192 research outputs found

    Auto-generation of rich Internet applications from visual mock-ups

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    Capturing and communicating software requirements accurately and quickly is a challenging activity. This needs expertise of people with unique skills. Traditionally this challenge has been compounded by assigning specialist roles for requirements gathering and analysis, design, and implementations. These multiple roles have resulted in information loss mainly due to miscommunication between requirement specialists, designers and implementers. Large enterprises have managed the information loss by using document centric approaches, leading to delays and cost escalations. But documentation centric and multiple role approaches are not suitable for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) because they are vulnerable to market competitions. Moreover, SMEs require effective online applications to provide their service. Hence the motivation for carrying out this research is to explore the possibilities of empowering requirement specialists such as Business Analysts’ (BAs) to take on additional responsibilities of designers and implementers to generate web applications. In addition, SME owners and BAs can communicate better if they perceive the application requirements using a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) approach. Hence, this research explores the design and development of mock-up-based auto-generating tool to develop SME applications. A tool that auto-generates an application from a mock-up should have the capacity to extract the essential implementation details from the mock-up. Hence a visual mock-up language was created by extending existing research on meta-models of UIs for a class of popular modern web-based business applications called Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). The popularity of RIAs is due to their distinctive client-side processing power with desktop application like responsiveness and look and feel. The mock-ups drawn with the mock-up language should have sufficient level of details to auto-generate RIAs. To support this, the mock-up language includes constructs for specifying a RIA’s mock-up in terms of layouts and the widgets within them. In addition, the language uses annotations on the mock-up to specify the behaviour of the system. In such an approach the only additional effort required of a Business Analyst is to specify the requirements in terms of a mock-up of the expected interfaces of the SME application. Apart from the mock-up language, a tool was designed and developed to auto-generate the desired application from the mock-up. The tool is powered by algorithms to derive the database structure and the client-side and server-side components required for the auto-generated application. The validation of the mock-up language and auto-generating tool was performed by BAs to demonstrate its usability. The measurement and evaluation results indicate that the mock-up language and the auto-generator can be used successfully to help BAs in the development of SME application and thereby reduce delays, errors and cost overruns. The important contributions of this research are: (i) the design of a mock-up language that makes it easy to capture the structure and behaviour of SME web applications. (ii) algorithms for automatic derivation of the expected database schema from a visual mock-up. (iii) algorithms for automatic derivation of the client and server-side application logic. (iv) application of an existing measurement and evaluation process for the usability testing of the mock-up language and the auto-generated application. This research followed the Design Science Research (DSR) method for Information System to guide the IS design and to capture the knowledge created during the design process. DSR is a research method useful in solving wicked problems requiring innovative solutions for incomplete, contradictory or changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. This research opens new ways of thinking about web application development for future research. Specifically, mock-ups with few easy to understand annotations can be used as powerful active artifacts to capture the structure and behaviour of applications not just of small but also large enterprises. Auto-generating tools can then create fully functional and usable applications holistically from such mock-ups, thereby reducing delays and cost overruns during software engineering

    Development of Tools and Techniques for Processing STORRM Flight Data

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    While at JSC for the summer of 2011, I was assigned to work on the sensor test for Orion relative-navigation risk mitigation (STORRM) development test objective (DTO). The STORRM DTO was flown on-board Endeavor during STS-134. The objective of the STORRM DTO is to test the visual navigation system (VNS), which will be used as the primary relative navigation sensor for the Orion spacecraft. The VNS is a flash lidar system intended to provide both line of sight and range information during rendezvous and proximity operations. The STORRM DTO also serves as a testbed for the high-resolution docking camera. This docking camera will be used to provide piloting cues for the crew during proximity operations. These instruments were mounted next to the trajectory control sensor (TCS) in Endeavour s payload bay. My principle objective for the summer was to generate a best estimated trajectory (BET) for Endeavor using the flight data collected by the VNS during rendezvous and the unprecedented re-rendezvous with the ISS. I processed the raw images from the VNS to produce range and bearing measurements. I then aggregated these measurements and extracted the measurements corresponding to individual reflectors. I combined the information contained in these measurements with data from the Endeavour's inertial sensors using Kalman smoothing techniques to ultimately produce a BET. This work culminated with a final presentation of the result to division management. Development of this tool required that traditional linear smoothing techniques be modified in a novel fashion to permit for the inclusion of non-linear measurements. This internship has greatly helped me further my career by providing exposure to real engineering projects. I also have benefited immensely from the mentorship of the engineers working on these projects. Many of the lessons I learned and experiences I had are of particular value because then can only be found in a place like JSC

    Navigation and Dispersion Analysis of the First Orion Exploration Mission

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    This paper seeks to present the Orion EM-1 Linear Covariance Analysis for the DRO mission. The delta V statistics for each maneuver are presented. Included in the memo are several sensitivity analyses: variation in the time of OTC-1 (the first outbound correction maneuver), variation in the accuracy of the trans-Lunar injection, and variation in the length of the optical navigation passes

    Optical Navigation for the Orion Vehicle

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    The Orion vehicle is being designed to provide nominal crew transport to the lunar transportation stack in low Earth orbit, crew abort prior during transit to the moon, and crew return to Earth once lunar orbit is achieved. One of the design requirements levied on the Orion vehicle is the ability to return to the vehicle and crew to Earth in the case of loss of communications and command with the Mission Control Center. Central to fulfilling this requirement, is the ability of Orion to navigate autonomously. In low-Earth orbit, this may be solved with the use of GPS, but in cis-lunar and lunar orbit this requires optical navigation. This paper documents the preliminary analyses performed by members of the Orion Orbit GN&C System team

    Orion Absolute Navigation System Progress and Challenges

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    The Orion spacecraft is being designed as NASA's next-generation exploration vehicle for crewed missions beyond Low-Earth Orbit. The navigation system for the Orion spacecraft is being designed in a Multi-Organizational Design Environment (MODE) team including contractor and NASA personnel. The system uses an Extended Kalman Filter to process measurements and determine the state. The design of the navigation system has undergone several iterations and modifications since its inception, and continues as a work-in-progress. This paper seeks to benchmark the current state of the design and some of the rationale and analysis behind it. There are specific challenges to address when preparing a timely and effective design for the Exploration Flight Test (EFT-1), while still looking ahead and providing software extensibility for future exploration missions. The primary measurements in a Near-Earth or Mid-Earth environment consist of GPS pseudorange and deltarange, but for future explorations missions the use of star-tracker and optical navigation sources need to be considered. Discussions are presented for state size and composition, processing techniques, and consider states. A presentation is given for the processing technique using the computationally stable and robust UDU formulation with an Agee-Turner Rank-One update. This allows for computational savings when dealing with many parameters which are modeled as slowly varying Gauss-Markov processes. Preliminary analysis shows up to a 50% reduction in computation versus a more traditional formulation. Several state elements are discussed and evaluated, including position, velocity, attitude, clock bias/drift, and GPS measurement biases in addition to bias, scale factor, misalignment, and non-orthogonalities of the accelerometers and gyroscopes. Another consideration is the initialization of the EKF in various scenarios. Scenarios such as single-event upset, ground command, pad alignment, cold start are discussed as are strategies for whole and partial state updates as well as covariance considerations. Strategies are given for dealing with latent measurements and high-rate propagation using multi-rate architecture. The details of the rate groups and the data ow between the elements is discussed and evaluated

    Tuning and Robustness Analysis for the Orion Absolute Navigation System

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    The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) is currently under development as NASA's next-generation spacecraft for exploration missions beyond Low Earth Orbit. The MPCV is set to perform an orbital test flight, termed Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT-1), some time in late 2014. The navigation system for the Orion spacecraft is being designed in a Multi-Organizational Design Environment (MODE) team including contractor and NASA personnel. The system uses an Extended Kalman Filter to process measurements and determine the state. The design of the navigation system has undergone several iterations and modifications since its inception, and continues as a work-in-progress. This paper seeks to show the efforts made to-date in tuning the filter for the EFT-1 mission and instilling appropriate robustness into the system to meet the requirements of manned space ight. Filter performance is affected by many factors: data rates, sensor measurement errors, tuning, and others. This paper focuses mainly on the error characterization and tuning portion. Traditional efforts at tuning a navigation filter have centered around the observation/measurement noise and Gaussian process noise of the Extended Kalman Filter. While the Orion MODE team must certainly address those factors, the team is also looking at residual edit thresholds and measurement underweighting as tuning tools. Tuning analysis is presented with open loop Monte-Carlo simulation results showing statistical errors bounded by the 3-sigma filter uncertainty covariance. The Orion filter design uses 24 Exponentially Correlated Random Variable (ECRV) parameters to estimate the accel/gyro misalignment and nonorthogonality. By design, the time constant and noise terms of these ECRV parameters were set to manufacturer specifications and not used as tuning parameters. They are included in the filter as a more analytically correct method of modeling uncertainties than ad-hoc tuning of the process noise. Tuning is explored for the powered-flight ascent phase, where measurements are scarce and unmodelled vehicle accelerations dominate. On orbit, there are important trade-off cases between process and measurement noise. On entry, there are considerations about trading performance accuracy for robustness. Process Noise is divided into powered flight and coasting ight and can be adjusted for each phase and mode of the Orion EFT-1 mission. Measurement noise is used for the integrated velocity measurements during pad alignment. It is also used for Global Positioning System (GPS) pseudorange and delta- range measurements during the rest of the flight. The robustness effort has been focused on maintaining filter convergence and performance in the presence of unmodeled error sources. These include unmodeled forces on the vehicle and uncorrected errors on the sensor measurements. Orion uses a single-frequency, non-keyed GPS receiver, so the effects due to signal distortion in Earth's ionosphere and troposphere are present in the raw measurements. Results are presented showing the efforts to compensate for these errors as well as characterize the residual effect for measurement noise tuning. Another robustness tool in use is tuning the residual edit thresholds. The trade-off between noise tuning and edit thresholds is explored in the context of robustness to errors in dynamics models and sensor measurements. Measurement underweighting is also presented as a method of additional robustness when processing highly accurate measurements in the presence of large filter uncertainties

    Orion Optical Navigation Performance and Testing

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    The Orion Optical Navigation System, which is designed to perform the navigation which will allow the crew to return safely to Earth in the event of a permanent loss of communications with the ground, has been matured through analysis and testing. This paper will detail the extensive tests and analysis that have gone into fleshing out the performance of the system in the face of numerous constraints placed on the optical navigation system

    Use of probiotic Lactobacillus preparation to prevent diarrhoea associated with antibiotics: randomised double blind placebo controlled trial

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    Objective To determine the efficacy of a probiotic drink containing Lactobacillus for the prevention of any diarrhoea associated with antibiotic use and that caused by Clostridium difficile. Design Randomised double blind placebo controlled study. Participants 135 hospital patients (mean age 74) taking antibiotics. Exclusions included diarrhoea on admission, bowel pathology that could result in diarrhoea, antibiotic use in the previous four weeks, severe illness, immunosuppression, bowel surgery, artificial heart valves, and history of rheumatic heart disease or infective endocarditis. Intervention Consumption of a 100 g (97 ml) drink containing Lactobacillus casei, L bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus twice a day during a course of antibiotics and for one week after the course finished. The placebo group received a longlife sterile milkshake. Main outcome measures Primary outcome: occurrence of antibiotic associated diarrhoea. Secondary outcome: presence of C difficile toxin and diarrhoea. Results 7/57 (12%) of the probiotic group developed diarrhoea associated with antibiotic use compared with 19/56 (34%) in the placebo group (P=0.007). Logistic regression to control for other factors gave an odds ratio 0.25 (95% confidence interval 0.07 to 0.85) for use of the probiotic, with low albumin and sodium also increasing the risk of diarrhoea. The absolute risk reduction was 21.6% (6.6% to 36.6%), and the number needed to treat was 5 (3 to 15). No one in the probiotic group and 9/53 (17%) in the placebo group had diarrhoea caused by C difficile (P=0.001). The absolute risk reduction was 17% (7% to 27%), and the number needed to treat was 6 (4 to 14). Conclusion Consumption of a probiotic drink containing L casei, L bulgaricus, and S thermophilus reduce the incidence of antibiotic associated diarrhoea and C difficile associated diarrhoea. This has the potential to decrease morbidity, healthcare costs, and mortality if used routinely in patients aged over 50

    Sensor Configuration Trade Study for Navigation in near Rectilinear Halo Orbits

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    Gateway is a NASA program planned to support a human space explorationand prove new technologies for deep space exploration. One of the Gatewayrequirements is to operate in the absence of communications with the Deep SpaceNetwork (DSN) for a period of at least 3 weeks. In this paper three types ofonboard sensors (a camera for optical navigation, a GPS receiver, and X-ray navigation),are considered to enhance its autonomy and reduce the reliance on DSN.A trade study is conducted to explore alternatives on how to achieve autonomy andhow to reduce DSN dependency while satisfying navigation performance requirements.Using linear covariance analysis, the performance of a navigation systemusing DSN and/or the other sensors is shown
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