35 research outputs found

    Online chemical adsorption studies of Hg, Tl, and Pb on SiO2 and Au surfaces in preparation for chemical investigations on Cn, Nh, and Fl at TASCA

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    Online gas-solid adsorption studies with single-atom quantities of Hg, Tl, and Pb, the lighter homologs of the superheavy elements (SHE) copernicium (Cn, Z =112), nihonium (Nh, Z =113), and flerovium (Fl, Z =114), were carried out using short-lived radioisotopes. The interaction with Au and SiO 2 surfaces was studied and the overall chemical yield was determined. Suitable radioisotopes were produced in fusion-evaporation reactions, isolated in the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA, and flushed rapidly to an adjacent setup of two gas chromatography detector arrays covered with SiO 2 (first array) and Au (second array). While Tl and Pb adsorbed on the SiO 2 surface, Hg interacts only weakly and reached the Au-covered array. Our results contribute to elucidating the influence of relativistic effects on chemical properties of the heaviest elements by providing experimental data on these lighter homologs

    Investigation of the atomic structure of curium and determination of its first ionization potential

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    We report on the investigation of the atomic structure of curium (Z=96Z=96) by resonance ionization spectroscopy. Three different excited energy levels were populated from the 5f^{7}6d7s^{2}\,^{9}D^{o}_{2} ground state as first excitation steps. Wide-range scans were performed for the search of second excitation steps around the literature value of the ionization potential. These spectra were analyzed to identify Rydberg levels and auto-ionizing resonances. The ionization potential was consistently determined as 48330.68(16)cm1\hbox {cm} ^{-1} through the evaluation of Rydberg convergences and the complementary approach of DC electric field ionization by evaluating the ionization threshold according to the saddle point model. The new result deviates by 6.7cm1\hbox {cm} ^{-1} from the literature value of 48324(2)cm1\hbox {cm} ^{-1} by Köhler et al. [15] and is about one order of magnitude more precise

    Highly selective two-step laser ionization schemes for the analysis of actinide mixtures

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    Resonance ionization mass spectroscopy has proven to be a very efficient and selective method for the spatially resolved ultratrace determination of actinide contaminations, and the analysis of specific element and isotopic distributions on surfaces and environment particles. We report on the identification of highly element-selective optical excitation schemes identified for this purpose, with a particular focus on the precise determination of the isobaric ratios of 235U to 239Pu as well as 243Am to 241Pu. The chosen two-step ionization schemes were characterized with respect to their element selectivity on synthetic multi-element actinide mixtures, with an element ratio Pu : Am : U of 1 : 10 : 104, a composition which is typical, e.g., for spent nuclear reactor fuels. © 2020, The Author(s).Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBFBundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF: 05P15UMCIAOpen Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL. Support by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, Germany) under project number 05P15UMCIA is acknowledged

    Probing the Atomic Structure of Californium by Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy

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    The atomic structure of californium is probed by two-step resonance ionization spectroscopy. Using samples with a total amount of about 2×1010 Cf atoms (ca. 8.3 pg), ground-state transitions as well as transitions to high-lying Rydberg states and auto-ionizing states above the ionization potential are investigated and the lifetimes of various atomic levels are measured. These investigations lead to the identification of efficient ionization schemes, important for trace analysis and nuclear structure investigations. Most of the measurements are conducted on 250Cf. In addition, the isotope shift of the isotopic chain 249−252Cf is measured for one transition. The identification and analysis of Rydberg series enables the determination of the first ionization potential of californium to EIP=50,666.76(5)cm−1. This is about a factor of 20 more precise than the current literature value

    Probing the Atomic Structure of Californium by Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy

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    The atomic structure of californium is probed by two-step resonance ionization spectroscopy. Using samples with a total amount of about 2×1010 Cf atoms (ca. 8.3 pg), ground-state transitions as well as transitions to high-lying Rydberg states and auto-ionizing states above the ionization potential are investigated and the lifetimes of various atomic levels are measured. These investigations lead to the identification of efficient ionization schemes, important for trace analysis and nuclear structure investigations. Most of the measurements are conducted on 250Cf. In addition, the isotope shift of the isotopic chain 249−252Cf is measured for one transition. The identification and analysis of Rydberg series enables the determination of the first ionization potential of californium to EIP=50,666.76(5)cm−1. This is about a factor of 20 more precise than the current literature value

    Actinide and lanthanide thin-layer developments using a drop-on-demand printing system

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    Actinide and lanthanide thin layers with specific requirements regarding thickness, homogeneity, chemical purity, mechanical stability, and backing properties are applied in a multitude of physics and chemistry experiments. A novel target preparation method, the so-called “Drop-on-Demand” (DoD) technique, based on a commercial nanoliter (nL) dispenser is applied since a few years in the Nuclear Chemistry unit at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The wetting behaviour of the nL droplets on the substrate’s surface is a key parameter determining the spatial distribution of the deposited material after evaporation. By switching from aqueous to organic solvents as well as by substrate surface modifications, the wetting behaviour can be influenced. Recent investigations on this influence and applications of the DoD method are presented. The produced actinide deposits were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy, by α spectroscopy as well as by radiographic imaging.peerReviewe