22 research outputs found

    Duration of Exposure to Suboptimal Atmospheric Moisture Affects Nymphal Blacklegged Tick Survival

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    The biological processes affecting Ixodes scapularis Say survival are complex. Understanding these processes will be beneficial for predicting tick distribution and population dynamics. This research shows that the duration for which nymphal ticks are exposed to drying air is an important factor for their survival. Experimental analysis of variance results show that duration of exposure to dry air (duration) is as important as vapor pressure deficit (relative humidity) (duration, relative humidity, P \u3c 0.0001). Ticks do not survive when exposed to dry air for long periods; however, the return of humid air within 4–8 h has as large a positive impact on tick survival, as does constant humid air. This experiment exposes nymphal ticks to conditions of suboptimal humidity for different durations and then returns them to saturated conditions that are more typical of daily relative humidity fluctuations experienced during summer in southern New England forests

    Comparison of Fecal Collection Methods for Microbiome and Metabolomics Studies

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    Background: Integrated microbiome and metabolomics analyses hold the potential to reveal interactions between host and microbiota in relation to disease risks. However, there are few studies evaluating how field methods influence fecal microbiome characterization and metabolomics profiling.Methods: Five fecal collection methods [immediate freezing at −20°C without preservative, OMNIgene GUT, 95% ethanol, RNAlater, and Flinders Technology Associates (FTA) cards] were used to collect 40 fecal samples from eight healthy volunteers. We performed gut microbiota 16S rRNA sequencing, untargeted metabolomics profiling, and targeted metabolomics focusing on short chained fatty acids (SCFAs). Metrics included α-diversity and β-diversity as well as distributions of predominant phyla. To evaluate the concordance with the “gold standard” immediate freezing, the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for alternate fecal collection systems were calculated. Correlations between SCFAs and gut microbiota were also examined.Results: The FTA cards had the highest ICCs compared to the immediate freezing method for α-diversity indices (ICCs = 0.96, 0.96, 0.76 for Shannon index, Simpson's Index, Chao-1 Index, respectively), followed by OMNIgene GUT, RNAlater, and 95% ethanol. High ICCs (all >0.88) were observed for all methods for the β-diversity metric. For untargeted metabolomics, in comparison to immediate freezing which detected 621 metabolites at ≥75% detectability level, 95% ethanol showed the largest overlapping set of metabolites (n = 430; 69.2%), followed by FTA cards (n = 330; 53.1%) and OMNIgene GUT (n = 213; 34.3%). Both OMNIgene GUT (ICCs = 0.82, 0.93, 0.64) and FTA cards (ICCs = 0.87, 0.85, 0.54) had acceptable ICCs for the top three predominant SCFAs (butyric acid, propionic acid and acetic acid). Nominally significant correlations between bacterial genera and SCFAs (P < 0.05) were observed in fecal samples collected by different methods. Of note, a high correlation between the genus Blautia (known butyrate producer) and butyric acid was observed for both immediate freezing (r = 0.83) and FTA cards (r = 0.74).Conclusions: Four alternative fecal collection methods are generally comparable with immediate freezing, but there are differences in certain measures of the gut microbiome and fecal metabolome across methods. Choice of method depends on the research interests, simplicity of fecal collection procedures and ease of transportation to the lab, especially for large epidemiological studies

    Data from: Population genomics of the Anthropocene: urbanization is negatively associated with genome-wide variation in white-footed mouse populations

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    Urbanization results in pervasive habitat fragmentation and reduces standing genetic variation through bottlenecks and drift. Loss of genomewide variation may ultimately reduce the evolutionary potential of animal populations experiencing rapidly changing conditions. In this study, we examined genomewide variation among 23 white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) populations sampled along an urbanization gradient in the New York City metropolitan area. Genomewide variation was estimated as a proxy for evolutionary potential using more than 10 000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated by ddRAD-Seq. We found that genomewide variation is inversely related to urbanization as measured by percent impervious surface cover, and to a lesser extent, human population density. We also report that urbanization results in enhanced genomewide differentiation between populations in cities. There was no pattern of isolation by distance among these populations, but an isolation by resistance model based on impervious surface significantly explained patterns of genetic differentiation. Isolation by environment modeling also indicated that urban populations deviate much more strongly from global allele frequencies than suburban or rural populations. This study is the first to examine loss of genomewide SNP variation along an urban-to-rural gradient and quantify urbanization as a driver of population genomic patterns

    Applications of a climatic water budget to tick-borne disease research

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    Tools initially developed for analyzing climate or the environment are often used subsequently by scientists in more applied areas of research. The Thornthwaite-Mather (T-M) water budget equation was primarily developed to calculate a water budget, which, of course, had obvious uses for irrigation purposes. But John Russell Mather hoped his work would be used in a variety of applications, and fortunately he lived to see it used even by his son in the arena of vector-borne diseases. Our team is screening various climatic and environmental variables to identify relevant determinants of tick abundance in an effort to predict levels of disease risk both spatially and temporally in the northeastern United States. Identifying relevant climatic and environmental variables delimiting tick habitat at a high resolution has led us to consider a variety of tools designed for environmental applications. We used the Thornthwaite-Mather water budget technique to predict soil moisture under forest canopies, the primary habitat for the tick vectors of Lyme disease bacteria. To date, the exact controls of spatio-temporal tick distribution are not yet confirmed, but we now believe that whichever variables are shown to most precisely delimit the extent of tick distributions over large areas can be identified by vegetation and other moisture-based variables using satellite sensor data. Copyright © 2005 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved

    To beat or not to beat a tick: comparison of DNA extraction methods for ticks (Ixodes scapularis)

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    Background. Blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) are important disease vectors in the United States, known to transmit a variety of pathogens to humans, including bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. Their importance as a disease vector necessitates reliable and comparable methods for extracting microbial DNA from ticks. Furthermore, to explore the population genetics or genomics of this tick, appropriate DNA extraction techniques are needed for both the vector and its microbes. Although a few studies have investigated different methods of DNA isolation from ticks, they are limited in the number and types of DNA extraction and lack species-specific quantification of DNA yield.Methods. Here we determined the most efficient and consistent method of DNA extraction from two different developmental stages of I. scapularis—nymph and adult—that are the most important for disease transmission. We used various methods of physical disruption of the hard, chitinous exoskeleton, as well as commercial and non-commercial DNA isolation kits. To gauge the effectiveness of these methods, we quantified the DNA yield and confirmed the DNA quality via PCR of both tick and microbial genetic material.Results. DNA extraction using the Thermo GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit resulted in the highest DNA yields and the most consistent PCR amplification when combined with either cutting or bead beating with select matrices across life stages. DNA isolation methods using ammonium hydroxide as well as the MoBio PowerSoil kit also produced strong and successful PCR amplification, but only for females.Discussion. We contrasted a variety of readily available methods of DNA extraction from single individual blacklegged ticks and presented the results through a quantitative and qualitative assessment

    No Observed Effect of Landscape Fragmentation on Pathogen Infection Prevalence in Blacklegged Ticks (Ixodes scapularis) in the Northeastern United States.

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    Pathogen prevalence within blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis Say, 1821) tends to vary across sites and geographic regions, but the underlying causes of this variation are not well understood. Efforts to understand the ecology of Lyme disease have led to the proposition that sites with higher host diversity will result in lower disease risk due to an increase in the abundance of inefficient reservoir species relative to the abundance of species that are highly competent reservoirs. Although the Lyme disease transmission cycle is often cited as a model for this "dilution effect hypothesis", little empirical evidence exists to support that claim. Here we tested the dilution effect hypothesis for two pathogens transmitted by the blacklegged tick along an urban-to-rural gradient in the northeastern United States using landscape fragmentation as a proxy for host biodiversity. Percent impervious surface and habitat fragment size around each site were determined to assess the effect of landscape fragmentation on nymphal blacklegged tick infection with Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Our results do not support the dilution effect hypothesis for either pathogen and are in agreement with the few studies to date that have tested this idea using either a landscape proxy or direct measures of host biodiversity

    Novel ITS1 Fungal Primers for Characterization of the Mycobiome

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    ABSTRACT Studies of the human microbiome frequently omit characterization of fungal communities (the mycobiome), which limits our ability to investigate how fungal communities influence human health. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region of the eukaryotic ribosomal cluster has features allowing for wide taxonomic coverage and has been recognized as a suitable barcode region for species-level identification of fungal organisms. We developed custom ITS1 primer sets using iterative alignment refinement. Primer performance was evaluated using in silico testing and experimental testing of fungal cultures and human samples. Using an expanded novel reference database, SIS (18S-ITS1-5.8S), the newly designed primers showed an average in silico taxonomic coverage of 79.9% ± 7.1% compared to a coverage of 44.6% ± 13.2% using previously published primers (P = 0.05). The newly described primer sets recovered an average of 21,830 ± 225 fungal reads from fungal isolate culture samples, whereas the previously published primers had an average of 3,305 ± 1,621 reads (P = 0.03). Of note was an increase in the taxonomic coverage of the Candida genus, which went from a mean coverage of 59.5% ± 13% to 100.0% ± 0.0% (P = 0.0015) comparing the previously described primers to the new primers, respectively. The newly developed ITS1 primer sets significantly improve general taxonomic coverage of fungal communities infecting humans and increased read depth by an order of magnitude over the best-performing published primer set tested. The overall best-performing primer pair in terms of taxonomic coverage and read recovery, ITS1-30F/ITS1-217R, will aid in advancing research in the area of the human mycobiome. IMPORTANCE The mycobiome constitutes all the fungal organisms within an environment or biological niche. The fungi are eukaryotes, are extremely heterogeneous, and include yeasts and molds that colonize humans as part of the microbiome. In addition, fungi can also infect humans and cause disease. Characterization of the bacterial component of the microbiome was revolutionized by 16S rRNA gene fragment amplification, next-generation sequencing technologies, and bioinformatics pipelines. Characterization of the mycobiome has often not been included in microbiome studies because of limitations in amplification systems. This report revisited the selection of PCR primers that amplify the fungal ITS1 region. We have identified primers with superior identification of fungi present in the database. We have compared the new primer sets against those previously used in the literature and show a significant improvement in read count and taxon identification. These primers should facilitate the study of fungi in human physiology and disease states

    Evaluation of Oral Cavity DNA Extraction Methods on Bacterial and Fungal Microbiota

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    Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the most effective method of DNA extraction of oral mouthwash samples for use in microbiome studies that utilize next generation sequencing (NGS). Eight enzymatic and mechanical DNA extraction methods were tested. Extracted DNA was amplified using barcoded primers targeting the V6 variable region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and the ITS1 region of the fungal ribosomal gene cluster and sequenced using the Illumina NGS platform. Sequenced reads were analyzed using QIIME and R. The eight methods yielded significantly different quantities of DNA (p < 0.001), with the phenol-chloroform extraction method producing the highest total yield. There were no significant differences in observed bacterial or fungal Shannon diversity (p = 0.64, p = 0.93 respectively) by extraction method. Bray-Curtis beta-diversity did not demonstrate statistically significant differences between the eight extraction methods based on bacterial (R2 = 0.086, p = 1.00) and fungal (R2 = 0.039, p = 1.00) assays. No differences were seen between methods with or without bead-beating. These data indicate that choice of DNA extraction method affect total DNA recovery without significantly affecting the observed microbiome

    Data from: Microbiome changes through ontogeny of a tick pathogen vector

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    Blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) are one of the most important pathogen vectors in the United States, responsible for transmitting Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. The structure of a host's microbial community has the potential to affect the ecology and evolution of the host. We employed high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3-V4 hypervariable regions in the first study to investigate the tick microbiome across all developmental stages (larvae, nymphs, adults). In addition to field-collected life stages, newly hatched laboratory-reared larvae were studied to determine the baseline microbial community structure and to assess transovarial transmission. We also targeted midguts and salivary glands due to their importance in pathogen maintenance and transmission. Over 100 000 sequences were produced per life stage replicate. Rickettsia was the most abundant bacterial genus across all sample types matching mostly the Ixodes rickettsial endosymbionts, and its proportion decreased as developmental stage progressed, with the exception of adult females that harboured a mean relative abundance of 97.9%. Laboratory-reared larvae displayed the lowest bacterial diversity, containing almost exclusively Rickettsia. Many of the remaining bacteria included genera associated with soil, water and plants, suggesting environmental acquisition while off-host. Female organs exhibited significantly different β-diversity than the whole tick from which they were derived. Our results demonstrate clear differences in both α- and β-diversity among tick developmental stages and between tick organs and the tick as a whole. Furthermore, field-acquired bacteria appear to be very important to the overall internal bacterial community of this tick species, with influence from the host bloodmeal appearing limited