28 research outputs found

    Methodology for Detecting Trace Amounts of Microchimeric DNA from Peripheral Murine White Blood Cells by Real-Time PCR

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    Real-time PCR methodology can successfully quantitate microchimeric cell populations at a concentration of 100 microchimeric cells/100,000 host cells; however, it has not been successful in quantitating DNA from trace numbers of microchimeric white blood cells which we reported are present in murine peripheral blood at a concentration as low as 2/100,000 host cells. We report methodology using primers for a portion of the H2-k(b) murine histocompatibility sequence, specific for the C57BL/6J mouse. When these primers were used in the presence of 11,000 μM primer, a 20-fold increase in the median manufacturer’s recommended concentration, the assay could be optimized to detect 34 pg of C57BL/6J DNA in a background of 2.5 μg of carrier BALB/cJ DNA (1/100,000). These conditions resulted in a detection limit half as sensitive as that found when no carrier DNA was present

    A tandem duplication within the fibrillin 1 gene is associated with the mouse tight skin mutation.

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    Mice carrying the Tight skin (Tsk) mutation have thickened skin and visceral fibrosis resulting from an accumulation of extracellular matrix molecules. These and other connective tissue abnormalities have made Tskl + mice models for scleroderma, hereditary emphysema, and myocardial hypertrophy. Previously we localized Tsk to mouse chromosome 2 in a region syntenic with human chromosome 15. The microfibrillar glycoprotein gene, fibrillin 1 (FBN1), on human chromosome 15q, provided a candidate for the Tsk mutation. We now demonstrate that the Tsk chromosome harbors a 30- to 40-kb genomic duplication within the Fbn1 gene that results in a larger than normal in-frame Fbn1 transcript. These findings provide hypotheses to explain some of the phenotypic characteristics of Tskl + mice and the lethality of Tsk/Tsk embryos

    Collagen Dysregulation in the Dermis of the Sagg/+ Mouse: A Loose Skin Model

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    The Sagg/+ mouse is an ethylnitrosourea-derived mutant with a dermal phenotype similar to some of the subtypes of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and cutis laxa. The dermis of the Sagg/+ mouse has less dense and more disorganized collagen fibers compared to controls. The size of extracted Type I dermal collagen was the same as that observed in normal skin; however, more collagen could be extracted from Sagg/ + skin, which also showed decreased collagen content and decreased steady-state levels of α1(I), α2(I), α1(V), and α2(V) procollagen mRNAs. The biomechanical properties of Sagg/+ skin were significantly decreased relative to normal skin. However, there were no significant differences in the quantities of the major collagen cross-links, that is, dehydrohydroxylysinonorleucine and dehydrohistidinohydroxymerodesmosine between Sagg/+ and normal skin. Electron microscopic evaluation of Sagg/+ skin indicated that the mutation interferes with the proper formation of collagen fibrils and the data are consistent with a mutation in Type V collagen leading to haploinsufficiency with the formation of two sub-populations of collagen fibrils, one normal and one with irregular shape and a larger diameter. Further study of this novel mutation will allow the identification of new mechanisms involved in the regulation of normal and pathologic collagen gene expression

    Methicillin Resistance Alters the Biofilm Phenotype and Attenuates Virulence in Staphylococcus aureus Device-Associated Infections

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    Clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus can express biofilm phenotypes promoted by the major cell wall autolysin and the fibronectin-binding proteins or the icaADBC-encoded polysaccharide intercellular adhesin/poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PIA/PNAG). Biofilm production in methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) strains is typically dependent on PIA/PNAG whereas methicillin-resistant isolates express an Atl/FnBP-mediated biofilm phenotype suggesting a relationship between susceptibility to β-lactam antibiotics and biofilm. By introducing the methicillin resistance gene mecA into the PNAG-producing laboratory strain 8325-4 we generated a heterogeneously resistant (HeR) strain, from which a homogeneous, high-level resistant (HoR) derivative was isolated following exposure to oxacillin. The HoR phenotype was associated with a R602H substitution in the DHHA1 domain of GdpP, a recently identified c-di-AMP phosphodiesterase with roles in resistance/tolerance to β-lactam antibiotics and cell envelope stress. Transcription of icaADBC and PNAG production were impaired in the 8325-4 HoR derivative, which instead produced a proteinaceous biofilm that was significantly inhibited by antibodies against the mecA-encoded penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a). Conversely excision of the SCCmec element in the MRSA strain BH1CC resulted in oxacillin susceptibility and reduced biofilm production, both of which were complemented by mecA alone. Transcriptional activity of the accessory gene regulator locus was also repressed in the 8325-4 HoR strain, which in turn was accompanied by reduced protease production and significantly reduced virulence in a mouse model of device infection. Thus, homogeneous methicillin resistance has the potential to affect agr- and icaADBC-mediated phenotypes, including altered biofilm expression and virulence, which together are consistent with the adaptation of healthcare-associated MRSA strains to the antibiotic-rich hospital environment in which they are frequently responsible for device-related infections in immuno-compromised patients

    Study of T4 Phage and E. Coli DNA Strand Interactions

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