2,376 research outputs found

    Niosomes and polymeric chitosan based vesicles bearing transferrin and glucose ligands for drug targeting

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    PURPOSE: To prepare polymeric vesicles and niosomes bearing glucose or transferrin ligands for drug targeting. METHODS: A glucose-palmitoyl glycol chitosan (PGC) conjugate was synthesised and glucose-PGC polymeric vesicles prepared by sonication of glucose-PGC/cholesterol. N-palmitoylglucosamine (NPG) was synthesised and NPG niosomes also prepared by sonication of NPG/ sorbitan monostearate/ cholesterol/ cholesteryl poly-24-oxyethylene ether. These 2 glucose vesicles were incubated with colloidal concanavalin A gold (Con-A gold), washed and visualised by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Transferrin was also conjugated to the surface of PGC vesicles and the uptake of these vesicles investigated in the A431 cell line (over expressing the transferrin receptor) by fluorescent activated cell sorter analysis. RESULTS: TEM imaging confirmed the presence of glucose units on the surface of PGC polymeric vesicles and NPG niosomes. Transferrin was coupled to PGC vesicles at a level of 0.60+/-0.18 g of transferrin per g polymer. The proportion of FITC-dextran positive A431 cells was 42% (FITC-dextran solution), 74% (plain vesicles) and 90% (transferrin vesicles). CONCLUSIONS: Glucose and transferrin bearing chitosan based vesicles and glucose niosomes have been prepared. Glucose bearing vesicles bind Con-A to their surface. Chitosan based vesicles are taken up by A431 cells and transferrin enhances this uptake

    Knowledge as Embodied, Imaginative and Foolish Enactment: Exploring Dementia Experiences through Theater

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    In this article, we provide an example of a performance-research project to advance understandings of the ways artistic and scientific processes work in conversation. Drawing on the research-informed play Cracked: New Light on Dementia, we consider the interrelationship among cultural narratives (including the perpetuation of oppressive narratives of marginalized people), aesthetic and artistic exploration (sensory and emotional exploration together with dramaturgy and theatricality), and social critique for the purposes of broader social change. By explicating three interrelated "acts" of our process, including preparation, execution and exhibition (THOMPSON, 2015), we share the ways artistic practices were flexibly used to generate new cultural knowledge about the ways we think, feel, and sense about dementia to mobilize social good. With our work we criticize institutional and research structures that deny arts processes the status of "research," as well as challenge traditional modes of knowledge and knowledge production.In diesem Beitrag berichten wir über ein Beispiel performativer Forschung mit dem Ziel, künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Prozesse besser zu verstehen. Ausgehend von dem Theaterstück "Cracked: New Light on Dementia" beleuchten wir die Beziehung zwischen kulturellen Narrativen (inkl. der Verfestigung unterdrückerischer Narrative über marginalisierte Menschen), ästhetischer und künstlerischer Forschung (sensorisches und emotionales Involvement sowie Dramaturgie und Theatralität) und sozialer Kritik mit dem Ziel breiterer sozialer Veränderungen. An drei miteinander verknüpften "Akten" unseres Forschungsprozesses - Vorbereitung, Ausführung und Ausstellung (THOMPSON 2015) - veranschaulichen wir, wie künstlerische Praktiken flexibel genutzt wurden, um neues kulturelles Wissen darüber zu erzeugen, wie wir Demenz denken, erleben und wahrnehmen, und so ein soziales Gut zu initiieren. Mit unserer Arbeit kritisieren wir institutionelle und wissenschaftliche Strukturen, die Kunst den Status von Forschung absprechen, und wir fordern traditionelle Weisen von Wissen und Wissensproduktion heraus

    Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater?: Comparing 2 Approaches to Implausible Values of Change in Body Size

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    BACKGROUND: In childhood obesity research, the appearance of height loss, or "shrinkage," indicates measurement error. It is unclear whether a common response--excluding "shrinkers" from analysis--reduces bias. METHODS: Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we sampled 816 female adolescents (≥17 years) who had attained adult height by 1996 and for whom adult height was consistently measured in 2001 and 2008 ("gold-standard" height). We estimated adolescent obesity prevalence and the association of maternal education with adolescent obesity under 3 conditions: excluding shrinkers (for whom gold-standard height was less than recorded height in 1996), retaining shrinkers, and retaining shrinkers but substituting their gold-standard height. RESULTS: When we estimated obesity prevalence, excluding shrinkers decreased precision without improving validity. When we regressed obesity on maternal education, excluding shrinkers produced less valid and less precise estimates. CONCLUSION: In some circumstances, ignoring shrinkage is a better strategy than excluding shrinkers

    Essential Oils from Apple mint (Mentha suaveolens) and Passionflower fruit (Passiflora incarnata): Studies on Cognition, Coordination, and Chemical Components.

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    Plant essential oils (EO) are used as perfumes, lotions and air fresheners because of their pleasant aromas, but EO also have the ability to elicit changes in mood and behavior. These activities are influenced by the mode of administration and by multiple signaling pathways. The EO aromas from organically grown apple mint (Mentha suaveolens) and passionflower fruit (Passiflora incarnata) were assessed for their effects on cognition and coordination. Participants completed two tasks designed to test working memory and bimanual task efficiency in rooms infused with apple mint, passionflower fruit or control EO. Bimanual coordination was assessed using the Intercept2 program and the Memory Span component of CogLab 2.0 was utilized as a test of working memory. Then, the EO were analyzed by GC-MS, resulting in the identification of several compounds with affinity towards olfactory receptors and neurotransmitter systems. For specific memory subtests within CogLab, EO from apple mint aided number recall, whereas passionflower fruit hindered recall of numbers and letters that sound similar. Passionflower fruit EO slightly enhanced bimanual task coordination. The results indicate that specific aromas may differentially affect task performance

    Stepping Up Telehealth: Using telehealth to support a new model of care for type 2 diabetes management in rural and regional primary care

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    Our proposal is to pilot the feasibility and acceptability of a telehealth intervention to enhance care in rural general practice for people with out-of-target Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Our research program builds on the UK Medical Research Council framework in developing a model of care intervention that is well matched to the setting of General Practice and to the experiences and priorities of patients. We undertook an exploratory qualitative study, leading to the development of a practice-based intervention that we pilot tested for feasibility and acceptability before undertaking a larger pilot and a cluster RCT. We based our work on Normalisation Process Theory (NPT), a sociological theory of implementation, which describes how new practices become incorporated into routine clinical care as a result of individual and collective work. NPT suggested that our model of care intervention would need to be patient centred and include all members of the multidisciplinary diabetes team, including Endocrinologist, RN-CDE General Practitioners (GP), and generalist Practice Nurses (PNs). All of these groups are involved in the �work� of insulin initiation.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy

    Civic Engagement Among Orphans and Non-Orphans in Five Low- and Middle-Income Countries

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    Background: Communities and nations seeking to foster social responsibility in their youth are interested in understanding factors that predict and promote youth involvement in public activities. Orphans and separated children (OSC) are a vulnerable population whose numbers are increasing, particularly in resource-poor settings. Understanding whether and how OSC are engaged in civic activities is important for community and world leaders who need to provide care for OSC and ensure their involvement in sustainable development. Methods: The Positive Outcomes for Orphans study (POFO) is a multi-country, longitudinal cohort study of OSC randomly sampled from institution-based care and from family-based care, and of non-OSC sampled from the same study regions. Participants represent six sites in five low-and middle-income countries. We examined civic engagement activities and government trust among subjects \u3e =16 years old at 90-month follow-up (approximately 7.5 years after baseline). We calculated prevalences and estimated the association between key demographic variables and prevalence of regular volunteer work using multivariable Poisson regression, with sampling weights to accounting for the complex sampling design. Results: Among the 1,281 POFO participants \u3e =16 who were assessed at 90-month follow-up, 45 % participated in regular community service or volunteer work; two-thirds of those volunteers did so on a strictly voluntary basis. While government trust was fairly high, at approximately 70 % for each level of government, participation in voting was only 15 % among those who were \u3e =18 years old. We did not observe significant associations between demographic characteristics and regular volunteer work, with the exception of large variation by study site. Conclusion: As the world’s leaders grapple with the many competing demands of global health, economic security, and governmental stability, the participation of today’s youth in community and governance is essential for sustainability. This study provides a first step in understanding the degree to which OSC from different care settings across multiple low- and middle-income countries are engaged in their communities

    Data quality from a longitudinal study of adolescent health at schools near industrial livestock facilities

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    Longitudinal designs enable examination of temporal relationships between exposures and health outcomes, but extended participation can cause study fatigue. We present an approach for analyzing data quality and study fatigue in a participatory, longitudinal study of adolescents

    Sixteen Months “From Square One”: The Process of Forming an Interprofessional Clinical Teaching Team

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    Background: Descriptions of interprofessional education (IPE) programs and teacher competencies exist, but limited research has been undertaken about the process of IPE teaching team formation. This research project examined how pedagogically naïve clinicians of different disciplines initially formed an IPE teaching team.Methods and Findings: A case study approach was undertaken with data collected over the first sixteen months of an IPE program. Data included: audio recordings, transcripts, and field notes from nine individual teacher interviews, two teaching team focus groups, five student focus groups, and eight summary reports. Data analysis using a grounded theory constant comparison approach revealed themes relating to the formation, development, and evolving sophistication of the teaching team from functioning, to co-ordinating, to co-operating, and finally to collaborating. These stages were influenced by four external factors: remote rural context, Hauora Māori principles, personal attributes, and teacher development.Conclusions: Formation of interprofessional clinical teaching teams requires educational preparation, time learning to work with each other, and trust development, with a number of local contextual factors influencing this process. Teaching team formation paralleled Wegner’s Community of Practice model where shared vision supported the adoption of an increasingly complex IPE pedagogy

    Pharmacists in Pharmacovigilance: Can Increased Diagnostic Opportunity in Community Settings Translate to Better Vigilance?

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    The pharmacy profession has undergone substantial change over the last two to three decades. Whilst medicine supply still remains a central function, pharmacist’s roles and responsibilities have become more clinic and patient focused. In the community (primary care), pharmacists have become important providers of healthcare as Western healthcare policy advocates patient self-care. This has resulted in pharmacists taking on greater responsibility in managing minor illness and the delivery of public health interventions. These roles require pharmacists to more fully use their clinical skills, and often involve diagnosis and therapeutic management. Community pharmacists are now, more than ever before, in a position to identify, record and report medication safety incidents. However, current research suggests that diagnostic ability of community pharmacists is questionable and they infrequently report to local or national schemes. The aim of this paper is to highlight current practice and suggest ways in which community pharmacy can more fully contribute to patient safety