29 research outputs found

    Heavy Quark Effective Field Theory at O(1/m_Q^2). II. QCD Corrections to the Currents

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    We present a calculation of the renormalized heavy-light and heavy-heavy currents in HQET at order O(1/m_Q^2).Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX (using amsmath.sty

    Renormalizing Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/m_Q^3)

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    We present a calculation of the renormalized HQET Lagrangian at order O(1/m_Q^3) in the one particle sector. The anomalous dimensions of local operators and time ordered products of dimension 7 contributing at this order are calculated in the one loop approximation. We show that a careful treatment of the time ordered products is necessary to arrive at a gauge independent renormalized lagrangian. Our result sets the stage for an investigation of reparametrization invariance at O(1/m_Q^3).Comment: Latex, epsfig. Improved teXnology and modified conclusions. The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ , or via www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/preprints

    Consistent Factorization of Jet Observables in Exclusive Multijet Cross-Sections

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    We demonstrate the consistency at the next-to-leading-logarithmic (NLL) level of a factorization theorem based on Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) for jet shapes in e+e- collisions. We consider measuring jet observables in exclusive multijet final states defined with cone and k_T-type jet algorithms. Consistency of the factorization theorem requires that the renormalization group evolution of hard, jet, and soft functions is such that the physical cross-section is independent of the factorization scale mu. The anomalous dimensions of the various factorized pieces, however, depend on the color representation of jets, choice of jet observable, the number of jets whose shapes are measured, and the jet algorithm, making it highly nontrivial to satisfy the consistency condition. We demonstrate the intricate cancellations between anomalous dimensions that occur at the NLL level, so that, up to power corrections that we identify, our factorization of the jet shape distributions is consistent for any number of quark and gluon jets, for any number of jets whose shapes are measured or unmeasured, for any angular size R of the jets, and for any of the algorithms we consider. Corrections to these results are suppressed by the SCET expansion parameter lambda (the ratio of soft to collinear or collinear to hard scales) and in the jet separation measure 1/t^2 = tan^2(R/2)/tan^2(psi/2), where psi is the angular separation between jets. Our results can be used to calculate a wide variety of jet observables in multijet final states to NLL accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, uses elsarticle.cls; v2: minor edits, added reference

    Spectator Effects in Heavy Quark Effective Theory at O(1/m_Q^3)

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    We complete the one loop renormalization of the HQET lagrangian at O(1/m_Q^3) including four fermion operators with two heavy and two light quark fields in the operator basis. It is shown that as a consequence the short distance coefficients of the operators bilinear in the heavy quark field receive nontrivial corrections.Comment: Latex, Latex-extension epsfig. The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ , or via www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/preprints

    Evolution of the Light Cone Distribution Function for a Heavy Quark

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    We compute the one-loop anomalous dimension for the light cone distribution function of a heavy quark and solve the corresponding evolution equation analytically. Some implications of the results for inclusive BB decays are discussed.Comment: Latex extensions amsmath, epsfig required The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ttpux2.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ , or via www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/preprints

    Non-global Structure of the O({\alpha}_s^2) Dijet Soft Function

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    High energy scattering processes involving jets generically involve matrix elements of light- like Wilson lines, known as soft functions. These describe the structure of soft contributions to observables and encode color and kinematic correlations between jets. We compute the dijet soft function to O({\alpha}_s^2) as a function of the two jet invariant masses, focusing on terms not determined by its renormalization group evolution that have a non-separable dependence on these masses. Our results include non-global single and double logarithms, and analytic results for the full set of non-logarithmic contributions as well. Using a recent result for the thrust constant, we present the complete O({\alpha}_s^2) soft function for dijet production in both position and momentum space.Comment: 55 pages, 8 figures. v2: extended discussion of double logs in the hard regime. v3: minor typos corrected, version published in JHEP. v4: typos in Eq. (3.33), (3.39), (3.43) corrected; this does not affect the main result, numerical results, or conclusion

    Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms in SCET

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    Jet shapes are weighted sums over the four-momenta of the constituents of a jet and reveal details of its internal structure, potentially allowing discrimination of its partonic origin. In this work we make predictions for quark and gluon jet shape distributions in N-jet final states in e+e- collisions, defined with a cone or recombination algorithm, where we measure some jet shape observable on a subset of these jets. Using the framework of Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, we prove a factorization theorem for jet shape distributions and demonstrate the consistent renormalization-group running of the functions in the factorization theorem for any number of measured and unmeasured jets, any number of quark and gluon jets, and any angular size R of the jets, as long as R is much smaller than the angular separation between jets. We calculate the jet and soft functions for angularity jet shapes \tau_a to one-loop order (O(alpha_s)) and resum a subset of the large logarithms of \tau_a needed for next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy for both cone and kT-type jets. We compare our predictions for the resummed \tau_a distribution of a quark or a gluon jet produced in a 3-jet final state in e+e- annihilation to the output of a Monte Carlo event generator and find that the dependence on a and R is very similar.Comment: 62 pages plus 21 pages of Appendices, 13 figures, uses JHEP3.cls. v2: corrections to finite parts of NLO jet functions, minor changes to plots, clarified discussion of power corrections. v3: Journal version. Introductory sections significantly reorganized for clarity, classification of logarithmic accuracy clarified, results for non-Mercedes-Benz configurations adde