6,112 research outputs found

    Glassy states: the free Ising model on a tree

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    We consider the ferromagnetic Ising model on the Cayley tree and we investigate the decomposition of the free state into extremal states below the spin glass temperature. We show that this decomposition has uncountably many components. The tail observable showing that the free state is not extremal is related to the Edwards-Anderson parameter, measuring the variance of the (random) magnetization obtained from drawing boundary conditions from the free state

    Anyonic statistics and large horizon diffeomorphisms for Loop Quantum Gravity Black Holes

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    We investigate the role played by large diffeomorphisms of quantum Isolated Horizons for the statistics of LQG Black Holes by means of their relation to the braid group. To this aim the symmetries of Chern-Simons theory are recapitulated with particular regard to the aforementioned type of diffeomorphisms. For the punctured spherical horizon, these are elements of the mapping class group of S2S^2, which is almost isomorphic to a corresponding braid group on this particular manifold. The mutual exchange of quantum entities in two dimensions is achieved by the braid group, rendering the statistics anyonic. With this we argue that the quantum Isolated Horizon model of LQG based on SU(2)kSU(2)_k-Chern-Simons theory explicitly exhibits non-abelian anyonic statistics. In this way a connection to the theory behind the fractional quantum Hall effect and that of topological quantum computation is established, where non-abelian anyons play a significant role.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, closest to published versio

    A note on stress-driven anisotropic diffusion and its role in active deformable media

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    We propose a new model to describe diffusion processes within active deformable media. Our general theoretical framework is based on physical and mathematical considerations, and it suggests to use diffusion tensors directly coupled to mechanical stress. A proof-of-concept experiment and the proposed generalised reaction-diffusion-mechanics model reveal that initially isotropic and homogeneous diffusion tensors turn into inhomogeneous and anisotropic quantities due to the intrinsic structure of the nonlinear coupling. We study the physical properties leading to these effects, and investigate mathematical conditions for its occurrence. Together, the experiment, the model, and the numerical results obtained using a mixed-primal finite element method, clearly support relevant consequences of stress-assisted diffusion into anisotropy patterns, drifting, and conduction velocity of the resulting excitation waves. Our findings also indicate the applicability of this novel approach in the description of mechano-electrical feedback in actively deforming bio-materials such as the heart

    Analysis of Prescribed Gender Roles through the Use of Dissociative Identity Disorder in Contemporary Film

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    Art is considered both a mirror to reality and a means of critiquing society. This is especially evident through contemporary filmmakers’ use of dissociative identity disorder (DID) in psychological thrillers from the 1990s to 2012, which is a time frame in which both film and society were notably different from those of the previous decades and in which there has not been extensive cultural study regarding DID. Through the presence of multiple selves, which is characteristic of DID, filmmakers illustrate their main characters’ attempts to resolve a stressful, or traumatic, situation. This study is an examination of the ways in which the main characters of Primal Fear (1996), Fight Club (1999), Black Swan (2010), and Silent House (2011) use DID to cope with pervasive and debilitating gender role expectations. For men, there is an increasing cultural call to act in accordance with the feminine traits of sensitivity and submission, which are contradictory to the masculine roles of being macho and independent. For women, there is a cultural call to continue to adhere to the traditional roles of being submissive, to allow themselves to be repressed by men, and to be bound by being caretakers. While the men in these films struggle to reassert their traditional, masculine roles of machismo and independence in the wake of a feminizing society, the women struggle to break away from traditional gender roles in order to become more like men, which conflict with the submissive roles that they are also forced to play. In essence, through this conflicting dichotomy of gender roles that both sexes are forced to play, the characters become fractured and beaten by these debilitating cultural expectations.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Obediencia y comportamiento violento en las Fuerzas Policiales

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    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs: 2018-2019Historically, the police officers have been submitted to social judgment. This social judgement is market by the use of the violence in different context. The behavior of police officers is shaped after the practice of a series of factors. These factors are in three groups. The groups are the processes of influence, social identity and the formation of roles. The conjunction of these three leads to police behavior based on obedience. A prototypical member of a police force has received obedience processes from the beginning of his career, shaping his behavior. In addition, it will have assumed the identity that the group provides, so it adopts the characteristics of the group and its members, behaving as expected to behave these members. What gives rise to the third factor, the conformation of the roles. The consequence of this, a more direct obedience to the authority or hierarchical superior, can lead to violent behavior. If this violence used is disproportionate, the safety and welfare of society is put at risk. Knowing the factors that configure these behaviors is important to be able to control them. Violence in police forces is determined by obedience. And obedience originates after a long process, whose result is a strong representation with the group that is integrated.Los miembros de los cuerpos policiales han estado sometidos históricamente al juicio social. Un juicio social marcado por el uso de la violencia en diferentes situaciones. Los comportamientos de los agentes de la policía están configurados tras la práctica de una serie de factores. Estos factores se sintetizan en tres grandes bloques. Los procesos de influencia, la identidad social y la conformación de roles. La conjunción de estos tres conlleva a comportamientos de los policías basados en la obediencia. Un miembro prototípico de un cuerpo policial ha recibido procesos de obediencia desde el inicio de su carrera, moldeando su conducta y comportamiento. Además, habrá asumido la identidad que el grupo proporciona, por lo que adopta las características del grupo y sus miembros, comportándose cómo se espera que se comporten estos miembros. Lo que da lugar al tercer factor, la conformación de los roles. La consecuencia de ello, una obediencia más directa hacia la autoridad o superior jerárquico, puede derivar en comportamientos violentos. Si esta violencia empleada es desproporcional y desmesurada, se pone en riesgo la seguridad y bienestar de la ciudadanía. Conocer los factores que configuran estos comportamientos es importante para poder controlarlos. La violencia en los cuerpos policiales está determinada por la obediencia. Y está obediencia se origina tras un largo proceso, cuyo resultado es una fuerte representación con el grupo que se integr

    Biblioteca para la cultura y desarrollo de emprendedores: el espacio público y los equipamientos como ejes de renovación urbana

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    Artículo de gradoSan Andresito de la 38, en la ciudad de Bogotá, es un sector de la ciudad con una problemática de afectación del espacio público causada por las actividades de comercio e industria. Es un sector que se encuentra en estado de deterioro por lo que se plantea un proyecto de renovación urbana cuyos objetivos son: mejorar el espacio público; establecer espacios público-privados que permitan apoyar estas actividades primarias existentes; y establecer un cambio de uso del sector en zonas específicas que permitan la transformación futura en el sector. Dentro de propuesta urbana se plantea el proyecto de la Biblioteca para la cultura y desarrollo de emprendedores; pensada como un espacio que integra a población de diferentes tipos. El artículo se desarrolla dentro de un marco académico pero sirve como la primera aproximación a la labor profesional y la labor del arquitecto en contextos reales.Introducción Metodología Resultados Discusión Conclusiones AnexosPregradoArquitect

    Design and commissioning of a timestamp-based data acquisition system for the DRAGON recoil mass separator

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    The DRAGON recoil mass separator at TRIUMF exists to study radiative proton and alpha capture reactions, which are important in a variety of astrophysical scenarios. DRAGON experiments require a data acquisition system that can be triggered on either reaction product (γ\gamma ray or heavy ion), with the additional requirement of being able to promptly recognize coincidence events in an online environment. To this end, we have designed and implemented a new data acquisition system for DRAGON which consists of two independently triggered readouts. Events from both systems are recorded with timestamps from a 2020 MHz clock that are used to tag coincidences in the earliest possible stage of the data analysis. Here we report on the design, implementation, and commissioning of the new DRAGON data acquisition system, including the hardware, trigger logic, coincidence reconstruction algorithm, and live time considerations. We also discuss the results of an experiment commissioning the new system, which measured the strength of the Ec.m.=1113E_{\text{c}.\text{m}.} = 1113 keV resonance in the 20^{20}Ne(p,γ)21\left(p, \gamma \right)^{21}Na radiative proton capture reaction.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ A "tools for experiment and theory
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