particular classes of agents can be considered for future development as receptors or pathways that mediate actions of the above mentioned potential agents are distributed among most organ systems. The tasks are to determine more detail of the pathological changes that occur in the OAB and how the specificity of potential drugs may be directed to bladder pathological changes. An important conclusion was that the storage, not the voiding, phase in the micturition cycle should be investigated and potential targets lie in the whole range of tissue in the bladder wall and not just detrusor

    Prostate Surgery for Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Do We Need Urodynamics to Find the Right Candidates?:Exploratory Findings from the UPSTREAM Trial

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    BackgroundIdentifying men whose lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) may benefit from surgery is challenging.ObjectiveTo identify routine diagnostic and urodynamic measures associated with treatment decision-making, and outcome, in exploratory analyses of the UPSTREAM trial.Design, setting, and participantsA randomised controlled trial was conducted including 820 men, considering surgery for LUTS, across 26 hospitals in England (ISCTRN56164274).InterventionMen were randomised to a routine care (RC) diagnostic pathway (n = 393) or a pathway that included urodynamics (UDS) in addition to RC (n = 427).Outcome measurements and statistical analysisMen underwent uroflowmetry and completed symptom questionnaires, at baseline and 18 mo after randomisation. Regression models identified baseline clinical and symptom measures that predicted recommendation for surgery and/or surgical outcome (measured by the International Prostate Symptom Score [IPSS]). We explored the association between UDS and surgical outcome in subgroups defined by routine measures.Results and limitationsThe recommendation for surgery could be predicted successfully in the RC and UDS groups (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve 0.78), with maximum flow rate (Qmax) and age predictors in both groups. Surgery was more beneficial in those with higher symptom scores (eg, IPSS >16), age 47.6, and bladder contractility index >123.0. In the UDS group, urodynamic measures were more strongly predictive of surgical outcome for those with Qmax >15, although patient-reported outcomes were also more predictive in this subgroup.ConclusionsTreatment decisions were informed with UDS, when available, but without evidence of change in the decisions reached. Despite the small group sizes, exploratory analyses suggest that selective use of UDS could detect obstructive pathology, missed by routine measures, in certain subgroups.Patient summaryBaseline clinical and symptom measurements were able to predict treatment decisions. The addition of urodynamic test results, while useful, did not generally lead to better surgical decisions and outcomes over routine tests alone

    Variable effects of exposure to formulated microbicides on antibiotic susceptibility in firmicutes and proteobacteria

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    Microbicides are broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents that generally interact with multiple pharmacological targets. While they are widely deployed in disinfectant, antiseptic, and preservative formulations, data relating to their potential to select for microbicide or antibiotic resistance have been generated mainly by testing the compounds in much simpler aqueous solutions. In the current investigation, antibiotic susceptibility was determined for bacteria that had previously exhibited decreased microbicide susceptibility following repeated exposure to microbicides either in formulation with sequestrants and surfactants or in simple aqueous solution. Statistically significant increases in antibiotic susceptibility occurred for 12% of bacteria after exposure to microbicides in formulation and 20% of bacteria after exposure to microbicides in aqueous solutions, while 22% became significantly less susceptible to the antibiotics, regardless of formulation. Of the combinations of a bacterium and an antibiotic for which British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy breakpoints are available, none became resistant. Linear modeling taking into account phylogeny, microbicide, antibiotic, and formulation identified small but significant effects of formulation that varied depending on the bacterium and microbicide. Adaptation to formulated benzalkonium chloride in particular was more likely to increase antibiotic susceptibility than adaptation to the simple aqueous solution. In conclusion, bacterial adaptation through repeated microbicide exposure was associated with both increases and decreases in antibiotic susceptibility. Formulation of the microbicide to which the bacteria had previously adapted had an identifiable effect on antibiotic susceptibility, but it effect was typically small relative to the differences observed among microbicides. Susceptibility changes resulting in resistance were not observed. IMPORTANCE The safety of certain microbicide applications has been questioned due to the possibility that microbicide exposure could select for microbicide and antibiotic resistance. Evidence that this may happen is based mainly on in vitro experiments where bacteria have been exposed to microbicides in aqueous solution. Microbicides are, however, normally deployed in products formulated with surfactants, sequestrants, and other compounds. While this may influence the frequency and extent of susceptibility changes, few studies reported in the literature have assessed this. In the current investigation, therefore, we have investigated changes in antibiotic susceptibility in bacteria which exhibited decreased microbicide susceptibility following repeated exposure to microbicides in simple aqueous solutions and in formulation. We report that the microbicide formulation had an identifiable effect on antibiotic susceptibility, but it was typically small relative to the differences observed among microbicides. We did not observe susceptibility changes resulting in resistance

    Fire Suppression Impacts on Fuels and Fire Intensity in the Western U.S.: Insights from Archaeological Luminescence Dating in Northern New Mexico

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    Here, we show that the last century of fire suppression in the western U.S. has resulted in fire intensities that are unique over more than 900 years of record in ponderosa pine forests (Pinus ponderosa). Specifically, we use the heat-sensitive luminescence signal of archaeological ceramics and tree-ring fire histories to show that a recent fire during mild weather conditions was more intense than anything experienced in centuries of frequent wildfires. We support this with a particularly robust set of optically stimulated luminescence measurements on pottery from an archaeological site in northern New Mexico. The heating effects of an October 2012 CE prescribed fire reset the luminescence signal in all 12 surface samples of archaeological ceramics, whereas none of the 10 samples exposed to at least 14 previous fires (1696–1893 CE) revealed any evidence of past thermal impact. This was true regardless of the fire behavior contexts of the 2012 CE samples (crown, surface, and smoldering fires). It suggests that the fuel characteristics from fire suppression at this site have no analog during the 550 years since the depopulation of this site or the 350 years of preceding occupation of the forested landscape of this region
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