32 research outputs found

    Perceptions Des Nuisances Environnementales Liées Aux Déchets Solides Ménagers Dans Les Centres Urbains Du Nord-Bénin : Cas Des Villes De Parakou, Djougou, Kandi Et Malanville

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    The cities of Parakou, Djougou, Kandi and Malanville in the north of Benin have difficulty in eliminating dispose of waste produced by households in ecological way. This research was initiated to analyze the attitudes and understanding of environmental problems related to poor management of DSM by people of north Benin. To achieve this objective, a survey was conducted on the perception of environmental damage related to waste with 585 heads of households from August 2014 to March 2015. The city of residence, gender, age, marital status, level education, income, socio professional category are characteristics that were selected for the statistical analysis Khi2. Results showed 100% a significant statistical link between environmental pollution and city of residence (χ2 = 153.135; DF = 12; Pvalue = 0.000 <0.05). No statistically significant association was found between perceived environmental nuisances and sex (χ2 = 2.035; DF = 4; PValue = 0.729> 0.05) ; age (χ2 = 19.189, DF = 16; P-Value = 0.259> 0.05) ; marital status (χ2 = 20.809, DF = 12; P-Value = 0.053> 0.05 and income of respondents (χ2 = 32.273, DF = 32; P-Value = 0.453> 0.05). However in Djougou, a highly significant associative link was observed between respondents with incomes ranging from 100,001 to 150,000 and the air pollution (χ2 = 11.96, DF = 32; P-value = 0.000 <0.05). It is the same for the pollution of rivers in this income bracket in Parakou (χ2 = 5.85; DF = 24; Pvalue = 0.004 <0.05) and Kandi (χ2 = 6 04; DF = 10; P-value = 0.000 <. 0.05). Moreover, the level of education (χ2 = 14.728, DF = 12; P-Value = 0.257> 0.05) and occupation of the individuals interviewed (χ2 = 59.060, DF = 40; P-Value = 0.026 <0.05) determine their perceptions of environmental damage related to DSM. In total, city of residence, education level and occupation of individuals are the most, significant determiners in the perception of environmental damage related to the solid household waste

    Eau De Consommation Et Maladies Hydriques Dans La Commune De Lokossa Au Sud-Ouest De La Republique Du Benin (Afrique De L’ouest)

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    Les populations de la commune de Lokossa sont confrontées au problème d’approvisionnement en eau potable. La présente étude porte sur l’influence de l’eau de consommation sur la santé des populations de la commune de Lokossa. Pour réussir cette étude, les sources d’eau ont été répertoriées et des échantillons d’eau ont été analysés du point de vue physicochimique et bactériologique au laboratoire de la Direction Générale de l’Eau. La recherche documentaire et les investigations socio-anthropologiques ont permis d’avoir les données exploitées dans cette étude. Les analyses faites montrent que l’eau consommée par les populations est souvent polluée. Les mauvaises pratiques humaines contribuent à la dégradation de la qualité de l’eau et au développement des larves de moustiques. Cette situation est à l’origine des maladies hydriques (diarrhées et paludisme) qui sévissent dans le milieu. Il urge donc de mener des politiques et stratégies concertées en vue de sensibiliser les populations sur les dangers de leurs mauvaises pratiques sur la santé. The populations of the commune of Lokossa are confronted to drinking water supply issues. This study focuses on how water consumption affects the health of the populations in the commune of Lokossa. To make this study a success, water sources were identified and a physicochemical and bacteriological analysis was conducted on the samples of water in the laboratory of the General Directorate for Water. The documentary research and socio-anthropological investigations provided the data used in this study. The analysis revealed that the water consumed by the populations is often polluted. Poor human practices contribute to the degradation of the water quality and the development of mosquito larvae. This situation is at the root of the waterborne diseases (diarrhoea and malaria) that prevail in the region. Therefore, concerted policies and strategies must be pursued in order to sensitize the populations on the impacts of their bad practices on health

    Facteurs Associes a la Qualite des Eaux Consommees dans la Commune d’Abomey-Calavi au Sud du Benin en Afrique de L’Ouest

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    En dépit de l’insuffisance des ouvrages hydrauliques implantés pour l’approvisionnement en eau de boisson, la lutte contre le manque d’eau potable au Bénin est un gage de recul des frontières des maladies hydriques dans toutes les localités du pays comme dans la Commune d’Abomey-Calavi. Ce travail a pour objectif de déterminer la qualité physico-chimique et bactériologique de l’eau consommée et la prévalence des maladies hydriques observées dans la commune d’Abomey-Calavi. Pour y parvenir, l’approche méthodologique consiste en une enquête de terrain auprès de 399 ménages de ladite commune. Ces données ont été complétées par 33 échantillons d’eau prélevés à la source, durant le transport et au stockage dans les arrondissements de la Commune d’Abomey-Calavi. Les paramètres physico-chimiques (pH, TDS, conductivité, nitrites, nitrates et l’ammonium) et bactériologiques ont été analysés dans tous les échantillons d’eau prélevés. L’eau de boisson est contaminée par les Escherichia coli, les coliformes fécaux et totaux de la source jusqu’au stockage. Le taux de prévalence est estimé à 30,37 cas pour 1000 habitants en 2017. Donc les maladies hydriques constituent d’ores et déjà un véritable problème de santé publique car la norme de l’OMS en la matière est de 0,01 cas pour 1000 habitants. L’amélioration de la qualité de l’eau permettra de réduire considérablement la propagation de ces maladies. Il est donc important de mettre à la disposition des populations des équipements d’approvisionnement en eau potable. In spite of the insufficiency of the village hydraulic works installed for the supply of drinking water, the fight against the lack of drinking water in Benin is a guarantee of receding the borders of the water-related diseases in all the localities of the country as in the Commune of Abomey-Calavi. The objective of this work is to determine the water quality and the prevalence of water-borne diseases in this community. To achieve this, the methodological approach consists of a field survey among 399 households of the commune. These data were complemented by 33 water samples taken at source, during transport and storage in the boroughs of the municipality of Abomey-Calavi. The physic chemical parameters (pH, TDS, conductivity, nitrites, nitrates and ammonium) and bacteriological parameters were analyzed in all water samples taken. The drinking-water is contaminated by Escherichia coli, of total and total coliforms at the source were counted in the water. This prevalence is 30.37 cases per 1,000 inhabitants in 2017. Thus, water-bornel diseases are already a real public health problem because the WHO standard for this is 0.01 cases per 1000 inhabitants. Improvement in water quality, sanitation, and personal hygiene will make it possible to reduce considerably the propagation of these diseases and several others. It is therefore important to provide these populations with the necessary equipment for an adequate drinking water

    Evaluation Du Coût Economique De La Dégradation Des Terres Dans La Zone Agro-Ecologique Du Centre Bénin

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    The Agro-Ecological Zone of the Center of Benin is facing a growing degradation of agricultural land with multiple consequences at social and economic levels. This study aims to estimate the economic value of this degradation. The experimental set up is a Fisher block with corn as vegetative material. This is an arrangement of separate blocks of one factor and two levels. The first level is without fertilizer and the second with mineral fertilizer as the dose recommended by the Agricultural Management Services. Each block is a repetition and each repetition is performed by a producer on his farm. Thus, there were a total of 12 producers at a rate of 4 for highly degraded lands, 4 for those moderately degraded and 4 for low degraded lands. The evaluated agronomic parameters are related to the growth in height and circumference of the plants’ girth and the corn yield. The test shows on one hand, a drop in yield of about 50.85%, which is a monetary loss of 190,965 CFA per hectare for moderately degraded lands and about 84.41% for a monetary loss of 317,001.9 FCFA per hectare for highly degraded lands, on the other hand

    Analyse des Capacités d’adaptation des Agropasteurs Face à la Vulnérabilité de l’élevage Pastoral Bovin aux Contraintes Socio-Climatiques dans l’extrême Nord du Bénin (Afrique de l’ouest)

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    Les variabilités climatiques ont depuis quelques décennies rendu le sous-secteur élevage vulnérable avec pour corollaire une baisse de la reproduction et la perte de l’embonpoint des animaux de certains milieux. L’objectif de la présente étude est d’analyser les déterminants de capacité adaptative de l’élevage pastoral bovin aux contraintes climatiques et anthropiques dans les différentes communes du milieu. Les données sociodémographiques utilisées ont été collectées par les techniques ethnographiques. La méthode d’Analyse Multicritère Hiérarchique a permis de comparer les différents déterminants de capacité d’adaptation entre eux dans une commune et entre les communes du secteur. L’utilisation de cette méthode a abouti à l’identification des principaux facteurs de capacité adaptative. Dans les communes où la production cotonnière est développée, la pression foncière, l’accompagnement de l’Etat, la prolifération des pathologies, les conditions climatiques et l’accessibilité aux prévisionsmétéorologiques sont les principaux déterminants avec des valeurs de pondération respectives de 0,3 ; 0,27 ; 0,17 ; 0,11 et 0,09. La valeur moyenne du ratio de cohérence pour les agropasteurs aux niveaux des autres communes est de 0,4 et les déterminants choisis sont les conditions climatiques, la ressource hydrique, la prolifération des pathologies, l’accessibilité aux prévisions météorologiques et la ressource fourragère. La connaissance des déterminants de capacité d’adaptation pourrait aider les décideurs à la mise en place de politiques et programmes pour un développement durable du soussecteur élevage. Climatic variability has made the livestock subsector vulnerable for several decades, with a consequent decline in reproduction and the loss of animal overweight in certain environments. Thus, the objective of the present study is to analyze the determinants of adaptive capacity of cattle pastoral breeding to climatic and anthropic constraints in the different communes of the environment. The socio-demographic data used were collected by ethnographic techniques. The Hierarchical Multicritical Analysis method made it possible to compare the different factors between them in a commune and between the communes of the sector. The use of this method has led to the identification of the main adaptive capacity factors. In communes where cotton production is developed, land pressure, state support, the proliferation of pathologies, climatic conditions and accessibility to weather forecasts are the main determinants with respective weighting values of 0, 3 ; 0.27; 0.17; 0.11 and 0.09. The average value of the consistency ratio for agro-pastoralists at the levels of the other communes is 0.4 and the chosen determinants are the climatic conditions, the water resource, the proliferation of pathologies, the accessibility to weather forecasts and the forage resource. Knowledge of the determinants of adaptation capacity could help policymakers to put in place policies and programs for sustainable development of the livestock sub-sector

    Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Qualities of Water From Wells, Drillings and Tanks Used as Drinking Water in the Municipality of Allada (Benin, West Africa)

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    Water, source of life, is also a source of disease when it is polluted. The aim of this study is to analyze the physicochemical quality and the bacteriological quality of the wells, boreholes and tank for drinking water in the Commune of Allada. The methodology is based on the collection of data, data processing and analysis carried out at the Laboratory for Quality Control of Water and Food (LCQEA) of the Ministry of Health. From the water sampling carried out at three (03) traditional wells, two (02) boreholes, two (02) tanks and water of river (02), bacteriological and physicochemical analysis were performed. The results showed that pH is higher at the tank than other water sources. Well 3 (P3) has a very high electrical conductivity (EC) which was 384.95 μS / cm and 192.47 mg / L for total dissolved solids (TDS). The tank 2 exhibited high value in pH 9.14; 71.72 (μS / cm) for the electrical conductivity (CE) and 35.86 mg / L, in total dissolved solids (TDS). Well 2 (P2) has a high turbidity of 4.53 (NTU) at all analyzed water points. The concentration of iron, copper nickel and cobalt remains low(less than 0.4 mg / L).Wells 2 and tank 1 are concentrated in lead, respectively 20.75mg / L and 13.71mg / L. Tank 1 and 2 have a high concentration of cadmium compared to other water points. The presence of Escherichia coli with a high concentration at home SONEB (39 CFU) and at well 2 (7.10 2 ) was found. In view of these results some recommendations were made

    Scenarii Bioclimatiques A L’horizon 2050 Dans Le Departement De L’oueme Au Benin (Afrique De L’ouest)

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    This study aims to determine the future bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 according to the scenarios A1B and B1, in order to determine if the human health of the populations in the department Ouémé in Benin would be subjected to more or less harsh environments. To do this, this study was conducted using descriptive statistics methods, and bioclimatic index calculation (UTCI). The data used are the meteorological data (temperature, relative humidity, insolation and wind) on a monthly scale over the period 1971-2014 and the data from 2020 to 2025 from the ReMO database. The results of this study make it possible to remember that the A1B scenario presents a distinct singularity, because it describes more bioclimatic atmospheres than the B1 scenario. Whatever the variations, the December- March period will be dominated by a hot atmosphere, while April-October by a more comfortable atmosphere. Differences between bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 and the current one will reach +9.2 in February for the A1B scenario and +8.4 for the B1 scenario. This variation of future bioclimatic atmospheres simulated by means of the REMO data and UTCI will not be without effects on the health of children from 0 to 5 years old in the Department of Ouémé and therefore in the face of this future configuration. adaptations are proposed to the different actors in the study area

    Influences Des Modes D’accès A La Terre Sur La Production Agricole Dans Les Communes De Dassa-Zoumé Et De Glazouè Au Centre Du Bènin

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    The land plays an important role in the social and economic life of the populations of all of the world in general and in the rural world in particular in such a way that it constitutes the essential support of every agricultural activity. The purpose of this article is to study the influence of the access to land on the agricultural production in the communes of Dassa-Zoumé and Glazoué. From a sample of 279 farm households, the study of the influence of land access on the agricultural production in the communes of Dassa-Zoumé and Glazoué was made using the questionnaire sent to farmers and CARDER/Zou authorities. In order to collect reliable information, a presurvey was carried out at first, followed by an individual interview, a focus group and a MARP ( Active Participatory Research Method). Similarly, the SWOT analyses model was used and the Ruthenberg coefficient was calculated to better appreciate the cropping system used in both communities. At the end of the analyses, we can notice that in the communes of DassaZoumé and Glazoué, inheritance remains the main modes of access to land with 82,9%, followed by ‘’donation’’with5,1%, then the borrowingwith4,3% and the collective appropriation(2,6%), renting(1,7%), sharecropping(1,7%) and the purchase(1,7%). OF these different modes of access, the inheritance is the most privileged while renting, sharecropping and buying constitute binding modes. These different modes of access determine the different uses that can be made of rural land and constitute either a constraint or an asset for agricultural production