3,150 research outputs found

    MoMLV Reverse Transcriptase Regulates Its Own Expression

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    AbstractA precise ratio of Gag:Gag-Pol expression is required for assembly of infectious retroviral virions. In this issue of Cell, Orlova et al. show that MoMLV reverse transcriptase binds the translation release factor eRF1, and that this interaction promotes translation readthrough to make Gag-Pol


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    Groin injuries are among the most common injuries seen in ice hockey, accounting for as many as 10-12% of total injuries sustained (Anderson & Strickland, 2001; Emery & Meeuwisse, 2001). The return to competition from a groin injury depends on the perceived pain, muscular strength and the ability of the athlete to skate. The application of an elastic groin wrap may allow the athlete to return to play at a quicker rate by limiting the player's range of motion (ROM) and thus preventing further damage. However, limiting a player's ROM may affect the skating abilities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of elastic groin wraps on active hip ROM and the kinematics of ice skating. METHODS: Eighteen female NCAA Division 1 ice hockey players volunteered for this study. On two separate days, the subjects were tested on ice performing a 15.20m full-speed test, a 6.10m acceleration test, and the Gilling agility test (Gilling, 2001). Nine subjects were randomly chosen to wear elastic groin wraps during the first on ice testing day, the remaining 9 subjects wore the elastic groin wrap on the second testing day. The times to complete each test were recorded using an electric timing system. During the full speed test the subjects were video-recorded from the side and the back to obtain stride length, stride width, stride frequency, push-off distance and push-off width. Off ice, the subjects were video-taped while performing active ROM tests for hip abduction, extension, and flexion, with and without elasJic groin wraps applied. The Peak Motus System was used to determine the listed variables from the video recordings of the on-and off-ice testing. Paired samples t-tests were used to check for significant differences between the groin wrap and no groin wrap testing conditions

    Inquiry-based learning: Emirati university students choose WhatsApp for collaboration

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    Considerable research has shown the value of Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) regarding student engagement and motivation, depth of learning, and cognitive flexibility. Student collaboration is one component of this approach, since students must communicate and work together inside and outside of class time when engaging with an IBL project. Choosing a mobile learning tool can benefit student collaboration in so far as the tool enables anytime/anywhere collaborative learning. This study looked at how 118 Emirati undergraduate students in a government-sponsored university in the United Arab Emirates chose to collaborate in an IBL semester-long assignment. Unlike some approaches that dictate the technology selection to students (Barczyk & Duncan, 2013; Prescott, Wilson & Becket, 2013), in this project course instructors gave the students autonomy to choose the best mobile learning tools for their group. The study used a mixed-methods approach to collect data on which tools students perceived as best for IBL. Participants were surveyed three times about which tool they preferred for university work: a pre-project survey, a mid-project survey, and post-project survey. Results show that students changed their preferred tool to WhatsApp over the course of the semester. A focus group with each course section provided qualitative data as to why students preferred WhatsApp. The students also delivered poster presentations as to how WhatsApp helped them complete their community-based IBL projects. This study will show how WhatsApp can be a successful mobile learning tool for student collaboration in IBL. أكدت العديد من البحوث على Ùوائد التعلم القائم على البحث والاستقصاء من حيث المشاركة وعمق التعلم والمرونة المعرÙية. ويعتبر التعلم القائم على البحث والاستقصاء شاملا لمÙاهيم عدة منها التعلم القائم على المشاريع وعلى حل المشكلات والنماذج الشاملة لطرائق التعلم الأساسية لدى الطالب أهمها التعاون الطلابي لما له أثر جيد ÙÙŠ إنجاز المشاريع سواء أكان ذلك أثناء المحاضرة أو خارجها. كما أن استخدام أدوات التعلم الذكي (mobile learning tool) يعزز التعاون الطلابي إذا ما توÙرت خارج الÙصل ÙˆÙÙŠ أي مكان. وللتأكيد على هذه الÙرضية، قمنا بدراسة أداء 118 طالبة ÙÙŠ المرحلة الجامعية حين طلب منهم اختيار Ø£Ùضل أدوات التعلم الذكي لمجموعاتهم للقيام بمشروع قائم على البحث والاستقصاء. واستخدمت الدراسة منهجا يدمج بين جمع البيانات عن الأدوات التي يعتبرها الطلبة الأÙضل لأدء المشاريع القائمة على البحث والاستقصاء. وخضع الطلبة لثلاث مسوحات قبل البدء بالمشروع ÙˆÙÙŠ منتص٠المشروع وبعد الانتهاء منه حول الأداة المÙضلة لديهم للقيام بالمشارع الجامعية وللتواصل الاجتماعي أيضا. وأظهرت النتائج ان برنامج ال WhatsApp هو الأÙضل على مدار الÙصل الدراسي. كما قامت مجموعة تركيز واحدة ÙÙŠ كل Ùصل دراسي بتقديم بيانات نوعية لأسباب الاعتماد على هذا البرنامج ÙÙŠ أداء المشاريع وإنجازها بنجاح من خلاله. كما قدم الطلبة عروضا باستخدام الملصقات لشرح أسباب نجاح المشاريع القائمة على تقديم الخدمات من خلال استخدام برنامج ال WhatsApp. كما تستعرض الدراسة أسباب كون هذا البرنامج أداة تعليمية ناجحة ومعززة لعملية التعاون الطلابي أثناء القيام بالمشاريع القائمة على البحث والاستقصاء

    Are There Disparities in Health Information Access Among New Mexico Practitioners? Results of a Study

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    We designed an exploratory study to find out what information resources are available to New Mexico health care practitioners not currently affiliated with the University of New Mexico. We conducted semi-structured interviews of a purposive sample of physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, physician assistants, and pharmacists at the location of their practice in all quadrants of the state, including public health clinics. The interview included nine open-ended questions, which were approved by the UNM Human Research Protections Office. Interviews were recorded on an iPad, transcribed, and coded using nVivo (QSR International), a qualitative data coding software package. Fifty-one practitioners particiipated. Their responses indicate that New Mexico pracitioners not affiliated with UNM: are satisfied with their access to information resources to support clinical decision making; are not satisfied with information resources for their patients; would like access to a wider variety of information resources for both clinical information and for their patients.https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/hslic-posters-presentations/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Blueprint for the Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practices in Health Care

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    Proposes strategies for better dissemination of best practices through quality improvement campaigns, including campaigns aligned with adopting organizations' goals, practical implementation tools and guides, and networks to foster learning opportunities

    A New Era for Psychologist-Leaders: Introduction to the Society of Psychologists in Leadership and the Psychology of Leaders and Leadership

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    This article introduces the name change of the Society for Psychologists in Leadership (SPL), from the Society of Psychologists in Management (SPIM). SPL seeks to become the premier home for psychologists who are also executives, managers, leaders, and consultants, and for psychologists who aspire to leadership positions in their organization, locally, nationally, or globally. In this article, we first discuss the founding and early years of SPIM as critical development in the recognition of psychologists as managers and leaders. Then we discuss societal and cultural changes that led to consideration of SPL rebranding and name change, including discussions of cultural and academic changes in the connotation of management vs. leadership, an increasing emphasis on psychologists as leaders, and a cultural increase in focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We discuss the board’s mixed methods approach to assessing the needs of its members, expanding the membership and value of the organization, recognizing and honoring the founders and early members, ensuring a unique identity and value of SPL, and revitalizing and refocusing the academic journal. We conclude with considerations of the future of SPL to serve psychologists in leadership in the 21st century

    Teaching prescribing: just what the doctor ordered? A thematic analysis of the views of newly qualified doctors

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    Undergraduate medical education has been criticised for failing to adequately prepare doctors for the task of prescribing. Pharmacists have been shown to improve medication use in hospitals. This study aims to elicit the views of intern doctors on the challenges of prescribing, and to suggest changes in education to enhance prescribing practice and potential role of the pharmacist. Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were conducted with intern doctors in their first year post qualification in an Irish hospital. Data collection was conducted until no new themes emerged and thematic analysis was performed. Thirteen interviews took place. Interns described training in practical prescribing as limited and felt the curriculum failed to convey the reality of actual prescribing. Pharmacists were perceived to be a useful, but underutilised, information source in the prescribing process. They requested an earlier introduction, and repeated exposure, to prescribing, and suggested the involvement of peers and pharmacists in this teaching. Intern doctors reported difficulties in applying knowledge gained in medical school to clinical practice. New strategies are needed to enhance the clinical relevance of the medical curriculum by rethinking the learning outcomes regarding prescribing practice and the involvement of pharmacists in prescribing education
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