32 research outputs found

    The ILC at Its 70th Anniversary: Its Role in International Law and Its Impact on U.S. Jurisprudence

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    It is the International Law Commission\u27s ( ILC ) birthday celebration, and one is expected to bring presents to such events. As an international law scholar and an outsider to the institution, my best presents are hopefully constructive comments in the nature of analysis, critique, suggestions, and positive statements of encouragement. Such comments aim to be informative, practical, and helpful. By necessity, all of them depend on one\u27s perspective, the role that one perceives a lawyer should have in society, one\u27s observational standpoint, one\u27s jurisprudence, etc. Most of our perspectives derive from a positivist framework.\u27 Even if we assume the role of a problem-solver, as in the respected New Haven Approach to law, We still need to deal with the practical needs of the legal environment. The application of law often entails-and even requires-at least some of the concerns and analytical tools of positivism. Legislation and other decision-making processes generally, however, are different and not wholly amenable to such an approach; that is where New Haven displays its greatest strength. From this perspective, we take stock of the birthday kid and its accomplishments-the ILC. It is a creature of the states and a part of the optimistic San Francisco construct of the world community after the cataclysm of World War II. It was more the beginning of something than the culmination of various antecedents, and it has subsequently made a greater number of inroads than the few discernible paths leading to its creation. In what follows, I will first make some observations on the history of the ILC\u27s twofold institutional mandate. Second, I will present the results of empirical research on the direct and indirect impact of the ILC on U.S. jurisprudence and legal scholarship. Lastly, I will furnish the reader with an assessment of the ILC\u27s current challenges in fulfilling its mandate to codify and progressively develop international law and some recommendations to address them

    Factors associated with non-use of condoms among heterosexually-active single people in Germany: Results from the first representative, population-based German health and sexuality survey (GeSiD)

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    BACKGROUND: Against the backdrop of rising STI incidence among the heterosexual population, sexually active single people are at particularly high STI transmission risk. Gaining insight into circumstances related to condoms non-use in this population is therefore important for developing effective health interventions. METHODS: The nationally-representative survey, GeSiD (German Health and Sexuality Survey) undertaken 2018–2019, interviewed 4,955 people aged 18–75 years. A total of 343 heterosexually-active single participants answered a question about condom use at last sex. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, sexual behaviours and circumstances of last sex were analysed to identify independently associated factors. RESULTS: Condom non-use at last sex was reported more commonly by participants aged >35 years than by younger participants (48.5 vs 33.7%, respectively) and more likely among longer relationships (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 2.43) or early loving relationships (AOR: 3.59) than in one-night-stands. It was also associated with not discussing using condoms before sex (AOR: 6.50) and with reporting non-use of condoms at sexual debut (AOR: 4.75). CONCLUSIONS: Non-use of condoms is a common STI risk behaviour among heterosexually-active single people in Germany and so needs promoting from sexual debut throughout the life course, regardless of relationship type and age, but particularly among middle-aged and older people

    Wie gut ist das Wissen über sexuell übertragbare Infektionen in Deutschland? Ergebnisse der ersten bundesweiten repräsentativen Befragung zu Gesundheit und Sexualität (GeSiD)

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    Hintergrund: Sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (STI) sind ein relevanter Risikofaktor für die sexuelle Gesundheit des Einzelnen und der Bevölkerung. Für eine zielgruppenspezifische Präventionsarbeit ist der Wissensstand zu STI in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen daher von besonderem Interesse. Ziel: Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den Wissensstand zu neun STI in der deutschen Bevölkerung zu analysieren. Dafür werden Zusammenhänge mit soziodemografischen Variablen, sexualitätsbezogenen Merkmalen sowie der subjektiven Zufriedenheit mit dem Informationsstand untersucht. Methode: Die GeSiD-Studie "Gesundheit und Sexualität in Deutschland" erhob von 4955 Personen per Face-to-Face-Interview repräsentative quantitative Daten zum Wissensstand zu STI. Als Auswahlverfahren wurde eine zweifache Zufallsstichprobe gezogen. Dafür wurden zunächst 200 Sample Points (Gemeinden) in ganz Deutschland regional proportional ausgewählt. Anschließend wurde eine Zufallsstichprobe von Adressen über die jeweiligen Einwohnermeldeämter gezogen. Die Teilnahmequote betrug 30,2 %; das Durchschnittsalter lag bei 46,3 Jahren. Ergebnisse: Wissen über HIV/Aids war in allen Altersgruppen weit verbreitet. Andere STI waren deutlich weniger bekannt. Besonders wenig informiert zeigten sich Ältere und Befragte mit niedrigem Bildungsstand, regionaler sozialer Benachteiligung sowie mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine höhere Anzahl von SexualpartnerInnen hing mit einem besseren Wissensstand zusammen. Gut informiert zeigten sich Personen, die sich nicht als heterosexuell beschreiben, sowie Personen, die schon einmal an einer STI erkrankt waren. Fazit: Heterosexuelle Erwachsene in Deutschland sind unzureichend über STI informiert. Zielgruppenspezifische Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung des Wissens über STI sind nötig, um sexuelles Risikoverhalten zu vermindern und die Inanspruchnahme von Präventionsangeboten zu verbessern.Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a relevant risk factor for the sexual health of individuals and the population. Therefore, the level of awareness and knowledge about STIs in different population groups is of particular interest for specific prevention work. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the awareness of and knowledge about nine STIs in the German population. To do so, the study examined correlations with sociodemographic variables, sexuality-related characteristics, and subjective satisfaction with the level of information. Methods: The GeSiD study "German Health and Sexuality Survey" collected representative quantitative data from 4955 persons via face-to-face interviews on the state of knowledge about STIs. As a selection procedure, a two-step random sample was collected. Firstly, 200 sample points (municipalities) were initially selected proportionally across Germany. Secondly, a random sample of addresses was drawn from the respective residents’ registration offices. The participation rate was 30.2%; the average age was 46.3 years. Results: Knowledge about HIV/AIDS was widespread in all age groups, but other STIs were significantly less known. Older people and respondents with a low level of education were particularly poorly informed. Local social disadvantage and a family history of migration were also negatively correlated with knowledge about STIs. A higher number of sexual partners is related to a better level of knowledge. In addition, persons who do not describe their sexual orientation as heterosexual as well as those with a history of STIs were well informed. Conclusion: Heterosexual adults in Germany are insufficiently informed about the risks of STIs. Therefore, target-group-specific efforts are needed to improve knowledge about STIs in order to reduce sexual risk behavior and improve the utilization of prevention programs among socially disadvantaged groups

    Corrigendum to: Who feels affected by “out of control” sexual behavior? Prevalence and correlates of indicators for ICD-11 Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)

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    As a result of a mistake made during the production phase, the above paper was published with the in-text citations appearing in an incorrect order, first as an Online First article on 20 September 2022, and later in the 3rd issue of Volume 11 (2022) on 26 September 2022. DOI: 10.1556/2006.2022.0006

    Associations of Migration, Socioeconomic Position and Social Relations With Depressive Symptoms – Analyses of the German National Cohort Baseline Data

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    Objectives: We analyze whether the prevalence of depressive symptoms differs among various migrant and non-migrant populations in Germany and to what extent these differences can be attributed to socioeconomic position (SEP) and social relations.Methods: The German National Cohort health study (NAKO) is a prospective multicenter cohort study (N = 204,878). Migration background (assessed based on citizenship and country of birth of both participant and parents) was used as independent variable, age, sex, Social Network Index, the availability of emotional support, SEP (relative income position and educational status) and employment status were introduced as covariates and depressive symptoms (PHQ-9) as dependent variable in logistic regression models.Results: Increased odds ratios of depressive symptoms were found in all migrant subgroups compared to non-migrants and varied regarding regions of origins. Elevated odds ratios decreased when SEP and social relations were included. Attenuations varied across migrant subgroups.Conclusion: The gap in depressive symptoms can partly be attributed to SEP and social relations, with variations between migrant subgroups. The integration paradox is likely to contribute to the explanation of the results. Future studies need to consider heterogeneity among migrant subgroups whenever possible

    Zur Wirkungsforschung aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik Neue Herausforderungen fuer Monitoring und Evaluation

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    'Der hohe finanzielle Aufwand zur Bekaempfung der persistent hohen Arbeitslosigkeit gibt berechtigten Anlass zur Frage nach der Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten Mittel. Neben der Verpflichtung zur moeglichst effektiven und effizienten Bewirtschaftung der finanziellen Ressourcen der Versichertengemeinschaft ist vor allem ein neues Steuerungsmodell in der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik ausschlaggebend fuer eine Intensivierung der Wirkungsforschung. Abgeflachte Hierarchien, Dezentralisierung und Regionalisierung der Arbeitsfoerderung und in deren Folge erweiterte Handlungskompetenzen fuer die einzelnen Arbeitsaemter bewirken neben zusaetzlichem Informationsbedarf auch ein veraendertes Evaluationsverstaendnis. Die in der Folge neu zu schaffende Datenbasis als Grundlage fuer die Feinsteuerung vor Ort kommt Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermassen zugute.' (Autorenreferat)SIGLEAvailable from IAB-3217 BM 477 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Religiosity, Perceived Effects of Pornography Use on Personal Sex Life, and Moral Incongruence: Insights from the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)

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    Although online pornography use appears to be a mainstream activity, there is little information, particularly outside of the USA, about how consumers perceive its impact on their sexuality. Considering increasing concerns about pornography use, this lack of evidence has sociocultural and clinical ramifications—especially because the recently proposed Moral Incongruence model (MI ; Grubbs & Perry, 2019) suggests that some individuals may see their pornography use as problematic independently of the frequency of use. Using data from 4, 177 adults from the 2018-2019 national probability-based German Health and Sexuality Survey, we explored self-perceived impact of pornography use on personal sex life and the role of MI. Most participants (61.7%) reported no impact of pornography. Women were characterized by significantly higher odds of reporting positive relative to no impact, while men had higher odds of reporting mixed/negative compared to no impact. Participants in both the positive and the mixed impact group reported a significantly higher frequency of pornography use than participants in the no impact group. In line with the MI model, we observed a significant relationship between participants’ religious upbringing and self-perceived negative (relative to mixed) impact of pornography use. Social relevance and clinical implications of the findings are discussed

    Assessing Psychodynamic Conflicts and Level of Personality Functioning in Women Diagnosed With Vaginismus and Dyspareunia

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    Knowledge on etiological and risk factors of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder, formerly classified as dyspareunia and vaginismus, is limited. The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) system offers a valuable basis for developmental considerations, and has not yet been used to research sexual pain difficulties in women. We conducted an exploratory pilot study of psychodynamic motivational conflicts and level of personality functioning as defined by the OPD system by means of an anonymous online survey among 24 women who had been diagnosed with dyspareunia or vaginismus. We matched them with 24 healthy controls and compared groups using paired-samples t-tests and Wilcoxon tests. Effect sizes were calculated using Pearson's r. Large effect sizes were found for mean or median differences of several OPD Structure Questionnaire (OPD-SQ) scales (self-reflection, p = 0.002/r = 0.59; affect differentiation, p = 0.007/r = 0.53; self-perception, p = 0.002/r = 0.58; impulse control, p = 0.007/r = 0.53; self-worth regulation, p = 0.008/r = 0.52; self-regulation, p = 0.004/r = 0.56; experiencing affect, p = 0.009/r = 0.53; bodily self, p = 0.008/r = 0.54; OPD-SQ total score, p = 0.007/r = 0.52; internal communication, p = 0.001/r = 0.63) and OPD Conflict Questionnaire (OPD-CQ) scales (guilt conflict active, p = 0.004/r = 0.60; Oedipal conflict passive, p = 0.009/r = 0.51; individuation versus dependency conflict active, p = 0.01/r = 0.52; guilt conflict passive, p < 0.001/r = 0.70; self-worth conflict passive, p = 0.001/r = 0.70; passive mode, p < 0.001/r = 0.68). The problems with personality functioning and more pronounced types of conflicts participants displayed suggest proneness for self-invalidation, internalization and restricted self-perception

    Longitudinal adrenal gland measurements and growth trajectories as risk markers for late preterm delivery

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    Background!#!The fetal adrenal gland receives rising awareness as a predictor of spontaneous preterm birth. We hereby provide longitudinal growth assessments of the fetal adrenal gland in a low risk population with an additional focus on trajectories in fetuses born preterm.!##!Methods!#!Fetal adrenal gland was assessed via transabdominal ultrasound at gestational weeks (gw) 24-26, 28-30, and 34-36 in a low-risk pregnancy cohort. Longitudinal trajectories of the total gland and the mark (so called fetal zone) as well as ratio of fetal zone width/ total widths (w/W) were analyzed using repeated ANOVA analyses. To compare trajectories of the ratio w/W for preterm and term fetuses respectively, as well as women with and without clinical signs of preterm labor, the propensity score method was applied.!##!Results!#!Fetal zone width increased over the course of pregnancy (p &amp;lt; 0.0001), while the ratio w/W decreased (p &amp;lt; 0.0001) (n = 327). Comparing the trajectories of the ratio w/W in fetuses born preterm (n = 11) with propensity-score matched term born fetuses (n = 22), a decrease between gw 24-26 and 28-30 was observed in both groups, which continued to decrease for the term born fetuses. However, in preterm born fetuses, the ratio increased above the term born values at gw 34-36.!##!Conclusion!#!Our study provides for the first time longitudinal growth data on the fetal adrenal gland and supports the hypothesis that fetal zone enlargement is associated with preterm birth which could play an important role in risk-prediction