156 research outputs found

    Entwicklung eines Screeningverfahrens auf Toleranz gegen bodenbĂĽrtige Leguminosen-Krankheiten am Beispiel der Erbse

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    Vortrag ĂĽber die Entwicklung eines Screeningverfahrens auf Toleranz gegen bodenbĂĽrtige Leguminosen-Krankheiten am Beispiel der Erbse

    Der Kampf geht weiter

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    Entwicklung eines Screeningverfahrens auf Toleranz gegen bodenbĂĽrtige Leguminosen-Krankheiten am Beispiel der Erbse

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    Vortrag ĂĽber die Entwicklung eines Screeningtests fĂĽr Erbse gegen den Komplex bodenbĂĽrtiger Krankheiten und dessen Implementierung in der ErbsenzĂĽchtung von GetreidezĂĽchtung Peter Kunz

    Demokratie ohne Frauen

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    Fourteen-Year Long-Term Results after Gastric Banding

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    Background. Gastric banding (GB) is a common bariatric procedure that is performed worldwide. Weight loss can be substantial after this procedure, but it is not sufficient in a significant portion of patients. Long-term rates for associated complications increase with every year of follow up, and only a few long-term studies have been published that examine these rates. We present our results after 14 years of postoperative follow up. Methods. Two hundred patients were operated upon form 01.02.1995 to 31.01.2009. Data collection was performed prospectively. In retrospective analysis, we analyzed weight loss, short- and long-term complications, amelioration of comorbidities and long-term outcome. Results. The mean postoperative follow up time was 94.4 months (range 2–144). The follow up rate was 83.5%. The incidence of postoperative complications for slippage was 2.5%, for pouch dilatation was 9.5%, for band migration was 5.5% and 12.0% for overall band removal. After 14 years, the reoperation rate was 30.5% with a reoperation rate of 2.2% for every year of follow up. Excess weight loss was 40.2% after 1 year, 46.3% after 2 years, 45.9% after 3 years, 41.9% after five years, 33.3% after 8 years, 30.8% after 10 years, 33.3% after 12 years and 15.6% after 14 years of follow up. Conclusion. The complication and reoperation rate after GB is high. Nevertheless, GB is still a therapeutic option in morbid obese patients, but the criteria for patient selection should be carefully evaluated

    Neonatal 5,7-DHT Lesions Cause Sex-Specific Changes in Mouse Cortical Morphogenesis

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    Both monoaminergic and cholinergic afferent projections to the neocortex putatively modulate cortical morphogenesis and plasticity. Previously we showed that neonatal,electrolytic lesions: the cholinergic nucleus basalis magnocel!ularis (nBM) projections to the neocortex result in significant decreases-of cortical layer width that correlate with cognitive alterations. Such electrolytic lesions, performed for lack of a selective neurotoxin in mice, may affect mono- aminergic fibers of passage. Here, we investigate the effects of neonatal 5,7 dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) focal injections into the nBM region on cortical laminar morphology in adult male and female mice. 5,7-DHT lesions on the first postnatal day resulted in significant cortical depletion of both serotonin and norepinephrine that attenuated with age. Generally, cortical layer widths increased in response to the lesion; the effects were layer, region, and sex specific. Previous reports from our laboratories described longterm behavioral alterations after comparable focal, neonatal 5,7-DHT lesions. The studies described here provide an anatomical basis for such behavioral alterations. Our data suggest that monoaminergic and cholinergic projections to the cortex may have opposite effects on the developing cortical neuropil. Jointly, our morphological and behavioral findings may have important implications for a variety of developmental disorders in humans and provide some insights into sex differences in the penetrance of these disorders

    ZĂĽchtung und Sortenwahl fĂĽr den biologischen Landbau

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    Ăśberblick ĂĽber ZĂĽchtung und Sortenwahl fĂĽr den biologischen Landbau

    Breeding for Mixed Cropping and Anthracnose Resistance of Lupins

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    Introduction In Switzerland, the organic sector has been trying to reduce the massive import of protein crops for feed by encouraging grain legume cultivation during the past years (Clerc et al, 2015). The main limiting factors of low yield stability and high weed pressure were successfully overcome through intercropping of peas and faba beans with barley and oats, respectively. Thus, the production of peas and faba beans grew continuously from 2010 to 2015 from 200t and 90t to 1170t and 560t, respectively (bioaktuell 2017). For more diversification of domestic grain legume cultivation and supply, FiBL has started field trials with blue (Lupinus angustifolius) and white lupins (L. albus) in 2014. The high risk of anthracnose, caused by the fungal agent Colletotrichum lupini, (Bondar) Damm, P.F. Cannon & Crous (Damm et al. 2012), is presently preventing white lupin cultivation in Switzerland, although organic feed mills are highly interested in domestically grown lots of this valuable plant protein source for food and feed. The objectives of the study were (i) identification of suitable crossing partners for blue and white lupins, (ii) suitability of cultivars and breeding lines of blue and white lupin under organic growing conditions in Switzerland in mixed cropping systems, (iii) identification of genetic resources of white lupins with partial resistance against anthracnose, and (iv) development of a composite cross population and prebreeding material of white lupins with improved resistance

    White Lupin (Lupinus Albus) Anthracnose Resistance Pre-Breeding Project In Switzerland

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    White lupin (Lupinus albus) could contribute to the recent increase of organic grain legume production in Switzerland. However, its production is impaired by anthracnose (Colletotrichum lupini), against which FiBL is running a resistance pre-breeding project. In 2019, 196 new genetic resources and 60 F4 breeding lines were compared on-farm to the progeny of 288 accessions selected from 2015 to 2018. Relative disease scores compared to reference cultivar Amiga (mean score 6.9 on a scale from 1 (no symptoms) to 9 (plants completely dead) were calculated and ranged from -2.25 to +2. Mean relative scores of selected genotypes and breeding lines were -0.7 and -0.5, respectively, compared to -0.33 in the new accessions. The frequency of more resistant genotypes was about twice as high in the selected accessions and breeding lines than in the new accessions. These are valuable data for breeding as well as for development and validation of genetic markers for resistance screening

    Anbau von Lupinen in der Schweiz

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    Inhalt 1. Einführung: Potenzial von Lupinen, Arten 2. Anbautelegramm 3. Versuchsergebnisse Blaue Lupine 4. Weisse Lupine: Anthraknose und Erträge 5. Lupinenanbau: weitere Herausforderungen 6. Zusammenfassung Versuchsergebnisse 7. Saatgutquellen 2021 8. Abnehmer 202
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