22 research outputs found

    Participation politique, expressions de la citoyennetĂ© et formes organisĂ©es d’engagement : La contribution des coalitions Ă  un renouvellement des conceptions et des pratiques

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    Dans un contexte oĂč les formes classiques de la dĂ©mocratie reprĂ©sentative apparaissent remises en question par des revendications d’une participation accrue, nous examinons les conduites citoyennes sous l’angle d’engagements organisĂ©s. À partir de rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires d’une recherche consacrĂ©e aux coalitions actives au QuĂ©bec et par rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  des observations et Ă  des propositions thĂ©oriques rapportĂ©es Ă  d’autres contextes, nous mettons en lumiĂšre la diversitĂ© des formes de mobilisation et nous nous penchons notamment sur l’importance croissante des coalitions comme forme d’engagement. ArticulĂ©e Ă  la thĂ©orie de la survie organisationnelle, notre Ă©tude accrĂ©dite partiellement la thĂšse d’une instrumentalisation de l’idĂ©e de participation citoyenne au profit des organisations.In a context where classical forms of representative democracy are challenged by demands pressing for participation, it is relevant to consider the citizens’ political involvement from the perspective of organized political action. Against the background of recent theoretical developments and empirical observations, we present the preliminary results of a research on coalitions in Quebec. We examine, first, the growing importance of coalitions and their main characteristics in comparison with other political forces. Then, our analysis both confirms and qualifies some major insights derived from the survival theory, an approach which stresses the idea of participation being turned into a benefit for organizations

    Links between metabolic and structural changes in the brain of cognitively normal older adults : a 4-year longitudinal follow-up

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    We aimed to longitudinally assess the relationship between changing brain energy metabolism (glucose and acetoacetate) and cognition during healthy aging. Participants aged 71 ± 5 year underwent cognitive evaluation and quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans at baseline (N = 25) and two (N = 25) and four (N = 16) years later. During the follow-up, the rate constant for brain extraction of glucose (Kglc) declined by 6%–12% mainly in the temporo-parietal lobes and cingulate gyri (p ≀ 0.05), whereas brain acetoacetate extraction (Kacac) and utilization remained unchanged in all brain regions (p ≄ 0.06). Over the 4 years, cognitive results remained within the normal age range but an age-related decline was observed in processing speed. Kglc in the caudate was directly related to performance on several cognitive tests (r = +0.41 to +0.43, all p ≀ 0.04). Peripheral insulin resistance assessed by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was significantly inversely related to Kglc in the thalamus (r = −0.44, p = 0.04) and in the caudate (r = −0.43, p = 0.05), and also inversely related to executive function, attention and processing speed (r = −0.45 to −0.53, all p ≀ 0.03). We confirm in a longitudinal setting that the age-related decline in Kglc is directly associated with declining performance on some tests of cognition but does not significantly affect Kacac

    Plaidoyer universitaire pour le rail

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    [Chapeau] Le rĂ©seau ferrĂ© en Wallonie s’apparentera bientĂŽt Ă  un train touristique reliant deux gares Calatrava plutĂŽt que d’assurer Ă  chacun le droit Ă  sa mobilitĂ©

    Clustering of galaxies around radio quasars at 0.5 < z < 0.8

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    We have observed the galaxy environments around a sample of 21 radio-loud, steep-spectrum quasars at 0.5<z<0.82, spanning several orders of magnitude in radio luminosity. The observations also include background control fields used to obtain the excess number of galaxies in each quasar field. The galaxy excess was quantified using the spatial galaxy-quasar correlation amplitude, B_gq, and an Abell-type measurement, N_0.5 (Hill & Lilly 1991). A few quasars are found in relatively rich clusters, but on average, they seem to prefer galaxy groups or clusters of approximately Abell class 0. We have combined our sample with literature samples extending down to z=0.2 and covering the same range in radio luminosity. By using Spearman statistic to disentangle redshift and luminosity dependences, we detect a weak, but significant, positive correlation between the richness of the quasar environment and the quasar's radio luminosity. However, we do not find any epoch dependence in B_gq, as has previously been reported for radio quasars and galaxies. We discuss the radio luminosity-cluster richness link and possible explanations for the weak correlation that is seen.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Links Between Metabolic and Structural Changes in the Brain of Cognitively Normal Older Adults: A 4-Year Longitudinal Follow-Up

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    We aimed to longitudinally assess the relationship between changing brain energy metabolism (glucose and acetoacetate) and cognition during healthy aging. Participants aged 71 ± 5 year underwent cognitive evaluation and quantitative positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans at baseline (N = 25) and two (N = 25) and four (N = 16) years later. During the follow-up, the rate constant for brain extraction of glucose (Kglc) declined by 6%–12% mainly in the temporo-parietal lobes and cingulate gyri (p ≀ 0.05), whereas brain acetoacetate extraction (Kacac) and utilization remained unchanged in all brain regions (p ≄ 0.06). Over the 4 years, cognitive results remained within the normal age range but an age-related decline was observed in processing speed. Kglc in the caudate was directly related to performance on several cognitive tests (r = +0.41 to +0.43, allp ≀ 0.04). Peripheral insulin resistance assessed by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was significantly inversely related to Kglc in the thalamus (r = −0.44, p = 0.04) and in the caudate (r = −0.43, p = 0.05), and also inversely related to executive function, attention and processing speed (r = −0.45 to −0.53, all p ≀ 0.03). We confirm in a longitudinal setting that the age-related decline in Kglc is directly associated with declining performance on some tests of cognition but does not significantly affect Kacac

    Detection and confirmation of saxitoxin analogues in freshwater benthic Lyngbya wollei algae collected in the St. Lawrence River (Canada) by liquid chromatography\u2013tandem mass spectrometry

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    The presence of cyanotoxins in benthic Lyngbya wollei algae samples collected in a fluvial lake along the St. Lawrence River, Canada, was investigated using a multi-toxins method. Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) and reverse phased liquid chromatography (RPLC) were coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-QqQMS) for quantification and to quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry (LC-QqTOFMS) for screening and confirmation. The presence of two saxitoxin analogues, LWTX-1 and LWTX-6, was confirmed in benthic Lyngbya wollei algae samples. Concentration of LWTX-1 was between 209 \ub1 5 and 279 \ub1 9 \u3bcg g 121. No other targeted cyanotoxin (such as anatoxin-a, nodularin, microcystin-LR, microcystins-RR and saxitoxin) was found in the samples. The presence of LWTX-6 was observed by using a screening approach based on an in-house database of cyanotoxins, an algorithm of identification and high resolution mass spectrometry measurements on the precursor and product ions. This work demonstrates the need for more research on the fate of benthic cyanotoxins in aquatic ecosystems such the St. Lawrence River.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    pydata/patsy: v0.5.6

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    &lt;p&gt;This is a minor release pre-empting some upstream deprecations in &lt;code&gt;numpy&lt;/code&gt; and &lt;code&gt;pandas&lt;/code&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt;Avoid using deprecated &lt;code&gt;is_categorical_dtype&lt;/code&gt; from &lt;code&gt;pandas&lt;/code&gt; at all in pandas &gt;=0.25. (thanks @EpigeneMax, @lesteve, @bashtage)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;Avoid using deprecated &lt;code&gt;numpy.row_stack&lt;/code&gt; in favor of &lt;code&gt;numpy.vstack&lt;/code&gt; in preparation from numpy 2.0. (thanks @bashtage)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt

    Normative data for the Montreal cognitive assessment in middle-aged and elderly Quebec french people

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    Objective: Given that aging is associated with higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia, improving early detection of cognitive impairment has become a research and clinical priority. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a screening instrument used to assess different aspects of cognition. Despite its widespread use, norms adjusted to the sociodemographics of Quebec-French people are not yet available. Such norms are however important because performance on neuropsychological tests varies according to sociodemographic variables including age, sex, and education. As such, the present study aimed to establish normative data for the MoCA in middle-aged and elderly Quebec-French population. Method: For that purpose, 1,019 community-dwelling older adults aged between 41 and 98 were recruited. Participants from 12 recruiting sites completed the MoCA. Regression-based normative data were produced and cross-validated with a validation sample (n = 200). Results: Regression analyses indicated that older age, lower education level, and male sex were associated with poorer MoCA scores. The best predictive model included age (p < .001), education (p < .001), sex (p < .001), and a quadratic term for education (education X education; p < .001). This model explained a significant amount of variance of the MoCA score (p < .001, R2 = 0.26). A regression equation to calculate Z scores is presented. Conclusions: This study provides normative data for the MoCA test in the middle-aged and elderly French-Quebec people. These data will facilitate more accurate detection and follow-up of the risk of cognitive impairment in this population, taking into account culture, age, education, and sex