19 research outputs found

    Se alquila 'alejamiento' turístico sobre cementerio indio

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    La noticia aparecía hace unos meses en losmedios: en el barrio de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaban construyendo un edificio con seis apartamentos plurifamiliares de madera dirigidos a un mercado de turismo responsable. La promotora de estos apartamentos explicaba que se oponía al "turismo de borrachera" y a la "masificación de los barrios" y que apostaba por otros valores como son la "ecología" y lo "social". Todo un manifiesto[...] La notícia apareixia fa uns mesos en losmedios: al barri de Poble Sec (Barcelona) estaven construint un edifici amb sis apartaments plurifamiliars de fusta dirigits a un mercat de turisme responsable. La promotora d'aquests apartaments explicava que s'oposava al 'turisme de borratxera' i de la 'massificació dels barris' i que apostava per altres valors com són la 'ecologia' i el 'social'. Tot un manifest[...

    Infection success of <i>Diplostomum pseudospathaceum</i> genotypes in juvenile rainbow trout immunized with different parasite genotypes.

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    <p>The different immunization genotypes are given at the x-axis, the different re-exposure genotypes are marked with different symbols. Error bars represent standard error.</p

    Qumran Calendars and the Creation::A Study of 4Q317 (4QCrypticA Lunisolar Calendar)

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    Sequences of the 54,870 probes used in the exome capture. The probe name consists of the sequence number (subseq, alt1 and al2 refer to the second (alternative) approach used for probe design), contig name, the probes base region (start and stop position within the contig, 150bp), and the number of the tiled probe of the probe base


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    The file has a sheet with SSR genotypes (missing data are coded as "999" allele) and SNP genotypes

    Effect of sequencing coverage on the accuracy of the Pool-Seq in <i>Arabidopsis halleri</i>.

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    <p>a) Mean difference between allele frequencies determined by Illumina Pool-Seq and individual pyrosequencing. b) Determination coefficient of the linear regression (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup>) between the two allele frequency estimates. Data derive from a resampling analysis with 1000 iterations, in which we performed random draws of the reads (mapped to <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>) in 27 SNP/population combinations. Error bars represent standard deviation.</p