31 research outputs found

    Long-term observations of the urban mixing-layer height with ceilometers

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    Urban air quality assessment requires the knowledge of the temporal and spatial structure of the mixing-layer height (MLH), because this variable controls the vertical space for rapid mixing of near-surface pollutants. Because MLH is a consequence of vertical temperature and moisture profiles in the lower atmosphere, remote sensing is a suitable tool to monitor MLH. Two ceilometers, a Vaisala LD40 and a Vaisala CL31, have been run for many months in the German city of Augsburg to observe the vertical aerosol distribution. Wind and temperature profile information have been obtained for the same period from sodar observations. This paper compares the MLH determined from the optical backscatter intensity received by the two ceilometers among each other and with the MLH derived from the acoustic backscatter intensity and the variance of the vertical wind component from sodar measurements

    Surface-based remote sensing of the mixing-layer height - a review

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    Gegenwärtig verfügbare Methoden zur Bestimmung der Mischungsschichthöhe mit bodengebundenen akustischen, optischen und elektro-magnetischen Fernerkundungsverfahren werden vorgestellt und verglichen. Der größte Informationsgewinn kann durch den parallelen Einsatz der akustischen mit der optischen oder der elektro-magnetischen Fernerkundung erwartet werden

    Urban atmospheric boundary-layer structure in complex topography: an empirical 3D case study for Stuttgart, Germany

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    Investigation of the atmospheric boundary-layer structure in urban areas can be challenged by landscape complexity and the heterogenous conditions this instills. Stuttgart, Germany, is a city situated in a bowl-shaped basin and troubled by the accumulation of pollutants during weak-wind conditions. The center of Stuttgart is surrounded by steep slopes up to 250 m above the basin floor, except for an opening to the northeast that allows runoff towards the Neckar river. Urban planning and regulation of air quality require advanced monitoring and forecasting skills, which in turn require knowledge about the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), down to the surface. Three-dimensional observations of the ABL were collected in the City Centre of Stuttgart in 2017. A laser ceilometer and a concerted network of Doppler lidar systems were deployed on roof-tops, providing continuous observations of the cloud base, the mixing-layer height and the three-dimensional wind field. The impact of weak-wind conditions, the presence of shear layers, properties of convective cells and the impact of nocturnal low-levels jets were studied for representative days in winter and summer. The observations revealed the development of distinctive layers with high directional deviation from the flow aloft, reoccurring as a dominant diurnal pattern. Our findings highlight the influence of topography and surface heterogeneity on the structure of the ABL and development of flow regimes near the surface that are relevant for the transport of heat and pollutants

    Urban Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Structure in Complex Topography: An Empirical 3D Case Study for Stuttgart, Germany

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    Investigation of the atmospheric boundary-layer structure in urban areas can be challenged by landscape complexity and the heterogenous conditions this instills. Stuttgart, Germany, is a city situated in a bowl-shaped basin and troubled by the accumulation of pollutants during weak-wind conditions. The center of Stuttgart is surrounded by steep slopes up to 250m above the basin floor, except for an opening to the northeast that allows runoff towards the Neckar river. Urban planning and regulation of air quality require advanced monitoring and forecasting skills, which in turn require knowledge about the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), down to the surface. Three dimensional observations of the ABL were collected in the City Centre of Stuttgart in 2017. A laser ceilometer and a concerted network of Doppler lidar systems were deployed on roof-tops, providing continuous observations of the cloud base, the mixing-layer height and the three-dimensional wind field. The impact of weak-wind conditions, the presence of shear layers, properties of convective cells and the impact of nocturnal low-levels jets were studied for representative days in winter and summer. The observations revealed the development of distinctive layers with high directional deviation from the flow aloft, reoccurring as a dominant diurnal pattern. Our findings highlight the influence of topography and surface heterogeneity on the structure of the ABL and development of flow regimes near the surface that are relevant for the transport of heat and pollutants

    Standards – An important step for the (public) use of lidars

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    Lidar standards are needed to ensure quality and lidar product control at the interface between lidar manufacturers and lidar users. Meanwhile three lidar standards have been published by German and international standardization organizations. This paper describes the cooperation between the lidar technique inventors, lidar instrument constructors, and lidar product users to establish useful standards. Presently a backscatter lidar standard is elaborated in Germany. Key points of this standard are presented here. Two German standards were already accepted as international standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Hence, German and international organizations for the establishment of lidar standards are introduced to encourage a cooperative work on lidar standards by lidar scientists

    Simulation of the distribution of chromosome targets in cell nuclei under topological constraints

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    Abstract. Several models for the distribution of subchromosomal targets under topological constraints were developed which take into account that chromosomes occupy distinct, mutually exclusive territories in the cell nucleus. Nuclei and two pairs of chromosome territories of various size were modeled by spheres or ellipsoids under the simplified assumption that the entire set of chromosome territories present in a diploid cell nucleus completely fills the nuclear interior and that each territory occupies a fraction of the nuclear volume proportional to its DNA content. Monte Carlo simulations of the distribution of the territory gravity centers were performed taking into account the constraint of territory extension by the nuclear boundary and the constraint of territory self avoidance, i.e. territories should not intersect each other. In addition, various assumptions were made with regard to the location of point-like targets either within or at the surface of two 'homologous' model territories. For each assumption the distance between the two point-like targets and between each target and the center of the model nucleus was calculated in Monte Carlo simulations and in part also analytically. The distribution of point-like targets in model nuclei under the influence of these topological constraints depends on the shape of the model nucleus and shows strong deviations from a model often applied in previous studies. In this model the random distribution of point-like targets was described under the assumption that such targets are distributed uniformly and independently from each other within the nuclear space without any constraints except for the nuclear boundary. All models were applied to experimentally measured distributions of chromosomal subregions delineated by fluorescence in situ hybridization with subregion specific probes. We demonstrate that a neglect of geometrical constraints in the simulation of target distributions can lead to erroneous conclusions of whether experimental target distributions occur in a random manner or not

    Aerosol backscatter profiles from ceilometers: validation of water vapor correction in the framework of CeiLinEx2015

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    With the rapidly growing number of automated single-wavelength backscatter lidars (ceilometers), their potential benefit for aerosol remote sensing received considerable scientific attention. When studying the accuracy of retrieved particle backscatter coefficients, it must be considered that most of the ceilometers are influenced by water vapor absorption in the spectral range around 910 nm. In the literature methodologies have been proposed to correct for this effect; however, a validation was not yet performed. In the framework of the ceilometer intercomparison campaign CeiLinEx2015 in Lindenberg, Germany, hosted by the German Weather Service, it was possible to tackle this open issue. Ceilometers from Lufft (CHM15k and CHM15kx, operating at 1064 nm), from Vaisala (CL51 and CL31) and from Campbell Scientific (CS135), all operating at a wavelength of approximately 910 nm, were deployed together with a multi-wavelength research lidar (RALPH) that served as a reference. In this paper the validation of the water vapor correction is performed by comparing ceilometer backscatter signals with measurements of the reference system extrapolated to the water vapor regime. One inherent problem of the validation is the spectral extrapolation of particle optical properties. For this purpose AERONET measurements and inversions of RALPH signals were used. Another issue is that the vertical range where validation is possible is limited to the upper part of the mixing layer due to incomplete overlap and the generally low signal-to-noise ratio and signal artifacts above that layer. Our intercomparisons show that the water vapor correction leads to quite a good agreement between the extrapolated reference signal and the measurements in the case of CL51 ceilometers at one or more wavelengths in the specified range of the laser diode\u27s emission. This ambiguity is due to the similar effective water vapor transmission at several wavelengths. In the case of CL31 and CS135 ceilometers the validation was not always successful. That suggests that error sources beyond the water vapor absorption might be dominant. For future applications we recommend monitoring the emitted wavelength and providing “dark” measurements on a regular basis