1,436 research outputs found

    Look before you Hop: Conversational Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs Using Judicious Context Expansion

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    Fact-centric information needs are rarely one-shot; users typically ask follow-up questions to explore a topic. In such a conversational setting, the user's inputs are often incomplete, with entities or predicates left out, and ungrammatical phrases. This poses a huge challenge to question answering (QA) systems that typically rely on cues in full-fledged interrogative sentences. As a solution, we develop CONVEX: an unsupervised method that can answer incomplete questions over a knowledge graph (KG) by maintaining conversation context using entities and predicates seen so far and automatically inferring missing or ambiguous pieces for follow-up questions. The core of our method is a graph exploration algorithm that judiciously expands a frontier to find candidate answers for the current question. To evaluate CONVEX, we release ConvQuestions, a crowdsourced benchmark with 11,200 distinct conversations from five different domains. We show that CONVEX: (i) adds conversational support to any stand-alone QA system, and (ii) outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and question completion strategies

    The contribution of organizational intelligence in creating value in companies: the case of European Airlines

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    Organizational knowledge management distinguishes organizations management within the field of business process management, aiming to sustain knowledge and intelligence towards value creation. The presented research aims to verify if the application of knowledge management within a European airline results in Organizational Intelligence and leads towards value creation, applied via effective and efficient business process management. The approach considers a conceptual reference framework towards Organizational Intelligence creation. The results of the applied methodology sustain a case study approach focusing on the 2014 project portfolio within the IT department of ABC-airline. The executed survey conducts information with specific reference to the present executed projects, applying further methodologies, presented within the conceptual reference framework. A case study approach, aligned with a survey implementation, questions the integration of knowledge management, the creation of value and with reference to business processes, defines the maturity levels – such as ad hoc, defined, standardized, measured, controlled and continuous improvement – within the organization. The survey accesses the degree of process maturity, leading towards a strategic recommendation grounded on the results, which indicate the internal implementation level of knowledge management and business process management. The results stress the importance of knowledge management contribution towards the creation of Organizational Intelligence, based on business process maturity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measuring overlap in logistic regression

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    In this paper we show that the recent notion of regression depth can be used as a data-analytic tool to measure the amount of separation between successes and failures in the binary response framework. Extending this algorithm allows us to compute the overlap in data sets which are commonly fitted by logistic regression models. The overlap is the number of observations that would need to be removed to obtain complete or quasicomplete separation, i.e. the situation where the logistic regression parameters are no longer identifiable and the maximum likelihood estimate does not exist. It turns out that the overlap is often quite small

    Bragg Polaritons: Strong Coupling and Amplification in an Unfolded Microcavity

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    Periodic incorporation of quantum wells inside a one--dimensional Bragg structure is shown to enhance coherent coupling of excitons to the electromagnetic Bloch waves. We demonstrate strong coupling of quantum well excitons to photonic crystal Bragg modes at the edge of the photonic bandgap, which gives rise to mixed Bragg polariton eigenstates. The resulting Bragg polariton branches are in good agreement with the theory and allow demonstration of Bragg polariton parametric amplification.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Response of a catalytic reaction to periodic variation of the CO pressure: Increased CO_2 production and dynamic phase transition

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    We present a kinetic Monte Carlo study of the dynamical response of a Ziff-Gulari-Barshad model for CO oxidation with CO desorption to periodic variation of the CO presure. We use a square-wave periodic pressure variation with parameters that can be tuned to enhance the catalytic activity. We produce evidence that, below a critical value of the desorption rate, the driven system undergoes a dynamic phase transition between a CO_2 productive phase and a nonproductive one at a critical value of the period of the pressure oscillation. At the dynamic phase transition the period-averged CO_2 production rate is significantly increased and can be used as a dynamic order parameter. We perform a finite-size scaling analysis that indicates the existence of power-law singularities for the order parameter and its fluctuations, yielding estimated critical exponent ratios β/ν≈0.12\beta/\nu \approx 0.12 and γ/ν≈1.77\gamma/\nu \approx 1.77. These exponent ratios, together with theoretical symmetry arguments and numerical data for the fourth-order cumulant associated with the transition, give reasonable support for the hypothesis that the observed nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition is in the same universality class as the two-dimensional equilibrium Ising model.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted in Physical Review

    Oriented polaritons in strongly-coupled asymmetric double quantum well microcavities

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    Replacing independent single quantum wells inside a strongly-coupled semiconductor microcavity with double quantum wells produces a special type of polariton. Using asymmetric double quantum wells in devices processed into mesas allows the alignment of the electron levels to be voltage-tuned. At the resonant electronic tunnelling condition, we demonstrate that `oriented polaritons' are formed, which possess greatly enhanced dipole moments. Since the polariton-polariton scattering rate depends on this dipole moment, such devices could reach polariton lasing, condensation and optical nonlinearities at much lower threshold powers.Comment: 3 figure

    Influence of multi-exciton correlations on nonlinear polariton dynamics in semiconductor microcavities

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    Using two-dimensional spectroscopy, we resolve multi-polariton coherences in quantum wells embedded inside a semiconductor microcavity and elucidate how multi-exciton correlations mediate polariton nonlinear dynamics. We find that polariton correlation strengths depend on spectral overlap with the biexciton resonance and that up to at least four polaritons can be correlated, a higher-order correlation than observed to date among excitons in bare quantum wells. The high-order correlations can be attributed to coupling through the cavity mode, although the role of high-order Coulomb correlations cannot be excluded

    Kinetic phase diagram for CO oxidation on Pt(210): Pattern formation in the hysteresis and oscillation regions

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    The reactive behavior of catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(210) is studied by means of combined reaction rate measurements and photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM). These methods allow an investigation of the phenomena at macroscopic and mesoscopic level, respectively. The external control parameters (flow rate, CO and oxygen partial pressures, surface temperature and scanning rates of pressure and temperature) are systematically varied to reveal various reactive regions in parameter space. The macroscopic measurements for a given temperature and flow rate (under isothermal conditions) show that lower pressures lead to a pronounced clockwise hysteresis in the production rate of CO2, while increasing pressures cause a systematic narrowing leading to a crossing of the two hysteresis branches into a region of counterclockwise hysteresis. A further pressure increase leads to macroscopic temporal oscillations. Mesoscopic spatiotemporal oscillations appear at the same conditions. The resulting macroscopic isothermal kinetic phase diagram exhibits a cross-shaped characteristic similar to that previously obtained for the Pd(110) surface. The mesoscopic lateral distribution of CO and oxygen adsorbed on the surface is monitored with the photoelectron emission microscope during the reaction at isothermal conditions and different constant oxygen pressures. The observed mesoscopic spatiotemporal patterns, such as islands, waves, target patterns and spirals, are correlated via the external control parameters with different regions in the macroscopic isothermal phase diagram. The results are compared with previous data of CO oxidation on other surfaces, like Pd(110) and Pt(110)

    Energetics and Vibrational States for Hydrogen on Pt(111)

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    We present a combination of theoretical calculations and experiments for the low-lying vibrational excitations of H and D atoms adsorbed on the Pt(111) surface. The vibrational band states are calculated based on the full three-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surface obtained from first principles calculations. For coverages less than three quarters of a monolayer, the observed experimental high-resolution electron peaks at 31 and 68meV are in excellent agreement with the theoretical transitions between selected bands. Our results convincingly demonstrate the need to go beyond the local harmonic oscillator picture to understand the dynamics of this system.Comment: In press at Phys. Rev. Lett - to appear in April 200
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